Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1895)
you, about them. I left the house at dark, and was trudging along the cool, dim road homeward, when a i He drew hack a step. i From People’s Home J i fl si. ! “Be careful!” he warned. flying step and a panting breath CHAPTER VIII. * I “Yes, I hate you!” she stormed; sounded at my back, and Roxj, j How Roxie herself felt I can't , “and I wish from my heart that Blake ran up to me and grasped , say- She had a good deal of what you would never speak to me again my shawl. \ Yankees call “grit.” All that she as long as you live!” “Will you let me walk with you said to her mother was, “I ought.'' “That’s plain Fnglish.” said he, little way?” she asked. ! to have known long ago that he! “Why, to be sure,” 6aid I. slowly, “I’ll try to keep it in was amusing himself at my t>x inind- Look out that your sharp She looked as pretty as a pink, to her! prbse.” and of she went and locked tongue don’t bring vou to grief some and so pale and out of spirits, poor chamber under the eaves i-. . day,” and he turned away and left child! that my heart ached for her. herself into it, and wasn’t seen a “Where have you been working gain till supper. Then she came ' her. to day?” said «he, with an air of The week that followed waB a forth in her Sunday gown, with a. unconcern that didn’t deceive mein 'rose in her long curls, and not a trving one for Roxie. The hall | trace of tears or trouble about her. was full of guests, and at all hours the least “At the hall,” I auswerd Sandy Blake gave h< r a wicked ! of the day fair ladies and elegant E’uix*ins Meat She tried to hum a little song, gentlemen clattered by Joe Blake’s jlook across the tai 1?. but broke down in a few moments. door, in carriages, on horses, laugh “There’s a visitor nt the hall, “Did you see that Miss Clay, ing, talking, flirting, and dazzling It is lirst class in every reBpect. The proprietor having been raised Isays he—“one that come on th“ from New York?” she «aid. nil the Plympton folks with their in the business knows just how to conduct it Meat at retail and whole ¡New York train this afternoon ’ “ Yes, I did ” splendor. Sometimes Philip was •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices ' Mrs. Joe gl vred ‘ Tell me something about her, will with them, sometimes not. Once ss low as you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage I “What! so soon!” says she. you? What was she doing. “Her name is Miss Clay. ’ went or twice Roxie saw him, attending A. M atthes . Proprietor. ‘ Playing lawn tennis with Philip on Sandy. carelessly. “Some of the pink and white heiress from Trevor. She isn’t particularly New York, but he never came nigh the mill-han Is saw her at the sta tion —She's going to marry Philip her again, never sent her anv mes pretty, bnt she’s got fine airs, and sage, never so much as glanced at she dresses like a princess. Take Trevor. Roxie nev< r moved an eyelash. I he old cottage as he rode l y :t I mv advice, Roxie, and den’t waste She ate her supper as if nothing The town was full of g'.«sip con 1 i not her thought on that man— , don’t remember one silly thing that had Lappenid, and then went over cerning him and his betrothed, and 1 he has ever said to you. He’d t> the kit then window, and as she Roxie had to listen to it all, but! r ever seriously ihink for a moment , sti od there a moug the morning.' she kept a bold front—she wasn’t of marrying anybody that wasn't Root and branch, the gl .ry vines, !••! w ho sin u !<1 flash 1 the girl to wear her heart on her his equal past the house 1 ut Mrs. 1 rev or, sleeve for daws to peek at, and I. Trevors are as proud as Lucifer.” She paced thoughtfully on beside gaud and glitteaing in hei open for lr,v part, respected her for it. me. cam gt, with a voting girl at her One day I was sent fir to go up “I knew it!” she answered, as ! si»!«—a lepfur w.-x-doll, blue to the hall and help Mrs. Trevor's i though the words were wrung eyed, ftit-haired, and dressed like seamstress finish off some lingerie from ner ‘ You need not fear for ; a figure io a fassion-plate—a girl —that was what th? ladies called me—I understand it all.” And just at that moment we who might be hig. -l red and ri. h the beautiful belated and eTi both espied the red gleam of a but who c uldn’t compare for a broidirid work that was set before lighted cigar moving along the minute with Roxie f r good looks. me. Of course I caught a glimpse road, and I’oilip Trevor, tall, fair ; Sandy Blake cressed the nom i of ihe vi-itors there, and heard and debonair, grew suddenly out of and touched his cousin’s arm. the darkness before us I from the servants no end of talk | “That’s his sweetheart,” sats he < TO BE CONTINUED. >vi'h a wicked grin, “and a good• mate she is for him. too! Come. I 'XIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'- Roxie, le.’s be friends. S i relv you ' I don’t value a fickle hi art mort-i | »han a faithful one. It’s this way," ' i Lear, t<> make love tu every pr. 11 y w oman lie meets. I .ct him I To every person send ‘ »> HOXIE. gv Do Yo u FEEL SICK? ! Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. II you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- IEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES II you aro BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or hare LIVER COMPLAINT..................................... 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