'W'P" I I —To all suhscriliers of the E. O. I H erald ar.d those in arrears, who. WEDNESDAY MACH 13 UM5 Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal In i he matter of f the Estate of T? «HI P*? »P an(1 renew, we will send i the Semi Weekly New Yoik World . II. Glaze, deceased. Geer, comprising all lines of Notice is hereby given that the free, fur s'x months. For reliable j W. C. BYRD — Editor. !____________________ _______ ! ,indereigned has been unpointed by \ewn there is no better paper than 1 HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, the counti court of Harney county County Court Proceeding. Oregon, Sittmg in probate, admin ihe World. ♦ I tine , irtrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, ----------------- I Beginning March 6th 1895 and dCCf-as, STO^ J HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENTERS ending the 12th. 1 All | ersons indebted to said Estate 1 h ive two littie grand children | In the matter of the report A. S. j are requested to settle the same who are teething tTiis hot summer I offer the Baine for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. Swain road supervisor of district immediately, and those having weather and are troubled with C. H. VOEGTLEY. No. 12 appr. Road district No 10 claims against theestate will present bowel complaint. I give them them to me, at my residence in Wm. Altnow supervisor It was Burns, Oregon, with the proper Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera «nd ordered that the supervisor receive vouches attached.within six months Diarrhoea Remeuy and it acts like! [$16.50 in addition to what he had from the first publication of this | a charm. I earnestly recommend notice. [been already allowed. lit for children with bowel troubles. i In the matter of the Chapman Dated December 5th 1894. Ulongh and Embree bridge road:the A(1|nif,iBtatorofthe EBtal^ o /^’ h . I I was myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flux, with cramps' Emotion to strike out certain names j (¡laze, deceased. and pains in my stomach,one-third gon the p'tition of remonstrance,was of a bottle of this remedt cured me. S tate of Onto, [sustained. . Within t'verj,tv-four .Imtirs I was es. In the matter of road distriet No, C ity of T oledo . out of bed and doing my house Frank J Cheney makes oath 1 W. B. Johnson supervisor, the work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- 'supervisor was allowed the sum of hp ifi the senior partner of the aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn. For firm of F J. Cheney it Co., doing ■'43.45. jsale by H. M. Horton. The final report of Roben Drink-1 ^usines« in the City of Toledo, Corner of 1st. and B Street. water supervisor of distriet No. 6 a County and State aforesaid, and Proprie U m I M. H. BRENTON ................................................... warrant was ordered in favor of the that said firm will pay the sum of While In Topeka last March, E. ' ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for; upervisor for the sum of $54 90 LIVERY STABLE T. Barber, a prominent newspaper] In the matter of road district No.; ««ch and every case of Catarrh that man of La Cvgne, Kan , wa taken 9 J. P. Gearhart supervisor, con cannot be cured by the use of with choler morbus very severely. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. tinned for the term The night clerk at the hotel where FRANK J. CHENEY. In the matter of the sherift' col- Sworn to before me and sub he was stopping happened to have fleeting dtlii quent taxes, it wa> a bottle ; Chamberlin’s Colic.1 [ordered and adjuged that the. scribed in rny presence, this 6tl Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy December, li*86. [sheriff fe allowed to retain all costs ”ay and gave him three doses which ► and expenses incurr-d in making relieved him and he tinks saved 'such collections, and to account t< GLEASON, bis life. Every family should keep. Notary Public the county only for face v^,tie of he • 1 this remedy in their home at all' lax-roil. ' • Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in -times. No one can tell how soon it In the matter of a petition for a ternally and acts directly on the may ba needed. It costs but a trifle . .road commencing near the slough tdood and mucous surfaces of the and may be the means of saving The Proprietor of the White Front Lirerv Stable aa- Send for testimonials. Biouse and exlending near the system. sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate much sufferingand perhaps the life I knouth of Crane Creek on the east- free. in every way in Ins line of business. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O of some member of the family. ‘ ¿•“liny and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. lern boundary line of the county, 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bi | ■'he petition granted and the fol-' #XF*Sold by Druggists. 75c II .M. Horton. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage* •lowing named persons appointed n connection viewers; Samuel M’ckel, J. 1’. • Rector, and Allert Ward.T. A Me-' , —The Best Week’v Paper I California. Only $1.50 pi r year. sK.imon surveyor. The viewers to) Address »ii**et at R. L. Newmans on the 18th | T he B ee ; 1 ay of Max b 1895, at 10. o'clock a. Sacramento, Ca n~ «.CORDOVAN, Tho H? t ?AL h ■in. 5 ■ & ir. iIEI :iom i ••• » < 3 d! “I* Administrator's Notice. W. L. DOUCLAS «; $3 SH0E£SiS!i I FkCNCHi. ENAMELLED CALF. *4.*31°FlNtCAlf&KANGAEl 4 3.« POLICE, 3 S oles . Bonds i f snpi rvieors of road dis- ■ Iricts N- s. 4, 6, 12, 11, 5, 2. 10, 13,1------ , 3, 14, approved. j ♦2A7JB ots S chc : l S ho E j . A Wonderful Ï)!*<•<»very. In tie matter <>f the Narrows and | •LADIES* S. BAILEY, Proprietor. Saddle Butte road, dismissed. Checini ’ s Electric Spavin SEND FM CATALOGUE Reeignation of P. L. Shideler Co. | W*L.* DOUGLAS, , . . , , .... Cure positi velv removes Bone Spa v- BROCKTON, MASS. k accepted and Chas. E. Kenyon . ... . ‘ , . * Yea can aave winner by »nrchaeing W. L-. K . . to rii .i • j i ln, Ringbone, appointed fill the unexpired', ... , Splint or Curb in 48 D->ur known as the Rock Ford and Diamond Valley road, the report of the viewers accepted and road ordered open. The Chapman Slough and GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A Y EA ! Embree Bridge road was ordered M c K innon & ken yon Opened. Any reaber of the E ast O reoom H erald can get The Twice-a I Bids ordered advertised to im prove court house block and half Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to Ti. BURNb Republic with $3. the street surrounding. In addition to obtaining the greatest news v/etklv in America,eyery Shop opposite the Brewery subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the pricenf the paper, or more, every year by thes|a-cial oiler* made subscribers from time to time “A J AXESIS ” g i wt inr.ar.t I Sample copies of The R«*public will le sent anyone up n imp and is tin i r All work in our line done neatly and withdispjti h. S. tie fu dim Carafbr Flie*. eTie í'. f y cf pcfctal card itqiiett. Addn s- an orm ;■<, beugle ist .«or m^il. guaranteed. Give us a call. Addrrwv A 5 A k EMS." I ^ins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts r k LS 5 1 • R ii'id [N IWlS fLOUH Ä SAW MILL THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. S WAGON SHOP. Box «A New York City. ihE hilULLIC. St. Louis Mo I