A hig'i •* ustnCedinagnxine mannzine in the home in n" l"i g‘ » a luxury. Il •» !‘ Dee« •‘c-ity, ni d to meet tilt-d<-iiuHi<ls created By this U s T R A 1’ E I) necessity, TUE COSMO 1’0 LIT AN ILLUSTRATE!». MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it COPYRIGHTS The Sniple. ii. » »e ' bv T homas does, 1530 piges of reading f»y the CAN il >, \ .. ... ,.i i i.uu i He i'vi e.uUer Nuuiber, 1 ano«., il ne tu N.ieuiher lotti ’'ll.i- ablest living authors, with over c crnuiyheoil f.vo- ea .101.« hi «lGh Noi e-iporlenee m ,T!Tldlinok of In- tion. Mrl-.ly con"dentl»l. A H»"« "«’ ot). 12U0 il u'tratious bv clever artists, form'•’Ion conccrn.iur ¡’ntrnl* anu uow , n o ■ ii v . o lur i le.ii- .1 » f a iiiiin.t r ;“ln them B.-nt 'ree. Also a ca-alogun of uiCAuan- ar stilili t a. mi Ih • .smifuetui s tnav '« has stepped into the liail nnd iulentlflc I' w W b »ent nee. „celvn breech, witli ratent. tal-.en through Munn * Co. rc<xiv e.ie.e. . u. une e ■! .1 Blu n ► ..I | ler.hr in -'■'•rii noticei’i’he Srlrnlilie ^?"el’*f1,R,ij«h. ... ir te m 1» i. h i h ili n uno ke i Irilo.A — ¡he a reduction in its price th.it Las ui "re brought widely bemro lb« P“H rZ~.r ,...É r ir .-' ... • i li"- ' <■"''■ , 'tmilu i t .’--t to the inventor. This /"’p J .t., tu. 1 ne he 1-i-r. u u. Re -obee tartled t ie lit-rarv world . .,.ed aeeklv.eless«‘,lrllln’,r'!tu}i?V«irk in ibo l, . . f . o of Aie, u thè .-ieur l.oVis i a irgert circuiation of any aeientiflc woruin me t.N'. litri- e a d.-cee'i.r uuCer wliieh wor d t3awir. Sample copies sent The H erald , fully alive to the " Building Ed't ion, monthly, »LfiOa ’««’• *¡1"«’ u<_ ... li, a ).,-)i>l r .1 llvii g Atiiero au I ronlea '»A cents. Y'very number contains beau • ■ wii ■» r 11 B es i l all# »tori Ili thè . needs of its patrons, has made tiful Plates in colors, and pl’Olograph. of no. Jaldafure«!. In die Januu > Nu ilxrWill houses, with plans, enublina builders to show B*o , , c . . i „ 11 ut .io ■ u.i e mi er un < ìiark a special arrange!..ri ts With thi.4 ' * .| he . i.r liui t, ih • h b oi a ae.ie» *4 , Sol ih r. I 1.1 a ». s-iperb monthly, whereby it will ............-ri. a ru a in at’ruc iiie more at e itimi t n nny uther in e »ilo e It WkS Ihe hbi ut em receive urdt-rs for yearly subscrid- pie.. Tue uext Vo uni. a . I lAHt’ea MAGA — . m wn. olii itili* ra «ti arti in.nhiB regio, tions to both publications combined uthieeul limi svili m p < • 'he pnseut lite . 'T.lE DISABILITY BILL IS - a u<r . lima K. li - h >.ili pepare «or thè ,M GAZ Nr a seiit» vi eiahi * . ri B. di pieliti« for the sum of $34»0- LAW. vii a phu>‘ s .1 i illune lue and Maniera. The price of the great illustrated Soldiers d'sal>h d since the war are i'iB:>eaile o g Biotte*, tot-re v fi begiu In thè .tumuli Nuu l’L-rlhi filati h»| terni A Thne monthlies in the past has l»een Entitled l’. ri N'..v.-et e u> Kl< H a « u I iìm - imi D av H— De|>imlent widows aiKl I'nreiit* ||<»W he l,.|ti:i * wi.rk > et H'ieinpled b thia wii er. 4'3 00 anil $4 (X) a year, and they i i.t-iiiiei.i win.-'- -one -GG:- died R’ g :! troni ........... the -■-- el.eer- of, 1 . mp e e rii. il atolli a hi p. pii ur ivii eia W ili i-m.ei.t who.-e I army s-r>ice are im lmleil. If you wl.-h i coi u. i.e lo Le a lea.tue of thè MAGAZ1NE were to be found only in the more pretentious homes. Our otTer fur all fainiliej», r.o I nishes a help to I Per Year: I matter how modest their means, fl.ot HARPER’S MAGAZINE.............. I . . l.dt HARPER'S WEEKLY................ to keep in touch with the greatest HARPER'S BAZAR........................ . . LG minds of the world, as The Cosmo HA RI ’ Ell ’ S YOl NG PEOPI.E 2. G P EPSON ALAND 1 ’ IK >M l’T Postage Free to all Subscribers • iu th« politan has today the strongest ATTENTION (II VEN’ TO PA I - (Tnittd Slates, Cal ad i, or Mexico. regular staff of any existing period ENTS, CAVEATS. TIIADE The volume.'of the Mapuzme begin will ical. Send orders to MAl'KS, etc. ■lie Nuinler- for .Itti.e und Dei-vlnber o T he H erald , NO I-EE UNLE S PATENT one li year. When no time i> -pecilied, sid. •i-iipnon.' will begin wiili the Number cur Burns Ore. IS S EC DEED. CO I»R ES PON D- 1893 ÍHE DEST .AND ' THE SAFES I r i VEft BAUE« C;jr Proniiiiiiis R. Hil) YEAR. ---- H------- PHIS PAPER -----WITH — TEE S N FRANCISCO e rîorc» in ou / I -r. . [ !.<>( j n d.-.V,ni;....1 . V.’cri d •*><*< 1 /*’’ :-, t’:o clear pr< : I < run ** choca i«i 11 f- rn<-:.<’ f.r.d boy • •••'' rita! choc a tor ” 1 jef C;oU. S.,r- d i r uh of t icf í .ocíinchyCi y v.< ; I Lo a' !e to p or over’-Opcr< J t’;o stock at .’..’y > c im.ch i. < i c ver been hc ’.-I ¡ » p.-.r vr.’.::c. Si < Í?. m I’ j nt < .; /...I Cl.OGJ.t t o’l-at’sr h : «,r.: <1 the numi ( r \ .' ! I) O < i f tjj principal »to« !.. I » ktcrcu V.Î I. J. r-d’.rr, 1J< *‘a • ; l . C w.. . .. I. h ’nr»::«: J-1 • Y.; L- •( Payne, Eatn«* luruif" Ruîlrtf. W’.ito f ;/.'k pro.’pect j ) < "j'.nt; t!»c names of pur uto« ’ ' Id' etc.. • r rn • rt'ir I <r crrc’i InfJ ct^hhhr'8 </<<■< «I-, « ti*/» »«r inoltrai Or i r» tatua fur ubo or moie »bare», l’i deht : r shoe —-------- — — - nn 1 |*t, I • ' A — —. . , I’KK Y. A«. ---- <»R----- ,c|,„uv... Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 ¡Morning Call! PATEN--. ---------H-------- pagf »taper. It is K-iu'd «’Very Thiirndai, ami cmilains ail <>t Im imp riant news of the wesk, gie ined from every '|U tr ier ol the globe, coinpl' te up Il (ur tile late-t and moni fiu-m-ial news »ini quotatimi*, » d gì ve- attenti n to liortieul- to date of publ cation. uishes reliable 'n rfijr!'*.’ ' .A'O.Od-s ■ \ */<iÁ O s J < ? ' . d . u . >. ’ « / ■ ■ • ! •:.'< ». 1’ ««•» »In 1 • mai kot H)»-clai lural iiik I aurieultural ■ , vi» le ”i th? , un >u< i h «un« y Order, l>d .‘-oco toi fl.YJ t-vvry way th? boot» re* il ?t«»re» tor * Uiuke tbi.-A buoi ,:i-t;í.»ij wo guar , -i /’{• •?»/«/ irt nr, Ì-4 tot H ili’»!)!’.! cfii’.id th« in<•!!?>’ . i . ui I k r pair Opera i Senne. ■ lilt»» < ; 1 E, N EK. -, s.z - a 1 u» .» uud hud nd uour st: \i til fit you Hiuët'.aîvd Cuta- I ,le,i i HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL ’ a liaml-oim- viglit- 1 ' 7 .................................. ............................... , I PALICE •«.<» • r» R YEAP. ‘ , CO.bTO td I,, E • pensions ENCE SOLICITED. i STODOART & CO., G13 Ct Gib 7tll Stroot, If. news, [Oppo i e (J. S. i’utenl Otii e,] WASHINGTON. 1». C. and is iii eveiv re-.ei-i a drs’- •■ass lamily i ni-er, app-ni g l..tile llileresi of eV'-ry lueiuber ul tile hmi-ehidil. Hl M< >it ' I Mi cam . (SEVRN I MM’¡CHA W KtCKJ j» a live nt- trai o it pi It IS tne Mos 1 RELl \- OexiEn S • .- hoe Gt% 1 L i u Y LJ STOCK BRANDS. WOVcii g WIRE B dHilV. ‘RLE. aud 1« leeognixel as beino th— LEADING NEWS- l’ABER • ( tile Baeltte Const, E.ther Of me al>"\e nper- w>- will rend po-tu id as a ine- FRc 1 rent til time ol rec. i| I o 0:1.er. Botiml volumes of Harper's Magazine foi tliiee ieirs liaeK, in neat cio li binding will lie ent by m.iil, pus -paid, on receipt of tf l per volume. Ciotli lasts, fol- binding 50 cetns e.icli—by mail post-paid. Reiuilt.'inces should be mane by 1’ostidiiei M oih y Order. or Draft, to avoid chanc o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Nev York. wîa J-' HARPER’S PERIODICALS RÂBEîï / 1 «er. r- ye» ■ t . _ • initiin on reeel t of the fidlow- ii.g «' i I hci Ipthiti prices (or the combiuai Ion : DAILY C6LL I MB.tb i;..'. ,Pli Ï3.I', I ; • »1 • gar semi for n iiriu i i M 0R.ii.vn«o Tta Mtilien Woven Who Fence ò lit« am’ N. Market Nt., Chic.*»««. 1-hKvi i m >■ ix<-i.'.iit- <1 ligiK f.ir Out d.ior h «‘« i inut «>( Ti»i.C;iea, irn.vii I •«ill ..... va .«.^«« ... .«i d OKTH in«>d . s > an z c:.d ; il . un impur Hitt U-ilU.C- I hl M t'plc III u”v week, a rump»* - i d b : ll.-'l <* ¡.h • ip i H »1 U GV H« « 'JtU Pa: ib « «•■ er. b -N A.TÜ. t: iN K E I'.ltE^r, IR H inch i y im ii-» r pt o ¡i iic im- h Kii a tti«i ( iipr - <<► i-i tliv in. ile. Ci.n. i the m Hp Ne v Vo. k ■■ i ehi.n r. phii.i .R h rip. i ,i r a rt lull pal ieu - tin, A *t‘ Kin* ' n. .i «hup« k . in o i - a. I ri in in Li i.», lini, a<*<■«,sms'! s 1 1 he « • »s Unit* «>i Wei•-ert►*ed '• »«’• vp. v 1- ile re. a «’Io' hing i ?< ei v« s pi a« t i< h I FUSE BRAND COLI’MN. ni’c’iiLu« \ loilbighliy I’-ui?rn*idit-ci »lipp e* n.ent clod) <8 it a«h ih l » » lit nu i mi kv i he. r .«wn brand bar‘en on left shoulder: Ca’t’e Lfunh Th«.- ... nui whotnk HllAKi’hK'S BA-I '»irte" oh left hip ami upner clip oli botb Z \ > in t»re n re>^ t.»r e » t-r» • n - i m i n li ic, < e ■• hi ». T. A. McKinnon, Burns O e. lemoi i. tik • r im\,rinu , whvie beauiiiiL ureftj ¡H KqUiÉÌ.V. *’ardiri A Rile'*. < ntl'e lira’ide I V on loft .1 Is ■lome brinidv left side. I-. o. llun.B.orignu per year : r WEEKLY CULL '<•«' . :« it. «■ t»r «-''M I CHT’l tn TH» •>!l ST < ». 11 »IS COMPANY. . - Jil l, ■ ■ *t-n ^i ij Attnrney, WASHINGTON. D.C. ■ ' O UO . Ma. B.HitHge Ere • '•■ all h rmeriber. in the Uu StM’< b i n a in. »»r dextro. I hv Vohiiiie« or the Weekly will beul the tiisi Nu n »er f,»r .in man of vac W ueii 11.» tini.> ¡4 n«> ni.» 1C I, k i '» b > ript io bv^iu with tile Number c lrreiit ul iim < vipi of order. l••»Ulhl \ ol ifiick .,f Harper’»» Weekly for 'enra ha« k, in i.eul cloth ti.ibliug, wiil h !•> mail i « b age pai«:, or b\ expret»a, trie pt itKv i>r.)\ iuv«l inv f.t ight <i*»v8 Hot ex< e pel koluii’c) for f7..o h voiiunc. ’ l.« h t eacb h»r vn h Volume, suitable binding wril ne »ent by ninil pon -paid, on ceipt . f f|. tuiiii ’au<ea should be made bv Post Offt Money oruer or Bruit, to avoid chance of I omh . AdurtbK HARPER di HR.» P. I E R \e Vvf ■xsioxb iw« iw F''” r UOHR», WIDOWS. * '.J CH-LDPFN. paR«NTS. • i < il'. "s in »' r linanf rewtiuir Army i r Nn ' «iaarrth war. O ■’ "i i mil in '• ur- <>f 1R32 i» 1S-I2, ’Rd I ,now «‘ntltled (»'d hih I relrri« «! claim» « i 'díunn» entitled to hlviicr rite«. I... i ' > "W law». - churgu for advice. 2. j fee ■w.. aun eta/ui 4 I Scientific American Anency for THC.piMCST« WOODWORK 'fro twse W Wca.ow6t^ crtiCA«o. M UNI}« SSUARL a < »r^.Laa "O’- "*« uuaun •“ FOR GALX UY I s»"',,«ur0 «¿.7^1*. »»UM-’«- NEW H ome sewing ma ( HINE CO., 725 Market St., I’ hiv I i «' San Francico ('al I or In’ "«nation and free llandtaiok write to Ml NN a IO.. :« I H iuiaiiway . Nriv Y oiik . pl.li'-t bureau for securing patents in America. Fren |».t.u>l «»ken out by ns Is brotuthl. before (be pub».e by a notice given five of charge lu U?j Department. ^licntific ^mcritan I MT«*«t ctm-.;«C.>n «if «ny •i-lentlfl.innrx'r tn thn • orla. SplMMlidlr lliu.imeil. So liitell ao.it I .in »’vv.'j i,. without it. Wc. 'r. s ».in» . < o I ft ,e month. A.Mre-- J:i’XN * .a ? V UU.-.^Ui. Jb l Urvadnaj.^iuw \. rk Q.y, 4 lve.it«. «.„I Trude-VlhiKs ■■ ,»i.,.d. oal .ill l'»l ent l.ii-.t,,— .onum te l lor «•<..!• r.. » I <rs. Our 0 « , 0<im.«<m U. ? P C« -S. md we van ?rnre patent in less »¡nie than tiiore vn'ot.» Washington. bend n • it* .rawing cr photo., with dr-»» rip- len \\ i if nitrt.t.ibi«- r e«-t. free of a***' ^ur not rtue P‘D-i t -♦ « iirvl A r r*in i ♦. ••!!.>< (o Obtain I »iei’»»>. « ith tiruiu-H «»famed client« ia your countv, or tow n, »mt free. Auur -?. fOLn hai mie«« hart» » 7 ■ n metllr« lh«t d«* r t t . » » v*I the hiAlth «r i tert» «v wiUi v n » hi ¡ -ur»’. It b IM h up an«! inii-v .si. . •«. ih b arethv »Ain iind U»uì4..<? [. I 1 I ..... -«U by plijnü« lana ani CMltSTì TRE a T c O BY M(!L t |l«r«»r«K «U «M.rsl^. 8^.1 « ..wt. ,. ,«, . r> . • v o. w. r. unti, iucki iuimì «. ccium iu C.A.S1UOW& CO. 0ti|l4S>is Filial Ci»,.. J ' » • vl A M'» st J 1 * iron •? it**' Kau. •* "HU » v< -*-»*-« ’ «*. I «« »./ W M -i ^u »to ! C--W.J • I '*•) ••-»<. T.-« «v- tm.pM-'-t »a, v t,... I . « Lià«il I . 'W »toi. •M J4lf«|lri>W k, •*. ‘ h-»- ... lit I I »* <’«♦•1»» b»»»nd. Il . on ì<»rt rii ipTer 1 it In ’?it car. unti • a' pe in ri h‘ car brami . 1 on right Mirle, it E .1. A. Wllllaiiis I’, O. Ki’ex <>r ’hiTRf-H ) 7 <in left fUifl«*. <’n*f 1? hrnnd. ♦•d )-( mi left hip. Marion Butt »arri, PO Burna, t'n’ti? diamond<»n lef’ bin: h»ir«oa on lef xh.tn'der. Charlea H. Vocut • Burt a Orejfor. IT. r*e iirended I’-in rl .’h* nil ii’der. 'S-tlc ? ■ >ti r I k hl hip. R. A. Mentirli kx. P.O. Lowen Or Horne brand on left shoulder. a’««» thret . . in Rhapeof triangle.rattle branded same E. E. Grout I.urna Or. I I Mies Ito»» DI' k'" x >n Horae brand n-'Vil on ’off »<Irte. <'altle branded bar R mi left hip. P O. Lowen Ore. W Hatfs . /\T¡ CAVEATtt, TRADE MARKS, . OESICN PATEBTÜ, I COPYRIGHTS, etcu t. r. FtP?v, ratti? brand —ori right «idea Horne brand — on left shoulder. HARDER WEEK I.Y ItAKBER’S MAGAZINE HARBERS BAZAR........... H A UBER'S Yol'NG BE TLE i er1«. * #. «. r. ut mi luira j muti aiuti u r.ib«’iS’r assnm-’ to tell w I at tn«* line* in yonr hand u bicale. It will n *c you. il im'liii.g u.ure. Tile above .i t/rn i . m -t erplnin« il-elt. The l',"tfui <»f the I. N.i Or’ LIFE indicate* proludile •_e to wn.di mi u ¡I I t- Each LILM’EI.KT ri»?* vi ¡hi -y yeir*. W« I imoko-t 1. Nh «-F HP\’» «b’ti.<rc-? «tau to «t : ci»ar LINK OF FOR ÌTJNI2 f ; n • or ri- li. •» J’ ■ h cotnmneti mean aucte*- in n v: bur you ith Ht pn «idi modini id«*a- to witi r. You w¡ i tinti p < nty of ihv»e in H uit ' -« Fa’ti, y Ma tzím - so hî uirdvcly |»«e- *’• 1 ti’ very in tn » r of th.- family h enter- ’ 1 •,, b - •» «I ’ n • ? - - i . ne. A OLE \R L[ L ° H I \ R I’ f«e-p’ aks t: rd< liiert«: a >tr iglit Lis., t.? i A TE. p '!<■(■* :| lite; tl.«’ r«-\c »<• if ero.>o-.i . V uv.l • ••• tuud LINE OF llKM.'lll •p-t- -s tou doctor»' bi M ; mi u|l the » « a.lu hit.tu ut De «i «res ’•». No « t - r n agiiri» e p blithe* so non «i ri » to L't<-r»-*t hi? I.oine cirri«*. Yon will b** Mibteci toexirr’ii?» of I i.*h q iriu* or d- -i »»mí en r if von II vth? »-IRld.E OF »E lb well mark« d keep up y i ir •■;» •ir«* by havii g |»en on-M'n Ma * iz • e nt r • al Dy ►uh- • r:bh g t»> it f».r P9I v“U will r ce V • a » Iler? of ?x<iui> te work- « i arc of »r it value, bet» <1 * t-«e » him rb |»r» mitin, pic»i re, 1. xJ ’biches. r.n a I) ,i-v!” u hkh I** a nu'Si a •t al baby, ani ?.pi 11<» P«e «-ii-.i»id «II p.-living wI.hh ?<»-t ’> nl von nil liar n inni*az.in< th t cnin-«>t .»e equi cd hy any in the vo Io fur itr bran imi ihi-tr»t »na m -ubjeci matter. (• a» will ke p pH! p.»<.-1 O’l ill the op rw of (I e d »y. a» d all the fa-'*, a d iiiîv • nt Prtn- ()f ir t« r?M ab. ut the h«Mts. hn fy. ,|,.â f;irn .|,în . interrMing reading matter, but-« gyavo i d gay. forth? whole fi.mm ; au l w hie De H<»re-*t’a i- d » c n fa-ldon n acazin»* P- iieh <m n,T - -r. .. f1Tt n d T „ r . Wl|b |r free of evo. «*! ¡he pa r r.» y <. w¡ | h. , M,|n2 t>e \e-»r . x v n ( •• o<r >, n»i i. lour Olb. -T ptlon -It « • re. on v <•’W aid roe » ill r %v g-» nv,-r Al i i y ... A ,«r... gj, pnb. Ii’h. r \\ . Jeivv ..»4 p, un st., •w iorh If «nu », un çqnHÎn’cd wi’h th? i.,'?,?’;,** d •"'«•nrnpv A l»r<-. <»( n. »•'Niti.R m.-an« »...«««*-*% : a I n to i \ ol F. r?’”‘r»w tv |o. • p |»s r hty H’«i\ y. n iKA’R »’rnr? «Ht; |oM| ^FTON!) DIVISION r 5-..U In- T „ .'m ,T «IF ji - i - ith : 7”- ’*-••>-«"TiTN, im..l .......; t . -. n I. ».• ,r y ,1:s , „ n r. m (HIN L?".: ’ «'I M.'■’'«■ ••« S'— ire: .niMUll HY. «u*4tr ar* ,O lte U*1 knd '“°"» »»luaUr J. P Di< kenaon » «ttlpbrand .J P »‘onnepfed < n left bip llorte brand anvil on left atifle. P. <1 I l-awen Ore. HIîl‘l-K > \\( ck’.y ia a pidoral h’at. rv or; Cntt’e brand fisrure 7on elib.er hip: mark light lAuliincj*. It p'ttc-iits cvvi’v inip.irtuiH r............i eve t ' crop off ea> h ear. aiiv tfi vk h e»r. and watt pi«Hi -. a« d ’ «fXllrtUft vi) II- i I il- , p > . «« ( ura .- •1 ................ un t ' I * i” Il i II a Hi ULHlip i,y I VAI Ui Ihv li Ml Kt on left jaw. II in»? brand figure7or • i her hip. J. If. Bun\uni.Buri.a Ore. T e i" wl.i'h. «tnii-K 1*4. it haul • : <»o VViriamp, b un?« and mn’r« bra’1«’»*! «r a <1 he < hi a,'.» Kail . N«i . tr k» a n- d »he ! . hi right k Hie. P. O. Kiley Oie. oil . o J •< »e «I a - , * .»I I he Hl... Hoi of d h’ r.niio’ing • .»«►UÜ.V .of. r, K. ie»i Hie ¡ anuíate. Horse brandy on right stifle. Janies Rousas i Gon» in - mi io that iitckii»»wii cou • . « «• - xa - t* • * <1 i s a ni ri .»ou ti t sa rv*.«iir« t - mi «.Rapi, h - u a i » ruis u.| ..ruer «iltl P O ‘turns Dr«'. • < Hpo-i. v,.t. h h bet-n a i,t »., |he h a .d war. i Horae brand barm ?n left ahontder; Ca**’^ I hvie j. n » ’ - . t* p, Wc . oi , n n f, r ' bn- »n .»n left bin and rila. Catheilus ’• v , <►*• h .t tu i» j a a. u h . I p . h leu 1 c »i »Hat« wi I. h ». ’ h ph ii» St iid- Marshall PO Narrow a Ore. II l'k ‘ R -»AH.SK i . i LA.lt.b.kC ioit llllt;- Home brand on left shoulder s Jlhs I sur. i * d il.l- n . X 1 h. S' hîic ’ift. Burns Or?. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Horae brand Pt-r Year .. n‘ i"! p : . .. . I ¿T’! nne " '•"■'I hm •'!' ’>• neu« In „ Ri ' r «' -’í'1!!!" 'r ' lib<•’ eed .me dol l< r Vo’nniei . r »- , ,,.„e ».*«. L ‘ ’’ ” «•••’»’ » «'««>»> <1 p ’ "'-- « »hnil I l e m« t, be p. e V’re«« ef ' r U m « pi ; ‘ ''•’•"'e '•« Io » 1A.N. w. np-rs are i . t ... ,..pv Bliy „ e n.,r e* rlJ!' ■*.- ' '*—meut. w . .. t the e., re.« UAKPKK HKut'ittKS. Phil S nhh Eurni S, l.ampililte an 1 -ton ■ a lle tin ->B II VRPE^'s lUZAR 1 w HARPER - MlGAZINh 4 G a RPi-.n S WEEKLY 4 a *1 ■ KPr H 'i Yu. Ni. PE'IC r. 2 0 P. * a«'' rev to ______ Mil « i _ ■«. riliers tn the Culle' -tabi Cai aua. ur Meai, <>. I he V..'nme. .. ¡he , i.nr l erfn w ith -he firt 11 i-r fi.r J ig nor. „1 ..«..», when i< .I.me L lone I. i,,.) „ Hi|1n , >» > h I e Nimite-I ru rent »I ilietime of re. rip oit *eft ahouldcr an.! Fame on mearle of right h nd lex. Ore. c o'nerood. Far mailt swallow fork in right ca» Utiderbit in left. P, <►. Burn« irte. I i Homi • «nd Cattle brande 1 .1 P ■ n left tinnii- «’er ernie h -n-'eti j P «utili eie.l. Mary J. Price, l.urns Oie. BEATTY'S PiAHOÏs * T - 'nslfuiie “ f- F«-*»v. r Wr'hingkHì, New Jerae). * - .«<.1 - F. Leid J BESTTYSOBfiANSi'i fur . »i.logve w. ili i V\ a-«htHgiou New Jersey. Dd.il K BiM!