Th3 HrrV.i ’ —Tne preacher sai 1 last night —County Court is in session —Timothy seed for sale or trade —J F. Boyle, photographer, i« ¡that dancing was ‘‘hugging” set to | this week. Judge Rutherford and for grain, by G. W. Young of this still here. A rare opportunity I music WEDNESDAY MACH f IS .5 Commissioners Sitz and Marks place, is presented to all who have not present. . i already supplied themselves with . —The town row has an entire ! —The little Gem' Saloon, j, i samples of his excellent work. Re- Against Annexation. •Reni” in e»erv particular. 9A8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF new set of officers excepting the. two counciltnen Brenton and Reed proprietor Bob suys come , member his prices, $3.00 per doz. ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. for eabinets. He guarantees to S acramento , March 2. — The Richardson, none of the old ones and see me”. please even themost fastidious. .state senate bv a vote of 22 to 9 re-« lected. Notice To Taxpayers. Religions Services. refused to concur in a joint resolu­ —W. W. Johnson has opened a —W- N. Jorgenson has just re­ saloon in the same building once tion from the assembly memorial­ The tax roll for the year 1894 is ceived a supply of first class yiolins, Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of izing congress for the annexation occupied by Frank Lewis as a of the Hawaiian Islands. The 1 now in my hands with a warrant violin bows, and a very excellent the month 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. saloon, and afterwards used as a senate is composed of 25 Republi ¡attached commanding me forth- selection of violin and guitar Narrows 2nd. Sunday, 11 a. m.and dressing room etc., by the militia. I with to collect the tixes thereon. strings cations anb 15 Democrats. 7 p. in. Silver Creek 4th. Sunday I A. VJiVI-lllgB Gittings —In Lawen PtllUOi school (1181. district 3y bth 1,1 the ,-”c LionCU OCT, > ..... .............. «. 11a. m. and 7 p. ui Harney 5th —Mrs. Mary Matthes, milliner, rn and at the annual school election last Notice Of Dissolution Of Part- Sheriff and Tax Co'lector for liar- has just received a stock of desira­ Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p- i__ __ nev County, Ore. Burns, Feb. 18, ble millinery and holiday goods. nership. Thursdays at 7 p. m. before the 1st. j Monday John Oard was elected 1895. Hendricks t and 3rd Sundays, Poison Creek director and J R Give her a call and examine her I Know all men by these presence I —Get one of I. S. Geer we | Mart Byerly clerk much material for interesting dis- I abandoning his Homestead Entrv P eter F. S tenger . Plff.I vs > i.cussion, and the next general as No. 867, dated Sept. 14, 1887, upon are infomed by Al Rineno.n —The first issue of the Times A LAM E DA S t eng er . Deft.) sembly will be no exception to the the SWi SWi N4 SW1 Sec. 1 and —Rev. Sherman Baptist min- under its present proprietor and NE{ SE| Sec. 2 Township 19 S 11 To Alameda Stenger, the above 1 rule, ”’ . Whatever occurs the public 31 E, in Harney County, On-gon itter is here holding a protract« «1 editor, Ben Brown, will appear named defendant: In tl'e name of, ].now9 tba^ the Daily and Weekly j with a view to the cancellation of meeting. next Saturdav, so we are informed. the State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and Capital Journal of Salem will give said entrv, the sai«l parties are here- —Miss Rose Hembree has been ' —Pitzer and Chester Smith de- required, to lie and appear in the correct reports of its work as well ! bY summond to appear at this office employed to teach a ter.n of school , serve the thanks of the Burns above entitled court, on or before as intelligent discussion of the I on the 5th. day of April, 1895, at in Drewsey. I Su nday School tor the nice little the first dav of the next regular | »ame. If you want to know what 10 o’clock A M, to respond and furnish testimony concerning said —John W. Sayer was re elected library made by them and given to! term thereof, to wit. the 20th dav' is done, how it is done, and why, alleged abandonment. ■ of May 1895. I vou should read the Capital Journal. THOMAS JONES. Reciter. school director and Horace Dillard the school. *' Then, ther *, therefore be vou, and It is the first One Cent Daily pub ­ clerk, last Monday. —M. D. Clifford is judge of this, ( answer, or otherwise plead to I ■ the new 9th judicial district Giant, I plaintiff ’s complaint, in this s suit i lished on the Pacific coast, and is piNALPROOF —Ex-Congressman, W. L- Wilson ♦ Harney and Morrow counties. ' Wej filfd ag»i"st you, nr for want there-1 conducted in ,he interest of the has been appointed post-master- n have rot yet received intelligence ’of’:h<‘p'ain,Jfr'V11 ,"k,‘. a d'“‘r^ people. The Daily will be sent you LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, general in the place of W. S. Biss« 1. 11 , , ’ . , . iv against vou for the. relief as praved Feb. 1 18S5. a year for $3.00, four months for Notice in hereby given that the faUou ing. of the appointment of a Pros. Atty. I f(iI. ’ resigned. ; - - noti«e • ' TiL-o fko iv,;i„ ;» named M-ttfer liai> tfitd of ' hie intention .1 j for th!s district. 1st: That the bonds of matri- H 00 per vear. blhP me I'UIIV lv to make nrtMif niHke final linai pi oof in aupport nf of hia hin i'lMirn. claim, and —Ninety eight bills, 53 origina- ’ —The board of directors of Burns i ,n2nv '.‘ov. fisting between plain- is payable cash in advance, and no that naia proof ««ill be made before Register A ! Receiver at I.tiros Ore, uti Mar« h 14 1W&, vis: I ting in the senate and 45 in the B ykon . tiff and defendant l „...1 e absolutely paper will be sent after your time Il«l No T ekkill Hi for the WU SW&. A W'a NWU Seo -------------- 11..,1 n • . . ie j school district have received a pirn | annulIl ,d cancelled, and set aside. 1 I house, passed both houses of the 14 Tp 24 S R:4)E. Positively ‘‘no-pay no•: He names the following witm-nses to prova I legislature and went to the Cover-1 to«ether wi,h coet and f,Pecificttlinn’’ • and a decree of divorce, absolute, be | expires. his continuous residence upon and mill vaioli of ¡paper,” The Journal is a modern said laud, vis: J oiim R J enkins , O rville I> • for a school building, from Archi-1 granted, uor. husk , R ohekt J M c K innon , W J J ohnson al) - 2nd: That plaintiff by said de- J newspaper run on modern methode. of Bu.-tisOre. itect Browne of Portland Thisi THOMAS JONES, Register. . —Goy. Lord vetoed the T ' _J a I | building comes within the limits of • Icree, be awarded the care, custody i It is conducted in the interest of and control, of each, and all of the I the people editorially as well as in ■ Templeton bill, which was f°r the funds now on hand for the pur- children mentioned in the com- _ business sense. Its editor being B $5000, damage, also house bill pose, and it is quite a handsome Pla'nt' La member of the lower house, his ■ 14 providing mileage for sheriffs of| ...... and 1 in posing structure 3rd: That the monev and proper- . . ’ «««r The Weekly Weather Report ■the different counti- s for conveying - ‘ . foundation - is 4ft high, the building ty taken by the defendant, as al->editorial work will be doubly inter- prisoners and patients to Salem. Max Min. two story, 40 wide and 76 feet in leged in the complaint be decreed esting this winter. Order it a at to Le the entire interest of defend ­ once. —Cal Geer says “the spring is length, two rooms below each 30x34, ant. as alleged in the complaint lie Wednesday 53. . 14 above H ofer B ros ., Editors, Thursday ..47. . 3 opening and everything bids fair ; two above each 30x38 and separated decreed to be the entire interest of Friday ........ 41. . 3 It Salem, Ore. for the success of the Red Front bv a partition of folding doors defendant in lieu of dower, in all Saturday .. 47. . 4 tt livery Btable.” He asks the travel- | which when folded throws the two of the lands and property of the1 Sunday.... 44 . 0 4. er and sojourners to stop with him rooms into one, for public occa- plaintiff herein, and of their joint) 0 Il Monday. .. .44.. and communitv propertv. , T c a . . 1 il also his friends and acquaintances ' sions, lectures, etc. 4th: That the land of the defend . -John SweOzer,carpenter,under­ Tuesday .. 43 . to give his stable a trial. ant and the land of the d< -fondantj,aker and cabinet-maker. His work- MUSIC. TlfE «THATTON , and her three children jointly, men-1 shop is the old restaurant building, —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole Having permanently located in jtioned in the complaint, be decreed Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at B and I nstruments agent in this town and county for a Burns, will teach music on Piano. J ¡¡'(he ¿se'nnd'i^nefit'"ofThe1 WiU'bct oar NEXT PK ESI DE MT ... — prices to suit the hard times. Cof- [New York firm for the sale of lace., Organ, Violin and Guitar. Music , children mentioned in Now 1« tho tb no to form n«w Band« tor Campalga pur. [window curtains, pillow shams,, furnished for balls and parties,' ylaint the issue of said n-ardage,I fini' rnade to ordt”' WiH take Pro‘ Ooaas. Wa are offering gpocial Inducements for 1802 and that the same be held in trust dlice partly for work and balance in JOHN F STRATTON [portieres, table covers, bed spreads terms to suit the times. . kew rna*. . E. A. Scherer. lf”r1,h1p,n‘H; P’aintiff herein, cad:. land laces, and at prices so low as ________ land that def. ndant be decreed to Ito astonish the most incredulous. The Oregon Pacific. | have no right, title or interest there- . ¡Mrs Matthes solid's a call from -------- in, whatever, ard that the decree! her neighbors and examination of, C orvallis March 2. A sitting herein, when made and entered.! go™’«- i of the circuit court is in session. ■ Mand in ,|p'.’ of ? dee,’.‘ for the Pur r r poFep inentionwl herein. |The appointment of a refers to And lastly. f.,r such other and —In this issue notice ad. of | pass upon the distribution of the further relief as l<> the court may I Roberts Bros, tinners plumbers and ! purchase price of $100,000 paid ; seem jn»t and equitable. [electricians. These young men You will also take notice that the into court by BosmerA Hammond, I have lately located in our town and Summons is served upon von by BURNS, has been postponed until the regu OREGON. publication, in the E ast O regon I we believe them to be very worthy j lar April term, on account of the II ERAI.D printed and published at1 | men. competent, and will do any' LEE LUCAS, P roprietor \ . pending appeal t. the supreme Biirn«, Oreyon for six consecutive . r work in their line at very reason«- I hie prices. ’ Work from all parts of court. Clerk Hunter will complete weeks, weeklv. by order of the Hon This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ every | the transcript tomorrow, and the Morton D Clifford Judge of said I the county solicited. I Nearly ’ tor uses every effert possible to make his sm-sts feel at home Comt, and that said order was I one is able to have a bath *’-th I room, ¡caM. will then be advanced on the The table i« at all times supplied with everything the market af­ ma'Ie and dated at Cham* ere in anyhr.w a bath-tub which is reallv ¡ducket and receive early consider- fords. Canyon Citv. Or, gun Jan 30. 1895 I I essential to health and comfort. I Give Mr. Lucas a call »nd *vc feelassnr.d you will cortinue to ba Hvd<> A r «»-k’’:o»»1. I Cai! and see them or write them, jf^Oon. A distribution w ill then he hia guest when in town. ordered — Journal. Atty, tor Riff. I you desire their services I it SrsS M sacr f«r lllM