Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1895)
r'-4 TV, » ■* > -. J — i 1 i I WF PNI HAY MAC 1! C 1? 5 —To all subscriber« of the E. O. H fha I.I» nr.d those in airear-', who; a ill p.iy up at d r. new. we w ill send , •hi- Semi We.klv New Y< it World I frte f*>r s’x n.onWis. For i.diabbt Xews there is m» better papi r than ■ i'C World. In rhe matter of the E-tate of T Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal 11. Giaze. dt ce ased. « Geer, comprising all lines of I Notice >8 I eiel.v given that tin V . C, »t» »<» F.<l If or. nnder-igtied lia* L.«-n Htmoinmd la « the 1...... count, *. e-'iiit . of I Harney f ■ eotiiili hardware , crckery , glassware , tinware , I i O■••goo. Sitt’ng in probate. Hdmiu I TOWN OF HARNEY. i-tr .tor of the estate ufT. 11 Glass. <L c; a s< d rrc\j. HARI WARF, sijnderies , a carpenters ICilio Sint, sn nn. A II J VISOH“ indebted to saitl Estai. 1 h ive two littie grand childr< n H arney C ity , Or., Feb. 1G— lire requested 1.1 settle the samt ' b.o are tecthiog this hot summer I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH, Tliis place lias not fully recovert <1 I immediateIv. ami those flavine weather ai d are tr..nb|<it with . claim* Hgai nsi I he est ate w ill present C. II. VOEGTLEY the «'fleets of the removal of give them 1 ’Lenito m<, at mv in ■ ■ewel COtnulaiot. the county seat to Burn.«. The Burn*. 0-egon. with the prop, i t'haml erlain’s Colic, (’bolera and I I inerchunis and people generally vouches attach' d.w i’hin six n tinth- Diatrhoeti Remeoy and it act« like have not lost faith in Hainev, fr.oii the lirrt publication oftfii- i charm. I earnestly recommend h >w< vt r, anil the progress of the I o’ice. I it f.r children with bowt-l trouiths. 1 Dated December 5th1S94. place will, whin times improve. I II. K fi . i . fy . i I was myself taken with a seven-j far more encouraging than ever Adniinis'atorof the Estate of T. II. ttuck of bl... dv (lux. with cramp* Harney i- a tupyly poi. t for a good 1 <¡laze, d. ( cast d . in my stonincli.mi.'-tliird and 1 pains ; d stiict .n Harney valley, and, as of r a i otile i f 11 is i< med' cur. <1 me. the c.iuiitrv develops, will ic one of S tate of O hio . ’.»• \ • ithin twenty-four lours I wa« C ity of T i > i .H'<>. Ì F8 - the m< st pleasant places for resi . nt of bed and doing my hou«e : Frank J Cheney makes oath dences in this section of Oregon. work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, B<»n-! I that he is the senior partner of the Harney ha-one of the best pub aqua. 1 ! it k ma n Co . T< on. F<.r ; • i Lc .-cl .».Is in the county, being the! firm of F. J. Cheney <t Co., doing I sale by 11. M. Horton. i business in the Citv of Toledo. h niv < f ! he county superintendent. Corner of 1st. and B Street. Coutitv and State • aforesaid, and j I has Lccoiiean educational ven- j M. H. BRENTON ............................................... Proprieto» dmliict teachers makeí,,'i', K,i,i fir"' P”-v l,H* ' I i' i ai.u disliii t teachers ma... . While tn Top.ka last March. E II r rm y th.,, headquarters part(1iONE HL'Nl’RED DOLLARS fm LIVE H Y STABLE » T. Barber, a prominent, ne-spaner ot the ye ar. Soria I h ; a " 1 ev, rv <>f Catarrh tha- < ch se son ot the year. Socially > » •nan of La Cvgne. Kan . wa »aken ppeaking Harney is la coming quite cannot lie cured by the use •> with clvd -r morl ns very m ve.elv .aving a splendid liter- j I fall's Catarrh (hire. prominent, Laving The night ch rk at the hotel when FRANK.! CHENEY. aiy so< i.-t v, musical and dancing! he was stopping happened to hav. Sworn to L«f-».-e me and mb i club and other means of entertain- 1 i bottle Chamber lin’s Colie. Harney would make an | scribed in mv presence, this Gt) inent. Cholera and #Diarrhoea Itemed' day <>f Di cemoer. 188G. ideal pLr.iv fir a college, (-ome and gave him three dose» whirl I thing v. hieh is need, d) ns it is t he J relieved him and hr* ticks saved GLEASON. center of a laru<- st ctioii w it lion t an i Li* life. Every family should keep Notary I’ubl'c institution higher than the di.-triet ibis remedy in Lome at all Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in or common scn-mls. 11< really and act* dirtctly on th. times. No one can tell how sennit • The people of Harney look for- tdood and mucous surfaces of th. I mav be needed. It costs but a trifle I ward to the coni| letion of 1 he I i’he Propiietor of the White Front Liverv Stable as system. Send for testi nonials and may be the mentis of ssvinti Their Oregon Pacific railroad, suits the public it at he ís prepuied to accommodate much sufTeiingand perhaps 1 he life I free. coiintrv lias great cattle intends tn every way in I uh ime ot but.ine.-s. F. J Chenev *t Co.. Toledo, o of some member of the family. ¿1G** Buy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. I which demand transportation at 25 and 50 cent lottits for sale by I ^SDSold by Druggists. 75c seasons when it is alm*-t impos.-i- Il M. Horton. Pi 8sengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagon Lie t > g. t the stock to the railroad under the present conditions, which . coi.nectiou. I n —The Best. Week v Paper in j necessitate driving through a California. I Oniv $1.50 per v»ar. snowv country which is pri.cti« al'y Address imptssal 1 ■ f..r large droves of Lief Tns B ep ; I Sat li mento, C’a rattle. . cc: i icYAi i, Í al Í aw - .. .. ) ‘ T. <• ’ Liti imonial World.” pul- Jished at .~p ikane. contains nilu-r- A Wtii (lei ful r*i«covery. tiiements fioui ladies and gen'le- man wti.i want to correspond for Dr Checini’s Electric Spa vit Î pastime or matiimony. Send lUc f.>r sample c copy >py to Bow Knot Cure positively removes BoneSpav- I in. Ringbone. Splint or Curb in •!> ' Spokane, Wash. hours without pain, $500 reward failure or slightest injtirv. Th. —The Elite Saloon has again greatest'wodder of the Nineteenth 1 hanged hands. The proprietors Century, astonishing as it does the i ¡lie now ('aid wi ll and Smith, The antire veterinary • orld. Circular- i building has undergone a complete and testimonials free, Dr. Gu' ! renovation, this being done by the hecini, 378 Canol St. New York, j nreseiit p oprietors. The bar fix- iti'ep. pool table, pictures etc from' khe C .Id well saloon have been iimr.d to the Elite. Give them a I Lail r..“r.A r:::~. ?» ft- »nr» . JL i •LADIES« ">-2 -I ÎP ’’on CC3 S. BMLEY. Proprietor. V/-MCCUCLAC, Droc:*“czi, maìc . fcy p-trcLaaiug V ■ • Xj« ---- :ry s :-. tc ------ ! 1. .. k !. i « »C:..c—, Pr —v- r.ic i..c 1 .r,-?ct i-an’ifactnr»’ irf Cf. .-c ist l i ..oes in t!:e world, tad fiti.rr.uU : price c-4 wilne by t:i:r;.ir{ C'.' c. t ___ tCCrr-i, W..:c à j-r-sc‘.3 j-on high lite bo: prices cud the : . !-!k USS’S p-.o.its. Our tLo. > nel cucio i i stylo, ca»y fitting ou 1 < ;n..: z-z'.z. a v.otu ' v.-mri-iT 4 ,- ç ialiti s. 3. V.’c T.av.1 »oil ever; - v/aer at lower pri-ci for tue value givr-it'ir t f )—: : "V o :< rrtie t o'.itulc. t_ -cot ’v- sex 0/ vias, Liquors, Cigas ani Ciprntts I I Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience bartender Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. i t 1 JOTlN SAYER.................................................... Proprietor. I no rec. ..* ii.e.te l>v the J’cw York Wctklv World in issu ing two papersa week in p’ace of oi.e is meeting with great favor The people appreciate the change and are taking advantage of it. K<ep informed of what is going on in the world and particularly in y our ew n cfintry. Congrt ss is now in ses«i<>n. Every movement iviii be of the greate.-l inter» st. K<-< p abreast of the times by read ing ilm TW1CE-A-WEEK WORLD—two pipers a week —104 |> ipt rs a y ear f..r only $1 (M). Arrangements have Let n made I v which we can furnish this paper and tin- I w ire a-Week New York Worldnotb tar $2 25 a vear. Take advantage of this oiler and get your own local paper and H.e Tw’.cy Wo.l-t al ibis Special T. ie L ebald . • tate Situated on Sil vies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge Customers wi. receive GOOD FLOOD from Good Wheat TWI0j3-A-W.tóSK 13 PAGES EVEBE WEEK. GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY ONLY Si A YEA Any teiii er of the E ast O keuo . x II ekai . d can get Toe Twice-a Week lb put.! c free by sending in ihit-e new yearly Hubscribers to Toe Republic w i; li 13. In addition to obtaining the greatest news v.tiklv in America,ever» subscriis-r to I he Kepti >i e will save ten times the |.rice.»r the pa|er, t>r more, every year l.y ihesptcial oiler- tiiadesuoM nl»eie horn tin e io lime S;i nple copied of Tne K p b!i,: wi!! Iv s-;.t ; u. c ipti je.vp < f j < elol < a I u it r st. . dt! *.* .... i ■ •. . . U l BHU1L1C. Ct. icck.Ko BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery Al' i ork in our line <1 i.-.e i f-nt.'y and with disditeli, tuara:;lccd. u;vc ug a» ‘ .action