WF! NFFD a Y 1EBKUÂRYL0 18 5 n . c, in iti» I —To all subscribers of the E. O. i II fhai . d nr.d those in at rears, who In the matter of the Estate of T .'will piv up and renew, we will send I 1’^,<¡laze, deceased. the Send We< k1v N- v. York World Notice is hereby given that lh»jfree f,,r s . ’x . months, . For reliable! undersigned has been u-ipoinied by 1 I News there is no better paper than the count» court of Harney county Oregon, Sitt’ng in probate, admin | the World. i I i-tTutor of the estate of T. 11. Glaze, d»ceased t All persons indebt«<1 to said Estat« I have two littie grand children | are requested to settle the sam« who are teething this hot summer i > immediately, and those having claims against thvestiite will present weather aid are troubled with I give tlu-m them to. me, at mv residence ii bewel complaint. Burns, Oregon, with the propt t Chamberlain’ij Colic, Cholera and vouches attached.within six months Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like from the first publication of ibis | a charm. I earnestly recommend - otiee. Ip for children with bowel troubles. I Dbted December 5th 1894. I I was mx self taken with a severe ! ‘ IL K ei . i fy , Administatorof the Estate of T. H. attack of bloodv (lux, with cramps! I (Haze, deceased. ami pains in my Administrator's Notice J - ■ Editor. A Subsidized Tress At a banque of the New Yoik press, an editor (Whitelaw Reid) ‘ gn at, dailies, " “■ of one of * the respond ‘ ed to the toast, ‘ The Independent l’ri-ss,” as follows; Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal Geer, comprising all lines of HARDWARE. CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, STOA i HARDWARE, SUNDER1ES, A CARPENT 1 I 8 I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CAtSH. C. II. VOEGTLEY. * There is no such thing in Amer ica as an independent press, unless it. is out in the country towns. Yoli are all slaves Yon know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you express it, you of a bottle of this reined' cured me. know beforehand that it would S tate of O hio , Within event)-four hours I was SS. C ity of T oledo . never appear in print. 1 am paie out of bed and doing mv house Frank J Cheney makes oath $15G for keeping honest opinions work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon that he is the senior partner of tin out of the paper I am connected aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn, For firm of F J. Cheney Ar Co., doing with. Cthers of you are paid simi sale by H. M. 1 lorton. msiness in the Citv of Toh do. Corner of 1st. and B Street. ki salaries for doing similar County and State aforesaid, and th ings. I*’ I should allow honest BRENTON ............................................. Proprietor 'hat said firm will pay the sum o! opinions to be printed in one 1SSIK While In Topeka last March, E ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS f(,i ‘ of mv ] aper, like Othello, befor. >-ach at.d every case of Catarrh that , • T. Barber, a prominent ne-spa per twenty four hours my ociipat ioi cannot be cured by the use of man of La Cygni*. Kan , wa taken Would he gone. The man who with choler, morbus very severely I Hall’s Catarrh Cure. would be so foolish as to write lion The night clerk at the hotel where FRANK J. CHENEY. est opinions would be out on t I k he was stopping happened to have Sworn to hefo.-e me and sub street hunting another job. Th. ’ Chamberlin’s Colie. «eribed in my presence, this Gt I a bottle business of New York journalists i- | Cholera and- Diarrhoea Rented) lav of December, 1886. to disort the truth, to lie outright and gave him three doses which to pervert; to villifv, to fawn at th- relieved him and he links saved A. W. GLEASON, feel of mammon and to st II hi.- his life. Every family should keep Notary Public , country and his race for Ins <Ji.iL Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ( ’ this remedy in their home at. all bread, or foi what is al out the ’ernally and acts directly on the times. No one can tell how soon it same thing, his salary, you know dood and mucous surfaces of flu may be needed. It costs but a trifle this and I know it; and what fool fhe Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as system. Send for testimonials, and may hethemtans of saving erv to be toasting an ‘independant sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate much sufferingand perhaps thelifel free. in every way in his line of business. press.” We are the tools and the of some member of the family.' F. J. Chenev A- Co.. Toledo, O ¿W"Hay and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. ___ 'i 7 * 25 and 50 cent lotties for sale by vasselsof rich menbehind the scenes iW*Sold by Druggists. 75c We are jumping jacks They pull II M. Horton. ! Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Ilearse and Job Wagon the siring and we «lance. Our' I , n coi.nectioi time, our talents, our lives, our' possibilities, are all the property of« —The Best Week'v Paper in * other m-.-n. We are intellectual | California. Only $1.50 per year. Address prostitutes.”—Exchange. O ¡HIÔ La N-■ souiCAKÏrlc. I T he P ee ; II ) I The recent change made by the , New York Weekly World in issu ing two pa persa week in p’ace of one ' Sacramento, Cat is meeting with great favor A Wonderful Disco very. The peopl? appreciate the change- an«' are taking advantage of it. Dr Chceir.i’s Electric Spavin Kee p informed of what is going1 Cure positively removes Bone Spav-j on in the world and particularly in in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 I y oi r own country. Coi gn ss is hours without pain. $500 -eward now in ses-mm. Every movement; failure or slightest injury. The will be of the greatest interest. greatest wodder of the Nineteenth K < p abreast of the times by read Century, astonishing as it does the I ing the TWICE-A-WEEK entire veterinary world, Circulars i and testimonials free, Dr. Guy J world —two pip« r.- a week—101 I hecini, 378 Canol St. New York. papers a '.ear for only $1 (HI. Arrangements have been made 1 * by which we can furnish this paper‘ and the Twice a-W>tk New York World both for $2 25 a year, Ta k e I. advantage of this oiler ami get y«-ur own local paper and the Twice a Week World at this special rate - T he II ekai . d . ¡ 95. CO72DOVAM, r.'rNCH&CNAMÜUX;: CALE , r îNZCAir V $U.™f-ûLICE,3 20lX3. ZOSO.I2-V/ORKINGME?* c :.-7'. a fine . -S/JZSBOYSSOHSÎISHZZ j » I • LADIES* S. BAILEY, Proprietor. BCST08NC*M. E2ND FCR CATALOGUE V/* U* DOUGLAS, □ TÎOCKTCN, MAS3. Tou cr.a -nner by parcùasiug V». L. D «ne!.-!« 8! socm , D-s-r-cr-, v? nrc i..e 1 irgïst luanufacturer-! rf r.d.v'i-.isc 1 s.iocs in the xvortd. cud suaraulc: , t -... v -.l-.-.e by itnmpinK the uamc and price o-i the l>o-.-..- n, V.. -Il P eiec‘.3 yen h«!-’> priées a::d the r.: ’-’l-'.ian’s p-.cihtx. Oursuo:! ¿.-••.ml custo -.i v.o:.; >.i E’.j-le, easy fttiug en 1 iv' ari-ix q -.n'i'.k i. V.’c hâve thc:n so’.d e-.-cr; - wàcrc r.t lowcr pri-es for the value givc-i t'i; 1 . :•-.•< a< r 'I > o substituts-. If y--.' v_ui.vt uupply you, wc cuu. Uold by Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. Proprietor. JOHN SAYER. 4 Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge I I PER MONTH i i hi Y our O wn L ocality made i i-.sily an<< honorably, without capi t :1, <1- ring your spare hours. Any man v, oiii:: ii, bo v, or girl can <lo the work li:.n<l i ... without experience. Talking un l.e -e- ,:ry. Nothing like it for money n: kin^ever offered iieforc. Ourworki i r.' ways prosper. No time wasted it i. arn ng the business. We tench you it ! a night how to succeed from the Hr. h -nr. You can make a trial without < x GEAT SEMI-WEEK LY/ON LY $ 1 A YEA ' i <*n*e to yourself. We start you, ftirnis everything needed to carry on the bust Any reaber of the E ast O iiegox H eka I.D can get Tim Twice-a- I r. « - itccessfnlly, and guarantee yo-- Week Republ c free bv sending in three new- yearly hii severs to 1 he against failure if yon but follow on Fi;ii| le, pl.nn Instructions. Header, i Republic with $3. voit are n i>ee«l of ready money, air 4 In addition to obtaining the greatest news w«tklv in America,every v-.-int to know all about ’lie best paytn: subscribi r to The Reputd «; will save ten times the price of the paper, or busiuess Ix-fore the publie, send us you more, evt rv ) ear by lhespecial offer- m ide su I mu ribers Horn lin e to lime nd<lrv-s. mid wc will *n >11 you a doc-; nie-.t -dying yo't all tn« particulars. S.iujpl- copies of The R« public will be sent *. one i ] hi < f j < stal «aid if quiet. Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience bartender HUHNS rLOUK & SAW MILL DOLLARG TSIUE & CO., S ox 400, Augusta. NIair.c wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarratts Allda s.- ah ord« r . IHE REPUBLIC- St. louis- Mo Customers wii receive GOOD FLOIJR from Good Wheat BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. M K & c innon kenyun BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery All work in our line done > «at’y end with dirpatch. guaranteed. Give us a call. SaL. Lilian