BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. FEB itm — r n NO 13 20 1895, tith - tt #-— n~~~— -------- nr~w j wealth, then, Jbt the good it may A good ranch belonging to II. (». | H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. “ As old as strew is a woATiy purpose of life. The “Oregon Commercial Co.,” Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ' the hills” and To become f;>er volume, postage. q:4.c3.55 F ine C alf aito-iv sa filth for a the real necessities of life; they are R. M. S teel , President. ' $3.QÍ> POLICE,3 SOLES. jfgT-Cupii s of all the above works can be ex- cure. 2 ♦«anied al lei.- ’.ir. in the Reading Room. VTl IP Aitkin, mgr. •opi. a by advertisement. f-Li'olo, act­ | next to riches is the ruling passion in; directly of life. There again honesty con j SEND FOR PATALOGUE >C.L. 'XU. rrtocirioH.M/iEA. on tjie Liver ph d with integrity, constitutes the ADVERT [SING RATES: Over Ono Million rcopts-x-cgrttie Í wk j 2 wk 1 iai> S mo I 6 mu k id- ♦ l’ Al E best means of acquisition. This is Y7o L# Doti$-3 $3 & *4 S?ces I- 1 - ! Trv it. I ill' ll 1 Í1.50 |2 50 ♦5.00 th’» ; 411.00 $15.00 All our sb oca c.-o cqnc"/ z ' r-.ctory 18.00 28.00 2 - 1 8.00 4.00 6 50 12 UÌ by” all substantiated in every phase ofhu 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 They rlvo tbo Foci vnttie for t ' -s ironc-y. < “ I 0.50 5.0'J 1 “ 1 4.0O 6.00 10.00 20.00 ♦i‘2.00 50. CO Tow ler nun h'storv. To be trulv honora­ Tticy eq-jcl caste.a fCioca la f./te ir li.t. cha ?: qi J.- 00 54.00 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 Their wearing qualities aro pnaurpatsed. U «•<>!. ble, all actions must spring from a The prices nro t.-.i'sra,—cr-inpcd cn sole. : >.i tea. •iS. (X) so. 00 120.0’’ >. ■' 1 12.00 1 28.00 I “ I 20.00 20.00 40.00 (>0.00 110.00 140.00 Prim St ta .*>3 civeil over other mrkes. • a ith pure motive, atid pure motives can II your dealer canaot supply you we can. Sold by Is h:'i\! work co '.pered your lonlv rest on correct principles. In “Penlom everywhere Wanted, agent to chanqin.. ri;e .-.ppcwrunce of JOB WORK •order to start w.th correct principles take exeluBlve mle for thi* vlciuity. Write stove with 31 every description executed with neatness at once. ♦ nd dispiii- b. a: reasonable rules. ,care must be exercised in making ■Jirenlars, Paniphlets 1’. Slt-IS, TEN I the first step; for a first step in a Bill Hoads, l etter Heads, Envelopes, i vvapper. ■ CT3. Curd«, Tickets, Note Heads, ♦ial<-ini'ius. I ' wrong d ’¿ction, must be corrected ion:; f . Dodgers, Etc. Invitations. Memoranda. before we can Jake one in the right T en V k T he H erald is kept regularly on öle for re tereiu-e, iu tlie Geo. I'. Rowell X-’wspuper Ad­ ctc . direction again; and the delay i* vertising Bureau, 1-.- Spruce st.. NT York. ! Riches, Honor, Fame and liable to leave us in the ranks of the / / Importers and Wholesale Dealer* in all kind» of TErl Friends. I MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, unhonored. To Le famous CT ià. V F. A. Moore are the questions of the house; if friends; they are but a reflection in SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Dlnt.rict Jn-lge M. D. C i . ifi - oi . i . we desire riches, they are within the mirror. D To securea’true friend Jalma A. lo-. Dißtrii t Alt«, ni-v .1. !.. Ruini our reach, If it be honor it is ours one must learn to put a true esti- lohn R pi eseut Hin fR) . O. L. Patterson. loliit-se ator A. W.Cuwan for the seeking, (R) . . Those less talent- ; 1 mate on character entirely inde-11 ed have «on fame, and so may we. pendent of tllattenes. If one de- I COUNTY—-1JARNEY : Sout’tv Ajilge................ .......... ( P. Rutherford. After we have secured riches, honor, hires friends true at heart—those ■Merk 1’. L. Shiili-b.-r ..(D).. TreaKiirer 1.8. lìcer and fame, friends will come of their .(R) who will not desert, when their 3urvevor ............. . T. A. M c K iniion Iberirt. (R) . ........... A. GiltinL’s own accord. Rut. let us separately friend ship is needed most, do not Eurns.Canyon Stage Line Ksne-sor .(ID.. S. W. Miller ichool Su|><-!.nti iiileiit • iK) .Cn ks. Ni-we 1 consider those desires, and if possi­ try to secure them by flattery nor Rock in.pei-i -r ... R J. Ivors ble open the way which leads to at the expense of one particle of (D) t A. B. Marks T. A. M c K innon , contractor. Jommißsiuuers ..... R. R. Sitz. acquiring them. It is folly to ar­ self—respect, but deserve them bv Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. HARNEY U. H. LAND office : gue that riches are an evil, or that a life and character which accumu­ Segicter . Thomas Jones Leave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points. Hecciver .. A . A. Cowing poverty alone is a virtue; since he lates in itself trneness. One friend Stages 1 Leon Brown, Express Agent, I who would be able to make the thus secun d is worth a dozen flat- ' Fare $5. SOCIETIES. Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, Burns Oregon. X clearest case, would still fail in erers who live in the sunshine and SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. <3. convincing himself that a reasona die in the storm. Let us be earnest Metts every 1st and 3d Wednesday. I.u<-y Rusk, N.G. Lie share of this worlds goods would and strike out boldly, do not wait M L Lewis. RëcïSec’y. ' necessarily disqualify him for (he for something in the future, which highest state of human enjoyment. seems to promise greater rewards A. O. C. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 The possession of wealth is, in itself. than that which is presently attain­ Meetseverv 2d anil 4thThursdays. il M Horton, M. N. W w. .., , t i J w Sliyer, Rec’d neither good or bad. Tt is only the able. If at the close of such a lite --- "«« —» I.«■!»■— ■ use of money which circumscribes we should find our selves enjoying BI'INO n IA H onor l odge, M o . 8 its moral influence. It has been j peace of conscience, and a few ear- i Meets every 2d and 4th Monday. Mrs, Sayer C or H. said that money was i the root of all I • nest ’<>«>♦ A'-v dev . we mav have the1 W. W. Johnson Proprietor. evil; but it is not; it i is the love of consciousm-s <>f a life v. R spent, j HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, 1. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday it that causes all the trouble The and an eternal reward. l 7.30 p m, J. C. Wooly N. G. W. C. Byrd, Secy. desire for riches is not , in itself, A B. C. necessarily an evil. HARNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. Meet«e> : 1st and ">d Wednesday of each The possession of wealth adds to » south, h .O ld Fellows’ Hall. AH Com rads In <•>■ >d standing invited. on< s importance in the communitv to that degree in which it places • —1 r n. S. MAILS. Pleasant Club Rnnm within his power opportunities to « — J-Ta 4 m > w ’ a . s’î'n PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY “hfl gau. W. Ç. BYHD & SON. W-1. OoilGiUS Tile Beer à BtTBXS—VA LK : vrrtvesand depmtrdally, al i ss— camtok cttt : arrive»««-! Depart« daily, except SucdBy Ths Wines Liquors Best Brands Cigars Etc. New Billiard Table ,U A I.; / do good. There is no enterprise of é. .Je« X ÌÈ Oj ¡.m, o.-tr «fand Wi