A '.ii*jh cl.i'S illustrated iiiagaane 1 inatj.'izine in the home is no long* r a luxury. It is a ncceRsily, and to jicnef’s ÉViagazic- ! meet the demands created by this ri> IL C S T R A T E I) ; necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN «^COPYRIGHTS. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it TTJ.rSTRATED. C \ ■’1 I OBT 11N A r.* TEXT ? For - -. * HfFper’F Xfag«b'< for B ' will continue < does, 1536 pages cf reading by the . ■' »L c (h. ho l’ ivo hr!•-! ’ irl t.xty H-J? ji uintaln »he umhu'h-d ’»»»dar ! of ex- eìlenct will) over * u! (Iihusch rfl< ti rize •. it from the beni uni iik itblest living authors, t o 3 c in'hb’uUJ. A A- I! Amoiu'H»e nrttab e iVat ir< # ..f ihe year then f< rinnt.'on <onrein.iinJ’atent i ao ! PS 1200 ibu lira tions by clever artists, vili bc n • w i ove’# by A <’«»■ »m Dovie.i ’ou tal n them wn* f mice i v*im«ire Woolsoii. und William Black loJ j”nl Heb' ■ ;:kJ,tbr--*.7.-’y .,n Co. rccctvn has stepped into the breech, with Short Rt»iiies will !♦ t oi.trlimti d l»\ thè un i. te ts ta! ! i r.pMc-5 . •!■ : - ■¡.■ntl/*' A • cil’,n:n ' ’>1 p. pillar u 11 eis «»f ibe da v. ho u.IIng .Mary lni^Vc biuu— al - widoiy - ■ . - bei - 'ri- a illx' a reduction in its price , that has Wiikii F. Kiihisd Barline Davis, Mar are Fp»rndid rn.rx r, t!> 1 lin fnventor. D<‘a,..‘. r.r»ii aer . h ?'|,<*-.\ k . >i’ «i uianv «>»heu h’ » !>V far t*ifl i 'r juEt t v ii.t •i,:? Work in *ùj Ti e i InMratP’ m-K* rij t:•»<• p * h era u i’l ombraci tartleil the literary world . • »n of nny _ a ' fnr. Fanqde coi . s sent fico. nr 1 !<•# ! v Julia» I* h I» h - n ne-v sontht rn nn». i4 IM u.i i t uu, luu.-i.t.y. < Jt ..'naycar. Hngta BUIdir.u on, TDonthly. The H eiiai . d , fully alive to the \\ cf t rn nubjee»► : I y TheoHoie (ihibi on Ind n ■; rc.i's. rv» .y - niiif. : •¿•*5 ce;i<s. Fw.; - 1 ’»-r contai«# « -• ‘ by nil : ey i i’ze] won Kiihsia and ‘orinanv • - ì pi ••.l piiitej, in coiors. ?.»•<» . (iingrapha nr new needs of its patrons, his made b. l.j liJiid Ha»' i v l aviK « n a L »nilo;i Scan »’ znn v i*. ■■:,*>. ■.-..u * u.x hu l'ir'ilers tosbow ttio r cs. rüh i»ft, enabhnr |»\ ( ohinelT. A. IhiriToii Eastern Riders; et', : -r . . ..... : i.l i :7 pts. Address lut.1 st. i• ji- .. ’C«tre “rz contr riz with this X '• ’UT - -------- YOltK, òól Bau-kDWÀT. litiir» \. \bbe• ’# illustrarlo! s<>f shaki s;> <•;rc’i special arrangei.uiits ('l'Eiei'itH »-¡il he coniinued. Li erarv arli' ìet it will will l>e c.in»ributed b\ « hnrXs E i-it N-’ilo*1. s'tperb montl.lv, whereliy Mrs. .»aincR T. Eieldf. William Dean Howel s. receive orders for yearly subscrid- Blunder Mait.he b , and .»Ihers. tions to both publications combined HARPER’S PER OC ICS far the sum of $3.00. Per Ycnr: The price iif the great illustrated ! HARPER’S MAGAZINE st.” monthlies in the past lias been HARI’Elt’S WEEK!.Y . r. ÜAlil’Eirs BAZAR. ici ¡ 3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they HARPER S Yol NG PEOPLE . i.* .vere to be found only in the more «» I<I1 »»li I < i II*'?- »!..<• 1 HH t >. i IL . gt'i-ri» »«y,-. » * » v ’ il» i United States. Canada, or Mexico. pretentions homes. Our oiler fur The volumes of the Magazine begin will nishes a help to all families, no the Ninni i rs for .lune ami December <* matter bow modest their means, cue li year. When im lime is s|.e<*ilitil, sid -eripticns will begin wi.li the Nunil.tr ei • to keep in touch with the greatest rem at time ol receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magnzi n* m* minds ot tin* world, as The Cosmo i linee vi ars liaeg, in neat <■ o h binding w i i politan has today the strongest lie cm by ni .d, post-paid, on re* • ip- oi ■- j per volume. Cl -th <'.:se., for binding rrgtii a- stall'of any existing period ceno* ei.cli—by mail ! os:-pmd. ical. Send ciders to Remittances should l*e made bv Po-toth- < Mmiev order, or Draft, tn a void ebani- o T he H erald , i-A CENT lo-s. ' i Bums Ore. i Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Nev 1893 Joura's rH J RI’3 OF the ---------------- FOn IH I TEAK. rH----- THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO In ou. I c .1 u d.*y,t.l:. .’ci I 0.u>i..I. :□ cl. nr p:i : ;<0 Ulti ’end be, ’i' 'i choo itor ct of tÙ3 u. H., c: <1 I 7 CM3 p.rf i :. ... i a <1'7 til -J 1 < . i a year. >..................................... • ilof: • ;• lav Ht:;ic: 3 pile*- I ill ar . 17 i price, r ' I ■ ?o—X l inci S .4 > l’KK Y Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 pe 1‘lilCr. «0.0* I’* Il VISA IF. SAX < L’ulirftv, Z ft>r;z proepcctuj con mklcr.i, etc., or tend rn • > ■ 'h'n r*n c Arc's, can A <>r tnr>--i f .. ?n for one or more Bharr.i L.: .1 8HHE C9 Awn » i. ¡ n ed I ■ '* Il I MOR M t. <’A I ' (■*KV»...N l SUKSA W ekkj 1 X Is a live tu tro i o it h il.tilv. 1 m i •« M< '■? f KEL1 \ - in.K ami i< >e ■ . ni» i „? b-iiu thfl.EAI’IXG Xi.WS- I'Al'El; * ( tio> i u. ;ie* E tlier of tl.ea'i ' e :«piT-’ V. ■ will semi |>o-lt> .•I is a pfp- Illium on fecei t « 1 t »• finio > - mg «ubsci tpi ion prices li<r the combinali n : I « I KANCISCO WEEKLY ( ALL I* a Iiaml-OIIIH eigbt- p.ue paper. It is Is u.-d every Tlmrsda*, a il coiuains alili t in imp ri.mt news of the week, cleaned from every qu >r- ler of the globe, complete up It fin to date of pubi cation. piativa tile late-t and most reliable ön ti'-inl new« »nd market quotations. a <1 gives special tuteliti h to hortieu!- turai amt a.roultur.il new,, aiul is in eveiy re-, eet a firs*, jlass family i-nper, app'-iii g to tin* interest of every member of the buUseilolit. I I L A»:, ------ 4 »K------ •■ . i-MiOERALST U> -• 0*' ) li<»M-ON. 74.AÄ. *>«< a.' Ititui ÍU York. W Haio’s . I I. LT STI: A T E I). V3 EÄßSiT âld ?G^LÏ11 MS"" Hnrper’s Wyckiv is R'’k:iowb‘'ij-cd ?’. f k in1’ it:;.'filR’ itLiMig iil’is nire i v’-eck: . prrioJi> u > in ki.ieri-i!. Il mc < upi'-s n p’ai »• Bel ween 11 ih of the burned tlnLy paper am i thru ui ihe h>- timely monthly no:. <’./J . e. I! ¡nelu.tcB »>• n literivure tied rev.#, an<l prcReutB wi h equ ! f. neand fe iciix il.e real eveti s of »mien hiF iM - nitri ilie iinnuin.-rive the'iH H of !. i-i * Oi. ‘i< (’.-nut of i.H ver• < c i'.]»!efi’ scricB ol’ illi. k fiati« t s of Ihe orhi’s Fair, il will be i¡ot oc !•. Le Í-I’B- V.uiof 1O 'he ill Exp- BÍ1ÍO1I. Ollt A S i'.s : <‘K BU-v ir. l.veiN p'tbli» event .>l uenern i ii-rcs. wi.l 'efullv ilhiB ra'ed in ¡¡a p i Its e».i'.lrilin’;».bs - eis.g from ihe I’ cn I w ri eri! ».»ul nr is b i" 'big coiid'iy, i! will (-otiti; lie io ex' ci in Hie» Ml lire, io- f . ad ii'iifc iati ot.s. all u*lier pn tin n¡ *o. s of i s < laps IIAIM’Ell’s PERIODICALS. PER YE\!i: DAI! ABU itili ; ,'7-SENB l (Ht i (T1TIÍI R INEORMATIOJ The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co 118 aaV »*50 N. Market St.. CliU-sm. -•••»<: ris < •> ♦; i* V, • .« . • • • ‘ n • •. Morati ; V» ASHING 1ÒX. 1>. C. ’’ ' i’KlX’ru.ED V«rj X <>, wi^owt: HUD*~N. pûRr nt ?. ”» •11 FaPors f'ln:i’'l' I In ’ I I’cwruinr \riny.| \, \-.i„r«»»h ”< • ”!(!!.•' «ns.if 1K1» I ' lMi nd u - , now entitled <>-I »1. <’re «•■•’-<1 < hhuu » ' ' i - • UHfbiB «n titled to lileher r ite*. » V laws. charge tor advice. 2»’ j fee •d !i aic’c»»» u‘ í X X L1, *1- BRA ND COLUMN'. IIAIU'E!! WEEKLY ........................... It.cs loam! fair'en mi left shoulder: Cnttla HARPER'S MAC AZINE............................... I 'iiirte** *• left hip and upper dtp u:t both HARBERs BAZAR......................................... cars. f. A. McKinnon, Hur s Ore. lIARI’El.'s Vo NG PE H’LE ........... I*., n . Froet.iall mi KcriSerg in the Uli !ar li i .v iti • -, i nt-’e hra'i-ie 1 V on lef: side Stmts. - sc:i is, or '.ex <•*►. lo.se brand T left si .**. I’ n. burns.Ort x-oi lie Voumiei-of the »Ve-kly will begiu li e tlr»t on ill* r for Jmiutiri «.f nu ll W lien mi time is me itio-ie-i. su* seriptio begin v.iili the Number current at lint •L 1 . ■. v, cattle- brand .= oti rignt side. < ei|it of order. Horse brand . nn left shoulder. lioiitiil Volumes of Ilm per's Weekly for yi-.irg Ini'k. in reni < belt b n In«, will b bv malt Cos il.* * | ai l, or Io expreis free < iV*!e liranl.lt.. on left rit under lilt fu pi-iiM* (provide * lie irei.h' doeg not exce 'i-i't car. *i dor at..pe in ri .lc ear Iforae b'ltiel ja-rvi lnme) n ■-.;7..**.> n volume. Clo‘11 < nt. o for each Volume, suita'de 1 foi 71 Uli rl iht s t ie. R K J. A. Williams I’. O, l imiii*« o f.l I e sent by mail p.iat-paid, on re Rile: or teipl of ,d. Iteiniiia.ii es should tie made bv IVst Oflict Mono nr S r or liraft. >o av*dd eimn-’e of loss. Address it \ K Pi'll It 1’.' >TII L IIS, Ne / Yurt Hap’ Baza 1 L L II ST R A T E 1) . Scintillo American Acency for 3 / ácj / i if.TTAC^MeXTS: ..A TxupirtEST: ■ . îWeôDWSRF? CAVEAV3. TRAD£ MAUK*?, > desicn patcnt :». C0PVRICHTS, I etcu Fcr tnfnrmatlon M frou Huirtbock write to 011 \N A CO.. H naoiuw -V, New YtniK. Obi. .lui.-Ai t >r .-iM'uile ■ pntmt.<ln inieiicA. Kt*ry p«tvnl tak -n out br vs U brouirhl l>*»torsi the pubac u, ■ notice glvon live cl v iuu » in Um >iientific $mtrican ^w*v».' EI YOUR OW N nr.ND. crit* AOO. n UMIOM SÇVAR-. N. / »AH’F^r.cj NEW Ho.Ml*. >1 wlMi ('lUNI. CO., T-'Mark. St., Paietic S. b rant-ist h I h |i;i i t lliviit !surest Cmibthn of ,rr tcionutk* patv tn th*» borlil. t*plen<tldlv IlluslmUil. bo li toll'irmil turn should lie wlthvuy I*. WeeMv. a vi-sri »l .sisU in* utiis AU. tre.s S.rNx A ( O. \»usurusi|t>l 1 ■ *w«r,JI<nrl rkvtt». ”* ci> i ml uU Pat .u< tc I ft r fc>o<i» ra c I CM. t i » ie-s rime :hna ih?«e Illusion. t<> toll w I at t ■-• lines in yonr II n • u you. if no'l.ii g iM’re. . in- M < it- elf. The <>u Lli'Li militate!* prol»ab!e i. il 1. ♦•. Each l.’.JACELET \V< I i! k<- • L \E uK ' : c.i»r LINE OF x 1 h combined mean I i - i vi u jih inovlt rn p < r.t.v of i hi re m •» i! i rue t h v’y pte- rb family b tnt«-r- ' i i iif A l LE A R ■j I • <’< i r.cre: a m might I !■'•• •. the r< ' e * if 1 I 1XE OF HEALTH l-.r*’ I.; si FO vili the ICt hints No < t r v _:.zii c p Li; -he? so * to It tcri’H i io i ( •.ir cirri«’. You u HI lect to e’cire’nc* <» ) ! .1 • ’ ' !’S tT ( O'.ltl- tf.ti h tv • tho t lib I 7. vF VE I s x »II kc.»p np vo ir p .ii g !• rr.-n'i i«» r.-.û. B - g lu h f».r 1>9I a j Ifcirr of c x«i r«’ work* • i art c* d « t”»» mt : - mitin, picu re. Vhìch i- n ni«‘*r a »tul :.l < ¡I p.’iinring which m 'im Ti :cr.unnt o hi ft r It* beau Ifni r U» r. il at V’ll ke p of t c day. »• <1 aH the of I» trr« >r ab» nt the intoreetlrff rearma for the w holt f; mili ; n fa-*-Irion r ; , t «Ì t n r i V. ith it. M I: tt» I *» . J*nn1 j f *.' 1 f CC'ier. »*■ t V Mtrw-7 V *|| .<»x o '» 1MYÎ In? • !. n*r. • r * mi r'«w •-J. MTU W>U IT It 7W •» rWTl TWfMÌ ) CÍ *UIL _rfw. *• .«UrH»*. • '«* »•, M» lEtl*« <. -»4 « C». r «te*«« fi>r p«rl :..e« hl U. 8. N f in 8« I BWril 11 it MIL illusi u STOCK llKANDS. •m*»P o-- ; t ’ a I * <>• .. ten 11 t O" : VKXfs. lor, , Inlri M T Ke ru »I •— ,o pMar^ iaa.Ur, fl-A -<-’ K 7HIMH ' Bn-i M» I:t'i RY. *• Above av«i w « mi ■---*• tad tool raluAblr Harper*!» Bazar in a Journal for the li«»nie 1: ui \ * s ’ Fe nIn forma L ok wiih - . . v^«o.«i î< •« regard iL - ; ahiii. k . ut <1 its nnm< roiiR ilhiRirn i.ms Piais oosiüi f . aud i»a' crn-Fheet FUpp'emenii are H li^pei Fible a’-ike t »i he homedri rs maket und the i r«>f< ssi-mal m«»d’Fie. N’o expeuRe i> spire o u nke i*R artisti« attraciive: esH of tlu lii-hi st orde:. Li ,_h' s'orieR, iitnuid tg rmn V’iic.’«. n*.d ihv’i .di iu I vkruvr FaiiR. v ail laFtes n: •» f :> b pn :c iR iam- us aa a Budget of u h n» d h'imor. I i b weekn irriic « e\enihing h iuelu i-d \\ bi« e iR of i teroKi h» w.rtien Tlu >eria k »- r ls»> will Be wri’ien hv Walter BvRam a d tun« l \nli. Ohr K-ine Terhune IlertH k v. i! in: i.is i a p n< ti< ul h rit r . enillle-i “At thc T. llei " ” (»rn<e Kin-j. < ».ive l inirne MiHer, am« 1 n mH* t \\ __ I ___ h e er v ¡11 liv irvq ient <’.»ntii’ur.n Tue w,ik L' oi w ••«! In The i » lumhdiii Exp»« of wo •Ilion u i : I be fu.L lep.iRe ited wirh matiy i’i UR' I l lol ». I*. W. HUuii.soii in ••NVoine» a. ’t Men,-* w ill please a cultivated audiein e. Horsis ornndcl ) ( on li ft stifle, t'tittI,*brand, eil )-( on left hip. Marion litinyar*!, I* O Hurns. Caol< diamond oti left hip: horses CV on 1 •! shoulder. Clmr'csil. Voeitby, burns Oregon If. rse I ran '<•<! I’ ->n rltht sh* it’*Ier. - attic P >n righthip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I n.veti <»r Horse ‘ rand on left shoulder, ii's.i Hire» li's.-. i’i shape of ti tangle, cattle branded aamn. : E. E. Grout Burna or. Miss lt.iS'i til* kio’Seti Horse brand anvil i.n left r ille. nltie bran-le t Lar R on left hip. P o. l.awen Ore. ,L 1’ I>ir k*-* son < attic brand .1 P connected < a left hip Hi,ice brand anvil on left stllle 1'. O I I.-awan Ore. | Cattle’>rand figure 7on either hip; mark llghl 1 crop otf each ear. sl u in each car, and watt on lef: jaw. II *rse briin l fi mre 7 on ei: her hip. J. It. Ilu'.jaril.Burns Orc. Geo Williams, h irses ami mules branded rounding-v, on iLhtp llle. 1*. O. Riley Oie. Horse bra-.d j on right stifle. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year James Rmisx V O Burns fire IL rn-brand bar-n on left shoulder; Ca’t'S rn I h im i.n left hip and riba. Catbcrins Marshall PO Narrowsore. Boise bran*! on left ahonldcr S II a RPER S H AZ XR 4 i* II Mil : ICS M AG \ZINE . 4 0 i AHi't .l'S WEEKI.Y '.... 4 0 li ■ RI* '. .- YOi NG i’E.-l* i. - 0 1*. r iv. ree to alt sii'«>*rlbers in the Unite- ftiiua Cana .a. or Mexico. TIn vo limes o thè i nr ir 'icgln \ilth>heflr» in ■ r for tannar» of <-a> h i-ar. When ni ¡stime f» u rli ione t. sut»ciipti*n wlll beali »i h l i Nnmbcr current at tlietime of ree-!p of < r ler I o iu l volti i-s of Herpe ** Cazar V*r Dire» yen i ■ i at * Io h tdnd'in.*, vili la* acni bv n-ai p » a i- p- id* or hy expre ». fr-*e of expens« (*. r v .¡ed thè fr.-lgh- due» n •• ex* eed one do) 1 .i 11 r v.i’ninei « r 17 a io urne. t'o b ■■ se-f i-nh vo'un e,«nltable for>«nñ in» w:ll l-e acntby mali p et a d m nceip ut }. * si h. 'n-c-. sstl.iuH Ve ma *e by riitOflT » x - i :i r « r UraC. -o sto *1 '-henee of lo » A;!rc»< H \ i:l*t K ik iliiOt'HERS Ne-v»papsr» are vot to > opv any o e n >r ili oi 1 he ami ve ». • -••ementa w ho* t thè -Spreta Itdatof li ARTE« bROTHERS. r, Ml»» I.iinrs -tanelift, Burns Ore. 11..rr*-1 mud on left shoulder and sa ne on r*li* of rir'v h nl 1er. Ore. Ch" Smith Burns S, I a- iiil-.lte and -ton cattle brand tv < ted. : ■ r n sik »' n’tow fork in right car mler' it in left. P, o. Burn, Ore. Ho*» n and cn*.lc branded J P cn lofi shc.nl* er « >' i b “ti’i-d JP cotiiuded. Mary J. Price, Burns Ore. k mm i i mm L r.x Mnvor vaille! Tnn», \e v e r r \w he e '.Writs F. l.eaty MmWNSjä -r -. a', gee \dr.*»« H„ i ■ DÀn’i .'■/ p~*i» .1 7 Washington New Jer<ey. '