A (I in i h ist ra tor’s Nol ice. I I —To all subscriber* of the E. O., II ehai . d and those in arrears, who «ill pry up and r*new, we will send tfle Semi Weeklv New York World free f»r s;x months. For reliable News there is no better paper than the World. In rhe matter of the Estate of T. 1 Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal II. <»laze, deceased. ! Geer, comprising all lines of Notice is hereby given that the ! w. C. BYItn Editor. undersigned has been unpointed by -. the count, court of Hareey count} HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, ] Oregon, Sitt'ng in probate, admin * SILVER ! ii-tTutor of the estate of T. II. GLze, dec^h-i d STC\ 1; HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENT 1 J F All persons indebtr d tosaid Estati I t is a well established fact that I have two littie grand children | (hue is not enough gold in t tie ! nre requested to settle the same who lire teething this hot summer I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. immediately, and those having U. S. in circulation, to do the weather aid are troubled with! claims against theestute will present C. H. VOEGTLEY. business That being the case we them to me, at my residence in bowel complaint. I give them j must have something to answer the Burn«, Oregon, with the proper Chamberlain’i Colic, Cholera and j vouches attached.within six months Diarrhoea Remedy ami it nets like j purpose. Before 1873 we had Both gold from the first publication of this | a charm. I earnestly recommend lotico. and silver in circulation one worth lit for children with bowel troubles. Dated December 5th 1894. as much as the other, then silyer II. K elley , I I was myself taken with a severe was demonetized through the in Administatorof the Estate of T. II. attack of bloody llux, with cramps I fluence of goldites and money I Glaze, deceased. and pains ii> my stomach,one-third lenders, ai d we know and feel the of a bottle of this rcmedi cured me. S tate of O hio , ) lesult. Within twenty-four hours I was. F8. C ity of T oledo . Immediately after the demoneti- out of bed and doing mv house j Frank J Cheney makes oath z ftion of silver, the price of silver work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- that he is the senior partner of the bigaiito full and gold to rise in aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn. Fort firm of F J. Cheney it Co., doing value. sale by II. M. Horton. business in the City of Toledo, Corner of 1st. and B Street. Who was benefited by this? Was Coimty and State aforesaid, and it our government ami the pt ople | Proprietoi I M. IT. BRENTON ............................................... that said firm will pay the sum of of the government? Or rather was' While In Topeka last March. E.' (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for it not the money-sharpers, the 'each ami every case of Catarrh that •’T- Barber, a prominent ne<-spaper| JslY-E R Y_S TARI. E goldiies and monopoly? 'cannot he cured by the use of man of La Cvgne, Kan , wa taken Have we not. been going from had with chol -r morbus very reverclv. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. to worse ever since that hold stroke, The night, clerk at the hotel where FRANK J. CHENEY. on the part of the monopoly, at the Sworn to befo/e me and sub I he was stopping happened to have lights and libelties of the people?1 Chamberlin’s Colic.1 scribed in my presence, this Gt I a bottle The enemies of the liberties and | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy day of December, 1886. rights of the people, succeeded at and gave him three doses which that time in driving home the big relieved him and he tinks saved j A. W. GLEASON. gest wedge that ever had been his life. Every family should k< ep Notary Public driven to sunder the imh pendenc«-' ‘ • this remedy in their home at all Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in guaranteed, to the people, by out ternally and acts directly on the •times. No one can tell how soon it constitution. olood and mucous surfaces of th< mav be needed. It costs but a trifle Th ■ people reduced to serfdom White Front Livery Stable as- i’he Proprietor of system. Send for testi Tiouials and may he the mt aus uf saving and only in name a free people. suits the public that he is prepuiAid to accommodate much sutleringand perhap* tlvlifr' free. in every way in h.s hue of business. What does this monopoly, h* :ide< F. J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo. O of some member of the family. and grain conslautiy on hand, and careful help. I by an English, and Cler- laud in 25ai’d 50 cent bottles for , i'e io I ¿fÜF*Sold by Druggists. 75c eluded, care for our freedom or H. M. Hut ton Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage} liberty? . coi.necticb The w hole of tha single standard ’ I st Week’v Paper in following todav are at heart, I California. Only $ 1.50 p^r yi ar. posed to our present ,onn Ol * Address IS THE BEET. NO CQUEAK1NC. T he B ee ; government. I Sacramento, Cal $5. CCiZDOWtfZ, I The East the “hot rrt£HCHWiiM£U£DCAl.r. • bed” ami ^,\5^n^CALF&KÄ?!W!lil cu'ato* of the millionaire and j $ Ô.5P PÛLICZ.3 C oles . goldite, the worshipper of the negro when the south was making tnonet fine . 1,4 I oil his labor, and longed, to hear) A Wonderful Discovery. I •LADIES* I «<''•0l2.il.75 its people talk, to take the poor I It S BAILEY, Proprietors. B es TI> c :' v ”‘-4, negro to their bosom warm, nourish.. Dr Checiii’s Electric Spavit "NO rcu CATALOGUE I V/*U* DOUGLAS, Led and clothe him. and suecetded 1 Cure positively removes Bone Spat I □ nOCKTON, AV.SJ. I Cigamtts al tiiat t me in getting the west to in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 4> Von can sav- "’"ncy by p-ircbasiuc V.. !•• 1. liuti.-,« fliicm« Sti.it«, . 1 Good Billiard tables. Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. v-, arct..e 1 wrxest r.ian’ifactnr»—■ ct , Sympathize with them, those people hours without pain. $500 -eware _ r<" er.i.w I i ..oe» in the world, aul EUartlUU cu.e.r.uu. s : r.ainc and price cn ■ ’ Saloon is first class in evert particular. are now the baud and < enter ot'acom : fHj]nre or slightest injury, Th' 1 ■ V line by nt pis r ! the nainc Experience bartender ibi bo'.to-i. w. ch j. oteetj yon a-ainst bii.i Ourslioi i litiiticn whose aim is, tc reduce zrentest wodder of the Nineteenth price« an t the : !dk -.laa's p:o ¿Tint cus'.o n worx in style, e.i»y fi'.'.-.i;: ie.i I Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. v.'e have them so’t ever; - the friends of liberty to a serfdom Century, astonishing as it docs the 1 v,' .-i-iir c : w ’ k - • r.t lower pri-e« for the value give-; t 1 more appalling, more bind.ng and entire veterinary v orld. Circulars , . ..vf , rr . . 'J' ":e ro sub«:..-.;'•• ltyo—• i-a v. —.^L--l-r-a't****1*»/ more degrading, than the condition ind testimonials free, I)r G ib 1 bucini, 378 Canol St. New York. of the negro in slavery days. Silver has been money as long as' * v. e have bad any records of history,' and there was no lessening in its I value until the monopoly had it de- , monetize d, and as its value decreas Proprietor. JOHN SAYER, ed that of gold increased, and made the possessor of it just that much Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridgi richer. Il is stated that England i •r i ept her gold standard for 13 years, Customers wi receive GOOD FLOUR from wbtie the rest of Europe had silver as theirs Her colonies being I Good Wheat ■ latge producers at that time, the government protected its own pro duce WEDNESDAY FEEEUAKY 13 is 5 I I Lit iV. L. Oæ S3 SH©E i > I v :ns, Liquors, Cigas and puhin S rLOuK & S aw mill THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! TWIC^-A-WEEK 16 PAGES We are large producers of silver; What is our government doing to protect its produce? ! I GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A YEA —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under taker and cabinet-maker. His work shop is the old restaurant building. Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at prices to suit the hard times. Cof fins made to orde’’. Will take pro dtne partlv for work and balance in ca-l:. I Any reaber of the E a .- t 6 iieg < tn H ekai . i » can get The Twice-a- Week R< puhl ic free by sending in three new yearly subscriber« to The Republic with $3. In addition to obtaining the greatest news wrtklv in America,every subscriber to The Repuhi c will save ten times the price of the paper, or more, every year I y t he special offer-* made subscribers from tin e to time I & WAGON SHOP. M<KINNON it KENYON BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery All work in cur line d • r:< tly and with dispatch. 8 itriple copies of The R< public will be sent anyone t )t>n reiep <1 ictlal (aid i< qm st. Addrr re all order-, guaranteed. Give us beali. THE REPUBLIC. St. louis- Mo Satis ’ ctloo