. interesting articles to this number I —To all suLscriber?of theE.O., Rosita Mauri, the famous Parisian i H ekald ar.d those in arrears, who Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal give the historv of the * will pay up and renew, we will | danseuse, WkDNKSDAY HBliUAKY C U •’> Geer, comprising all lines of ballet, and Em ile Ollivier ‘teil« (he‘ the Semi Weeklv New 5 ork Wer <- free for a ’ x months. For reliable -lory of Louis Philippe. From HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, Editor W . C. It YKI> •very part of the world, drawings News there is no better paper than Hid phot* graphs have b-en ontain- the World. <1 of the instruments used Io tor The President's Message STOU: HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, 4 CARrENT H'S •ore poor humanity, and appear au I have two littie grand children The President in his message to illustrations for a clever article e, by I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. conirress urging that body to tak< Julian Hawtlmme. entitled, “Sal who are teething this hot suuina< r C. H. VOEGTLEY. some steps to replenish the depleted vation via the Rack.’’ Mrs. Regi weather aid are troubled with; treasury, makte no concession t< n dd de Ko'-en, Anatole Franca, \\ bowel complaint. I give them | silver, but practically advises th« Claik Russell. Albion W. Tourgee . Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and [ friends of silver to stand aside ■ nd William Dean Howells are Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like. w bile he backed by Wall Street and imong the story tellers for the Feb | a charm. I earnestly recommend lit for children with bowel troubles. the monev monopoly of the world ruarv No. of the Cosmopolitan. I I was myself taken with a severe issues more bonds The last tw< issues of bonds have resulted quick­ Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder attack of bloody flux, with cramps I ly in a depleted treasury, and still | World’» Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. and pains in my stomach,one-third the President advises another issue. of a,bottle of this remedy cured me. i > PS ll< says ‘‘the treasury is being de -¿TATis of O hio , Within twenty-four hours I was ity of Toi.n.o. ) spoiled of gold without cancelliiq out of bed arid doing my house Frank J Cheney makes oath a single obligation of the govern work. Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon- hat he is the senior partner of the mein. -oleiy tor the benefit ot tliosi For •irtn of F J. Cheney it Co., doing aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn, who tied a profit in shiping it I I -usiness in the City of Toledo. sale by IL M. Horton. Corner of 1st. and B Street. abroad or hoarding it at home, am. ‘ County and State aforesaid, and Proprietor , M. H. BRENTON ............................................... further he stall s, “I do not limit r hat said firm will pay the sum of I stand that the friends of silyer de ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for.' While li) Topeka last March. E. S T A B L E sire the condition that might follow ■ach ai.r .d every case of Catarrh that ' T. Barber, a prominent ne- «paper inaction or neglect to appriciatt I cannot be cured hv the use of man of La Cvgne. Kan , wa taken lhe meaning of the pit sent exigen­ with choler morbus very severely. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. cy if it should result in entire ban The night clerk at the hotel when FRANK J. CHENEY. is) tut nt of gold fr • connection st Week v Paper in n the silver man, remt nd i ring th< 1 Only $1.50 per year. r< peal of the sherman law. will figh | Addr< sa to a finish, any t ffort im.de for i I T h -: B e »; S6-Î0EÎ KJEoJcAKiriC. Sacr imei.to, < ’al continued issue of bonds, v. hit h h i $5. CORDOWJJ. r LEli,WclLEDCALl. ami always will lc-iye us in th- N Aj-.^.S-OFlfECAiJSIANliÂli;! “hole”. $a.EJF0LI0E,3£C! _ 3LES» z<)5«.»2.V70RklNC!^^ I The pt ople of this governmen | EX77IA FIKE. know full well, that l>oml i-su I *2.#1.L"B oy £ c !:::'-S h :: i , A Uttntlrrful 1 >!*<•«» very. mean nothing but, a scourge to tin I -LADIES- laboring class, that bond i.»sm a is S. BAILEY, Proprietors. Dr Checini s Electric Spavin SEND FOR CATALOGUE lhe father of millionairs and that | W-L-DOUCLAS. lire positively removes Bom-Spav- with the di I nonet i ¿at'on of silver is ' DROCKTON, ALAS3. II. Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 I l'ou can »avs -n-nry by p-trcUaslue V», L. n >w causing the distress and starv I li .UKln« Shoe«, tours without pain. $500 ’eward Dsc.-u-', v? arc me largest luanufachirer- cl Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. nt ion <>f our p< ople nd.x.ust I s.:oe» in the wortd, and guarantee Let the ad j •lilure or slightest injury. Th. the i ib. e by s'. imp;n< the name ana Experience bartender ministration and gold men argue the bo’.-.otn, wh 'Th '* Ko^t» ' a>o'Sgainst Hgii Sa'o9n is first class in every particular. ireatest «odder of the Nineteenth prices and the 1. i. I _________ Ikiiiaa s r profits. OursUocl ____ _________ wind ll«y will they cannot it flit« i ;uat custom worx >:t style, eaty fitting ati I entury. astonishing as it does the1 sve..rjng c :aliti We have them so’. l every- Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. the acknowledged fact that th< utile veterinari- •• oriti. Circulars v : • e t:t lower pr>e, for lhe value given tl'j't nv o.h«r t ahe. T be ro substitute. Jl ju-.' you, w: cau. Sold by gold standard talu s our.cireulatinp nd testimonials free. Dr Gut I ...... er — uia A lccini. 378 Canol St. New York, j medium out of circulation gives i he fortunate ui limited p o w e r over cum ncv and opens t he w ay th..1 lew t<> make millions at I expense of the laborer and pro din-er. JOHN SAYER Proprietor. W I at did the millionaire ever produce? Nothing Imt want and Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge starvation I'ake the two, w. n . an, the tramp an I the million | .- Customers wii receive GOOD FLOUR from a re ai d the tramp is the more hon maid,. 1 cause the millionair« made the tramp, and he knows it a.dtak.s no steps tn undo tin gr.-a» w~»ng he has’perpetrated on the p ople r •• a 4 I W. L t B âclas $3 *. j wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarr&tts bukn S rLOuH & S aw mill lnWLLVUD RLfUDLlu filLLl Good Wheat ------------------- -- i Late Literary News. TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. General Lord Wolseley makes n C.EAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ON L.Y$t A YEA ' nm«t important cmtrilmtion to the ... Ih.' E ast O h ,:«,» II hhau , c .„ srt T.,.. Twi.e-«-' 1 terature of the china Japan war Wet-k Republic free by sending in three new yearly suhscrit ers to The In an article for the February Co*- Republic with $3. mo|H>htan. he diacunaea the situ «ubJrnil^rd¿?7h?Rft?’*HÍng ‘ír ’re"‘e,‘, v',fkh in America,every I ation and does not mince matters in «.lying what Cnina must do in »ft ...... 'ft; this emergency. Two . ther •«>’