Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1895)
A high-class illustrated rnagnzne magazine in the home is no longet frr-DQf’ Magazie. a luxiirr. It is a necewuiy, and to meet the demands created by this IL U S T R A T E D necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN COPYRIGHTS MAGAZINE, giving yearly, H( ¡t ILLUSTRATED. G does, 1536 pages of reading by the Hrrper's Mtigitlne fur IW.'i will centlitue 'o 1 eiii'i'iiin ihi- uniivulled »laudaril of excellence » I i ii hut. i h rm It riled it from the beginning ablest living authors, with over \niotn; the iiotah e features of the 'ear there ivillbi'ti'" rove’» by A I'onnii l>»»v!e. < on- 1200 illustrations by clever artistg, U!n them »ent <n-e. Also n ctulogue of mcchan- K ’Hnee I et'inmre W’oolnon. ami William black, Id. I n-xl s-ientno look» scotJYe«. «ceivo 1*. torts tr.’ en tliranph Munn tx to. re -hurt atoriea will It < «u tribtileil lit the moat has stepped into the breech, with »»*(•<•• I iKjtlcointhc y*rii‘Htiflc Atncri« n«M1. * o, polar wri'eia of the dav, int hiding Mary E. Ma : / bwmht widely bemro the P»M.0» >h- Hiihaaii Harding Pavia, Mar.met a reduction in its price that has eut c'.st to the invon’or. ’lhls fP,,nlllY »•*.1 • i Wiikinr. ¡ic'n'id -I'l ner Malthewa. anti mat’v otheia. I 1IC ! veeklv, eleeui.tly ihost.-rt; ' ,b“ Is* Uo Tl e i .................. leai ript ve juij.erB wi'l embrace tart led the literary world . | -.r c.. < cut .non of any »pile *»*r* li wer d. 5^3 a rear. Samp!<? copies sent irec. nr i let. ’ I .Inliai Rail h on new -ontbern ami Building Eifltion,.monthly. »•■>.»»« year. . mgle The H erald , fully aliye to the Wea'ern aubjectr: byThetidoie Child on Iml a: cor es. ¿-1 cents. Every nilinhi-r contains ne t« bv I’, n t' ev I igeloW on liUMin and '»errnany; > tli'il plut.'S. m colors, and Pl'o-,,!'R‘l,Phai?r.,tiie needs of its patrons, has made l>\ l.'i; Inirii llnrdi' g I avia on a I. m'on Season: , bm.-¡th plans, e-.iablinu-Wider» fo f : III Colot cl T A. It.iilee on Eastern Rlilera; ele. I lai ' 1:I.nd secure • nlmet;. A ,v with tlii» MUNN ¿CO.. NEW Youg, dbl B uoaumai . rd w in \. A bhei 'a 111 list rat lot nof- liiikeap nre’f special arrangements I i'omediea "ill be < »iminneit. I.i t rary arti' ler ' "¡¡lie contributed It» chare» E.iot Norton.; superb monthly, whereby it will Mrs lameft T. Eiehl». William Dean Howel's. | receive orders for yearly subscrid» I grander Maithewa, anil others. tiims to both publications combined HARPER’S PER Oi'iCS I far the sum of $3.00. afe Per War: The price of the great illustrated 1 HARPER’S MAGAZINE.................... ¡¡¡i.ix monthlies in the past has l ien weekly ........ ».<* 3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they ! HARPERS BAZAR ........................-I.m HARPERS YOi NG PEOPLE . . 2.01 were to be found only in the more Postage I'ree to all Subscrilters in tin 1 i’nited States. Canada, or Mexico. pretentious homes. Our offer fur The volumes of the Magazine liegin will I nishes a help to all families, i,o I the Nnnilers for .June and December o | eac li tear. When no lime is specified, sill matter how modest their means, 1 seription» will begin the Number cur- m keep in touch with the greatest i rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine fot minds of the world, as The Cosm e / I * PERDONAI. AND i - 111 ' hreeyears ItacK, in neat eli; h binding "ill sent by mnil. post-paid, on receipt of S politan has today the strongest A FI EN i ION GIVEN Ì PA I'- I lie per volume. Cloth Case», for binding fa regular staff of any existing period, e : t » s cavea r-. trade • cents each—by mail, post-paid. Keiiiiit.'ittces should be made bv Postortii'i ical. .Send ordeis to MA! KS, etc. T he H erald , j Money Order, or Draft, io avoid chane o NG l’EE UN LE « PATENT loss. , Burns Ore. ISSEi'UEED. (OIIIDSPOND- 1 Address HARPER .k BROTHERS, Nev . York. ENCE S ’LlCi i'ED. 1893 FJhîH . FRIC 8F IN _____ .•T L- - ----- - F0.Ì THIS YEAH. —THIS PAPER— ---- WITH ---- THE S N o.uii) a yeer. j h !l a g”cr.t mary p;. is, I, c i. : ‘ i i. lAr-Aü* l i < J a 1 I- .:.-, r. d cn o r me: V.’ ob ! I cs—i :: ’i ch«« co.- .■■ |.< . « a i C7Ïr :c>.t c E:=3 tf Cio c. S., t: il ?y nell or// pair •j cf choco n ¿..y C: y v • i .•/ J’», uo r. year. VZo c'iouU Lo a' le to 1 . or ever 1 l*cr » ,• (Evi . <loi i "«< C ta iron th ■ i:.v ?*.u:c ■ t. V.’er Ut.,e«‘.ock ut : : c. 'i h? price I". 11 •• '• 'j 1 c tnt cil I > •if iar-r-. ” r ' I: 1 .liver b: eu t< » la nil . i p'.b ce, v. ldi II 111.J fier vaî-.ta. St • I I: eo .e Iteti.! |.l I ( !,CC I. J I •-■;<_J Cionim: o have o d... •• I cine cf Cu ¡ luclpal »lot n. Va.. ,r. : . v.i b J I'. lier,» :■ '. » . I. J . i .¡ J. 11. I • . I .'» l . i . ,. 1.. ..: !. H b i- < ' 'i ,■> 1 1 r. l’lula.: H. IUn» b- ■ i I ■ ■' 1 ttd t .-î.iii-i r. r. iiuli.u..A.nsd■ : W. Ito for a procpoctuj coir ..: : 11 je natili b rd onr rt<>< ¡.holder.», etc., or wt ' :i'r''r h r >! t ' fi i inrj enshirr'» check, catft cr no: ■ / <r fini r» taken fur one or more »bares. I t lee. . s .h ire. DEKTER SHOE GO., **'•" zP/tD/a I! uh etl i ni »re » Ü.H I FRANCISCO Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Gall! -.............. PRICE. »0.0 ' 1’1 lllEAP. ------- rh------- 'HE SAX FRANCISCO , WEEKLY CALL 5 Is a haud-onie eight- PATEN paae paper. It is is.tied every Thursdai, a d contains all of tne important news of the week, gleaned from every quar ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication, It (ur nislies tile iatc-t and most reliable financial new? end market quotations, .. d gives special attenti' n to hnrtleul- I oral mid agricultural news, amt is in every re’i eet a fir-e- •lass family nmier, app--ni,g totl.e interest of ei ry un-mber of the household SïOÛÙAiï» à GO., 613 û G i utroot, II. ;<»ppo r.i-.t-i'i (itii.i-.j > < > .1 iiv<( wrrir H I Jllllb I NG Cll.h (SEVEN tMIUICSA WKKK) lid buia ir a <ci/' fii you Illustrated "*■*> Cata- > iOtfUO FR£X . , X J DtxiER S húe G ò TS o Sjxaul tenni to lítalr"*' Is a live te trono it m ilnilv. li is the AJOs T RELIA* 1H.E, und is lecoqtiizH'i a> 1>.-Ín¿ the LEADING NEWS- l'Al’ER .f tim I’m-ifie Ci ist. Either of the .litote i aper» w»- will send no-tn id as a ple niluni on recel, t .4 the follow ing aubscrlpiiuti prices for the coin bi i. at i> >n : RABBIT AfêB P0ULTR1 STOCK BRANDS. I LLTST R A T E I). I Harper’s WeekIv is wkJ>. wlegged cs s’aiid I ing fiis- •tinoiiz iilrs r i'e-i wcekh peri»> I d - h L io Ahieri< a. Ir «><»< upies n p’:i< e I el .veeii Ihu I >f the hurried duty paper an»» that vf I he leu linieb nronihly inaguzDie. h inulrp.’es b.-ii ileiH’ure and news, arid nr s1“ J r wr h equu ■ < r< e »uni fe :<*ir v 1 lie re i» ■. «■ s , ■ i < nrrci; lis «> a* « the irnnu’iiin’ive tiie-'H r -,i ti; I , ' >n *«i eoiiDf of i r ver\ < eiHD‘e’»* s.-rteH .»f ill« s fratioi r of the World’s r'riir, it will De not uiil . he best eiiioe to ilie greai Exp. sition, l.»nt n's its les Kiivenir. Every publice\eot ofyeneni . i’ier< si will i,e fnllv illus rti e-l in ¡ r p»»-« » Its conlr iiii!i«.iis heiug lr«inr the best wri:ei ;nd tir’is s in this coutilrv. it will contii ue < v ei i .i dcratHic. lie.vs -r <1 ¡Hug ia:io] s. a o’her publications of i s c lass HARPER’S PERIODICALS. BER YE Ht: FREE BRAND COLUMN. AND ¡Mb I....... Pu . YEA't, f#“SEND FOR FURTHER INFORMATIOJ The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co 118 aaV *20 N. Market St.. Cblc^ffw 1> ALV» a CK. R 5 J.s < > »¡li* IM • nr n ui-Hj AUorno. W .ylliNGToN. D. C. ’ NSIOXS riuK’l’REn F’nn ! wmows CH-LDREN, PaRrNTr. ' . 1 r -a ■ r.l S »Dora'’IsablcJ hi ' ' ’hi”': f ' rvuimii' \fi ' : x "vstneerl " / ’ "nr- 1S’2 ! isp_\ IM *• " Dto" , now entitled < mlnnd relcctt tl chihns • vriutv. inoaannd» entitled to higher rites r i for new law*. cnarge for advice. L’> D.t niiul bUC« rix. u* If A ¡C’EB WEEKLY- H ARPERS M \'i AZI NE HARI'EI: S B \Z All HARPE1ÇS Y H'NG I’E iPI.E If. is brand liar ten on left shoulder; Ca’IItt ntrien on let' hip and tipper dip on both i-nrs. T. A. McKinnon, Buri.s Ore. P iiitage I-rc 1 i all s i'-kcrilierii in the Cu -iiiiis. i in mln, or Mex'co. The Volume» of the Weekly will l egfn i the tirsi Sinn .er for Jiinnnr» of uni, » hen no time in mentioned, »ni m ri pi i.. begin with t ie Number ' linen: at tim ceipt of order. Bound Volume» of Hnrper k Weekly for years back, in neat doth li.nding, "ill !» I»» nnnl i'ostage pnld, or In express free pense (provided the ireigln m.t ex- e per v., time; f,,r $7.W1 n volume. i loth i nais tor cni-h Volume, suitable fo cd'pt'öf li" beBt"t b-v P-»f I'lii i. -m re Hardin w Rilev. cattlo branded Von left side lorse brand T leftside, p o. Burns,On gm L c. Eolev, cattle brands on rignt side. Horse brand — on left shou' ler. < n’t1e brand, IL, un Ic't-rlt under bit la e.'t ea r, n uLir H'ope in ri - le ea» fforse brau<l ’1 on righi a itie. R E J. A. Williams P. O. Rl'ey or Remittances should be made b» Post 'Mliei Mone. Orile! or Draft, to avoid chain e of loss Vldress HARPER ,k BR.tTHEKS, Ne , Y„rt Iforses brmdt-d )-( on Icf a'ifld Cnttlebrand, ed )■( on le t hip. Marion itun-nrd, PO Burli». Cnttle dinmnrplon left hip: hornes CV on lei shotilder. Charles II. Voegfltx. Burns Ore«"» Hap’ Baza «Horae branded P-in rl.-ht shoulder, cattle ? I L L I! S T R A T E D . on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I.awen Or Harper’s Bazar is a journal for the home i ,j'c"i|'¡" “''i-' «iih regard t. Horse brand r.G on left shoulder, a's.i thret P .d» i li"'Ui nerous illustra im t. 'Io'».'. i n shape of 11 tangle, cattle branded sama I i ms < t nm s. unti patiern-sheet siidd ’ cdw ’ iu E. E. Grout Burns Or. ami t'h!!*’w.r«|I‘‘ " ,”,"”‘1’->">.eilr'eL" i ! Miss Roan Di< kennon Home brand nt-'-tl "» sä '““;'1' i* V’*"''" left s-ille. | attic brandt- I bur'R on left bip. P i). I.awen Ore. Scicntido American Agency for i \ :ATTAO\MtHT5; U TMc:fHK£ST» ^'WOODWORK CAVEATS, . T i ?ADE MARKS, I DESIGN patents , I COPYRIGHTS, etc. I .. <*;n »»«nut».« k write to Ml NN * 1 O .%| B uo . uhvav . N kiv Y ouk . Oldest biir. au for socurln»- patents In America. U.’Zffiy’.'iil» Jhientific X Bu-mriu. Jii i u 'f/îRw CHICAGO. ** umuici ----- n "-«ft*» UNION e/M.Nae tÇUARE. u N. V .. s*» ’««o«o IU. 3T LdUlkMO- S osto ». mas ; a . usta . c ». FOR SALE UY ucEu;>.-,i? . *u‘r ,n<»» !h I a luuiulm borbaz .h K •'•’••»«’•H«.. *!•..» . ' I t ! ,1 \ Ml hr.a|,,‘.rr 1 "'rl ...... "> ■ Nlmsi; 11. isiin». It buiM« IIP I I .¡ !»...., Ill loh NO tft ,»thr»<in. «,.»,. •«.«.» ad i p;.‘. •;,_L bY_i'b)h . »a.,. GY .0 tUraOr,,. <(• TRUTcO «Un j f W l •»r Mptx* CïiCACO lu y «y uni Trade Ma» ks obtained, and all Put "* conducts i for Modera’t I ces. t) n » s OntH'fre U. $. P^cn- Cflice. kc- i^ei irc ritent in !••• time than tboee Wi.'fe fr »m Wnrhincton. no i t.‘L tirawir.c or photo., \v Ith descrip- ten. idv *»*. if pat«.*: table or not, free of ‘ 1 c aue till patent ie secured. A b rov'lrt. ¡1 >w to Obtain Patent«.” with tr. i .- 't u i uni client« la you; State, county, or tuu n, »cm free Adar - •«. C.A.SWOW&CO. Opposdt Patent Otficv. Washicqton, C. C. • I ! cry I .e. Cusp . i.rsjw-1.: 1 -SA f .* »en» r 1 r U’ iv Iv r I NEW HOME si.vHNG MA I CHINI'' CO., 725 Market St., Paictie San Francisco Cal. Department. -ay. Mew‘York auT u o.«, r. Mtwi ruesi . fili’Wit. I >- 'J > à't* 1 •*. «, ft’ • ' M KS«.: I *^>'«* "YYW I » yc ■ ▼ » - T J 1 ■ •». |n/ , t ' a,J*xu ’ «•' »* Afkr. Txw ' »*• * * ’<a\s VetyM lf»5 H* x' D- *’ ’ V wa w4ei H»<4 IT . f ; «u 1 - * ‘ K* . L W «ÌM. . * . W tfc. .1 u. > K. ‘Vbrtfth ar< IltyM.... i: to 44 bu th rt r-^4 W.4 er««rf» .< rt*4y U* J mwi wt W mr UbtkM».À- ,4’IEYTS THS Al J BY M*ll. CONFiOEYTIAL o U w I mv . I« Morvtafb Md » c»-rY. >n «UfliM fbr parttckUn u '»• I » f. »ItKI t nc>li J TKMÍL UIUÍC. m VX- uba. -¿ri 1 "i ,r'l»" e» m"|f ‘ fti i h s >i ih a ni bc wri icn p\ Wahvr Besa’. r in you ’.: ow n hand . r.i’- .' rr assume- to tell wl at the lines in your nana irmruit«. It win a i -e you. if uo'hii g n,oie. lue above ir.’!-•■» . m .< explain* it-vif. The k-.'ui of th? L N : ()/ LITE indicate- probable lo '* ’ '« Il ì -e. Each ERACEI.I.T . ;-<y-^:'d "cb gEe- X U y \Cirs. We 1 n.ilfke I 1. \l g E tisir l'Ioi.s, , J} I’ ‘I ‘rain power; char LINE OE «•-.I Men,” Win ptea».. a <ïïdïCaied amHent'e."-" FOR i’l \ f. 'i • or rj. 4 JJ«»:h combined mean •uerc— in i:c: bur you m-t M » p u • wiili modini Ifl'-a- low in t. Aon wi | hiui p t nty of thoe in l> m >r • E.i ni v Ma.azine so at niciively pi«, HARPER’S PERIODICALS t i very m : ■ r of the family is enter- I », ! *’ . “ ’ 17 1 * iu ‘ ”v A L’LE \R , “ ' V ' J ' c<* ’'S tenik inecs: a >tr.!ivht • * ATR. A i ' ]« p- - • : i| life ; the r»-\e se if Per Year croo.ivd \ ' vi ’U-iH-ti d I INE OF HEALTH ' •pi" i von doctors’ hili i ; so vih the hints hi De liares.’<. No ct *r nmeazii c p bli.-ht s so nun «»i »ri s to i. ti-r- i he I ome cin fv. Yon nRJ harper BAZA R. . .d.i' be -iibiect to ext! "t‘s <>f I'ifh -j ¡rirj drspond- H Aiu-hi; M\U \ZINE 4 Ol •nr if vi-.u luv ’‘ IREI E OF VE I S well HARPhU WEEKLY- ...; .40 markod. keep np , . • 'its by having Ecu ores'.’s 11 \l;t- i; Vili Nt. i PElip. ■ -i ■■'» r.iirt.r. 2 0 Ila-rixm.e 10 read. B 11 - • P. s ng •• i rei-1» ml ani ai ribera in i bit j u> it f. r 1*91 the fuite. yon will r ce V • a 2 1:. llerv of cx<|’:i> te work- « i art -latís Canada, or Mexii o. ?! " < " •• ‘"Z- * f i* mu • r.'u.i.nnpu.i ib pn mliim pirn ,-c. re. 1. X. me tos. -• I ,n a D i-y|” which is a nmst a »cal ba'iy.iind cqn 1 t . .i,? H ,, ,.| oil , u r , hning wliieh width eo-t -3 V. nd yon Wil!. ,V r. c ■ enz i < th t ent rot oe cime.l hy any in the wo hl f, r II» be r imi 1 -Tr .»n. ,in - t r, >tt< r. t'nt v I kc p v.Hi I»...' '..».It:, ■ C» of tic d:.v. ami allibì of li ierest ah. rt th. bonodm d be. ; , f,r„ |n,frr,l)rr r>n,. n„ matter bom sra-.'.- rd gay, for the whole Lunl. ; and ». .1 C Pe II »r.-t » i- , .t n f.,-|,lon n ., -nzii - lt» f m on pi.- .... f,.. f- „ ,| T, „ ... t H1|b t{- ÎI7/f ’ ■' »»Ml«»»» » «tlil the year, and tn -i v - ■ » » on ch o«e r»n i in yon. «ub.-r ptlon - re. on » J;«l. aI1> y.rudi Lh r-wV* ‘ ' " A dr..» J. pnb. Ii<h. r W. Jenni 1>. inop-t. r, £;1.. )( s, ow Tor'; Jf , ,. ,. nnncqnaii'ted v th, l’. ?,' 11 °r ’ '"i f".t’cop, A Hr... <?r p ! "'i-Vtoïï, <en«*r »* re In ' T |.*x p DIVjsídÑ O’ 1Hî >’i: 'q,:iOXG •''»> DIVH’ON r a .n tr .‘¿ •■■•r. Tnt "ni vToF JCHTEHI», .dl™, am '¡ a, tr a* « f - ’ : p\\ pni-î’ r • : i \ À- vï-xi ! " ' ■' I., t — „ X. 1 '""rr: MFK I II Y. • t ¿TkZ'.J »■' '\irr *• nl>y,T* »•*’ »«a 'Jre '° »''>»”•»» -.1.0 L»t aad uio»t,aluahF ' >Prv». » rder of ¡.riï.ïi“1 'W h W er T^».1 lh " j».» va . -I- • j iVc.. in: tar.- .ad ’ó »O lo vi.». pru<rgh>tsor raitii. ; „i, t ■L P Dickenson cattle brand .T P connected • n left hip Horse brand anvil on left stiflF P. <1 I.awen Ore. Cattle’irnnd figure 7on either hip; mark light crop off each ear. slit, in each ear. ami watt on left jaw. Iiorae brand figure7 mt either hip. J. II. Bunyard.Burns Orc. tlcn Williams, horses and mules branded rounding w, oll tight stifle. P.O. Riley Ote Horae brandy on right stifle. James Rousx» P O Burns Ore Horse brand bnr-m on left shoulder; CattlS brand bnr-m on left hip and ribs. Catberins Marshall P O Narrows ore. Horse brand on left shoulder 8 Mi»s Laura Siancllft. Burns Orc. Horse brand ~ o on left shoulder and same on mitselo of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burns Ore. 1 8. I.ampshlre and Son cattle brand >B iMPTìprted. Ear mark swallow fork in right, car underbit in left. 1\ O. Burin Ore. BEAUTS PIANOS 'J! ahmue Ex Mayor Washington, New Jersey, uaulel —TntiM ever? w hert W rit» Beat» F EATTYSOBGANSS ?• alotree Adreii, Hen • Daniel Rhin^ton New Jersey. F. Beat»1 Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma- Box ~41»i, Aew \uw Uly