Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1895)
STORE DRUG WANTBD. Agents to sell our choice and har dy Nursery Stock. Wc have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which arc —school hooks at the drug store controlled only by us. We pay of IL M. Horton. commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice —School hooks and stationary cheap for cash, at the Hardware of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Store of C. H. Voegtly. Rochester, N — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham j bather, desires a part of vour pat-! Fr S il 3 Or Tri b. ronage, at the new barber shop. [\V. E. G race ’ s old stand ] » Proprietor. A. C Worthington , ^.DEALER IX a -> DRUGS. BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, I’ERhUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confections [ Nuts and fruits. g’MF’Mail orders promptly filled. Kiwis Mrs. JUT. F. Bone — Who said you couldn’t get a —100 acres of fine fruit land good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Cents? Call at the City Drug Store I Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser and inquire. ! Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses' “l Was a Wreck With catarrh, 1 .n^troublaaa lscuerally broken | ¿own. Befora I laid taken l-.a'.i a Vottlo of Hood’s Lafsap.".r;!l.'. I iattb.'ttcr. Now I am la CITY MEAT MARKET. -Builders tools and all kinds of ' ftnd cnt,I° ”:,rt ’,av "" ^chlot.ifi Hood’s^-1 Cures ■ building hardware at the Burng ! tbe purchaser so desires. For fur- On Main or Business St. Just North of the Bakery. health, icr.-.T cf which riy tliaaks are duo hardware store, at bottom prices ’ hf*r "»formation inquire at this good to Hood’s Ccrsaparilla.” M- F- Proprietor for cast.. . oflice. B one , Clover, Iren Co., Ido. Get Hood’s CüLP itWORLOW Hood’3 Puts cure Constipation by restor- —The Saloon, in the new hotel ' ina tlio peristaltic action of ilio alimentary canal. building, Richardson and Stephens, 1 AN old and W eli .-T iued R emkdy .— Mrs proprietors, is nicely furnished amt 1 Wliiilslmv ’s -oothing Svrup hs* been used for fifty years by millioiiH >f notheis for theit Barber bhop Its customers is given the . best over children while teeihfng, with perfect success. 11 soothes the child, s -i mi t io gums, nllaif —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton | brands of liquors anti cigars. ull pain, cures wind <-oll<, mid is Hie best rente edy for Dinrrheoea. Is ple.isiint to the taste proprietor. All work in his line | by Drnggts s in every part of the world, —The R<-d Front Saloon, now i Sold Cal) rwenty-fivet enie a hottie, its value is inval- guaranteed to be first class. table. He sure and ask for Mrs. Windsiuw'v I again again under the management I i Southing Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausages, and Dressed Poultry. At price and see him. Syrup, and take no other kind. of its old proprietor, Lee Caldwell, James Edwards, suit yie times. his friends will find him the same — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy courteous accommodating gentle The universal good dentistry done Real Estate, Life and Fire insur man, dispensing the best brands of by him has gained for the Dr. a aiice. Collections a Specialty. liquors, cigars, etc. lasting reputation. OREGON| BURNS, Superfluous hair removed per I H untington Oreg., March 1, '94, manently, instantaneously, without D ear S ir :—We again call on vol. Wool Growers. soliciting your business for 1894 J pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. , Dear Sir: Huntington has ad- Our W arehouse will have the same, In order to prove superiority, wt vankiges for shipping and sale of attention as formerly, ’all business ; rill for next 90 days send sample wool, no other point in Eastern Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours entrusted to us. will he carefully, bottle and testimonials free, on re Oregon has, namelv: Being the I looked after. Ship your goods in ! nei',t °,f nint‘tee!1 b> pay post | terminus of divisions, the point to Fare One way $0.00. Round trip $11.00. ige. Electro Chemical Co,, 25 East | which all rau-s are made castor our care. , west bound. We get same to Bos We continue thejobbing in Gro 1 14th St. New York. Through freight 3Jcts. a pound. ton and east as do all points east to ceries, etc., and will he pleased to | Sometime ago I was troubled with Caldwell and lower rates t<> Portland Two days notice at anv P. O. o:i the route ind covered c richer -vl quote you prices at any time. I used 1,nd San Francisco than the points ¡an attack of rheumatism. . Boston Il i is I . be furnished for passengers. east of r» us: Our rate to H- A. Williams, Proprietor. We buy our goods direct i... H.nd ‘ Charnberluin’s Pain Balm and was will be pleased to divide Margins completely cured. I have since $1.90. We get same rates to Port— with thus giving you goods good"..... wun you, inns as , . , * P ,I11' land and San Francisco as does' cheap, or cheaper, than' they can be !“lvDed many of my ’ friends i an<‘ Baker Citv and a lower rate east' placed here from Portland. customers to trv the remedy and to than they. The above are facts, no town can t °ur correspondence solicited. speak highly of it. Simon Golda Respectfully, O. C. Co., J. H I baum, San Luis Rev, Cal. For equal our advantages fo” shipping Aitkin. orselling Advances made- —haul sale by 11. M. Horton. . Dr. Price’s Cream Bakirfg Powder ing charges paid—wool insured Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. , i immediately. Send your wool in $*? -j :Ji i Respectfully, our care. 1st Readers at O . C. Co 25cts TONSORIAL PARLOR, a 2nd. 40 It JOHN ROBINSON fa P rop ! While at Peekskill, N. Y., Mr. J. u 3d. 55 a A Seriven, a prominent manufact ! I Ct 4th. 80 U Everything in my line guaranteed urerof New York Citv, purchased Manu í cturer (4 5th. $1.00 u a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough to be done satisfactorily. Tinware & S^ett ran Cccd Monteiths Elementary Geography £W"The only place in Burns you Remedy. Such good results were • Goets. Monteiths Comprehensive1 can get baths. obtained from its use that he sent ALSO DEALERS TN Geography $1.25. Clarks Normal I i back to the druggist from whom he Grammar 80ets. Sills Grammar i PAINT ’ ha<l obtained it for two more hot FTARD- Boots. And ah other school books I I ties of the same lemedv. When OILS in proportion ami after this date I I I you have a cough or cold give this WARE will sell school books al the above I r-nybiuiait <x surgeon. preparation a trial .and like Mr. GLASS superior prices for cash and for cash only. A graduate of the Iowa State Sciiven you will want it when again Orders by mail promptly attented i ! University and College of Physi in need of such a medicine. It is DOOR s-’ü.’sraBr sa to. Dated this 1st. day of March cians and Surgeons. a remedv of great worth and merit. 1894. »& WIN 50 cent bottles for sale bv IL M. Oilice at res.det <’e in Burns. C. II V oegtly . Horton. | HANGERS I / i Burns Ontario Stag® Liine I. 11 ' Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. ATTORNEY, B urns ........... ............... O regon . 1 J W Biggs, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, È DOWS AMMUNITION <t FISlilN ■ i.e ,»i.b- U aw ARE, GRANIT WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSW ARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR MERS’ & MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS. Call and see cur Holiday go ds. H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 i Colli »-.ions, I.aml bn incss. inni Ilea) BURNS,----------- Oregon Esiliti- mutter promptly intended to. D ear S ir : Our articles of Cor poration provides, and we have ar- | ranged for the accommodation of our customers, who are desirous of carrying their Bank account in City Drug Store Huntington, and have opened an La SM “Exchange Otlice” as a Banking 11. M. HOlvTON, Proprietor department We are prepared to handle all cheques presented. EA IE RS IXs^^J Issue certificates of Deposit, pav DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, ing such interest on time deposit as i t STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES conservative banks do. Receive money on deposit sub A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACCO, CIGARS FTC. ject to cheque«. Armory fiall, Hurns Oregon. Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes We ask your consideration and The management will do everything possible to make this the solicit vour account. Evi rybodv cordially invited. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Respectfully, Oregon Commercial crowning social event of the season Supper at the old reliable Burns Hotel. TICKETS $1 00 First Class Dental Work Done. Co., J. II. Aitkin, mgr.