The Her721 ™ “ Matquerad, —Thoma, Vickers, o, Harney, = Ball at the Armory Hall Feb. 14th. —W. N. Jorgenson has just re­ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 00 18* 1895. Notice ad. in thi, I ceived a supply of first class violins, _ The liftU c i . ' R<)KN~To Mr- and Mrs. I. 8 violin bows, and a very excellent “gem” in e erv J“ °°n’ 18 u t Geer’ on lhe evening of the 22nd selection of violin and guitar «AS TIIE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF gem m every particular. Bob I inst a baby boy strings. Reed proprietor. Bob says, “come i ANY NEWSPAPER IN THI8 COUNTY. A. Venator, Geo. Morgan, Prof. _ ■ and see me”. —Mrs. Mary Matthes, milliner, McCann and wife. Judge Ruther- has just received a stock of desira­ —The coldest weather of the win- ford and O. J. Darst Religions Services. , visited our ble millinery and holiday goods. .ter here, has been the last week. ¡town since our last issue, Give her a call and examine her m. regia — Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of The minimumMhermometer regia goods, she is satisfied she can please tered 27 degrees below zero on the I ~T‘e. 8enalorial situation the month 11 a. m. and 7 p. mJ her customers l>oth in quality of night of the 26th. ¡practically unchanged, Dolph Narrows 2nd. Sunday, 11 a. m. and wares and prices. not enough to elect. Dolph 7 p. no. Silver Creek 4th. Sunday Its a poor rule that don’t work ; are discouraged. John Day fiour at C. H. Voegtly’s -J 5th ----- i l,oth wa-vp; “just SO,”says tlie toper, i 11a. m. and 7 p. in Harney for sale at $5 50 a barrel, cash. —The firm of I. S. Geer & Co ta^e whiskey, straight, in winter Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. i ni and > I his offer holds good for the next MOST PERFECT MADE. Thursdays at 7 p. m. before the 1st. to war‘O me and in summer to cocl have already received a supply of A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free I thirty days, garden seeds. This firm will send from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant and 3rd Sundays, Poison Creek |Ine ” C H. V oestly , out quite a number of circulars, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Thursday at 7 p. m. after 1st. and , -The mask ball at the Armory Agent the latter part of this week, 3rd. Sundays. Hall to he given on the evening of_________ _______ _____ to the ranchers of our county, re- R ev . G ibson , i the 14th of February will certainly lating to its prices for seed Is. Don’t For Chop F»ed. Grain and Flour Pastor, be a success, > ev<‘ry effort to that send off for seed when you can get A Legislative Session go to the North Meat Market. ¡eno is being made by the committee, just as good a quality at home and L oyd C ulp , I provokes more newspaper comment |1 he very best music will be pro for the same price Local News. Proprietor. ' than almost anv other subject of i vided for the occasion. ; .... i • J I'. Boyle, photographer, is public interest. The last two —27 degrees below zero on — 1 he ballet in the ser.atoiial1 still here. —Get one of I. S. Geer A- Co's. A rare opportunity Oregon law making bodies afforded ------ 27 inst. : contest at Salem last Saturday con- ■¡is ’ presented to all who have not much material for interesting dis­ i premium purchase tickets. This —John Muldrick of Canyon City,, vinced Dolph, probably the first in already supplied themselves with cussion, and the next general as firm agrees to give the holder of is registered at the Burns. his life ’ that neither himself, nor samples of his excellent work. , . i • R®‘ sembly will be no exception to the J such tickets a fine life Bize Crayon Ranchers report stock doing very | the ring, can control the members member his prices. $3.00 per doz. ru]p Whatever occurs the public P“r,rrtiti ab801u,ely freo of , of the legislature, who wish to serve ' for eabinets. He guarantees well this cold weather. knows that the Daily and Weekly 1 i charge, by purchasing $20 worth the people and are determined to please even themost fastidious, | Capital Journal of Salem will give of goods for cash at their Btore. It —J. F. Mahon was in town two is not necessary that the whole faithfully perform that duty in the' —The World Almanac and en correct reports of its work as well or three days of the last week on amount should be purchased at one election of a U S. senator. cyclopedia for 1895, is the best, as intelligent discussion of the legal business time, but any amount from 5 cent« At the special school meeting reference book printed, it contains I same. If you want to know what —Herman Lauen and Mr to $20 as explained upon the tick­ last Friday afternoon a live mill over 500 pages and treats of 1,400 is done, how it is done, and why, ets. Haggerty, the latter a teacher now teaching the school in the Lawen 7* 'T'1 “’i T' • °I"!toPic8- . Remember any one paying you should read the Capital Journal district, were in Burns last Satur- ^ “"0 ‘,,t d8 and district indebted , the subscription price for the H er It is the first One Cent Daily pub day and Sunday > ”et’8' According to statement. A ld and 10 cents extra will get this lished on the Pacific coast, and is Administrator's Notice. 'made by school clerk, Horace' valuable encyckpedia and the conducted in the interest of the people. The Daily will be sent you —Mies Clara Stenger left here, Dillard, $900 wdl pav the indebted-. H erald for one year. Send or a year for $3.00, four months for last Monday on the Canyon City *’ cess of the district including the in- I bring in your subscription. In lhe matter of the Estate of T. $1.00 per year. Like the Daily it H. Glaze, deceased. stage for Baker Citv, where she will terest on bonds. The assessable —Senator Gowan has intro- is payable cash in advance, and no Notice is hereby given that the he a pupil in the ‘‘Sister’s School” property in the district amounts to undersigned has Deen appointed by iduced the following bills, in the paper wll ] be sent after your time until the expiration of the present $178,640 a five mill tax will a- the county court of Harney county senate, since our last issue viz: one. | expjreB Positively “no-pay no Oregon, Sitting in probate, admin­ terra. mount to $893.20 so if the whole of —Our Marshal is having some] the levy is collected we will be a- ' i for the relief of Harney for tax as- papeI ” The Journal is a modern istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, sessed which could not be collected, ’ 1 newspaper run on modern methods. deceased. trouble collecting hotel assessments. hout even with the world regarding one by reason of erroneous assessment. [t is conducted in the interest of All persons indebted to said Estate The hotelB argue that hoarding! district indebtedness, about Mr. Gowan asked the unanimous the people editorially as well as in are requested to settle the same third of this tax will be paid houses have the same right to pav i J consent to introduce a bill, provid- a business sense. Its editor being immediately, and those having claims against theestate will present the Road Company. license that hotels have. ing for a o graded school, a ft ineuioer meinber U1 of vnc the lower house, his them to me, at my residence in ™ establishing -------------- ------ e, - luwvi uvunc, 111, —The following resolution was in Burns Eastern Oregon. The bill j e(jitorial work will be doubly inter Burns, Oregon, with the proper —We hope our school board of passed l>v the Idaho House of rep- ofGowan No. 8 for a more efficient esting this winter. Order it at vouches attached,within six months directors will now, as spring is from the first publication of thia organization of the militia. This | once. nearly here, take immediate steps resentatives on the 25th inst; notice. Resolved, By the house of repre- corrects the repetitions and un-1 H ofer B ros ., Editors, towords building the school house Dated December 5th 1894. Salem, Ore. H. K elley , the district is already bonded for sentatiyes of the state of Idaho, the certainties of the present law etc: 1» Ad ministator of the Estate of T. H. and the money on hands. The ¡senate concurring, that cheer It also provides for the organization | Glaze, deceased. tax-payers does not want to pay i and greeting be sent to the mein- of the whole militia force wherij —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ hers of the legislature of the state necessarily called out which has interest on money lying idle. of Oregon who are opposing the re- not hitherto been done. Another taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ —We see our senator records his I election of a United States senator bill by Gowan Incorporating the shop is the old restaurant building NOTICE—TIMBER CULTURE. vote every “rattle from the box” in opposed to the unrestricted coinage town of Burns. Gowan Providing Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at U. S. Land Office. favor of Mr. Dolph. We do not t of flilver gnd who ¡g |)Ot the choice for crinjnal trials on information prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ Lakeview, Oregon, Det. 15, 1894. know anything of the personal of the maJorjty of the electors of _ Gowan—Amending sections of fins made to ordep. Will take pro Nstice is hereby given that Jesse duce partly for work and balance in T. Kidd has filed notice of intention friendship existing between the two, the said state of Oregon. the criminal code. but we do know that members of to make final proof before P. L. School superintendents have been ca-*h. —Some little time since a state- Shideler. Co. clerk, Harney County our legislature are elected to serve by State Treasurer * ' in i a Baker City notified Or., at his office in Burns, on Sat­ elected J nient a PP pared the element by whom < large fortune ' Metschan that there will be no urday the 9th day of Feb. 1895, on ire ■ paper, concerning a Personal likings and dis-likings are timber culture application No. (512, , who died in further apportionment of state PfJ being left by one Stein not the component parts to L for the NE4 SW$ SEJ NWj >n ’ MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, W. A. W'LSHIRE, our readers know this sen—..... Oregon. L,B.Stein, an old German 1 out paid in, and, owing to the hard Bit. 813.815,8X7 East Ctli Gt, Nsw Y or’- Register. district to be largely in favor of the times, the Btate does not feel dis soldier, and our neighbor living on f ee coinage of silver, then is Mr. of posed to push its collections, is one — , as the the Chas. Voegtly ranch, is one oi - poseu Gowan representing his constifuen his broth- accounts are all good, and suing the nephews, byt he says 1.. (L B would not hurrv matters, but pro-1 cy when he records his vote for U. er is dead thus leaving him 8. senator directly in opposition to heir to duce a lot of foreclosures with nol Stein) the only surviving this feeling of the voters of his dis­ ¿"happened . one to bid on the land. He is un-, the large estate. It soj trict. Hon. O. L. our lthealtention wa8 not given to the ' able to say just when there wUl be, jn.v. u. Patterson, i—— ehould have been another apportionment, the county re] presentative puts himself on record representing the true and now Mr. Stein is in somewhat P-obabilities are that H w.ll not be] status of the two counties he is there of a quandary as to the time of his J for some time—Sun OREGON to represent. What would Oregon BURNS, uncle’s death his P.O.Address at Report. Weekly Weather think of her assembly sending a the time etc He knows his uncle [ LEE LUCAS, P roprietor gold standard representative toU. went to South Africa, but has heard Max Min. 8. senate when three fourths of her nothing of him since, until this re­ This large and comfortable bote! is well furnished and the proprie­ 4 aboye voters are bitterly opposed to a port of his death and leaving his Wednesday .32.......... 25 belew tor uses every efkrt possible to make bis guests feel at home Thursday . 29.......... single gold standard? standard ( And Anu more- r supposed living, two Friday .. • • .27.......... 20 The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- over, what w.ll be Th, newep.per fratern- Saturday *¿9 ........ 9 ' ° Give Mr. Lucas a call and we feel assured you will continue to bo the«- repeated blow, atthe wanlsof P ,„irt Mr. Stein Sunday.... 27 . -- 27 C« people, given by 1.»«. “.tlXd .. 1-1 20 his guest when in town. Monday... • 20.......... G4 are elected to do one thing but do wj)1 mad, Tuesday ... 31 . -- 12 the opposite? BAKING POWBIR THE BURNS I