vol . v 11 r. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JAN. 30 1895, NO 10 a-ww»< Th a -- ».i J d * j J » -J- PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD & SON P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ................................................. Six Months............................. ....................... Three Months................... HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’s Magazine............. 5,00 Herald and Harper’s Weekly ................ 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar..................... 5.20 ! Herald and Harper’s Young People... 3.75 Rerald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.00 i each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent«: i 10 cent« extra uer volume, postage. ¿SP-Cuples of all the above works can be ex 1 «mined at leisure in the Reading Room. Publishers of periodicals arc solicited to send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for • Ot.r Free Reading Room—W o file and bind the; atter at close of every half-volume, sod r-v ,i topies by advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: 2 wk 1 mo 3 BIO 1 6 mu •PACE 1 wk I inch 1 “ 3 “ 1 “ !4 col. % “ 1 “ $1.50 $2.50 $5.00 $8 00 $11.00 3.00 18.0C' 4.00 G.50 12 03 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 IX. oo 6.00 II. 00 15.00 28.00 12.00 10.00 2K.00 4H.0U 80.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 l!0 (Ä) “ /is old as the hills” and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven” is the verdict REÇULATOR i o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu­ lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. ra i 1 d laxa­ tive, a n d j >u rely veg­ etable, act­ ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid­ nevi. Try it. Sold bv all Druggists in L quid.or in Powder ij lie t.ikeiid.’y urauileiutoa tea. SIMMONS entitled to the exercise of that World both for $2 25 a year. Take degree of care from the railroad advantage of this oiler and get i that she otherwise would have been. your own local paper and the The jury came hack into Court Twice a-Week World at this special in a short time, and, contrary to the rate. T he H erald . Court's instruction, returned a ver­ dict of $10,000 dollars for the A good ranch belonging to H. G. plaintif. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 Judge Seaman polled the jury, miles south east of Burns. This and then eleven of them agreed to j ranch has about 100 acres of good find a verdict for the defendant in 1 meadow land. Price $800 or will accordance with the wishes of the trade for sheep. I Court, but under protest. B yrd & K ing . Juror Julius Clavton, however, refused to concur in this, and Judge Seaman ordered'him convict­ ed for contempt of Court until he should comply “I’ll never find such a verdict as 5. CORDOVAN, you want, ' declared the juror. FRENCH AENAMCLLCO CALF. —The World ?4.^3.sp F ine C alf &KA ngaroq . H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. The "Oregon Commercial Co.,” have this day bought the entire business of the "Oregon Construc­ tion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Farming Implements, Warehouse and Real Estate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of said "Oregon Construction Co.,” and have Incor- porated with $50,000. Capital stock fully paid in. The oflicers are: R. M. S teel , President. J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per J. H. Aitkin, mgr. W. L. D ouglas $3 1 *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. SCOTT’S BODY FOUND -EXTRA FINE- | 7 s 2.* i .7^ boys S eiigol S hoes , CHANGING . OUR MIND •LADIES- O maha , Jan 21.—The body of y I'.ing < f ■.:-.cr '■ ■ •■-•« Barrett Scott, of Holt"county, de­ Is hard work compared with “ ! ha* c 1 y-'ii • ¿ h *’ h > • ’leiru- ' SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1,1 m »»' ? <’ . i < 4 I ' it-1;4 iou>. S < i • IS t he faulting treasurer,-who was lynched JOB WORK V-L-DOUGLAa« changing the’appearance of your I . I'. IS’;'. r 1 !<•'! L Ill ’ • • ’’ it ik E ROCKTON. MAS 5. . h . ’ jack - Dec. 3lst, was found in the Niobora- i.< ‘i.* 1 ' » i vlf —1 Over One Million People wear the Of every description executed with neatness stove with i-ux. Tacoin i, V.vsh.:ir,t' >n and despatch, ut reasonable rateB. ' . ra river Sunday morning. The body Wo L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes :v r t '’- va Circular«, Fosters, Pamphlets AU our shoc3 uro equally ccilsfactory TEN Envelopes, Bill Head«, Letter Heads. );> La i •' • vv. upper. I was lying in seven feet of water. r* , Cants. TlcKCtb. Statements, Note Heads, I They glvo the beet vcltto for tho ironcy. Memoranda, SVEN Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. 'Around his neck was a piece of They equal custom fihocs In etyfe and lit. CTS. Their wearing qualities ara unsurpassed. T he H erald !s kept regularly uii file for re­ rope, three feet long, with a noose Tho prices arc uniform,-—stamped on sole. (. . K ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ From Si to $3 coved over other mokes. TEN vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. around the neck in true hangman If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Bold by to ve CTS. ; C hicago , Jan. 16.—United States style. The other end bore evidence “Dealers everywhere Wanted, agent to i Circuit Judge Seaman committed a of haying been cut, showing Scott take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write TEN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CALOSO juror to day for refusing to render hung until dead, and then cut at once. CTS. | such a verdict as the Court had down and cest into the river. national : Lasts Seven times longer ordered. President ........................................ Grover Cleveland 50BÏJ K. STOATTOJI Looks Seven times better Tllan Vice-l'resideiit. ......................... Adlai Stevenson O maha , Jan 21 —A special to the The case on trial was that of NEW YORK. Secretary of State ............ Walter y. Gresham , About Seven times cleaner Slove Becrelury of Treasury................ John G. Carlisle ' Mary Cahill against the Chicago, Bee from O’Neill says: Mose Secretary of Interior . .. Hoke smith About Two times cheaper l’ol*sh Secratnryof War Daniel S. Lamont | Millwaukee and St. Paul Railway Elliott, Fred Harris Mert Poy Secretary of Navy ............ Hilary A. Herbert About Two times handier Importers and Who’esa!« Dealer« In all kinds of Secretary of Agriculture. . J. Sterling Morton for $35,000 damages. In Novemb- and Mullihan were to night arrested MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Attorney General .................... Richard 8, Olney I • o o Postmaster General................ Wilson 8 Bissell er 1892, the girl was run down by a , and jaled, charged with murdering Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordcons, Harmon!« tas, &c., nil kinds ct Strings, etc., etc. STATE—OREGON : If your grocer doesn’t keep it, pain and so injtred that both her Barrett Scott. They are believed I J. N. Dolph JOHN F. gcuators I I J. H.Mitchell. i legs had send us his name with 10c and to be amputated, The to tie members of the vigilance CELEBRATED I Bitiger Hermann get a large box and a valuable i evidance showed neglect on the committee of farmers, which is« Congressmen .............. .... (W. R. Ellis Attorney General . ... C. M, ldleinuu family household book tree. Nevertheless, comonly charged with the taking' J BANJOS, governor ..................... Win P Lord ¡part of the railway Secretary of State ....................HR Kincaid l>T*nortsnnf and Whok..: !« Dealers in all kludcof of Scott. Other war- j Treasurer......................... ._ R ............Phil. Metschan I Judge Seaman, in his charge, told I off ■ USICAL. !?•’XSU’.’ 4 ~ I':'', Jupt. Public Instruction . G M Irwin DonneUan & Co., Agis., I rants are out and the editor of an > Cuiiars Banf,-;. Manrfal'. Ac; erd r ....... W H Leeds the jurrv that the railroad was not State Printer ................ en! as. uc„an R..:Js of Ctr.n s,etc.,etc. K. S. Bean. responsible. 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F., CAL. SLW lUliJI, He expressed great i O’Neil paper left town suddenly to­ iupremo Judges Win. P. Lord F. A. Moore sympathy for the girl, but insisted day, it is said through fear of SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: , violence for attacking Scott 0¡strict Ju ¿ge ... D ... M. D. C lifford that there was no evidence that the editorially ............ James A. Fee. I District Attorney J. L. Hand accident was due to wanton or will It is reported that one of the vig • foint-Representativc (R) ...O, L. Patterson. loint-Senator.................. (R)--.......... A. W.Cowan | full carelessness on the part of the I ilants has turned states evidence. ¡railroad. He concluded by t aying: There are several facts that give COUNTY—HARNEY! “You can, under the law, do co.'oi to this view, and it is not ex­ bounty jjdge.............................. C. P. Rutherford. Burns-Canyon Stage Line Clerk ............................. »..(D).. P. L. shidelcr j nothing but return a verdict for the plicitly denied. The searching Treasurer ............................(K)................... I. S. Geer Surveyor . T. A. McKinnon parties had paeviously explored The Court charges you the Sherilt............................... (R)............... A.Gittitigs defendant T. A. M c K innon , contractor. portion of the river where the Assessor ........ (D).............. S. W. Miller School Superintendent.. .(R) ..C has . Newel to render a verdict for the defendant body was found Thev had Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. Stock Inspector..................................... R J. Ivers : and so say you all ” dragged the bottom within four Commissioners ............ íi » i i ^K^k'^sitz dge, No. 47 he gazed sternly at the rebellious ing two papersa week in p'ace of one Meets every 2d »nd 4th Thursdays H M Horton, M. W. ! ____ jurors, and ordered them to go into' is meeting with great favor J. W Sayer, Rec'd the jury room and agree upon the I The peoph appreciate the change «LLO BDRNO n IA HONOR Lodge, N o . 8 , and are taking advantage of it. verdict he had indicated. Meets every 2d and 4th Monday. Mr«, Sayer C or IT. Judge Prendergast, for the plain-, Keep informed of what is going W. W. Johnson Proprietor. tiff, addressing tne Court, said the iiie | on in the world and particularly in HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Meet« at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday, girl was being deprived of her right your own country, Congress is ! 7:30 p tn, J. C. Wooly N. G. W. C. Byrd, Secy. of trial by l>v jury, and the ruling of now in session, session. Ever,' movement Liquors Cigars Beer Wines Etc. will tie of the greatest interest. the Court was monstrous. HARNEY PO8T NO. 48, G. A. R. Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday of each But Judge .Seaman refused to Keep abreaBt of the times by read month, at Odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrads change his order, and the jury was ipg the In good standing invited. TWICE-A-WEEK called in and again instructed to WORLD—two pajrers a week —104 TTPV Pleasant Club Rnnm .Al A.' L ¿ L w U. s. mails . find for the defendant. The ■ papers a j ear for only $1 00. &ÏU Arrangements have been made! BURNS—VALB : Ceurt took the ground that the g;r’’ \ rrivcfatid departs daily, was a tresspasser at the time she by which we can furnish this paper SC6 222 3URNS—CANYON city : »rrlvesaod Departs daily, except Sunday ! ' was injured, and therefore was not arid the Twice-a-Wetk New York W. W. Johnson. O S The Best Brands New Billiard Table