Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1895)
were made. They had tea together at a little tabl* in the arbor, and later; he drove her to the station. From The Family Story Paper Miss Acdersons report to the com- CHAPTER IV. m it tee was. Distressed beyond endurance, she “Mr. Smith forgiveB every thing; sunk upon a garden chair he doesn’t mind at all—he is just Before her arose the white steps lovely.” of the mansion, adorned with blue I I And her face was radiant and pencil autographs. Near her a her eyes ehone. No one knew why iow of gladiolas lav prostrate, and until they received cards for her as she looked up’ a marble Psyche, wedding. h fc of her head, had a ghostly ap “He must have fallen in love with leirance. For this, and much her! What an excellent thing I more, she must apologise to her old have done for her, I certainly madia lover. John Smith. It was to dreadful Tears gush the match!” said Mrs. Columb. But she did not know that story ed from her eyes ami she hid her face in her pocket handkerchief I of the past. A Committee Of One. JAMES R. WAITE, THE END Then a voice said, softly: “Deal me, don’t cry —dont! Jacksonville, Fla., Dec: 30.— Dr. Kile* U’-iirul <X., Elkhart, In*. Mv housekeeper has told me all You will remember the condition I was In flv# 7?«-» ag-'. when 1 was afllietc<i with a combine»- I about it. I’m a rich man, and can From the east coast comes repertu Uon of disca-es. und thought there was no « 1tried all kinds of mcdlcines.and .cor« J on’t of a total desteuction of most of the of eminent physical.». My nerve.; vere prostratecl. afford to have repairs made. pineapple plantations and truck producing dizzine». heart troublerndnll thoilM mat make life mlaetoble. I commenced to take think of it Fredrica. She looked up. John Smith bent gardens, with great damage to DR. MILES’ NERVINE The total losses from the and in three months | was rcnr.eTLy cu»rn over her, and took her hand in his. others In mv travels each year, when I ►• e ibe it>oii~.nai Of physical wrecks, suftvrii.g from nervous pres- “I thought you did not know cohl of the past three nights in _ _ _ t rat ion, taking prescriptions Iron I LI A ] .cal physicians who have no know I- Florida aggregate $3,000,000, dis me,” fell from her lips unaware. il lt]i;e <>f thelrcase. and whose death ta certain, I feel like going io them ann saying, tributed among the fruit and truck “Do you know what 1 thought -orr ’ » * atcuRro .•■'in I my profession, , ■ n r" '\'Kr'- 'rht!? aresomanysu 111 J R F t_J fferers the other day, when you called?” growers and the transportation^^^A IT L» tai prostrar company in freights. The damage lion and nervous exhaustion, brought rn by tho he asked . character of the business engaged iti, 1 would to bearing orange trees will shorten She shook her head 1 ^‘THOUSANDS next years crop fully one million « aa t^sure’eure for all suffering from these causes “That the “happy cherubs’ were J it. W «. boxes, and next summer’s pine vnur own children,” he said i I Sold on a Positive Guarante« . apple crop will be hardly' 25 per D r . MILLS' PILLS.50 DoncsSSCrt. ““That you’d married and that that cent, of what it promised When ! was your pet name for your the direct and incidental losses are j ones. I Thought, you and your considered, Florida is fully $5,000, I hueband probably wanted to tiring 1 them here for a dav. But I saw a 000, poorer to day than she was n tice of the charity in this morn last Thursday. ing’s paper, and my heart leaped I up, and I came early just to , Caveats. Trade-marks, Design Patenta Copj’ighte. see von. Where have you been all And all Patent business conducted for this while?” MODERATE FEES. She told him They talked of Information and advi - • n to inventors without ' many things; many explanations o barge. Address I g PRESS CLAIMS CO., I I o JOHNWEDDZRGURN, □ alaang’.ng Attorney, It is first cla«« in every respect. The proprietor having been raised I in the busineeH knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole 1 •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices l •s low as you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage ! , I etc. K. A. M atthes , Proprietor. M.n--«r of Waite*» Cole' .'ated Comedy Co, Premium Band and Orcheetn. hilr for dr FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. TAKE RIPANS TABULES If you art BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, TAKE RIPANS TABULES I! your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE ___ ________________ RIPANS TABULES ___________________ Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. RIPANS TABULES 1 ♦ taka fha plow of A COMPLETE t EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. I — i MEDICINE CHEST ♦ end should be kept for utc tn tvery family... SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. Sol.l by Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Box (ti vialsl, - 15 „ cents. - Package j ), - —-- (4 • - b- - ^. ------ -- For Free Sara file» add re«» THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. I 10 SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW Y< YORK. O. Bor 403 ELKHART CARNAGE añil HARNESS MFG. CO ■ ■* * $11.00 Have sold to con«umeri for 81 years, Having them tuo dealer’s profit. We uro tlio Okie timd I,urccfi€ nrti.ufuetnrera In Aco lea selling Vehicles and Harness thia way—ship with privilege to ernr.ilno before any morcy is i\ 1. Wo pay frcl ’ht both v-Lystf not Batlsir.c- f .'v. Warrant for 2 yearV. l-.jr pry un a-icnt f-:0 t > order for y<> ■? yovr own order. I iv:in»:irec. We taLo n’.l rlt— of damage in shipping. . i $73 •■*. e re* -s. . • l ■ / «ili • V.’. C. PRA’ 3 X _ s ?1 u> M r* ■: 1 E02d V. CgtU. Vs’ AjWIINGTON. D. C. STIV. Co npany is managed by a combination o! k.i i* most influential newspapers in the . >» • the express purpose of protect- £! £>. tr n«;\u*ribeni against unscrupulous a u-.o* i : P. ent Agents, and each paper to : ihi. .3 vert isement vouches for the response auy and Ui„U stall ding of the Pre”* Claims Couipauy. T' io srce»ss of th'., Great Congh Cura is iv .bout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itivogn ■:•’"<•!. :i test that no otherc recan siicees-r illy stand. That it ni ty become kno-.v.i, the Proprietors. at an enormous ex pense. re placing a Sample Hottie Free into very home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron- hitis. tts; it. for it will cure you. If your chile, has the Croup, or Whooping Cough", use it promntlv, and relief is sure. If you dread that in«’dions disease Consumption, use it. Ask y.-ir irntggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price lOcts . Wets. and $1.00. Ifyour Lungs are sore or B ick lame, use Shiloh’s porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. I : nati Bic/elf*. 28in.wheel», tn i»ii<“iiî\dk tire**, weld ess Shed Lubiug, droi) fargmas. DC’y, ELKHAJJT, IND. O 7 (•'•uts extra, Single copies AND ENCYCLOPKDIA FOR 189 5 The Best Reference Book Printed. K Volume of over 500 pages ill; It Treats 1,400 topics Endorsed by STATESMEN, J EDUCATORS and W STUDENTS everywhere. | Has Reached Such a Stato of Per- juj foctlon That it is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis- tics and Events Brought Down ’ 7 to January First, 1895. j afri E-’ìra&R rz», p .- ih o I xk let .wr. A liuti*», Ort I ait CONSUMPTION CURE. No. » IS ç, Top Bugg . No. I. r j routa « a . o; ro SHILOH’S WHOLESALE PRICES. Coring Wacono, . I to SCO. <’uamnteed r. c a. M*i!lurV.A)b'C. ». Cl! irrco. SCtoSICO r. .io as sell for t; 0 to t, . . ’■ Top L íctico. GJ7.50, as f.:»ou. ■ • l.l. ».A. ph.- us.SCC t • $103. Farm no. W orottco. Hil’c Wa n-y V.'affon. •■'■i flood C virtu W O4I.X * < I.ILI1ÙL!.. $3 n rvini amss If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . | milcb ■ » a . • I tn r we r ¿4 •tb'd i few days, and you will be startled at the in- .lectel success tliat will reward 'our efforts ’, > wiiively liave i<:v liesi business to oiler un ae, lull can be found on the tae.- ut this s 13.00 -.iront o-.i a;.t v. ur.h <«t bi.slii. '<1.12 <n-¡;vuud lioaoiabl. i..a..e b' uu.l ¡ ill.i..reals of men. w oi.ieil, lai -, mat girls i.i c nploy. 1 o.i can make motiev faster r.t woi k i n'.iatmon barca».- idi a of. ’The busii-e-s i. asv to l:-arti. a i I in .'ructions so slittili, ami pl :>at all • i-re- d fro a the Mart Tltiw trini t.; .old ..f t ,.. baslness n- p tlte aiirnntage i rise- fro 11 le « mu I reputai ion of one of t • lest, most - I., e—tnl. and largest nttbilsht •«»su Un.-ri-i. s-enre for eonr«elf t’.e nrr- iat the h-.i«ineM so rendile and )iand«omi-lv I i. '- .11 beg-r.-iers stt.-ce-; rrnmlb . and moré t'- ■alize tiietr greatest expectations. Those v ’ '• «•••I exactlr a, we tell them. Therr Hph- t room for a lew more workers, and we pr iera to la gil, at once. If you are alreadv P, ov.,1. but have a few spar,' moments, and wi- • n«e th- n -i ..dvawtace. then write us at «• h .L~i‘"i" "H1”'”unity), and rerm .11Iinrticiimrs by return mail. Address THt K .i. CO . Box j»o. 400. Augusta, g: | ’HE 1895 volume is a whole linrcry A in itself. One can hardly think /,( of a question it cannot answer. It tell; «>) all about party platforms, election sta- pj tistics, the new tariff, religions of the 7? . earth, population everywhere, state and ; government statistics, occupations of Z^f men, foreign matters, literature, science and education. It is . . . >,.( AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRiCiz. p‘ -tpaid b mail, « . or; ppiuTC : j :LD, New York Ci /