I I —To all suhscribers of the E. O.' S tate of O hio , ) 88. i H kkai . d and those in arrears, whoi C ity of T oledo . } WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23 18'5 Frar.k J Cheney makes oath ' will p.iy up and renew, we will send i Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal that he ii the senior partner of the the Semi Weeklv New York World) Geer, comprising all lines of firm of F J. Cheney it Co.. doing free for s’x months. For reliable! W. C. HYRI> — — Killtor. business in the City of Toledo. News there is no better paper than ■ HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE. TINWARE. County and State aforesaid, and the World. À Town And Its Citizens. Its that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for STOX H HARDWARE, RUNDERÏKS, A CARPENT ) I F Growth, Development, etc. 1 have two littie grand children each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of who are teething this hot summer I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices forCAMH. i weather and are troubled with Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure. Towns sometimes, spring into C. H VOEGTLIY. bowel complaint. I give them FRANK J. CHENEY. existence very quickly and attain in a short time a degree of import Sworn to befo.'e me a'd sub Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ance, wholly at variance with their scribed in my presence, this 6th Diarrhoea Renienv and it acts like' | a charm. I earnestly recommend Surroundings. For instance on the day of December, 1886 i it for children with bowel troubles. route of a new railroad survey or I I was myself taken with a severe after the road is made, and at attack of bloodv fliix, with crampsi points in a country and neighbor and pains in my stomach.one-third hood unable to support a town ot of a bottle ot this rimed' cured me. any size. They improve for a time, Within twenty-four hours 1 was Lut not having the substantial out of bed and doing mv house requisite surroundings either devei work. M rs. W. L Du lagan, Bon- oped or undeveloped, such towns aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn, For «non collapse and go down with a sale tiv H. M. Horton. crash, business Imuses deserted and I Corner of 1st. and B Street town property not worth anything. | m . H. BRENTON Proprietor. Burns is neither verv fast nor ven dollars I . While In Topeka last March. E. flow. It did not [like s< me towns] per month ¿T. Barber, a prominent ne spaperj LIVERY ¿TABLE spring up in a night similar to a OFFICE I (wad stool but its growth has been I n Y our O wn L ocality man of La Cvgne. Kan , wa ’aken .nailo easily an<1 honorably, without cap: with choPr morbus very severely. giaimal aid permanent, tai, during your spare hours. Any mai The night clerk at the hotel when woman, boy, or girl cun do the work hmm grow th is substantial, even if it ily, without experience. Talking un he was stopping happened to have de mid of anv great excitement or necessary. Nothing like It for money Chamberlin’s Colic.1 activity which tends to produce an in iking ever offered liefore. Our worker a bottle il.vavs prosper. No time wasted i abnoiimil growth minus the re learning the business. We teach you i Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedx and gave him three dose- which night how to succeed from the tir sources nec« ssarv to perm thence ■1 hour. You can make a trial without < x relieved him and he tinks saved Bums is situated in a vallev which oonse to yourself. We start you, flirnis needed to carry on the bus: liis life. Every family should keep w I ei its resources are properly de- everything n-ss successfully, and guarantee yot xel u» d.u ill sustain a very large pop , against failure if you but follow oui ¡this remedy in their home at all plain instructions. Header, il ■ times. No one can tell how soon it illation, H d the permanency and fu simple, .ou are in need of ready money, an< time prosj erity of our town is an vaut to know all about the best payin; may be needed. It costs but a nitle jusiness before the public, send us you ii d may be the means <if saving l’he Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as assured certainty. Railroad or no iddress, and we will mail you a does sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate much sufferingand perhaps the life I railroad, Burns is a fixture thriving meut giving you all tne particulars. in every way in their line of business. of some member of the family. • and growing to meet the demands TRUE & CO., Box 400, and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. of the country as it. slowly develop Augusta, Maine. 25 and 50 cent botth « for sale bv j H. M. Horton. es into life and greatness. For, Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagct Harney county and Harney valley n connection. The Best. Week v Paper in will yet be a gr-at country. ‘California. Only $1.50 per year. We can assure our readers and Address ouglas the public in genet al, that no T he B ee ; J ISTHKBE8T. NO SQUEAKING, Sacramento, Cal. ; QO greater stock country exists in the ♦5. CORDOVAN, FRENCHi ENAMELLED CALF. United States th in Harney <4.»3.s.9FlNECALf&KAN6A!lil Our villey which with cultiva-i $3.WP0LICE,3 S oles . tion and irrgation will grow im-| mense quantities of hav and grain, A Wonderful Discovery, «a/l/JBcriSCHOOLSHOC. the mountains adjacent produc j ing an inexhaustable supply of S. BAILEY, Proprietor«. Dr Checini’s Electric spavin sum n*r rmge, and well watered.in Cure positively removes Bone Spav SEND FOR CATALOGUE . W'L’DOUQLAS, I • l except a 1 fact we h ivti every thin BROCKTON, MASS, j wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarr&tts in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 Yau can aave -omey bjr pni-etiaalag W. D. I railroad to induce capital and( hours without pain. $500 reward limirlna Mhoe», Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc. Deenus-, vs aretae largest manufacturer« of enterprise to st ip with tn. This failure or slightest injury. Th< advertise I s.ioea in the world, and guarautes , value by stamping the name and price on — Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience barte talk is not “bosh” and simply for greatest wodder of the Nineteenth the the bottom, which protect* you against hi high Kiruicoi wiiuuer ui me .v men en. n ; th® lcet and nrices and lhe the middleman's middleman'» profits. profits. Ourshoes Our shoes r __ »__ _ wori an effect on the out side or upon our Century, astonishing as it does the l ! equal custom in aftda style, aacw easy Aoitltr fitting nn aul l Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. r.. , wearing qialitks. We have them sold every- j<rd< jr 1 ut solid substantial facts. antire veterinary world. Lircu I lars • where at lower prires for the value given than make. T ike no substitute. If your 1 r- mn • I anvother We will give our readers th j and testimonials free. Dr *' ,icaitr canuot »upply you, w: can. bold by • • • • opinion expressed of this country, becini. 378 Canol St. New York. Dealer, whoae name will »hortly appear here. Agent warned, A| ply at once. by an old “timer” who has watched | « the growth and developcment of. Eastern Oregon for, probably, 40 years and whose op’nion can be re lied upon and confidently expected) Proprietor. to materialize, because he has JOHN SAYER, ■n made a success in life himselfstart- > ing a boy with no one to depend up Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burn«, near tbe bridgr on him but himself he is now) wealthy, consequently his judg Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from ment and opinions regarding this country can be relied upon. I Good Wheat Said he, “you have a great coun try which only iieeds a little capi tal and enterprise expended in the right direction to make your coun ty one the most prosperous ai.d richest in the state, you of course need a railroad, and more particu I larly some mode of irrigation, you have plenty of water if properly GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A YEA M c K innon & kenyon utilized and all you need in that Any reaber of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice-a-1 direction is a little capital, nerve > Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The BURNS and energy to carry it to consum . Republic with $3. In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,every (nation.” . Shop opposite the Brewery subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or We value the sentiment express 1 more, every year by t he special offer« made subscribers from time to time All work in our line done neatly and with dsipateb. Satisfaction cd bv our friend because we know I Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon reiep _. . Address ali mdvrs, guaranteed. Giv« ua a call, he does not talk at random but of postal card rtquest. THE REPUBLIC. St. louis- Mo believes what he expresses. The Hen’l • wxv 1 t V xr i nnv • « 1 W. D It'S L. CMJOEF OnVEl ( fuíín S rLOuK & S aw mill THEST.LOÜIS REPUBLIC FREE! BLACKSMITH 4 WAGON SHOP.