Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1895)
VOL. V 1 I I. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JAN. 23 1895, f ' * Ths Honld. rUULISHKD EVERY WEDN by W. C. BYRD S, SON . P ublishers and P roprietors . , ( SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ................................................... .■Six Months.......... Three Months Herald Herald Herald Herald .... .1.00 . .75 HERALD CLUB LIST and Harper’s Magazine............. and Harper’s Weekly ... and Harper's Bazar.................... and Harper’s Young People... 5,00 5.20 5.20 3.75 Herald and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.00 each addilioual volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: 10 cents extra tier volume, postage. *i&**Copies of all the above works can be ex- «mined at leisure in the Reading Room. 1'ublinherR of periodicals are solicited , <- semi clubbing rales, a copy of iheir work for.j »nr Free Reading Room—We tile and bind the atter at close of every half-volume, end v«v tapies bv advertisement. “ As old as SIMMONS the hills” and never excell ed. “ Tried and proven ” is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the kuOl I y Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith-' for a cure.' ?. mild laxa- t’ve, and purely veg- c-t thio, act in; directly on the Liver a n d Kid ney?. Try it. Sold bv all ... ; 1 or in Pow ler e.i <i ■ ur . hi i ',n;• -.i 'ea. Betters Resolved, That each assessor in the state be furnisned with b copy I of this resolution and the proceed ings of this convention; and that 1 each assessor should send to the chairman of the legislative commit tee an estimate of the amount of salary he should receive for assess ing and for census work; and we recommend that each assessor con fer with his county court as to the advisability of a salary systeui. It is also recommended by this con vention that the making of the tax roll and all duplicates should be , made by the assessors. J as . A. S terling , President, W m . B eeson , Secretary NO 9 World both for $2 25 a year. Take advantage of this oiler and get your own local paper and the Twice a-Week World at this special rate. T he H erald . f I A good ranch belonging to II. G. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns. This ranch has alnm-t 100 acres of good meadow land. Price $800 or will trade for sheep. . B yrd & K ing . W. L. D ouglas S3 SHOE «1? J«’“3«. H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. The “Oregon Commercial Co.,” have this day bought the entire business of the “Oregon Construc tion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Farming implements, Warehouse and Real Estate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of said “Oregon Construction Co.,” and have Incor porated with $50,000. Capital stock fully paid in. The officers are: II. M. S teel , President. J. II. A itkin , Vice Pres. G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per J. H. Aitkin, mgr. ' S ilver L ake , Jan. 7th, ’95. | . CORDOVAN, 4 FRENCH ACNAMuLIXD CALF. E d . H erald ; I will write you ;4.s3S F ine C alf &I( anc . wo (1 . • PACK 1 wk j 2 wk j 1 mo j 3 mu j 6 mo 1 1 -vr 1 further regarding the terrible dis $3.GO POLICE, 3 SOLES. ‘ $5,00 '$b. ‘ 10 ! inch $1.50 $2.50 $11.00 $15.00 ^sp^.V/ORKlNGMhfe 2 “ 3.00 4.00 18.00 28.00 * 0.50 12 o) aster which occurred in our midst 3.50 -EXTRA FINE’ 5.00 8.00 15.00 ‘24.00 40 00 X» y J 4 50 GOO 10.00 *20.00 3*2.00 50 00 on Christ.nas eve at the Christmas IS2.$l?«B0YSSCII00LSliDEl I <1.00 ‘J. 00 15.00 28.00 ■lx. oo 54.00 ' . OUR MIND CHANGING 1 12.00 10.00 *28.00 48.00 •X-A.DIES" 80.00 r.o o > tree gathering. There were 16 u 1 •• ( 20.00 30 U0 40.00 60.00 110 00 140.uo r Liver '! -'.I -. women 16 children and 8 men Is In rd work compared with u :• I ? it • .¡»n’l • i' ’ . SEND FOR CATALOGUE I burned to death. Twenty-one who i... u “ i .JOB WQRk fs W-L'DOUSLA» chanci ng the appearance of your i • -ib- '¡t a • !l n< EROCKTON.MASS. • — . \\ . J ACK •escaped death were, Bomu of them, I i Over One Million Pcoplo wear the stove with Of every descript Ion executed with iieatm ss « ■* I » >11 sud despatch, ai reasonable rates ' badly burned, 8 out of the number W. Lo Doughs $3 & *4 Stoes Circulars, P- sters, Pamphlete hill Heads, I seriously. Though at this time Ail our shoes cro cqti’Ky ent isfcctory Envelopes, Leitei Heads, even Statements, N. te Heads, Cards ricKcts give tho beet vatao for t’-o i~oncy. 'all are doing well and hopes enter They Memoranda, invitatii^M. Dodgem, EU.. They equal custom chocs In style and fit. « Their wearing qualities aro unsurpassed. | tained of the final recovery ofthem T he H erald is kept regularly on tile for re The prices are urlfom,—Btcmpcd cn sole. ■ t ference, in the Geo. 1*. Rowell Newspaper Au- From $i to $3 coved over other mrk s. < Several were injured and badly vsrtisiu ■ Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. If your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by , ’JTOVE We acknowledge the receipt from bruised by falling or rolling down “Dealers everywhere Wanted, agent to Wm. B ■ eson t-ecretary of t<he asses-- stairs, in the Jmrr-.^confu^ion and talp- exclusive hale for this vicinity. Write OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ors convention, of the report of the i excitement some lost their footing at once. CTü. convention, anti following we give tumbling down the stairs resulting Lasts Seven times longer national : as much of the proceedings as we in bruises and hurts. President ................. Mrs .........Grover Cleveland | Looks Seven times better rhan .. .. Aillai Stevenson ' think will be of interest to our read- fiee-Presideut. Secretary of state I (’omegys of Diamond Valley your . Walter Q. Greshatn , About Seven times cleaner Stove Secretary of Treasury .. John G. Carlisle i ers: K nown county, was one among the num iaeretarv of Interior . ... .................. Moke Smith About Two tiin**s cheaper ÿgy'' Everywhere. Secretary of War ... Daniel 8. Lamont The fallowing change in the pres ber that was very much bruised secretary of Navy ............... .. Hilary A. Herbert About Two handier tj? Sold Everywhere. 8e cretary of Agriculture. ... . .J. Sterling Morton ent assesment laws were suggested F Grown Everywhere. 1 It requires much attention and Attorney General ............... Richard 8, Oltiey o o o Postmaster General . .. . .. Wilson 8 Bissell and a committee of five appointed, I many nurses to care for the lin- STATE—OREGON : If votir grocer doesn’t keep it, consisting of Sterling, Greenleaf, I fortúnales who are suffering withj J. N. Dolph 8eu at ort> Ask your dealer for them Send for J. II.Mitchell. Wakefield, Parker an«I jYocum send ns his name with ioc and ) to burns and bruises. Several ladies' Ferry*« Seed Ariniuil for 1S95. ( Binger Hermann ■ k Invaluable to all plantersand lovers -- . i j. ct a e bo; and a valuable act in conjunction with a commit are here from Paisley and Sum Congressmen .. ............. of Fine Vegetables and Beatitlful^fl t W. R. Ellis Flowers. Write for it —Free. Attorney General ... C. M. Idlemuu G.milv liuuse'iold book free. 1>. M. I It li V A < O., Sovernoi ..................... Wm P Lord tee appointed from the State Board mer Lake in the capacity of nurses, j wSR'i Detroit, Midi. Secretary of State . . . Il R Kincaid t the About $400 was donated to help' Treasurer . It . .Phil. Mets« han of Equalization, to urge upon iupt. Public Instruction. ... G M Irwin Da rían Co., Agts., State Printer ....................... R.. W H Leeds coming legislature the importance pav funeral expenses, buy medí-1 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F.. CAL. ". 8. Bean. of an improvement over our present cine and employ physicians. The ! > R. w iuprcme Judges Wm. P. Lord F. A. Moore I laws to-wit:— winter has been disagreeable and SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: 1st., As it requiers one or two very windy, though not extremely district Judge .................... D .. . M. D. C liffon » I “ .......................... Janies A. Fee. assessor to become cold. Snow has fallen several —Î District- Attorney............. . .1. I,. Hund years for the foiut-Repieseututive ..(11) , .O. L. Patterson. be ex proficient, the term should Joint-Senator ................. (R)................. A. W.Cowan i times hut soon went off. The roads tended to four years. COUNTY—HARNEY : are very fine. We have no outside 2nd., That the number of rolls be news the talk is entirely of the u'ounty o idge.................................. C. I’. Rutherford. Jlerk......................................... (D)............ P..I,. sliideler Eurns-Canyon Stage Line two, dead and injured, the citizens from Treasurer ............................. (K) 1.8. Geer reduced so as not to exceed lurvevor............................................... T. A. McKinnon besides a suntmery of the roll be far and near are helping to care for iherilT...........................................(R)................ A. Hittings T. A. M c K innon , contractor. Assessor ....(D).............. s. W. Miller School Superintendent . .(R) ..C has . Newel furnished the Secretary of State. the suffering and condoling with 4toek Inspector Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. 3rd., That the law for the collect those who lost friends. But it is ID) { Soinmissionurs • «R? S ion of poll tax he so amended as to better that we should t’'rn our at Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate point* HAKNKY U. 8. LAND OFFICE: allow the road supervisor to collect tention to the busy world and try Pare $5. Leon Brown, Express Agent, Register .............................. . .Thomas Jones Burns Oregon. Receiver ............................... A. A. Cowing and apply it on the roads, or to ex to forget our losses, a life of weep Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, clude a man from the right of fran ing will do the dead no good. chise, that is subject to a pull tax G. 0. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. « unless he produces his receipt at the Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. polls. Lucy Rusk. N.G. M L I,ewin. Rec. Sec’y. 4th., That all work pertaining to | The recent change made by the assessments be done under the New York Weekly World in issu A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 supervision of the assessor Meetsevery 2d and 4th Thursdays. ing two papersa week in place of one H M Horton, M. W. The following resolutions were J. W Sayer, Rec'd is meeting with great favor adapte«!: The peopk appreciate the change BUBNOsIA HONOR Lodge, N o . » Resolved; That it be the sense of and are taking advantage of it. Meets everv 2d and 4tb Monday. Mrs, Sayer C or H. this meeting that the assessor’s Keep informed of what is going W. W. Johnson Proprietor. office should be put on a salary and on in the world and particularly in HARNEY 1X1DGE, NO. 77. I. O O F. ■Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday, that the assessor’s salary should be your own country. Congress is i T:3J p m, J. C. Wooly N. G. W. C. Bvrd, Secy. put on an equality with the other i now in session. Every movement Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc county officials in accordance with will be of the greatest interest. HARNEY POST NO. 4S. G. A. R. Meetsevery 1st and 3d Wednesday of each the amount ot work done and that ( Keep abreast of the times by read nonth, at O ld Fellows' Hall. AU Comrads la good standing invited. census work he paid one-third ad ing the The Best Brands New Billiard Table TWICE-A-WEEK ditional to the regular salary; as t WORLD—two papers a week—104 Tiri------ Pleasant Clnh Rnnm U. 8. MAILS. upon an examination of the census . papers a j ear for only $1.00. . u Cx . BURKS—VAL«: roll it was cohsidered that double I Arrangements have been made yrrivessnd departs dally, the amount of field work will de by which we can furnish this paper see me 3URN8—CANYON CITY: Arriverand Departs daily, except Hunday W. W. Johnson. I required, it is further land the Twice-a-Week New York t S FÎRRYS &EM a I