Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1895)
PIONEER DRUG Business Locals. STORE. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and har- : dy Nursery Stock. We have many ] new special varieties, both in fruits | ' and ornamentals to offer, which are —School books at the drug store controlled only by us. . We pay I commission or salary. Write us at •f II. M. Horton. once for terms, and secure choice —School hooka and stationary . 1 of territory. cheap for cash, at thb Hardware M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, store of C. H. Voegtly. Rochester, N — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham bai tier, desires a part of your pat Fi- Sila Or Trilo. ronage, at the new barber shop. —100 acres of fine fruit land — Who said you couldn’t get a good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Cents? Call at the City Drug Store Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses and inquire. ' and cattle part pay on each hit. if — Builders tools and all kinds of ' the purchaser so desires. For fur- , . information - building hardware at the Burns' prjcc8'ther inquire at this hardware store, at bottom office. for cast,. 1 [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] Proprietor. A. C. Worthington ............................................ < _^»s.DEALER IN^^— j DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of »School Books and School Supplies. Confections Nuts ami» fruits. fJF*Mail orders promptly filled. Mrs. M. F- Hone “l Wao a Wreck With catarrh, 1 troulboad generally broken iown. Befora I had taken halt a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I f?!t better. Now I am ia CITY MEAT MARKET. Hood’s^Cures On Main or Business St. Just North of the Bakery. good healt’.i, for til cf v/iiic'a my thanks are duo I to Hood’s Cctrsaparilla.” Mas. JL F. ! T one , Clover, Iron G>., Mo. Got Hood’s ............................................... Proprietor C ulp AW orlow .... Hood’s Pl.’ls cure Constipation by restor ing the perlsUluc action ol laeuimieutarycaiuL A 'larvel «ra» Dl»covery Free. —The Saloon, in the new hotel building, Richardson and . Stephens 1 . , , , , , , an old and WE ll -T kif . d R emedy .-Mr», Wlmlilow'g Six'thii.K Syrup has been uae.i for Barber Shop proprietors, is nicely furnished and 1 over wind fifty years millions for their • . . i | Over liny icmo by ....... ------ «fmother» ----- ciiiiiircn while wuiiv i. y:hl;.g, — It * i perfect ■>>«<«•«. Its customers IS a given the Best children teething, wit »uc< e»». U -• -cna - . ..... ,<* rviitna nlln\ —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton It aooUie» the child, so eni tie Riirna, alia.'» all pain, cure» wind colic, ami is the best reme . brands of liquors and cigars. All work in his line edv f. r Piarrheoea. ^cQimrt Is pleasant of'thi to rhe world, taste proprietor. Sold hv Druggia » in >ttie. every part of the world. it« value ie invai i ’ guaranteed to be first class. Call —The Red Front Saloon, now Twenty-llvei en'a a bottle. Ila value in invata Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausages, and Dressed Poultry. ,,At price to lablc. He »»ire and ark for Mrs. Windglow1» and see him. again again under the management Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. James Edwards, of its old proprietor, Lee Caldwell, suit the times. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy his friends will find him the same Courteous accommodating gentle The universal good dentistry done I Real Estate. Life ami Fire insur- I afics. Collections a Specialty. ---- ------- man, dispensing the best brands of by him has gained for the Dr. avarice, i BURNS, ----- OREGON | liquors,cigars, etc. lasting reputation. Superfluous hair removed per-1 I H untington Oreg., March 1, '94, | manentlv, instantaneously, without. Wool Growers. D ear S ir :—We again call mi vol.. pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid.| Dear Sir: Huntington has ad «eliciting your business for 1894. I It. order to prove superiority, we I vantages f.»r shipping ami sale ol Our Warehouse will have the satnei Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« I will for next 90 days send sample wool, no Other point in Eastern Leave« Burn« daily at 6:30 p m . attintion as formerly, Jail business I , hottie and testimonials free, on re- Oregon has, namely: Being tliei entrusted to Ils. will be carefully j terminus of divisions, the point to Fare One way «G.00. Round trip $11.00. look« d after. Ship vour goods in age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East which all rates are made east or I our care | west bound. We get same to Bos-I Through freight 3]cts. a pound. ton and east as do all points east to I We continue the jobbing in Gro- 14 th St. New York. Two days notice at anv P. O. o:i the route and covered coaihes wil rerii s. e tc., and will be pleased to Sometime ago I was troubled with Caldwell and lower rates to Portland quote you prices at any time. furnished for passanger:. 11. A. Williams, Proprietor. an attack of rheumatism. 1 used and San Francisco than the points east of us: Our rate to Boston is be We buy our goods direct ami Ch a udwrluin’s Pain Balm and was $1.90. Weget same rates to Port will be plense l lo divide Margins completely cured. I have since land and San Francisco as does 1 with you, thus giving you goods as | advised many of my friends and ¡Baker Citv aird a lower rate east1 cheai .or cheaper, than they can be customers to try the remedy and to than they. placed here from Portland. The above are facts, no town can 1 i Your correspondence solicited. spe.. - highly of it. Simon Golda Respectfully, O. C. Co, J. H baiim, San Luis Rey. Cal. . For equal our advantages fo” shipping Aidiin or selling /. Advances made—haul- sale I y II. M. Hoi ton. ing charges paid—wool insured Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Send your wool in DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY I immediately. World1» Fair Mlghcit Medal and Diploma. Respectfully, our care. Mnybe you think thte Is n new bnsineia. •ending out bnbiee on application: It has been _____________ 0. C. Co 1st. Readers at 25c is done before, however, hut never have those furnished been so near the original .sauipl<»iu> While at Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. J. I 2nd. I this one. 40 Everyone will exclaim. ‘‘Weill thnt's the sweetest baby I ever saw ! ’ ’ This A. Scriven, a prominent manufact 3d. 55 il little black iiti'i-whlre < tigre.vlng can give you but a faint ideuot the exquisite orl-lr-i. urer of New York Citv, purchased , — 4th. 80 Manu cturer a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough 5th. I 11 00 Tinware & Sheet ron Cco d Remedy. Such good results were ’ Monteiths Elementar v Geography ‘t obtained from its use that he sent (»Acts. Monteiths Comprehensive .»Í Vi •ALSO dealers tn back to the druggist from whom he Orography $1.25 Clarks Normal PAINT had obtained it for two more hot HARD- Grammar 80cts. Sills Gramma. ties of the same remedy. When 65ets. And ali other school bowks OIL. 3 you have a cough or cold give this in proportion and after this date I WARE preparation a trial and like Mr will sell sc I mio I books at the abov. GLASS Scriven you will want it when again I prices for cash and for cash onlv in need of such a medicine. It is Orders by mail promptly at tented DOOR I a remedy of great worth and merit.. to. Dated r this 1st day of March 50 cent bottles for sale bv II. M. * 1894. _V& WIN Horton. i C. II. VoEGTIA AN OLD A M> ’ v r. i inro* • — .. Burns Ontario Stage Lin e. I H H M it 14 « RANGERS ®r. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World1» Fair highevt Award. H untington Oreg March I ’94 D ear S ir : Our articles of Cor- poration provides, and we have nr ranged for the accommodation of our customers, who are desirous of carrying their Bank account in Huntington. and have opened an “Exchange Ollier’’ ns — a Ranking department We are prepared to handle all cheques presented Issue certificates of Deposit, pav ing such interest on time deposit u* conservative banks do. Receive money on deposit sub jeet to cheques. We ask your consideration and solicit your account. Respectfully. On-gon Commercial Co , J. H. Aitkin, mgr. U m a daisy . which we protMMe to «end to you. trnnspor. lotion pilJ. The little darling icets against » l»t.low. and Is tn the net < t drawing off it» pin . -«• t. the mate of which ha- I nch nulled off a i l limit aside with a tiiumphnnt coo. Thett -sb tint-tare perlcct. and the eyt* follow you, ua matter wlier? y >.i stand. Thiu’Viiii- •Ituro >roJuctionsof tali greaust painting of Ida W.tuxh ahe mo t celebrated of mot.ern painteriof baby life' are to be given to those who -ulHcrtbo to Demorest’s Family Mucn- Btno for 1SM. The reproduction» cannot be told from the original, which cost I<00. and are the »am« also .17x2! inche»'. 1 he baby i» i life -i*«. and absolutely lifelike. We bn»» al»o In preparation, to present to our sub scribers dating ISM, ether great picture» by •uvh irt sts.isPercy Fornn.Naud Humt hrey, Louts Djachaau»». rr.«l others of world-wide renown. Take only two evano'les of whul we did during th » past j car.11A Yard of Tan sies,” and “ A White ft. use t nhld" lv the wife of Preet jent Harrison, and you will are wh it our promises trean. Those who subscribe for Demorest'» Family M.t ya nite for 1S80 wUlpesscse a rslk-ry ot ex quisite works of r.rt of t nut volt.c, besides a M ira/ine that cannel b.» equaled 1 y any in the w »rid for it» beautiful llbmtraltens and subject mnttcr.that will kcepeverycnc post ed on all the topl.-s of the dev, and nil the fait un i diSerent items et interest about the household, besides furnishing Interesting reatiini matter. b»th «rave and gay. for the whole t.imtly: and wh'lo Demorert’s is not a fashion Magrixtne. lie f ishioii pages nn- per fect, an I we give you, <rrr >f oW, all the pat terns you w(»h to use during the year, and In anv size you cho w». Send In yeur sub scription nt 'Wice. only $2. ani you will really get '»ver S 3 In value. A,I Ircae the publisher, 'V. Jennings Dome rest. IX Bast 1 It h ft . New York. If you ure unacquainted with the Uagiuiue. ecud 10 txois for . apcxiiueu copy DOW'S ------- ¡idí*r^ J W Biggs, AMMUNITION A FisliiAv . .ivikLiy ÌTA v VARE, GRANIT WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS. BURNS,---------- -- - - Oregon Call and see cur Holiday goods. i TOHSORIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON P rop I I Everything in my line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. fWTIie only place in Burns you can get baths. H. M. HOkTON S B MiPHKKTKRS M.D, | r-iiys>iuiun <x surgeon, j Proprietor « -^.DEALERS IN--»- » A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of Physi-1 cians and Surgeons. Office at res,det re in Burns. GEO. S. SIZEMORlL ATTORNEY, B urns ................................ O regon . Collet .Iona, Land bu irtess, and Beat I Ratate mailer promptly attended to. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES Ar FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS E1C. Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical Purposes iW“ Prescriptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Don«.