VOL. Vili. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JAN. 16 : The Herald' “As old as the hills" an I never excell­ ed. “ Trie 1 and proven’ is the verdict o f millions. Simmon s Liver IL’-in lator is th ■ '"•only L : .'u ■ and Kidii' ' medicine t- which y o u can pin you. faith for a cure. 7 mi id Lixi- t ve, and imre!v ve '- ct title, act­ in: directly rUBLISHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ......... Six Mouth« ....... Thiee Month« HERALD CLUB LIST Herald and Herald and Herald and Herald and Harper's Magazine............. Harper’s Weekly ............... Harper’s Bazar..................... Harper's Young People... 5,00 5.-J 5.21 3.75 Hernld and Alden'« Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.01 each ad.liiional volume after Vol. I 55 cents! to cent« extra ver volume, postage. iTl-tp-Copiesof all the above work« can be ex­ amined at leisure in the Reading Room. Publisher« of periodicals are solicited k> serin clubbing rate«, a Copy of their work for our Free Reading Room—We file uud bind the tstiur al close of every half volume, r”d e-v awpies by advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: M’M E 1 wk 1 Inch «1. >0 o.OO 2 " s •• 3.50 4 “ 4.00 U col. 6.00 I “ 12.40 20.00 lifWÔ, 2 wk 1 1 IDO j 3 mo 1 <> ino 1 -1 yr |’-.;>0 ♦5.00 th ’KI '♦11.00 '♦15.00 4.00 ü.ßi) 12 0» 18.00 28.00 D.UÜ S.00 15.00 24. UO 40 00 6.00 10.00 L- .00 32.00 50. UO V.UO l.'i.iW 28.00 48.00 54AM lb. uu •>.oo ■18.00 >0.00 LO (K LO.U» 40 4)0 60.00 110.00 140 m ANOTHER FLOOD THREAT World both for $2 25 a year. Take H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26 ENED. idvatitAge of this oiler and get The “Oregon Commercial Co.,’* , J ohnstown , Pa., Jan. 6.—Thi- !citv is threatened with mother Hood. The melting Ftiow. reinforced I by the heavy rainfall of the past fi-w days, is swelling t he Cone.iuiugh and Stony creek. There is serious danger of a gorg< i at the Stone railroad bridge. With a tenibly vivid recollection of the past, and a trembling horroi of the future, the citizens are in the utmost trouble. Many are packing . up ^heii valuable« and me getting out of this town of misfortune In spite of every precaution, if | the ice in the river should jam and .mur own local paper and the I’wiee a-Week World at this special nte. T he H erald . Y ï T A ¡¡ood ranch belonging to H. G. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns. This anch has about 100 acres of good meadow land. Price $800 or will trmm tor sheep. B yrd & K ing . |B? ISTHCBCST. 'K. TIT FOn A KING. then break suddenly, it is very | probable that another cataclism W' mid oi < ur.— The Sun. have this day bought the entire business of the “Oregon Construc­ tion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accouiits, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Farming Implements, Warehouse and Real E-tate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of said “Oregon Construction Co.,’* and have Incor­ porated with $50.900. Capital stock fully paid in. The olii cera a re- R. M S teel , President. I J. II. A itkin , Vice Pres. ‘ G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per J. II. Aitkin, mgr. ! COT2DOVAW, iliill C.CK.--U.23 CALF. I£4.53?J Fit:: 5,3.”2)rC!JCc13S0!.t5. CHANGING • CXTRA FINE- " J- An <>ld-tashioned sea story full o interest ami adventure, with a strong lo,-e motive, is begun bv W. I Clark Bussell in the January Cos­ JOB WORK i'-'- ¿STD c NC0^. -.rUGFOn CATALOGUE pp V/- L- • D O U GV L AQ* r-tOCFTON.MAC j. I 7 ' OUR MIND b Is hard work compared with changing the appearance of your stov with I mopolitan. “Ouida” succeeds TEN Of every description executed wi’.h neatness Over Cno K'.IXcn Pcop!3 wecr the «nd despatch, ai icnKonable rates. VZo L. :.3 C3 c 1- SJces CTS . Froude, Gosse, Lang, and other dis- Circulars, Posters, Pamphlets Envelopes, 1411 Heads, Letter Heads, tna’al-' Af.lc"rr::oc3r-?c'i--"7r /--'..ciory v» rapper. Itinguished writers with an tittneinviiifi, Note Beaus, Curds. Ti< acts. TEN V givoCiot—'. v-'-o f .-1' ire-:;-. lIciiH'i'tiiitla, Invitati..us. Dodgers. ht<. ment. of 1 he “Great Passions of His­ They Theycquelesistcri < tocai ir'. /teanJi-i. CTS Their vzee-’R'T q-.-r.l'.tlcJ ara vnaarprr'cd. T he H erald ¡ h kept regularly on fihi for re tory.’ series.which has been apjear The prlect era ur'"cr.:i,—rfaneped ett tuic. ferciiee, in the <»vo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad* i ->-i Si t-> f’.t e.-’vr-t over other mrVcg, rerfiiing Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New Yurfe. iog in The Cosmopolitan. A discus­ 11 your dealer ceur.ct ru- -.17 you we can. Soli b-r I The Oregon Pacific V J sion uaroused by MFEdward link's article on “The Young Man and OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I Lasts Seven times longer C orvallis , Jan. 3.—The circuit The Church,” which will consume Looks Seven times better Than | court of Benton county convened at j t*»iiH of ink before it is settled national : About Seycn times cleaner Stove 2 p. m. to day before Judge J. c. President ................... J Just preceding the famous Charcot,» You ....................... Grover I'leveland About Two times cheaper l’uÜJ» Vice-Pres blent. AUiai slevei «on 1 Fullerton ....... The first thing io come Can Get Seere.ar -vi tdeath he pr» p to ' an article for Walter Q. Gresham About l'v.o times handier de creuiry of Treasury .. . John G. Carlisle ' up was the Oregon Pacific rale. if Ferry’s Seeds nt your dealers The Cosmopolitan <>n Pasteur, to he leeretar.’ ul' Interior ............. Iloke smitli F ns fresh and fertile ns tliough igsY ©OS Sacrai ary of A ar Daniel 8. Lamont Aft?r some long and strong argu­ F yon got them direct from Ferry’« WO i published after pnsteur’sdeath. Bin Secretary of Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert ' Heed Farms. W Sec rei ar»- of Agriculture . J. Sterling Morton merits on both sides, which enti If your rrocer doesn’t keep it, • Charcot bus died tir»t.and so with the Attorney Genera' Kicharo 8, < Hney Po«tina«ler Geiicml . .. Wilson 8 Bissell suiiied most of the afternoon, the send us his name with ¡oc and I consent, of Charcot’s executors, the STATE—OREGON : matter was laid before J udge get a l.ir-e Box and a valuable 'article is given now. The present I .1. N. Dolph me known uiul planted «very- U peu ut or? ........ I J. H.Mitchell. Fullerton who took it under ad- L ulieie, mid «re always Hi« ramily household book tree. | "Theatrical Season in New Yor” is L l>r»t. Fer»/’« Seed Annual (Binger Hermann Wk tur lNtl.Y tells nil about . visement. The court ordered the crit ically considered by Mr James 8. » tnintrrc.RRincn ........... -W. R. Ellis them, — Free. i Attorney t.eneral ............. R. E. chamberlain. DonncUan S Co., Agis., O. M. Ferry A Co. Governor D.Sylveater I’ennoyer case continued until January 19th Metcalfe, editor of Life, gnd there lecremry of state . .K. Geo. W. McBride Oetrolt.Mloh. I 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. 6. F„ CAL. Treasurer__________ __ R ______ . ________________ Phil. Mettchan. to giye Mr. Nash opportunity to I are stories by Tourgee, Howells, •tipt. Public I iiRlriictiun R....... J. H. McElroy. with his English I and the famous French writer I , .. Frank Bukei communicate ... K... ) R. 8. Bean. friends and get $50.000 here which I iuvrt wiH Judge« ./ Wm. P. Lord I Francois Coppee. ) F. A. Muore he agrees to forfeit if they do not SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: t Gi'let .lu-ge . . . D . . M. D. CLIFFOKv make a bid of at least $200,000 on Janx « A. Ice. the day of the next sale. I f he gets ,iriet Attorney ...... J. I.. Kami IF VOU WrtHT ¡aFMMATKJM AECtH ioinl-riepreaeiitative (It) .. o. L. Patters., n. the money here mid puts it up, in e- ? ioiiil Senator ...............(R;............... A. W .Cuwun ‘Vfct F all pn liability a new sale will be CO UNT Y—IIA BN EY 1 County -idge.............................. C. P. Rutherford. order'd at an early date and the Clerk (D)......... P. !.. shideler . Eurns-Canyon Stage Line But from the Trensnrer ................. (R) 1.8. ‘ I. 8. Geer present one set aside. Surveyor T. A. McKinnon Sheriff. ............................ (R) . A. GlitD ga tone of the judge’s conversation, A'Mr*'«3 •< lett-'f or nogt j cnr< ro S sschb >r . S. W. Miller T. A. M c K innon , contractor. THE fHKWi» CLAIMIS COMFATT. Sell > d Superintendent ,|K) .C has . Newe 1 and of the people generally, it is •)HB WS J I :r< JORN, - - «Rn .cinu Atfeie- 4toek Inspeetor K J. Ivera the supposition that Mr. Nash’s I -,o. Ho . 4«3._____ WASHINGTON. D Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. CD) ' A. B. Mark« eoinmiasionurs P'NSIONS PHOCVRED F<"t /K? ( K. R bin. $50,000 will not be forthcoming on OLDI’RS, WlnO'V' Stages L?ave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate points. ithe 19ih, and if not it is a fact that CH!LDR«-N, PAR'MT'. HARNEY U. «. LAND office : ‘ I rò , t r So ’"l'i n i SaPors r’Itsbled tri •’ e ita ■ Fare -15. Leon Brown, Express Agent, Register .......................................... ’nmm«»Jon' v «hice th ■ " Receiver ................ u.-.T or» or maina '•«r» of 1832 to 1M2. Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, Burns Oregon. r • biow», now ■ nutlecl Old«nd refe*'-I clan sale as made to Bonner A . tu «eecinny. ite» lenii for new lawa. *r chargo for advice. N ? fe> SOCIETIES. miti »'jreewfs! Hammond. — Roseburg Review. C3EVGN c 'JTOVE LOSS 3EEDSa SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. Meet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Lucy Rusk, N.G. M L Lewis. Rec. Sec’y. Last Friday afternoon the town I of Long Creek was visited by fire, I The recent change made by the and the Masonic Hall, Keney Bros.’ New York Weekly World in issu­ A. O. ü. W.Hiirn« Lodge, No. 47 saloon and Win Runio’sstore were Meetaevery 2d and 4thThuridati ing two papers» week in p’ace of one li M Hurtun, M. W. consumed. The fire originated in J. W Sayer, Rec’d I is meeting with great favor I I the hall from a defective flue. The The people appreciate the change tallon was m xt adjoimng. and all BURNO m IA HONOR l odge, No. 8 I and are taking advantage of it. Meets every kd and 4th Monday. Mr. Rudio Mr«, Sayer Cor H. I the fixtures were saved. Keep it.f. >rnied of what is going | seved most of bis large stock of HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, 1.0 (I F. on in the world and particularly in general tucivi merchandise from the burn Me t« at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday, grurrtii your own country. Congrtss is < »:30 pm, J. C. W. sa I f N. G. ihg building. We understand he W. C. Byrd, Secy. now in session. Every movement I ■ carried insurance to tne amount HARNEY POST NO. 48. G. A. R. will be of the greatest interest. Meet«every l«t and 3d Wednesday of each of l6.0<>0, but. w hether on i lie build I Keep abreast of the times by rend nonth. at odd Fellow«’ Hall. All Com rad« ing or gixxls we have been unable t« good «landinginvited. I ing the TWICE-A-WEKK Ths I to learn. The Masonic hall was W" WORLD — two papers a week — 104 built by an incorporat'd company, U. S. MAILS. papers a t ear for only $1 00. Buatta— vali : and cost about6,000. It waainsur 4 rrivesand departs dally, Arrangements have been mado’ ed for 3.000, Ixtng Crtek people lussi- CAMYOM CITY ; by which we can furnish this paper SCO H16 are oearing their misfortiit.e brave* 1 ad Depart« daily, earept Sand«, ly- W. W. Johnson Proprietor. I I Beer Wines Liquors Best Brands Cigars Etc. New Billiard Table - ’----•r .14 .4 U* — . ' , r 4 . ¿«ste W. W Johnion f