Th? Henil WEDNESDAY JANUARY • TSPS W.C. BYRD Editer. 120 dollars ! hì PER MONTH --------------------------- IN Y our O wn LOCALITY —To «11 «uhecriber« of the E. O. Ï H kbald and tboae in arrears, who - Li will pay up*and renew, we will w*nd ‘the Semi Weekly New York World free for «’X months. For reliable News there is no better paper than the World. made easily and honorably, without eapl tai, during your spare hours. Any man woman,lioy, or girl can do the work liantl ily. without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like It for money m-tkingever offered before. Our worker: always pro«|»er. No time wasted it learning tlie business. We teach you ii I have two littie grand children! a night how to succeed from the tlr hour. You can make a trial without < x who are teething thia hot summer pense to yourself. We start you, ftirnis: everything needed to carry on the bus'. weather aid are troubled with n«'ss successfully, and guarantee yot bowel complaint. I give them against failure if yon but follow on Chamberlain’« Colie, Cholera and simple, plain Instructions. Beader, i vim an; in need of ready money, am Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like’ want to know all about the lient payini business liefore the publié, semi us you |aeharm. I earnestly recommend1 ttldress, and we will mail you a docti lit for children with bowel troubhs. nient giving you all the particulars. Having purchased the entire Meek formerly belonging to Cal Geer, cent prising all linea ef HARDWARE, CRCK1RY, GLASSWARE. TIN WARB. T he failure of crops the last «ev- tral years, in this government, ia STOA í> HARDWARE, SUNDERIKS, A CARPENT FIS greatly to be deplored, the sufferit g, starvi-'g thousands of our ciiizens.« I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. whom our law-making body is weeping for, but find it imposrible C. H. VOEGTLEY. to f help, ami . : ■ this same * power • hi s ■ ‘ • declared the peoples money out « i' fashion, and their being lols of gold to huv the necessaries of life, I but alas! none foi sale. Congress I 1 was myself taken with a severe can make silver equal to gold, but TRUE & CO., Box 400« attack of bjoody flux, with ciamp«? congress cannot nnot make the crops | Augusta. Maine land pains ir. my stomach,one-third gryw. There <4 enings ’ are . ............ '---- every- i of a bottle of this remedy cured me. where for labor but how. can these «« Within twenty four hours I was poor I h I orers work without Rome ¡out of bed and doing mv house thing to live on, we have plenty 1 t work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon of money in eirculution to employ I aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn. For, all these j Oor men and women but i Dr Checit i ’ s Eiec ’ i <• . sale by H. M. Horton. - ivin in the absence of something to I Corner of 1st. and B Street. «»t and wear, how is it possible for Cure posit, vele removes 1 . > >-'pav- ... 48 in, Ringbone. Spino or 1 i iM. H. BRENTON us to employ them. I ■ hour« without pan » a rd While In Topeka last March. E. Congress has provided ample failure* or slightest r I'he ^'p Barber, a prominent newspaper j J=JXERY STABLE means in the way of currency and ■i-enth man of La Cvgne. Kan , wa taken putin circulation, this of cotiree! greatest wodd.-r <>t the Century. Him>msi>ii«i> a- i' ■i «'- th« with choler morbus very severely. was done especially for the people, entire vet».rinnrv orld. Circular because congress and the a linim« md testimonial», free I’r Gil' The night clerk at the hotel where (ration, have nothing hut the good hécini. 37s Canni st X'.--. York. ( he was stopping happened to have a bottle of Chamberlin’s Colic.1 bi .d welfare of our people al heart, and will not allow capital or monop- ‘ Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedv —The Best Week » Paper in and gave him three doses which olv ii flutirceio tutu them from California. Onh $1.50 per vear. relieved him and he links saved i their duty. Address his life. Every family should keep The W all Street monopoly, the T he B ee ; »this remedy in their home at all banking monopoly, the railroad . Sacramenti', Cal • times. Nd one can tell h«>w soon it monopoly, the English Aristocracy II18V be needed. It costs blit H trifle monopoly, have no influence or S tate of O hio . and inav be the means «if saving ■ SB. power tn win our congress and ad C ity of T oledo . l'he Proprietor« of the White Front Livery Stable aa- much sufferingand perhaps the life I BUre the public that they are prepared to accommodate ministration. The poor starving Frank .1 Cheney m,«k«s oath in every way in their line of bubinet»«. of some member of the family. thousands know the government that he is the senior partn...... f the jEW~lis.y and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale in | cannot make the crops grow, and firm of F. .1 Chenev A C«... doing so it is we have to grin and bear. l.usine«« in the Citv <.f Toledo, H. M. Horton. Passengers taken to all part« of the country. Hearse and Job Wage» our misfortune., till piovid« nee hits County j and State aforesaid, and n connection a frowning countenance ami m-i.«., th„, bHlrt j pav tf|l. MU1| of W. L. D ouglas uP0,“îH |()NE -DOLLAR« for r ~ each and «>v< ry »e of Catarrh’hat NOSQ u ’ eamng . 1 ■' T he people of Nvbiaska,or many cannot be eii’« d by the. -, use of »5. CORDOVAN, I FRENCH«. ENAMELLED CALK of them, afe in destitute circum-' Hall’s Catarrh Cure. . ’ M-^A’RNEDUf&KAKGARZl z stances, and an appeal ia being* FRANK J. CHENEY, $ 3.5-° POLICE, 3 S oles . * made through all ttie news papers | Sworn to befn.-e me and sit for their relief. As a general thing scribed in toy presence, this ♦2.*L^B o WS chool S hoex the citizens, of all communities, dav of- December. 1886. •LADIES* since the iron grip ut monopoly has SEND FOB CATALOGUE ll-en inaugerated. have at home us» j WL* DOUGLAS, < x a j í fyi what little surplice our masteis BROCKTON, MASS. Notar» t'iiblic Yea cm »are •n-oiey by ■nrcfcaala« V» . L. take-, j ’ n have net gobbled up, and as charity 1 Hall’« Catarrh Cure i* It .uKla« Shoe«*, _ . _ v are lae largest manufacturers 0« Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Room«, «te., ete. bAgins at home, the pool and di sti-1 ’email; and act« directly ' on the I ».ices in the woild, and euarauUs ( the value by stamping the name and price on thte of Nebraska, in this God’s own nlood and mucous surfaces ’ of the the bottom, which p-nterta you against high Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience barte price« and the r.:i<1dteman’a profits. Our shoes country and best gove«ninent. s. system. Send for testimonials , . eoual custom worlc 111 style, easy fitting ani Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. w nrinrr q mliti. «. We have them sold ever; - ,cr . at lower prices for the value given tha t ’• ; ».aid, the sun eyer shone on, are in free. ri T ke ro substitute. If your • V f . . supply you, w: can. Sold by «•bad row for stumps. F. J. Cheney »*H <*r. vh>»»e name will *»ortly appear' here. Arent wattled, Apply at once. little things like the starving people) of Nebraska, does not disturb that I worthy assembly, it’s of "no conse­ quence, when compared to theenor mous duties resting upon the mem ' Proprietor. hgrs of that board of justice and’ 4 JOHN SAYER, equal rights We must remember they have their masters to setv«,. Situated on Silvie« river 1 mile Ea«t of Rurne, near the bridgi Belling hinds, preparing to issue1 njore, throwing obetac es in the wav ' Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from of legislation advantageous to peo-, I pie, just situated as the starving • Good Wheat citizens of Nebraska arc. They j must get up, and introduce bogus I I S3 SHOE 5 ¿ *w Gr;KAs°y wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigamtts funn S rLOim & S aw mill S TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES: must do everything possible except the right thing. 1100.000,000, in bonds have been issued, by this all \/ K AX7* IkjTITC * & WAGON SHOP. is contrary to the constitution, for | SEM1-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEA McKINNON & KENYON the benefit of the rich. Would it' r Any reaher of the Earr O bewn H erald can get The Twice-a- b- any more < f a stretch on the con ‘ S^k Republicfree by sending in three new yearly «ubacribers to The BURNS , . . Republic with $3. * i u i<> i o appropria a ew < . ¡n addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,every Shop opposite the Brewery hrs I t rhe suffering rinxena subscriiier to The Republic will nave save ten time« times the price pri< e of