VOL. Vili. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JAN. 9 The HeralcL I PUBLISHED | EVERY WEDNESDAY ; BY W. C. BYRD à SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . I » 8UBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .............................................. |2.0u 8ix Month# ........................................... .1.00 Three Months............. . .75 HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’s Magazine........... 5,00 Herald and Harper’s Weekly ............. 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar.................. 5.20 Herald and Harper's Young People.......... 3.75 Herald and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: 10 cents extra ner volume, postage. Copies of all the above works can be ex- twined at leisure in the Reading Room. • Publishers of periodicals are solicited o send (dubbing rates, a copy of their work for :ur Free Reading Room—We file and bind the utter at close of every half-volume, end c«* ti tepies bv advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: irACK j 1 wk j 2 wk J I mo j 3 mo 1 6 mo 1 inch I $1.50 If 2.150 $5.00 $* 00 $11.00 1 “ 3.00 1 4 00 6.50 12.UJ 18.00 I 3.50 5.00 3.00 4 “ I 4.50 6.00 10.00 Ji col. 6.00 9.00 15.00 12.00 16.00 28.00 ?•• 20.00 80.00 40 00 * “ 15.00 29.00 28.00 43.00 tJO.OO 24.00 82.00 48.00 «0.00 110 60 l- lyrl '$15.00 i 28.00 ' 40 00 50. CO 54.00 120.00 140.00 “As old as the hills" and never excell ed. “ Tried and proven” ¿REGULATOR is the verdict o f millions. S i m in o n s Liver Regu- jrx lator ¡3 the Z?/■/z? 4^» o n I y Liver vlaC ' and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. i. mild laxa tive, and jitiroly veg etable, act in' directly on tlie‘ Liver a n d Kid- no vs. Try it. Sold bv all or in Pow ler I ide into:t lea. 1 Than Pills 1895, NO 7 Digest of Land Decisions. World both for $2 25 a year. Take advantage of this offer and get Furnished by W. D. Harlan, your own local paper and the Land Attorney, Washington, D. C. Twice a-Week World at this special i _________ rate. T he H erald . • A preference right of entry can not be acquired through a fradulent A good ranch belonging to II G. and collusive contest. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 The purchaser of a relinquesh miles south east of Burns. This ment does not secure a preferred right to enter lhe land covered ranch has about 100 acres of good meadow land. Price $800 or will thereby. trade for sheep. B yrd & K ing . A relinqueshment filled after the initiation of a contest does not inure to the benefit of the contestant where it is found that it was not filed as the result if the contest. W. L. D ouglas 0*3 vlu I3THCBZST. FIT FOR AKINS. A stone quarry of common building stone may not be entered as a placer claim . Ass’t Sec’y Sims. H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. The “Oregon Commercial Co.,’’ have this day bought the entire business of the ‘ Oregon Construo- lion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Farming Implements, Warehouse and Real Estate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of said "Oregon Construction Co.,” and have Incor porated with $50,000. Capital stock fully paid in. The officers are* , R. M. S teel , President. J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per J. H. Aitkin, mgr. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH ACNAMCUXD CALF. j4.$3.s_o H ne C alf &KANC,rn *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. «,«9*2. WORKIN gm E n ’- CHANGING OUR WIND S2.$I? s BOYS'SCHOOL3HK1 Is Hartl work compared with S ilver L ake , Ore Dec 25,’94. •LADIES* i changing the appearance ot your _<*p50$2 51 73 C!, E d . H erald : I have very bad i .1! '■ The 1 stove with 'lern bn*. lnews to write you this week, one of i i I hv i:i I . JOB WORK {»•’it H l i rROClCTON,J<AS3. the worst calamities that could I TEN .J \CK- Over Ono Million Poop! 3 wear tho Of every description executed with neatness »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. ' possibly befall a small community VZo L. Dotl?123 $3 & *4 Slices CTS -f.A Circulars, Posters, Pamphlets i like ours. You have probably al All our shoes cro Envelopes, rc'.icfactory Bill Heads, Letter Heads, '■ • ‘PI TEN Statements, Note lleuda, Cards, Tieael*. They givo tba beet valtto far fbor-or-y. 1 t- 1 lready heard of it, and given it to' Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. They cqucl ctiston «Boca In rtyle ar.d tit. CTt O» vzearintj qualities are unsurpersed. I your readers, I mean the burning Thefr T he H erald is kept regularly on "le for re TI-.o prices cro u.rl’orct,—eftnped cn cole. ference, in the Geo. I'. Rowell Newspaper Ad Pm Si to r >3 c-vcd over other mekes. of the Crisman hall on Xmas eve vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by | TEN ri CTS and'lhe awful lose of life, our en tire neighborhood is in mourning, 1 Lasts Seven times longer OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I 'and indeed, it is truly appalling. Looks Seven times better Than Nearly the whole of the citizens About Seven times cleaner Stovt national : You —Commissioner’s, court this i of this community were assembled President ......................... .......Grover Cleveland j I About Two times cheaper Polish Vice-President.................. Adlm Stevenson ’ Can Get linthe Crisman hall enjoying the Secretary of stale .......... Walter Q. Gresham , week. About Two times handier Secretary of Treasury Ferry’s 8eeds at your dealers . .. John G. Carlisle I Xmas festivities, ‘ when a large Secretary of Interior....... ............. Hoke Smith as fresh aud fertile us though W —John Parker was again pro o e • r you got them direct from Ferry's Wk Secretary of War ...... Duniel 8. Lamont ' Seed Farms. W Secretary __ of Navy............ ............. Hilary A. Herbert nonneed insane and is now on his 1 imp exploded setting fire to the If your grocer doesn’t keep it, Secretary of Agriculture. .J. sterling Morton building, 40 lives were lost and Attorney General .................Richuni S, Olney way to the asylum. send us his name with 10c and Postmaster General............. Wilson S Bissell many injured of whom several will STATE—OREGON I get a large box and a valuable —T. A. McKinnon is giving en die. There was about one fouith are known aud planted every- # j J. N. Dolph geuarorH family household book tree. 1 where, and are always the ■ I J. H.Mitchell. tire satisfaction as proprietor of the of the number present burned to B best. Ferry’s Seed Annual (Binger Hermann » for 1803 tells all about . Burns Canyon mail route. His death. Uongrcssmen ............ ........ (W. K. Kills ¿W. them, — Free. Attorney General . ........ R. E. Chamberlain. Donnellan & Co., Agis., D. M. Ferry A Co. drivers are J. McKissic, Tom and governor .................. ........ D.Sylvester Pennoyer The ............. „ _ ------- .... Detroit, Mich Secretary of State ... .. . .R. ..Geo. W. McBride 519 MONTGOMERY ST., 8. F., CAL. ! dead: Mrs. John Buick and son, Treasurer R Phil. Metschan. Ellis McKinnon. Supt. Public Instruction R. ..J. B. McElroy Itale Printer.................... R.. ... Frank Bakei —Notice ad. of McKinnon and J. J. Buick and daughter, Mrs. “. 8. Bean, ) R. lupreme Judges ...J W im. P. Lord Kenyon. This firm is perfectly re ¡Owslev, Lillie and Bruce, Mrs . > F. A. Moore liable and we can safely and wuh Snelling, Mrs. Howard and two SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Slstriet Judge .................. D ... M. d . cliffoku : out hesitation recommend the firm children, Wood Hurst and wife, 44 4» James A. Fee. District Attorney ............ . J. L. Baud to the public. Mrs. Curshaw, Frank West, wife folnt-Kepresentatlve (R) ...O. I., Patterson. foi ii t-Se n ator................(R)............. A. W .Cowan and two children, Ed Bowen and e —The following are the muni i COUNTY— harnky : cipal officers of Prineville this M iss McCallv, Labrie’s child, Mr. County ujdge............... C. P. Rutherford. P. L. Shideler . year. President cf the council, W. Ward sen, Mrs. Alshier, Frank Clerk .......................... .(D). Burns-Canyon Stage Line Trenail rcr............. ... 1.8. Geer j (R) surveyor .......... . T. A. Mc K in non A- Booth. Aidermen, Med Van Horning, Mrs. Iavne, Nettie «aeriti (Ri ........... A. Glttingn Freddie 8. W. Miller derpool, S. 1. Belknap, Ed. N. Winkle.nan and child, Aüneaeor ■ ID!. . . T. A. M c K innon , contractor. «eli.iol superintendent .(R) .. .Cu as . Newe 1 Buick, Robert Small, Clay Martin ft.ir'k Inspector ......... R J. Ivers White and Frank Prine; Recorder, Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. A.B. Mark« M. II I C<» nun issi onora .......... ID) Bell; Treasurer, John and wife, Mrs. Ella Ward ar.d R. R. Sita. ,RJ i Templeton; City Atty., W A. child, Frank Ross, mother and Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate point*. HARNEY V. 8. I.AND OFFICE: child, Roy Ward’s ch'ld, Ira Fare $5. Leon Brown, Express Agent, Register ....................................... Thomas Jones Bell; Marshal, Joe Dobson. Receiver ....................... A. A. Cowing Hamilton and Mrs. Gus Schroder Ben Brown, local agent for contractor, Burns Oregon. and child. I will write you further societies . “Winter and “Summer” were particulars in a few days. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. < never more charmingly pictured ’ G. C. D Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. than thev are thia season on Hood ’ s Alice E. King, N.G. E May Worthington, Rec. Sec’y. I Sarsaparilla Calander. This cal The recent change made by the ender is made in the shape of a New York Weekly World in issu A. O. ü. W. Burns Lodge, No. 47 heart and is ornamented with two ing two papersa week in place of one Meetsevery 2d and 4th Thursdays. W. K. Uradon, M. W. J. W 8a\er, Rcc’d child« faces, lithographed in bright is meeting with great favor and natural colors, one peeping out, The people appreciate the change HCKNO n IA HONOR Lodge, N o . 3 amid the snow flakes, from a and are taking advantage of it. Meets every 2d and 4lli Monday. Mrs A E Young C or H. daenty cap, and the oher lighted Keep informed of what is going W. W. Johnson Proprietor. up with all the glory of the summer on in the world and particularly in HAkNEY MIDGE, NO. 77. I. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday, sunShme. Tire usual information your own country. Congress is ( 7.1W V nt, I. 8. Geer, N. G. W. C. Byrd, Secy. about the lunar changes and other now in session. Every movement astrrnomical « vents is given, and will be of the greatest interest. HARNEY POST NO. 43, G. A. R. Beer Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. Meetsevery 1st and Rd Wednesday of each the calendar, besides being" a Keep abreast of the times by read aonth. ar Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrads la good standing invited. thing of beauty” is exhausted, siu ing the TWICE-A-WEEK The Best Brands New Billiard Table cents in stimba should be sent to WORLD—two papers a week—104 O. 8. MAILS. C I Hood dr Co..provrietors Lowell,’ papers a 3 ear for only $1 (MJ. BURNS—VALB : Mass., w h > will forward a calander I I Arrangements have been made Vrrive.auddeparts laity. free. For ten cents two calendar by which we can furnish this paper 'SCe TSO 3CBNS—CANYON C«TY : .rrirtr.Bd Depart* daily, except Sur d«) will be sent. and the Twice-a Week New York W. W. Johnson. It » .. i • if. t i GALS. SS Ff RRYS SEEDS i SS A f I %