A .'iig'i via’“ illustrated ina'azne nia^aiine in the home is no longer h luxury. It is a necessity, ami to Manje^s K nown meet the demands erented hy thia Everywhere. IL QSTRATKD Sold Everywhere. neoensitv. THE COSMOPOLITAN MAG.AZINE, giving vearlv, as it ILLUSTRATED. does, 1536 pages of reading by the •c Harper's Magillne for 18#6 will continue maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence Aak your dealer for tliem which has ch raeterlsed it from the beginning ablest living authors, with over Ferri’s UO. Among the notable features of the year there Invo'uubletoa.l planlersand love" will be n -w novels by A Conan Dovle, Con- 1200 illustrations by clever artists, »tiinee leuiniore Woolson. and William Black. I Write lor It- Free. Flowers........... — Shot t stories will b« contributed by the most has stepped into the breech, with u. M. FEItUV A co.. Il.lrolt, Ml»l<. popular writers of the day, including Mary K. Wilkins. Kl.basd Harding Davis. Marsaret a reduction in its price that has DelS'id. Branaer Matthews, and many othets. Tl:e illustrated descriptive papers wi>l embrace tartled the literary world . arm ies by Julian Hatch on new Southern and The H erald , fully alive to the Western subjects; by Theodore Child on India; by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany: needs of its patrons, has made by Ri< hard Harding Davison a Loudon Reason: by Colon el T A. Dodge on Eastern Riders; etc. special arrangements with thia Edwin A. Ahbev’s illustrationsof Shakespeare’» Comedies will be continued Literary article» will be contributed bv Charles Eliot Norton, superb monthly, whereby it will Mrs. James T. Field», William Dean Howells. receive orders for yearly subscrip­ THE DISABILITY BILL IS A Brender Matthews, and others. tions to both publications combined LAW HARPER’S PER Oi‘IC’8 Soldiers disabled silice the war are for the sum of $3.00. Entitled The priee of lhe great illustrated Per Year: De; end ent widows and Parents now de- pendent whose Mina died from the eiieers of HARPER’S MAGAZINE . . t4.0t monthlies in the paRt has been urn.y s- rvice are included. If you wish | HARPER’S WEEKLY 4.Of .. 4.01 $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they HARPER’S BAZAR 2.Of were to be found only in the more HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE . Postage Free to all Subscribers in thi United States, Canada, or Mexico. pretentious homes, Our offer fur- The volumes of the Magazine begin wilt nishes a help to all families, r.a the Numbers for June and December o' matter how modest their means, i. a eac h vear. When no time is specified, silt scriptions will begin wi.li the Number cur­ to keep in touch with the greatest PERSONAL AND PROMPT rent at time of receipt of order. ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT­ Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine for minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will politan haH today the strongest ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE­ be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of f3 per volume. Cloth (Jases, for binding 5(> regular staff of any existing period­ MARKS, etc. each—by mail, post-paid. Send orders to NO FEE IINLES PATENT cents Remittances should be made by Postoffice ical. T he H- kuald , IS SECURED. CORRESPOND­ Money Order, or Draft, to avoid ehar.c o' » loss. Burns Ore. ENCE SOLICITED. Address HARPER l;a P-r.'T'.'i’.Ji o'!' ron asseseall;:co-,.oratcd. « .1 p.«».» V.’o havo ovcrl. -J <1 «hb<’;-lcrsa: d lacnum-i r I, toercasimdally, boracot tho principal slot.. holders orc: T S. V.’s); • a. V. 11. ■> rJ; M A r.f«l Jr < a.CBRO t J< D. I li ’. •> I. C Im I ‘ • ?•.'.’ ; |„Hl, It.“k Ark.l I. B 1. ' !’• thir.-o: J 1 Tu Phil. > B- n.rd.nB, fc. Y., I . J l>me, >i«.o <>.». .Mich. 1 r. I’. Jlullrtlr. An.Ur. f> V Wille for a prospcctuo containing the name« of FU1CKSA.15 PJCttX. A*. ---- OR---- IHZ SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! PBICKS4.0 > I’I B YKA1N ------- rH------- -T%HE SAN FRANCISCO ¿IK WEEKLY CALL jjfjl 1» • namiiOlHe eight- paga paper. It la ia-iued every Thursday, and contains all of (tie important news of the week, gleaned from every ru . Patent Office,] W ASHING tON. 1». C. S" FENCING HE MOHN I NG CHI (SKVSN USUKS * W KKK) is a live in- troi «.it ti daily. It ta tue MOST RELl \- BLE. and is tecogtuzei r.. blind the LEADING NEWS- RABBIT AND P0ULTRÌ NETTING PAPER <•( tb* Ptwifie 0 . i»r. Either of the above aper» w will send vo-tu nd as a i re York. W Has’s . STOCK BRANDS. Harper’s Weekly 1s acknowledged r.a »’and ing first among ill list rated weekly periodicals in America. It occupies a place between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the less timely monthly magazine, it includes both literature mid news, and presents with equal force and felicity the real evetus of curren history and the imaginative themes of fiction On aceount of its very cemplete series of illus- Itatioi s of the World’s Eair, it will be not cnlv he liegt guide to the g-eat Exposition, but also its les smeiiir. Every public event of genera interest will be fully illus rated in its pages. Its contributions being troni the best writers and artists in this country, it will continue t. excel in literature, nens. and illustrations, al! o*her publications of i s class HARPER’S PERIODICALS. I iniiini on recdi t of the f.dlnw. mg »ubacrlptiou prices f. r tli« combination: PER YEAR: EREE BRAND COLUMN. SEND FOR FURTHER IN FORMAT10.1 The 118 McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co aad x>o JI. Market M., Chic-«»». WEEXLY 3‘L‘ HARPER WEEK! Y............ HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR... HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE Homo brand bar ten on left shoulder;Cattle bnrten on left hip and upper c lip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Bardin >v Riley, cattle branded Von left side Home brandy* left Bide. r. o. Burns,Oregon I'oatiige 1 reetoall subscribers in the l’i. 8’ateB, Cai.ads, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weei ly will begin the first Number for .lacuarv of each " lien no time is mention, d, silbscriptio I . 'in with the Nu uber current attim ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Helper’s Weekly for years back, tn neat cloth binding, will I* by mail Postage paid, or by express, free pense (provided the freight does not ex< e per volume) for (7.00 a volume. Cloth Cases for each Volume, suitable fi binding will be sent by mail post paid, on re ceipt of (I. Remittances should be made bv Post Offiei Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Address: HARPER .4 BROTHERS, Ne r York J. C, Fo'cy, cattle brand -s on rignr. side. Horse brand — on left shoulder. J. A. Wiidems cattle brand, O., on left rib home bread *1 on right s* ide. Horses ‘Tt-ided )-( on left s*ife. Cattle brand, ed )-( on left hip. Marion ftunihrd, PO Burnt, Cntt'e diamondon left hip: •n-tacsCVon lef shoulder. Chartes H. Vociti • /. Burna Oregon Horae branded P on richt shoulder, rattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I.aweu Or. Hap’ Bazar ILLUSTRATED. Harper’8 Bazar is a journal fur the home It gives the laieet informations with regard t< the Fashions, and its numerous illustrations Prais designs, and pattern-sheet supp’emeittt are itidiapensible alike tothehomedress make: .Mavì and the professional modiste. No expense it Bptre.t to make Ba artistic attractIvenesa of th« highest order. Its tGght stories, amusing r*»m edies. and thougbiful efWAYs sntisfv all ias’es and its Iasi page is famous as a budget of wit and humor, in iis weekly issues everything if iiicluned whiee is of interest to women The I beria.s IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. for 1H9.1 will be written bv Walter Begant ralmbfrv awiim«»'* to tell wl at the lines in your and Hina I.Aail C’hr stine Terhune Herrick hand indicate. It will a nupe yon, if nothing more. « wil' furnish a practical series, entitled “At the The above ulaernu almo.< explain« lt-elT. The l‘ i,ef ’ Grace Ring, (»¡lye Thorne Miller, and leotftn of the L Ob’ LIFE indicates probable CancaceWheeler will be frequent Contributors •xv io which von will live. Each BKACELET l he work of wo nun in the Columbian Expo fd-.-ex y.Hi thirty years. W<‘I mntke'i L»NK uF sition will be full) iepresented with niauv i’l dennics ••rain power: char LINK OF ustr^ions. T w. HigginSoll in “w6mei FOllTUNR (¿me or riches. Boih combined mean and Men, will ph ase »cultivated audience. •acre’« in life: but you mu-t keep n;> with ni<»d doz n mngaziiv a in one. A CLEAR LI *’ •» HE \HT ne-tp'aka tendeinecs: a Mrnight I LI • i OF FATE, peaceful life; the reve re if I crooned A well di Hued LINE OF HEALTH spa»-”« von doctors’ bills; so will the health hints hi De n >resw’M. No c.t ♦ r maimzii e p blixhes so raanv •»i"ri-s to Interest the I onie circle. You will HARPER-8 BAZAR........... . ................. 4.nt be-ubiect to extremes of Id^h pj iHts or despond­ HARPER’S magazine 40( ence if you hive the GIRDLE OF VENV8 well HARPER’S WEEKLY ... .... 4 ft marked: keep up your i>p rite by having Demorest’s HARPER’S_______________ _ YOUNG PEOPI.r. 2 o: Ma-jasine to read. By rnbMribii g Io it for lb91 p.aiaxe Free to all sul.e< rlbera in the Uniter yon will r ce ve a y illerv of exquisite works of art of ffreat value, besides the fhjm rb nromiuni picture, States Canada, or Mexico. 17x4.’Inches, “ I’m a Ddi-y!” which is aimost a real VO<,he b8,’lr '"’K’" with Ute firs' baby, and eqn I to (he original oil painting which cost $3X>: and you will have a magazine that cannot nu nbtr for January of each n-ar. When ne ®c equa'ed by any In the wo»hi for its beautiful wi,.hn.hl"Mmen',”ne'1’ •ubscripti<>n will beidt —’" nu dlnrtmtione an I I r-uujnj subject IIHIIIVT, matter, (tai flat Will will W'P ke« p wl'hjhe Number current at the time of receipt you postal on all the ’opie» c.t the d.iy, and ill the > onu.l volume! of Harpe s Bazar lor thre« rthln r interesting reading year in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mai matrer. bota grave and gay. for the whole family ; p. a aac i.aid’ or by exprevg, free of expense and while Demorest’s D n«»t ii fashion n atrazine, (provided the freight does n .t exceed one d..l Its f isnlon pi? • are roifect, «' t. 15 Ea>f 14th St., MAdrIa« r'kr ' 1 Adreaa HARPER a BROTHERS New York If mn a-e unacquainted wi’h the ,3^7 Newspaper« are r.H to < opv anv one nor J’ inc’ *"d for a specimen copv A large QV ' D r'XGI.f? mean- |u«n«^rv; a birr* Till A NG I R. ill of the aaove ad ♦ “***emenia without thi» < »press order of HARPER B r O t HK r T re^en^ite I o * it F'|?>-T DIVISION OF TIH’MB ytmwgwIUt VONG SECOND DIVISION, reason ln*r ferany. The MOI \T OF J0ITTEN betokens smbir on ; thr of s VH’RN, pm l nee; the si N, venf wpien.lnr M MIS coma e; MOON. imsL’ina- t on • \ K\u< Inreof pleasure: and MRKCDRT, | u. atj ‘ . •- ..mt in in ‘ ■ la»J •**; is :tr> in oTr-iee. T ke our s ix ice as above and vo« tar« fer -1 w. eA Cars far Hl« Piles. . »-yi, si n* .are to possess tko hst and mot val-iabi- VftDru - istsra moil. 1 i. ' tUAiity. S ’4 free. Ad. In A5 A K |.s>. • ■ Viifi .10, New York' Citi J> 4 J :ATTACn*MT5-’ ’ mrf-IrtLST •2L .wasDwttRK1 -ui<(w ticwesewiiKi.wcœoiwfciM^ i ¿HiCA««. c,ll< -"»M, n URICW WWW'-,.»».. SW SQUARE. <•. It V! •*" ir- ’*«1*1 ■ I .- . ju A mo AT.«r. M. C a 1,„TU u ro« SALE 13 v musst ». I NEW HOME SEWING MA I CHINE CO., 725 Market St., « I’aicfic San Francisco Cal. Department. HARPER S Per Year Caveats, and Trade-Mark» obtained, and all Pat­ ent bttsine«» conducted for Modera*« I eft. Our O fics l» Ooposbe U. S. P-'en* Offlre, »nd we can secure patent In lees time than those •emote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., v Ith descrip- Ion We adviae. If patentable or not, free of barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A P .muklet. ’ How to Obtain Patents.” with luunes of actual client» in your Stale, county,or town, »ent free. Address. . .. . rr.tna.lie« that do 1 ÜirLiîï hi W.»J I V • J ch A » .. J 1 t' I C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent OS . WMhwton. 0. C. - .UK cm y u i L. » A' \ lit »g A:'. sa I* . . ma n i . ■» . r taxi? n I A ♦ 4 1 I i P, 0. Riley Or. Home brand 36 on left shoulder, also thre« dots.. tn shape of I riamile, cattle branded same, E. E. Grout burns Or. I I Miss Rosa Dickenson Home brand anvil os left »title, cattle branded r.arJR on left hip. P O. Lawen Ore. J. P Dickenson < attic bra nd J r connected cn left hip Home brand anvil on left stifle. P. 0 I.aweu Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on cither hip; mark light crop off ea> h ear, si ip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Home brand flgure7 on either hip. J. IL Bunyard.Burns Or«?. Geo, Williams, homes and mill«** branded rounding w, oti right stifle. P, O. Riley Ore. Home brandy on right, stifle. James Rousx P O Burns Ore" Home brand har m on left shoulder; Cattle bruni bar in on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O NarrowsOre. Horse brand on left shonlder 8 Mias Laura rttanclift. Burns Ore. Home brand ~ on left shoulder and same on muscle of right hiud leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burns 8, Lampshlte and Son cattle brand g connected. Ear mark swallow fork in rig it ear underblt in left. P, (>. Burn! Ore. BEATTY’S PIANOS^ for cataloKUe Ex-Mayor Washington, New Jeraey, oaniel E. Beaty BEATTY'SORGANSl forca'alogec Adieus. Hon • Daniel Washington New Jersey. F. Beatty Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’; Fair Highest Award.