—J. F. Boyle, photographer, is I still here. A rare opportunity* Schedule of Expenditures of Harney County State of Oregon, con- is presented to all who hav«*not WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2 18'5 taining the amount of claims presented and filed against the County,. already ' supplied themselves with' aggregating the sum of $1147.13 and allowed in the sum of $1130.13 by I g samples _n.ni' of his excellent work. Re HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF the County Court of said County, at the adjourned November term of member his prices, $3.00 per doz. '-.r. •- i-?* ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. said Court, 1894. Am’t. Claimed Ain’t. Allowed, for eabinets. He guarantees to $ 83 33 please even tbemost fastidious. 'Chas P Rutherford 1 mos salary as County Judge. $ 83.33 1900' 1900 R R Sitz, Mileage and per diem Co Comr, Local News. 22.001 A B Marks, “ •• “ 22 00 A.Venator was in town last P I. Shideler, 1 mos salary as Co Clerk, 200.00 ! At Jorgensons is the belt lot of 200 00 h Monday 93.75 C E Kenyon 1 “ “ Dep “ 93 75 Holiday Goods for the price that 200(H) 200.00 A Giitings 1 mos salary as Sheriff —Ike Foster and Tom Allen J M Vaughn “ ever was put up for sale in Burns. piNAL PROOF 93 75 “ “ Dep “ 93.75 were in to the Masonic blow out. 27.60 Go and see. 27.60 Samuel King Jurors fees Oct Term _ 'LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. 2.00 2.00 Thomas Howard “ “ “ —Chas. Haines and Geo Our creditors are crowding us . Nov 19, 1894. 2.20 2.20 W Miller, witness State vs Springer Cawlfield of the Narrows and S Notice II her« by given that the following 14 80 and money we have got to have I named Charles Newell. “ “ “ before Grand Jury , 14 80 settler has filed notice of his intention Marion Horton, of Diamond, took J R Gould, jailors fees. Chas. Nelson, <>ake final pr.mf i«> »upport of hi«claim.»nd 600 and every budv known them selves t<> 6.00 that aaid said proof nr.Hi'f will will be be made made before before Reginter Register . , , , ’ „ . . Jhat in the Masquerade last night. 3.00 indebted to the firm of Caldwell <£ I »«««I 3 00 Dike Jameson, guarding records court room, Ht>d Receiver Receiver ar at Hurt«» Hurns Oregon, Oregon, on on Dee Dee 27, 27, 1894. 1894. J amkh L. V akikn . 28.00 Co. will please come and settle be . I via- 28.00 J. B. Huntington, board of J. Parton, indigent, h « i . n «>. r*i f. r the ss NE14 and 8>Z1 nwu Public installation of the officers Louisa Racine, board of II. C Payne, iudigent, r I See. 4. Tp. 24 S R 81 E » •» con. 17 00 Dec. 15th 1894 or your account He names the fo lowing witnraaea to prove 20.00 fore x>f Harney Lodge No.77 I 0.0 . F C A . Sweek, att’y feeB on co court, 20.00 ... . , , , i hia continuous residende upon and cultivation of aaid land, via e . e , Allen. Baxter k Por- 2 50 will be put in an attorneys hands i |ter. 2.50 Burns Oie.next Tuesday evening Mr. Lucas, cleaning court house, Peter ciemena, of Hnrne Oregon, Owen Shingledecker, of Harney Oregon. 400 for collection. 4.00 at the Military Hall. C.W. M . H Brenton, team and man hauling sand, THOMAS J0NE8. Reglateor. 93.20 93.20 J. P Gearhart, extra work on road diet. 9, L ee C aldwell . Parrish will deliver the oration. 17.50 17 50 John Sayer, lumber for road diet. 3, —Mrs. Mary Matthes, milliner 5.00 5 00 G.W,Noble of Paulina Beaver Fred Bliss, damage bv change of road, 192.50 has just received a stock of desira 192.50 G. W. Young, aline, on C. H. & V. as per agreement, Creek, Crook county, registered at P. L. S hideler , Clerk. ble millinery and holiday goods The Burns this morning. Mr By C. E. K enyon , Deputy. | Give her a call and examine he Noble has just returned from the . goods, she is satisfied she can pleas« east where he has been with horses, her customers both in quality o and reports the market very dull. wares and prices. Young Parker who was sent from this countv to the insane asy his son and sister in the building Capital Journal of Salem will give. Joh" Dav n°ur at C H’ Vce«,lv’ correct reports of its work as well1 f,,r 8a,e at $5 50 a barrel, cash lum just on# year ago, is here consumed by fire. again in charge of Mr. Swain A large crowd had assembled in as intelligent discussion of the This offer ho,da Sood for lhe nex this is the second or third time the Crisman hall, because of a same. If you want to know what | '^irtv days. C. H. V oegtly , Parker has made his escape from | Xmas tree festival, While every 1 is done, how it is done, and why, • Agent. the asylum and come home, It is . one present, children and grown ' you should read the Capital Journal. now getting rather monotonous and j persons were enjoying themselves, It is the first One Cent Daily pub expensive to this county and we little ¡thinking of what a dreadful lished on the Pacific coast, and is For Chop Feed. Grain and Flour think the asylum officials should calamity was about to befall them, conducted in the interest of the go to the North Meat Market. be warned and entreated to keep a some one in order to get a better people. The Daily will be Bent you L oyd C ulp , careful watch over Mr. Pai ker so ar view of what was going on, climbed a year for $3.00, four months for Proprietor. on a bench so as to get higher up, $1 00 per year. Like the Daily it to keep him there until cured. his head struck a lamp overturning is payable cash in advance, and no Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s. —Information received from our I it. paper will be sent after your lime premiuiI1 purchase tickets, • Thifi Assessor, Samuel Miller, who re Positively ' _ “no-pay - .... Of course the oil immediately expires. Positively n0’Pav no- ,,o‘i firm ngreea to give the holder«)! turned home, from Salem last Mon-1 took fire.ar.d everything inthe room pa pei.’’ The Journal is a modern such tickets a fine life size Crayon day where he had been attending being dry, the room Was soon a newspaper run on modern methods. I Portrait absolutely free of any the State Assessor’s Convention. mass of flames. Soon all was con It is conducted in the interest of charge, by purchasing $20 worth When Mr. Miller left the convention fusion and excitement, There being the people editorially as well as in of goods for cash at their store. It had not gotten through with the on » one door of egress, men women a business sense. Its editor being is not necessary that the whole entire business before it. The state and children made for this one a member of the lower house, his amount should be purchased at one board if equalization, reduced the place of exit, many were trampled editorial work will be doubly inter time, but any amount from 5 cents assessment ort horses, in this county under foot in the head long rush tv eBting this winter. Order U at to $20 as explained upon the tick- 10 per cent, cattle 5 per cent and the door. The fire was between once. I ets sheep 20 per cent. Mr. Miller H ofer B ros ., Editors, j the majority of the crowd and the speaking of the office said he did Salem, Ore door, and many persons were so not while at the convention urge excited they rushed into the. flames. the necessity if the office being a The report now is 41 persons were Administrator’» Notice. —John Sweitzer, carpenter and sallaried one. Though when the burned to death and 15 injured, cabinet-maker. His workshop is' question was brought up, he did not In the matter of the Estate of T. | Mr. probably the half of the injured | the old restaurant building H. Glaze, deceased. make any objections. Mr. «Miller .Sweitzer guarantees his work at will die. The dead are: Notice is hereby given that the I reports lots of mud in the Valley. ,J. J. Buick and daughter, Mrs prices to suit the hard times. Will undersigned has been appointed by I The snow extends on the route he John Buick and two children, Mrs. take produce partlv for work and the count» court of Harney county I came home, from here to Pendleton. Oregon, Sitt'ng in probate, admin Owsley and two children, Mrs. balance in ca-d:. istrator of the estate of T. H. Glaze, For the benefit of inquring friend Howard and two children, Mrs • deceased. the following issubmited by finance Mary Snelling and child, W. O All persons indebted to said Estate committee on Christmas tree 1894: Hearst and wife, Mrs Labrie and are requested to settle the same Weekly Weather Report. Received immediately, and those having $65.50« two children, Mies McCauley, Ed 58.15 Brown, Frank West wife and two Paid out claims against theestate will present Max Min. them to me, at my residence in Bal paid to P. L. Shideler 7 35 children, Mrs. Coshow, Mrs. Ella Wednesday . .24 .. . .. 16 below Burns, Oregon, with the proper vouches attached,within six months An itemized list of receipts and Ward and child, Robert Small, W Thursday. . . 23 . ... 16 »I “ from the first publication of this expenditures together with sub i C. Martin and wife, Mrs. Nettie Friday '....21.. ...22 •I notice. Saturday .. 20.. ...15 •.Williams and child. «Mrs. I ’ ayne, scription list, left with County' Dated December 5th 1894. . 2 aboye Sunday ....... 27 Clerk P. L. Shideler. The amount Frank Horning, Mrs U. F. Abshier, Monday ... . 33... .. 0 H. K elt . ey , Mrs. Ward, lra Hamilton, Frank of unpaid subscriptions is $6.50. Administatorof the Estate of T. H. 14 below Tuesday . . 34 . Ross mother and sister, Mrs. Gus Glaze, deceased. Mrs. D. Gradon. Schroeder and child. It is thought Mr». M. N. Fegtly. ..warded the following will die of their in I j NOTICE—TIMBER CULT. RE. Highest Honors—Wcr! juries; Robert Snelling and sister The Herald. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. STOP! I Horrible Disaster At Silver Lake Edward Payne and son. The hall was the second story of the build In Lake County. ing, the lower floor occupnd by A man by the name of Harvey Crisman Bros merchants. W. L. D ouglas | I an employ« of Jas. Small near Sil. I A Legislative Session ver Lake, brought the news of the terrible holocaust which occurred provoke« more newspaper comment in Crisman’s dance hall at Silver than almost any other subject of The last two Lake on Xmas eye. Mr Harvey public interest. came here in baste to overtake Mr. Oregon law making l«odi«-s afforded Jas. Small his brother Geo and much material for interesting dis Del Bratton who were on their way cussion. and the next general as to North Carolina with a band of semblv will be no exception to the horses. He brought the terrible rule. Whatever occurs the public i« * s to Mr. Jas. Small of the loss of 1 knows that the Daily and Weekly I | U. S. Land | Ilice, Lakeview, Oregon, De<. 15,< 1894. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH & CNAMELLCD CALF. , Notice is hereby given that 880 ♦.•3*9 F ine C alf ¿K ansas ♦3.^9 POLICE,3 SOLES. T. Kidd has filed notice of intension to make final proof before P. L. ' Shideler. Co. clerk, Harney County «2.4|.Z?B0YS'SCHS1lSH0a Or., at his office in Burns, on Sat •LADIE3« urday the 9th day of Feb. 1895, on timber culture application No. 612,, for the NEI 8W| SEj NWj & lots ■ 3 and 4 Sec 15, Tp 30 8 R 3.3 E. DRO C KT0M.MAJ3. Over One Million People wear tho w ____ Mb A I I ur He n'tllirrUB names as witnesses: WiKICBBCB. V. C. V Cum- W» L. DOUgLo $3 & -1 SI? CCS mins. William R. H. ______ Phelps, ____ and ___ j Brown, o Diamond Ore. H. M. TFiey give the beet valuo for the rtcr-ey. ! Horton, of Burns. Ore. They equal cuaton choc« In atyle and fit. Th-lr wearing qualities are unaurporned. W. A. W ilshire , The prices uro uniform,—«».»r-pedm iota. From Si to .<3 «-«ved over other mefcca. • Register QUOET IS THE BEST. «JU l^nVh FIT FOR A KING. f If your dealer cannot tupply you wv can. Sold by CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crip« Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDARD.