4 A Committee Of One. an outing this summer. If we might t ike them to the ‘I’ineb* on CHAPTER II. Thursday—such an obligation—a Her John Smith was the de. d of charity—that’s what I man in the world to lo r ctine to ask ” She had ha<l s< li‘e ♦•rmugl As for the gentleman, he seemed to ‘wear her henrl upon h* r el as much confused as .«he. tor daws to pick at," to dr. “Mr dear madam.” he stammer and preserve her good looks, cd, .‘you might have known that I she had never Lem happy. . should be delighted if you and btie was one of the women vour—vour ‘Happy Cherub’s give affei liuti its. right value in life, would honor my grounds anv day ” land there was now no one in i.. the Then, with a “Thank you, Mr. world to love and cureuf lier. Sir» I Smith.” Fredrica fled was, she said to berm if, “¡in ..»Id In the elevator she turned •<> maid <>f thirty.” Y’oufb wa* over faint that the atteudant a-ked her even if she had not fo't-d verj MMES R. WAITE, [if she would have a glass of water, much, and she carried this though’ i And she arrived in the committee It ¡8 first clahs in every respect. The proprietor having”'*■’* raise > I with her up the elevator to the in the business knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail .Hid wboit Dr. Uller JfecUral Co., Elkhart, Ind. ; nioin as pale as death, to announce •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and m price- I You will remember the conditlonl was In flv« I door of the office. at which she final that Mr. Smith had given his con Beef,l‘ork,Mutton, baurage I there was NO hclr Iv rapped with the handb- of he I as low as you would have to pay ranchers 1 sent. And. oh. in her own room at u ■ , 1 tricaall kind» of medicine«, and «cor« pretty sun nrnbrt ll-t. . A. M a 'TTH-'I. Proprietor ' ^^ tphniclBU ,. jiy n erTM«erepn»tr*te^ •tc. K. A. M atthes b< me—if a boarding-house is ever I “Come in.” cried a Voice; at’d to a woman—how she weptl e—- I DR. MILES’ NERVINE she pushed the door open and enter home For this John Smith was her John •nd in three month« i wti •cuKevi.v cuwtn. In mv tr»vel«each year, when I »re the ibouound« ed Smith, and she had once more seen of physical wrecks, suffering from nervous pro»- _ , ' — trillion, taking prescriptions from “Well, you’ve been a deuce of a and spoken to him. L| AC local ptysician» who have no knowl- ITMw edge of their cose, and whose death time g< I ting here.” said a gen’le “And he uid not know me,” she te certain. I feel like going to them and saying, I kept saving to herself. “Oh! he man woo sat at a desk, and was did not know me *' are*o many su U R E D becomingly stmt and rather Halil. over work, men” ’«l •’,2*»,^ All night long she kept turning lion r.nd nervous exhaustion, brought on by tno ‘The next time—” Cbarurter of the business engaged in. I would about upon her pillow. Here he wheeled about uirm his “How stout he hi« grown,” she said at one moment. Then: “And du a^aure^cure for all Bufforiu^ JTnm thefle^cauaNL I chair and shook his finger violent Disease commonlv comes on with slight ail his pretty curls” Again: “But ly at MisB Fred ica. I Sold on a Positive Guarantor. symptoms, which when neglected increase Then, blushing seat let, sprung n he has such an air of elegance—so O r . MILES* PILLS.50Do«Es25Cr« unproved.” Then «he would cry in extent and gradually grow dangerous. his feet. i little more. Ah, she was so It )»■ «UFFER FWOM HEADACHE. 9YS- TAKE “ I leu your pardon, ma'am* RIPANS TABULES miserable! MPtlA w H0MUTIM. . . . he cried ‘ 1 fancied th it it w e Thursday came. The “Happy « araMLIOW, CONSTIPATED, or hare UV* COMPLAINT..................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES I my otiice bov who entered . 1 an Clr rubs” were awakened before It ye« COMPLEXION 11 «ALLOW, or you i 'eallv mortified bevond expression ihvlight. and gotten on board ot TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFER OKTREM AFTER EATING. Captain Copper’s'»oat at the proper '-’rsv take a seat ” hour Provision basket« were For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL BISON- TAKE RIPANS And he nffe-ed hei >i chair, in’ nl.iced in order; two<>r three young •ERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . ________________ TABULES ________________ hich F edrica sunk at once nen from the blind asylum had Ripant Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ^»¿Js. Trade-marts Design Palerà Copyrights. \\ ha* had come over hei ? [J .iial been persuaded to piny tie violin I . tliotufh shv. she was c,.i| EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. An J ¿1 Potter buMinej«»-. conducvid for ind accordion. RIPANS TABULES IsJwfM piare of enough; SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. l>U! now she faltered mn : To UK CONTI XT ED. MODERATE FEES. A COMPLETE Hold by Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. inf formation and itdv ’ cv k * ven to lu ventura without > MEDICINE CHEST Box (0 vials), 75 cents. Parkago (4 box-;.), $2. I hurfft). Address I For Free Sampled address ! otid should be kept for u*e im very family.., I THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. PRESS CLAIMS CO., From The Family Story Pape- FEEL SICK? * ■ * >•♦»♦»♦♦•••♦ thousands t 10 SPRUCF STREFT, - - NEW YORK. JOHN WEODZRBURN, "4 •Visa ’sing Attorney. . O. Box 468 .«' •v~tpn»»y la managed by a comoinal»on vi s- . r.. vat lnfuential newspapers In the tit o • t express purpose of protect- ■ ’j? iJ' ir Hujbcriben against unscrupulous L. w 4p > l I’l eut Agents, and eac h paper • il\ rthfment vouches for the respcnal. .»nd iMSUaUudlug of the Pre"* Chdius Company ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. Have ,ol<l to eon.nmer, for til yeara, Mvuqc them the dealer s profli. We aro the Oldest anil I.argv.c manufacturer« In Amer ica selling Vehicles and Harness this way—.hip with privilege to exar.ilno before nny money I. paid. We pay frcluht both way. If not sat Is lac- lory. Warrant for 3 year.’. Why pay an agent f!0 to.Mtoorder for youl Write your own order. Boxing free. Wo tako all risk of damage In •hipping. No. ST. Surrey U aro ms . WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, S3I to «SO. Guaranteed •a..i,a.Miiior«MC<>»u. Surreys, SC3 toSlOO Sam, aa ..II for Ito. to .tux Top Bucciea, S37.S0, aa fl no as sold for HA Pheetonu.SCO onettes, »nd Rond CHILMM. Single, <0 to 4VO I I No. 781. Surrey No. 727, Boati Wag vu. No. 1, Farm Hamrss. nits . K1MhBrlBtc/Cl. »u.wi.«-^ B percent. oT r»r mwli with order. Rend 4e. In pneumatic tire*, weid stamps to pay on 1 lV-i*a^« caLnlocue. steel tubing. dn»i> forgi.ige. AdirrnW.B.PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHART, IND. 4 Ï ¡4 I ■ :• \ 1 -‘‘»t Mani -x..!, \ . r- I I ’ i .r I’c'ev-rv 1 « rson sen I >IIX ft« ri >• Olie yearly subscription In F|»< vr. « •e**rl . ry.l.v .'AiOl'.K i-her » r una «if errerà egcr«x r ' n<è7 11-» ny a« Ml p mi »• 'Mnor relink « er. s • wraPFW- ASdMRNr uv Ks'l • *olt • B«raa.OfS..Wll. M IMMTW. IWu.ge.t. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. ’ -i - x t r c<»4 itia lui S ù . WORhDUÎÎîM/IN/ÎC TTie success of tb'.i Great Congh Cure is w.iiout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggist, are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee. >i test that no otherc re can « svecesstully stand. That it may become known, the Prnprietors. at an enormous ex pense. are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. I If vou have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, nse it. Ask yoir Druggist for SHILOH'8 CURE, Price 10 cts.. 50 eta. and $1.00. If your Lungs aro sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug I gists and Dealers. AND KNGYCIiOPZDIA FOR 1893 I WORK FOR l)S I'llOIHlt <>f with ' -i ¡' >r 1 ->') >. be ordered at thia No. «18'4. Top Buggy. rtr i ’ ’ i ■ ( 't i Double Ki»mo « aprle « WASHINGTON. D.C. ♦ The Best Reference Book Printed, A Volume of over 500 pages It Treats 1,400 topics •K Endorsed by STATESMEN, EDUCATORS and STUDENTS everywhere. ITW Has Reached Such a State of Per fection That it is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis tics and Events Brought Down to January First, fJB96. ■ HE 1895 volume is a whole library in itself. One can hardly think of a question it cannot answer. It tells all about party platforms, election sta tistics, the new tariff, religions of the earth, population everywhere, state and , government statistics, occupations of men, foreign matters, literature, science and education. It is . T a few days, and vou will be startled at the .. peeled success that will reward nuir efforts I M>*iiively have lite best business to offer an »i • dial can Iw fournl on the fuce of this can •45.00 prout <>n •15 (Hi worih of buulti. being eusi.» ami honorabl, n.ai.e bi and pot,I hundreds of men, womeu. bo. s. amt girls la c employ. You can make money faster nt work I u »han vou have anv idea of. Tl» besiiic.-s 1.« ■asy tolrarn.au I instruction.« soslmpli anil pint hat all snccecd from the start Thu,*-who la io M of t’l- bnsine«« reap the advantage t? irixea front >e sound reputation of one of t ,de«t, moat ,*ie-e«<ful. and largest publish,r. , muse, in America, «n-nr. for yourself the pro.i hat the huslne., eorradlh ami hsndw»me|. ' ield- 1 U1 lieglnner« suceee I grandly, and mora 11.» alize t >elr greatest expectations. I hose w ’ «• led exactly as urr tell them. Dwre i« ply • T rosin, for a few more workers, and w-' nr <n< to m-.t.i at once. If y*»n aie ain-ailv et •»dr o < 1. but nave a few .par,, momenta, ami w ala UB» . then • «Ivantsge. then writes, at n <d ■>r fit. i* roar gram! oppoetuuRyl »nd 4ce|v > “4- r’h-uhr- hr return mail. Addreaa in V-’ -K a CO.. Bns Wo 400, Augxnlta. M I 4 Sïffl AMERICA’S STANDARDYEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid b-, mail, a « 25 CENTS Address THE WORLD, New York City.