Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1895)
■OA DOLLARS „ — To all subscribers of the E. O.! | I H erald and those in arrears, who The Henil ; WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2 Wfi IN YOUR W. C. HYKI» — KdHar. . I It was lumored at one time that Mr. Dolph’s managers—who they ! are seems hard to find out, we pre sume, h owever the gentleman, thought himself so popdlir he would need no managers—claimed that Marion county was Solid for Dolph. From the following letter ptinted in the Capital Journal cf the 26th, it appears that there is not one Dolph republican in Woodburn precinct. The letter reads? PER MONTH O wn LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without eapi ta), during your spare hour«. Any man woman, boy, or girl can do the work huixl fly, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted ir learning the business. We teach you ii a night how to succeed from the firs* hour. You can make a trial without ex peiise to yourself. We start you, ftirnisl. everything needed to carry on the bus1, ness successfully, and guarantee yor against failure if you but follow out simple, plain instructions. Header, i- vou are in need of ready money, am waut to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us you. address, and we will mail you a doca- meut giving you all the particulars. I will pay up and renew, we will send ■ Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Col !<he Semi Weekly New York World free for e*x months. For reliable News there is no better paper than the World. Goer, comprising all lineo of HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, 8T01H HARDWARE, 8UNDERIE8, A CARPENT FIB I have two littie grand children who are teething this hot summer I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CABH. weather and are troubled with C. H. V0EGTL1T. bowel complaint. I give them Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and •Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like |-a eharm. I earnestly recommend I it for children with bowel troubles. II was myself taken with a severe TRUE A CO.« Box 400, : attack of bloody flux, with cramps! Augusta, Maine. DOLPH MEN SCARCE. • and pains in my stomach,one-third W oodburn , Dec- 26, 1894. of a bottle of thia remedy cured me. E ditor J ournal : Your paper of . Within twenty-four hours I was December 22, is now on my desk— • out of bed and doing my house I wish to congratulate you when work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon A Wonderful I>l»rn«rr> . you say "Portland and the Orego- aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn, Fori nian are not Oregon.” This suits Dr Checini’s Electric Spavin' sale by H. M. Horton. Woodburn republicans to a dot. i Corner of 1st. and B Street. Please smash the Portland ring and Cure positively removes Bone Spav--' elect ía silver senator. 1 think I in, Ringbone, Splint or Curt» in 48 ,M. H. BRENTON .................................................... understand the wants and wishes hours without pain, i $500 -eward . While In Topeka last March, E. of the republicans of W<x»dburn pre failure or slightest injury. The’T. Barber, a prominent ne-spaper| cinct when 1 »ay there is not a Dolph in this r precinct. r •/.. republican r ............... . ........ ! greatest wodder of the Nineteenth man of La Cvgne, Kan., wa taken send Century, astonishing as it. does th» with choler morbus very severely. I Give us Fulton or Tongue and seir Dolph to the rear. T You .---- would ------- -- be •nt*re veterinary ‘orld. Circulars The night clerk at the hotel where surprised if you had tested the sit- an<^ testimonials free. Dr Guy he was stopping happened to have nation here, to see how few Dolph’s becini, .378 Canol St. New York, a bottle of Chamberlin’s Colic. friends are in this part of the, —■ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy country. I learn from the Abiqna | precinct that there are no Dolph i —The Best Week v Paper id i and gave him three dose», which men there. L. G. B arron . relieved him and he tinks saved California Only $1.50 |w-r per year. vea i Address his life. Every family should keep T he B ee ; )this remedy in their home at all T he question of wheth« r “Little, Sacramento, Cal. Billy” Mahone is more powerful • times. No one can tell how soon it than Congress has been revived by may be needed. It costs but a trifle S tate of O hio . ; 86. the attempt that is being made by C ity of T oledo . and may be the means «if saving f be Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable | the committee on Public Buildings sure the public that they are prepared to accommedaw much sufferingand perhaps the life! Frank J Cheney makes oath in every way in their line of business. and Grounds of the House and Sen that he is the senior partner of the of some member of the family. * £NT*H&y and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. ate to agree upon a site for a new firm of F J. Cheney Co., doing 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv | Government Printing Office. For .business in the Citv of Toledo. H. M. Horton. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job WagUB four years Mahone has been power .County «nd State aforesaid, and n connection ful enough to prevent any steps Jhat <d fini( wi„ p„'"f| being taken towards the erection of |0NE HUNDRED DOI A MRS for VW I LjftBJCLAS i»r a G. P. O., because the House . . .. ■■ ■ YA1 l 1T.W .each and every case of Catarrh that I NOUQUKA k T n O. would not agree to buy at $1.501 | cannot be cured ’ - - by the use of ♦5. CORDOVAN, some ground he bought for about I Hair8 Catarr~h Cur? FRENCH &. ENAMELLED CALL 15 cents a foot, and upon which he| $ 4.»S.5-0 FINE CALF& I0N6ARC1 FRANK J. CHENEY. $ 3.W POLICE, 3 S oles . has not for years paid one cent of Sworn to before me and sub- I taxes His hold upon republican scrilied in my presence, this 6th I BtndSCHCoiSiioEi Senators is doubtless largely po day of December? 1886~ litical, but it is suspected that his S. BAILEY, Proprietors. bold upon democratic Senators who» i SEND row CATALOGUE . W. GLEASON. W*L*DOUQLAS, belong, as Mahone himself does, to ( BROCKTON, MASS. 1 wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts what is locally known as “John j HalJ»g CaUrrh C(jre Notary Public Yon can onvc "iwnrr by on rebasing W. D. [ is taken in Donslao Shoe», - a « tae « a i largest .orroat toannfOf Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., ole. are manufacturers of ' Chamberlain’s pok e r • p 1 ayi n e ternally and acts directly on the Becaut*. we ao ■dvenUe I mwi in the world, and guarantee , . „ . ----- price ----- on Saloon is first class in every particular. the value value by by stamping stamping the the name name and Experience barte crowd,” is i habed upon something I r,Jood and mueoug gurfa^R of the the the bottom, which protect« you against high price, and the middleman'« profits. Our (hoes very different. At any rate his in system. Send for testimonials,; equal custom work in style, easy fitting and Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. •wearing qualities. We have them »old every fluence has proven more powerful frep where at lower price» for the value given than rny other make. T ike uo »ubstitute. If your in this matter than it was in anv F. J. Cheney <fc Co.. Toledo, O. I dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by thing when he held the balance of Sold by Druggists. 75c Dealer, n hose name will .tiortly appear power in the Senate and made the here. Agent wanted. Apply at once, notorious bargain that landed him in the republican party His con* tiel of this matter has been very• t galling to democrats generally, and | a strong effort is being made to end JOHN SAYER, it. $3 SHOE -.v. ..vv«J VIllkVbiT till Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burna, near the hridgv T he new« received by the Con gressional Campaign committer, has been very favorable, some of it unexpectedly so. The candidate in several districts which for one m another reason haa been considered as certain tc be lost, have reported them as certain to be carried b\ the democrats. cossrxmox cítiba A 3<a4;>'.yi.ckan. rvur«4 rrv. ; |>io-..< ».b»’ ing L.ut púuxid in h i» lumia by au l » m ímum umum - •ry Lio :'or«Bul« ufoaimple vcgolatM. ieu.*4f h»r liic rp-cdy au.i p-na»*»l cur» u* TtronchlUa < aurrb. A«lhn.a. ai>0 »u Uir«. and I .«ng Afib. tiuaa o«»o a p-ritiv- »ud radkal cum Fwberv.jqaDrlni.ty a >da.: <orr «.»».«nipWuii, aftc, bavin » <M.«d tt» wncdertul t-uraUvv !*>••• r; Is thovaaaJanfeaoa ucfeaaMid ityu n»l" hknvwntohl nuarr nrMl'wr. A'-aat»dbvthb I Uvr aod a<laa>r •«.«va n'jiu»n«-.g»r.«j, I I'SJ n -1 ir>-«»<vi <-borr-, to a'J v ho -'•Mr* fl. lib > « no, (MT»».«1, rvvnrh or Enoth'«, with full « f- r—--. •‘rr v-dtma CrMthy«».! w osv— • * ■»-«—< euo fcow-> w. a. Mv U: •- r’oex..'.«afcrUr F. Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A Y £ k BLACKSMITH SHOP. • Any reaber of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice-a-l Week Republic free by tending in three new yearly aubecribers to The Republic with 13. In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,every subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the priceof the pap«-r, or more, every year by theapecial offers made aubscribera from lime to time Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone npon recep of postal card request. Address all orders, .THE REPUBLIC. St Louis. Mo A J McKinnon Shop opposite Che Clerk’s Offico. A« sxpsritMsd Workman and satifaoüen GuarantosA <• He soh«Us a share patronage of his trends.