7Hc DEST v. IS THF SAFtS Uixeí’s P/sgzdo* F0< ÏHI) YEAR -----!•+•----- PHIS PAPER— ---- WITH----- THE S N FEANC1SC0 * j:ro r.ra ,*:i^ o »tore. In on« I eli«.'. i *. ’i »'«■■: 12,is opu’.rac* i -■ • i u «1 y«■ „ ',i*:oaycer. V.’ot 1 ».«■■«.!" I, •: « o, 'la .—cat many par?, t!:o char p: : . <■■ 11* 1«. E ■»', n i - »«»* and c." .urcL. ■* i -'."<‘31 - * ■ l i <■ a ¡ :;lr, r-d cn o :r cn n.’ond 1» ; i' ill- I.:»n| .ir. V. c t'.'.aa rst.«'■:'. 'i i hoc *■" ' 1 i icliof ii.* City lamest cltlMcf C ot;. S.,i. ! t'.i. • »oil only t’jO pairs rf choc, a '«' ■' n< t. V*nr : f:o stock nt. n i j.irc. b ho prlc • rati 11';.'»: .: 'y1 o mt.ch i::' i.a i i lai .ir . ii* i *■ k 1:: I < '«cr been ec I : L'j.i'int i ¡>: ice, i '..‘.i !i 111 ip:rvu!::o. f: i i >'i .«si. I io-•»>-•.■ !.< :..l Ci,OC.>,t V I: .VO O’. > 11 . u:.d the num!.« !• r fiki ’-ca y. fomoef t'lj principal ,to< b lijcrs r.‘ *: . V.'iL ?. ’ ■ '«’.'. I. J. C’ lirr, E’ ;t« . K. y. :■ I..- < . a-.jJ. 1!. i'a f- fa , 4u.h.l ■ ¡lock.f. Ii 1 «. I Ii r.«-oi J. I T«ir r, I’- H?r>. -, N. Y i I - I'.-. ” <•« B«"- f.-. k, Jl’d.1 I'.Ilullrtt«. Area.!.-, t Write for a prospectus con'.nli .n ; l.ie tinmeaoi our ,t oc It ho Ider«, etc., or irntl rn orr’< r for ‘tocl tor' ing rouhlor’a chrek, rant nr mnifur <*nJ is taken for one or more »bare». L DEXTER SHOE CO.. 1/ im ed WORK FOR OS • few days, and you will be startled at the une peel, i success that will reward your efforts. VI positively have the best business to offer an agent that can be found oil the face of this earth S I.LOO profit on #»t«ii.‘d every Thuraiiav, » <1 contain« all of tne important new» of ih* weok, glean«-! from ever«v quar­ ter ot the globe, conipl ’te up to date of publ cation. It flir­ nl,hee tile latent and most reliable financial new, md market quotations, » d gives apeciai attenti’ n to hortieui- tural ami aitricultural news, atui m in evet v r*«i eel a tir«'- •laas family I'lii'cr, app-■ i g t<> the mtereio of eveiy uh « ..i«er ■«f tile houscnohi. .---- ,li r. MoKM W* PAPER "I the Pneitu: C«« t»i Either of the ali «ie apvr will send ro-ti* id a, a lutuni on r'-cef t of the f««l iug aubiCilpiimi price*. t«.| t.l eonibinalioii: «ni’ i. i; WEEKLY Aliti iu P.O. B<«« ti: BOLOI’vRS, CHILDREN. Alw», forSn ‘ m nd’svtlo”«« inly In the rrpiiar Ann'-, r b larvi-or» ot o e indi «:''v»r-... Ihelr rH«««*, now untiti'««! Old» * »peclnlty. Thouviinis entttle-i u Bend for n«'W law,. Xr ctargu tur u« Mill .uoe.wtul made easily and honorably, without rapt tai, during your spare hours. Any man woman, boy, or girl cun do the work lutiii iiy, ultliout experience. Talking uii necessary. Nothing like it for mom j ni iking ever offered la-fore. Our worker at«vttys prosper. No time wasted i learning the business. We t< uch you i ft night how to num cd from the Hr hour You cun make a tri d without < > petise to yourself. We start you. thrill* everything needed to carry on the Lu jp - ss successfully, and guarantee ye iigalnst failure if you Imt follow oi pimple, plain instructions. Hauler, i vim are in ue< d of re-tdv money, an want to know ail about the b- »t payiti I UsilK-sS before tile pilbli , s< lid ii« y;»i. a.lilress, nod we will mail you a doc'. Jjie.it giving you all I he particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Ausus*ar Maine l^Scs^i01' I í QU** lusiinh- * reine-lle«« th t . jure th, health or I.- tori, pliure. It biill.t, up , l « :itti.ek«r,the«-.xp. aitkin, but a-, » c, «ii.ciir. Every pithli. i««e I of genera tere» ni I efull ilin, rii'e'l in i'a png«». t, i'*.ntr iiiii.-i *. .eil’g Iroin the . .«»« wriiert i d nrn, a in thia con r', i> win i«. ii« ne I. i ai e« in iheratnie ne «a. a I il.iiRitaito a. al her ph «.ica io", of i » in»» H A RI’EK’ t « I'EIf 11 >i>i<; A I.S FUE F BRANI) COLUMN EH WEEK L1 tsr SEND FOR FCBTHEB 1NF0BMATI0J The McMullen Wire Fence Co ua«' 'SO N. Woven Murkvt St«, Chic—g—. ■lARI’El. b M \G \/ i A Kl'Ei: \ Hora- brami bar ’e" on 'eft «boulder: C*”'« b*r ten oh left hip mid 'inner dtp on '-otti •■um. T. A. McKinnon. Burn* Ore. ■ K if a i:i’i:i;’ yoìxg i ouiH le Fre« to all su _ . . ............... .. , . Hardin ’. in«« .s nenti.. .e l. xi|i*,erip'i «« e. .1. P o I pv , rattle hrunilson rignt aide, e .1’1 «vi li i I h « Xtiin'i 'i civreiu ai lime iliw brand - on left shoulder. ' < eipl of orili i. Ilonml Volume» of Ifurper's We« kl* f**r r I. V William, cattle brand, IL. on left rib I yenrs ini. k. in tieni « lo li liinoiitg, ««ili he by mai! l'o». age palò, <>r li « express. free » horse Brand 71 on right stifle. P. O. Riley Or. penai« (provided 'he freich' d.ies in*' exoee per ««.lume; ior|7.00 u volume. n«’’fUR branded )-( nn lef1 »Mfle. i'aHlebrand» lìoth i HHes f«*r each Volume, «uitable f<> bmiling «« tll be seni b« mail p..,'-t.aid. «>n ri e«1 )•( on left hip. Marion Runyard. PO Burn«. celpt «*f «I. Kemiitam e» shoiihl be inaile bv l'o,t Offici Cattie diamond on left hip: horaea CV on lei .M ine Or.iet'or Hraft, lo avoid chance of Ina, shoulder. Charlea H. Voetrti • y. Burna Orw»a Uldrea, Il A Kl’ER «v HltoTH ERS, Ne , YoTl illustrate I n Y our O wn L ocality « • RABBIT AND POULTRV H-hlCV , lud hiwrr U» ash >»pr , t •*s <» !‘V*< «I till / »TOCK BRVNflS. Home brnnded P on riebt .boulder, cattle P on right hip. R. A. Henriricka. P.O. I.awen Or. Hap’ Baza I2Û COLLARS 1PER MONTH t 'i < eiu r-'inry _>{ ,'i • i. u. ■.« .« A. «;. , . ’■•«.. : <- ■ tfi ill i »« I I •• . ’ ’ t*«v. ««O'. I" 1 , I i IH'O i I V w Hab’s . <> <1 t < 1 . j « Uve o trio o it *1 ilailv. It is the MOST HELI \- BLE, Hllli I* lecoglllZ*- I ils b'-in.- the LE A ill NG NEWS. ani > PATEN ('KVBN I SMUK* A W k L'K; a DAILY G'L’ Till’ tOHN WS . A high-cla’f» itiustrnted tnazHin« ' magazine in the houte is no longer a lnxnrv. It iu a necesuity, and to i-ncwu Everywhere. meet the demand*» created by thi® IL U S T R A T E I) Sold Everywhere. Grown Everywhere necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN ¡MAGAZINE, giving yearly, a« it ILLUSTRATED. Harper’» Mwgazine for will centinue •G does, 1536 pages of reading by thij maintain the unriva led »uandiini *»f ex «•lienee ! __ your dealer for tl;«'m Send for which ba» < h reett iiz«“t It t'r<>m ’he bezi ming ablest living authors, with over Forrr’a StreU Auaiml for IM»«»« JnvaiuwM" to a" ulanienuno lover» \ lining the iin’ah e features of he year there oi F»oe Vogot ibii* and Heainlful will be new novels by A • onau Dov’e. t’on- 1200 illu«»rations bv clever artists, Flower,. Wr-r<-li>r It - Pr.w*. H iincv 1'eniiiiore Woolson and vVilllani Black Shor'stories will 1« « «n trinuicd bv the most I has stepped into the breech, with tx.pulur wri cm of the * ’a wl. Branaer .Matthews, and manv *»thet». TLe i lurtrateu descript w naners wi’l embrace tar’led the literpr.v world . ar n ies i«v J u I' mi Kai’ h ■ n new Sinthern and Western subjer u; by Theodoie Child on India; The H erald , fully aliye to the by P«.»lit ey I igel w on Russia and Germany: ■ bv Kt« hard Harding Davis «»n a L n*Hea u ill be coTit tn ued. Li’erarv arti«•- • d from tin HARPER ’ ?. M AGAZINE . tl f* monthlies in the past has been nr<‘ includes ’tn, HA RPER’S WEEKLY ............ HARPERS BAZAR 4,(k $3 00 and 14 (M) a year, and ♦ hey H A RPER’N YOUNG PEOPLE......... 2.1* tit ge Free to all Suliscriiiers in tin were to be found onlj’ in the more , Poa i’nstnge I niied States. Canada, or Mexico. pretentious homes. Our offer fur- The voltuiies of the Muguzine begin will ( nishes a help to all families, no lie Xiiiiilier» for .lune ami December o ac Ii year. When mi ime isecilieil, stii matter how modest their means, eription.« will begin wi'ii the Number cur- to keep in touch with the greatest PEKb'J? rein al lime of r« <. iia ol'order. Ai'TEY'i t Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine foi minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ 11 tee years back, in tle.it c.'o Ii binding will EN'i "c-ent bv in i . post-paid, on receipt of $.'i politan has today the strongest «er voiiime. ('l.«ih t'a-e», for binding 5ti regular staff of any existing period­ ■ein-e.ic)i—i,y mail, p lOsl-pilíd. ical. Send orders to liemiitances ahiuild I lie . ......... rimile ... by . l’ „ iotottii'i T he H erald , duney Order, <>r Draft, io avoii'l chime o Burns < »re. HALO’EK «V BIIOTHEKS, Nev n-r Harper’» Bazar ia a journal for the home U given i he muri infonna i«uia with regard t< he tibl;’ n and itn numerous Ilbistra'ioiiB Praia <*H h aud pattern sheet Htipplenient» un? i : ‘‘l ’ i F ► ’ »ble hle alike to I the he htinie home drviis dress make make> ’ «Aiuci/i und’h». ;»r •« ffî . hih I modiste. No expense it spire ’ to make its artistic attractive» es» of th* l .TH‘.:LÍT^T: highest order. Il» Io»uhtgrorica,amiiaingcom edict*. and th.-ugh fill e»»avs Raugf' all îastes î; ’ATTAC»\M.eNT§: ami Juins pave is lain.. uh uh a budget of ni 12:TH»:f«IM£Sp i and humor. In I a week \ inauef evervthiug if :W0CD'.VGR»2 hie'U. Ct! uhiceia if i crvHt i<> women Th* W-~ - . Trr-~^‘ ’•■■■ - -■ Vi' < — i ■■yiw iM cria h for lS’.ì.i will r?: c *. N n • xi». “ be w -i.ien bv Walter Beaan d . uh l.\ nil. »line Terhune Herrn I* I «w tw §« w mgw ca.cWMfr i at l«i». line- in youi »r ?.l »erica. entitle«' “At th* ‘ C dlCAOO. ,,c*«o. ?» UNIOH SÇUARL A /. I •j jf i.< »n , iu«>r<- I wil’ fnii-ish »i t . ilei ” • tra »*.*.. • osto »’. mass ' All anta c . a ive Thome MiBer, an- it-tiî Ti.< sr louik MQ. Î be freq'ieut contiibn’or> FOR SALE iiMlkAtei* prch.ioie • 'aii’iM. e d io * i _ the Coiunib an Exp«» Each BRACELET I lie a ..t k ol Wo Henin i’ ■ »epnaeitle*! with inauv i'l h. k« i- NE vh «d! io’i a i, i pr hi !*' : c»» »r Li.NE OF ■»»• » i io i ». T. W. Hixgin>oii in ••W’omet b »•uniiuhe«! mean 'll d <•»1.” will pleane a cultivated audience. I Mirhi n m ii li m«»-e in t» t«t nu vely pt* Ñ XRI’ER’S PERIODICALS L family i» vnti-r- • 1, » Ile A (.'LEAH I T-dimeew a ►îraljrht H Hl**: the nve se if P< r Yf-nr I1XE <*F HEALTH to vil: ti»v ! emití hhiti» r t» f2í«zÍ! e j> blishe» so ie Hune cirri»-. Yon will ri •* r«» i I VKI’EK'.S HAZ IR.......................... 4 ” • i*Ti luex’i » J . h -i-irit» <>r d*•»•)»■ tiieii'l<«iie I. Hiiliee-lptt n will l>eirii wlrh dc«rrtp- »e equa rd by any in tt»c wo kt for it» beau iftil m b be Number current «tthetimeof recelp' ■ r ii<;i. ’ *i*e ot Il it »t rations an . •»abject jmittrr. t; at will Ke p h ’ecu red I roa porte l 'm all the »op»r» of ti e day. a» d all the of « r1er otiti I volu me, o' ■ r| e » Bazar lor thru ! • •■•»»ntv.or I fade, a id different itene* of interest ab*.ut the «ear i> neat cloth '«indimi, » 111 l«e rent bv n ai bmweho'd. besides fnrn diin ’ Interest Ing res«* <‘n»ing tug w 111 be aentby mail p,4pai«l i n r.celp <4 n noe aita Puent Oifics. w.»*-«’'••‘»•e the year, and in any - ze ?< •» ch o*e m nd in *t OKI h. your nub* rption nf <»» cr. on y f ? 0°. m d you v ill I en«rtance, (houli be made by PoatOfflca r*»ally f«’t over liv ii;*. A dr»**?* the p”.b. i M< " v Or.ler . r Drab, to avo d chance of lor. Ri«h<*r. \V. Jcnnins« lk-nmyt-t. 1’» Ea^f Kt I St., Ad reo» H A RPF K A BRU TH EKS New York If ’«»tl h o o. lcqnain’ct! vi’h the New,paper, are Lot to « opi any one nor Mngimlnc. ae« d 'nr n «nci in er. copy A ! »rr* <,‘V O 111 of the above a. • •••emeut, without the -> 4“,» f?►** «*< S.1UFUM RxNGL’? m«tn< I -»».•<• v : a ,in*H n lf! \\t«l P lupreao urdo, ot lAHl’KR BKuTHltKS. rrner»- rv In » F'R^T l»'Y!*TONO“ TIH-MB t * »•■»«•nett 1 -wvML pf* •irony will; I.OXG SECOND D? Vi'-’ON. r« M mu . t»y lb»* ! c-o’tM ’»Ml Vfor«. AiW. ’ ■uv work v'-nn.-Maxl Vei<1«B <13 IM KJ’t *• lar farn’iv. Ttw MOI ' T <*r .H’l'I l'ER he 'd • .¿ta S M-i*. itrJu^W ... # S’. itnhp on ; thot of h VH’RN, prn iWaiat... 4 . *» K. .1 l«’Vr of «nleodnr: M * RS c »S a-e; M< »ON. minims- i«w *r* «11 r'*’« ;H«^da arw'Htp« .... 17 K 48 la. t ton; VKNUM. ioveof p:«i»Ac.re: in«’ MERCI BY. •.«♦-». Wil» ■ Nc-tlVCy rariy tu «rilé •«- lack-«. i TRIM 5 BY HAIL. CONFÎ0ENT mfellifenre. T ke our a-l’fce a* above S”d *»»a S* b ewv.ta *n Mtampa fcr paKfiru pm < h ear. and watt on left jaw. H »me brand figure 7on d’her hip. J. H. Bunyard.Burna Ore. <;<»«» Wil’iama, h«»mcs ami mule» branded rounding’v. on rieht »‘ffle. P, O. Rilev Ore. Home brand* on right stifle. James Rousxt P O ’urna < »re Horae brand bar-m on left ahonider; Cattia brand har-m on ’eft hip and riba. Cotherins Marshall BO Narrows Ore. Home brand on left shoulder u Mi»* Lanrt Stane ift. Burnì Orr. Horae brand ¿**>u left shoulder and same <>■ D »•racle of right hind 1er. Phil Smith Burn* Ore. 8. Lampahire an I Son ca’tle brand >B c .lineeteri. Ear mark awa’low fork in right ear underbit in left. I’, <>. Burna Ore. BEATTY'S PIANOS^ for catalogue Ex-wayor Washington, New Jer»ey, »aniel F. Beaty BEATTY’SORGANSl t r . .iLope \