4 *1.1 « .. • ■ ‘ b A Quation lu Etiquette. we’* both going tie same way, and no ‘heller you except’» g a «'oorwnv, I Raw there in Peinore.t Family M aitasi ne. could s»ek - CHAPTER HI. I eX Initio, W;’ ‘|r; 4 k ; arv WH r. y which involved *e lious waitin • i and would have been an imposstbih 1 ‘’Wbv.(hf*«iwthr doctor g. li.t.jc wan s. ':jjjp1itv*if of us are i._ - / it^g • I ii- Foully nice * » vrtir invi..rm engagement, -v’ni ifnpoFRil’le. and tn ¡.i. «rlk Irehind von. too aelfleh to be Ì-. r have ' been '¡’’howYht of for a.^moment. I • iMleAd, t nXu« takea-mv offer the way T : I» ' mgf tjt nie ’’^«"»'ot hurt me. and it will not T* ■4 >• do tb* wniilow hi,t<( wamh fi’ir ’ hiin,;Prrtvp ,hat n,v i«npul?e ought to 1 N .tf.idi., » im M j»’ili.. w^ge;r you’lj1 h*** •‘wppre««*d. Judging by c * ¡* m P’* ihmm»»*,40 ;gyt .ii»p ¡iUng' aiinmpi 'h»i!’ind‘ilM'rtdent P0’^ of her h<‘aA_. Been raised • » .*< V proprie • .vici' « tenui and wl'o|e ) at prices 4 nr 'io '«i-i i Port.' I JAMES H- WAlTC ■' • ■ gal Disease commonly comes on with i slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. • ; • a • . • ION w SALLOW, or yon ESS AFTES EATING. TAKE FMBW# ?F^” WMCH A*'L<®”0B; TAKE Î : | -• ' ’ Sold on a Positivo Guárnate«. ■* RIPANS TABULES saving tUom the dealer’s prod. We aro tbo mrnt. vou smiled x so «•< »' rfjKt - : for their merri ■ -. . U . , - > j. r . Y, ' ** • j S’." 1 trv |UT|fi ■!>:’ !K? •’finvrh't hetlfiFlH gew-a on A »«d ’ hen ’ he ,bf} ■ ' - M 4 '..'3 ■ b «:■;* «i- - •> »<.■* ' ». .. -rw ï for— respect great j' so aava k* - - — R ichard M amut » v p '” r sj 43||| om a.ioui Aaj v joj uiooj x.uu(d»! ’* P.U8 >.uj(d.i -»juqj. ’tu-MC ui-Mil IPI I Hl JM -*■«. «t/jloBX *R.X;i»«x.< pup », q “I Pha|l Rçq s ’u:ii4 aiis lüuai ‘isopto rj.aqj?âuo )O uotiBiuiloj punes ai ) iuoj J sasUB i aSmuuxpB aqi dii-u ssau]stiq .»i,i jo ptoq *14. IIIO4JJ1 >•>•)->"* ¡¡il If»» »»qi f«'U “’4. Oi|.a oq.n ..»mix -»oqx . 13«H Ubis -Uli -»qi tno4J li iajai.s ’ •(<( ■(d pu» puw qdiiijs rpitu js os uh snot)an4int| | Fu -urv-q <-l asna ' ........< .»qx - i¿ jo •■/ st Matiwnq jo nap! uupj Aim aiiw axiiq >4UM no. no.\ ’, imq« utii|4 su sn ' ’l'in»»».!» " ’^t,jii joisnj J'I’rj .fanoni .fononi .ifpfiii e,fnn ima imo noy no.t ’ Xo¡du!a Xo¡dii!* o tn sfnX pun ‘ . s oq ‘ uamoM ‘ ueui jó spaanumi a ni ■qlnrf punte -tiaitio.w nam jo “t>a4[>nnq ■ pimi l ini pirn pun ,«"1 .f|qn.tonoq .fjqn.iouoq pun À|i««.> À[i«B> Stq.iq Xn)aq i ««inniq jo fo.in «» C'f <'* ® mi inoud POTT— 19, >anj atti no punoj aq usa piqï -l'y? Hut/. |i> é: 'i'i-n ’ .......... i i-aq . u|iàxnq ■ iff HU 4-lJro .. s- . ...... : ......, - , . . Huouarnoì pimmaj u | m mqi maoons p.v>wa l*t|i 3* P-»!14«H *1 IBM tlOÁ pus ‘sXnp MAJ • K' ’ ‘ j $n noi nao» I JHudu'giptlirig to feel “IJeres the Ma’ ’ »«b hi!«* w >ti I h M rs H appy .—“ v ' mV revenge; •you more.” h |; h "•< • a r could i*ity ¡idds. . v s -peti mt I languidly up. Shadts of rnv ling’s walk!’ It is my kri ghi $73 r • ♦ !l. • 4 s : ,L t t •♦F a DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY1 Maybe yras think this la • new bustneM, sending nut babies on application: it has been done before, however, but never have those I4 furnished been so near the original ¡sampleite this one. Everyo e will exclaim. '• Weii I that’« the sweetest ,u»by I ever saw P’ This little biuck und-wbim engmrlnsr run give you but a faint idea of the exquisite ori-*’-;-'. >* * /• . « ‘'¡¿ml Hiair4 I fibiut a. I whispers ear. other eircum-tatets hut. from v* ■ b»- elerti- ■ faint and doctor." Y • VH“. IJlDDY.—“T hem ’I' •' i-ick, aiiduM’ie'r I am helped 'tothr '-' ■ ?. il’ii er to g«*t up I sofa 1 lie.hack with mv eves closed. U-.Í l while Site Daiti'ii taris'ii/e; and May zar. ■ Bmdwiek runs for some salts. ,Sue, k.ed, mu xinuslv. ìt is 11 mouth ROr.ejjjitt peyer-.ti • •iftMt a ?\iir 13tï’«i Copyright«. Lload V, uji.u. —id-for I e f g i! » . i J^ntdky’i». »i ' Imieht'Qti '■ at I.uln in' etili-iu ahd efiitn tpiu. HH it w» rp.’AlthBMglvJ-ciiu nton Mrittiotif ’ get ■ »(i.’Ui.d ’• | L' hiiTDvl’ AT it- frlii in -, NO.1U i. Top Buggy. I b£’p^.*‘‘or. ''ffK. ho. 1, tarn llame L.XPTNG SAD3LKS »nd 1 ?•» V«& • »• a •e:* >e-. rÁi*r * ¿^V’"’í l>. ,’.1111 'di.'liC? o ir ,• ! I,er II’Vlinvi ;b ir.f-i r.i. Which we Bronose to oeQd toyou. trnn«M r- •r.wi oy u ciMiio^iat'on of v. r •* irni. 'l n< WMpapiwGu«o4May. > h »«».nil«trtftlM* anti !•>•< ¡.f pm- I % Mtrctruon i >u<«iw* cm « Vian»*, which I»*. 1 <«> I nr-.iiv. t m te < pudici, m I per t ok . 4 t r »•. . *• • •• Airi »« 4 **’»r«tbIre- • ■» lift ' tatuili Utioti pild. p ild. Tile The little llttla ilari.ng uarliinr lesi» leeta agi.mal agn.iisl » pillo*, und te in ftn «fX «,f qrawii g oli ita pin.. soc :.*tae mateof whichtias bf én poiled ut! and iluir{ asl I« b witli a t> iumpliant eoo. “I am unite n The il ’Sii tfnuaré [«crfcct, nix!ftleey< »follo— vou. no iinttfer—yo.i stami. TTn exqui- hv S,i' u:d o . 1‘rrh «:t re >ro iucti >rl3oftrCeuust piiialingot .t. -. s i <7: Ida Wuu^ti 'tita nio t Cv-lelayted of min cm i d e.i s'nztbp,pqst year. “ A Yard «f Pan. l^iink I Wa> • r«i>, Tifile» p'eve-glq.i(fe«'n ulit it ¡ill'«bit'or 51 ■l'Aziàe for 1*!U will pésre'isa^»ulkiTj?oyex..! ■I ni-it ■ tvoi’ks.oLart or freni vak.o, tesine» a «nV for '«>'1 to ac ip un .t-Wt’oibt.h > c-quaiell f.^ iiny in .1 t i i <*IJ i l'Vln V» .'.g* ni i li striUtonr and t-fl* ?*<— i«t.:w* Il l nft-m ni; juwA. I.ever ri.oi.lii have 'vrnturtd tu t * Cl Udir» t 'pu s of th-? d>iv. ned ali ni < » Htj.it ■ ’»..«' o.yt the,;-.. ,.’f. m. ♦fsttchte ' ■ .. milk" I1. or 'I tl.’H- cinse. I ’■l»VJ..i^i, ■ rio! 1^ r e. • ¡«le» id'-s i I i,.i.!r Intel inu ioetirg I i ljit.g «ystfrg ’ » v'tr d*’’r '»’.'li- rh-i'’’ mai Lav«- lad no r»gpr. ’ "bV rii. fr-v o» co»*, alltheprtL' ’•'■••■ » u. i imi I -lore. 1er. mb s iimi durtnjr: tbp jear, -and ,. ____ au In ir ì . ìji . i lfig2.an-i spn.v,dl rciliy . •c . "I “hon’d have Leon lu»>h die* gei '«or »r, ai vaine. Ad ln-ss tho piit'liài er, ' * ! H<1 w. .l'fcHXiCTh ’ HWhV ’ AU ’ dF F.u'V UHI St .-V* gusted and diea| poit t*d if Von Lad J «T 'ili-Ìi U yo,‘ “F* unacquainkrtl with tM ” ' dtclined it.v blight H rvn f.”’iir u Hil '■TMZ^ine. aeud lOVbùi.« f‘ + - svecimeu osar 11 « H ! k ¡SHILOH’S < CONSUMPTION - .1 - u- • ■ ■ f ••. : V L. MANHOOD î\ r»i inu U vi lue . <• *: i nrrv« Hr Atiuvta*-. \\ I ha>e >• liltn ;i l.iur', fimi wV- hTk’e ip-0 » V, ¿¿¿æs ¥/. C. PRATT- Gcc’v. ELKKART. IND 5 £? "'irh!I)r Behtr.rfd I» ¡■»th«- first time Bilik»1: FViharl H’*' »rie. Sfin.vhee’.r* fi fweree-i. cT f-w e«n-h w!*h or1''“. ►*••»«! 4r. I m i i».it*’in’uil. tire*. Meel tubiag, «lion fortcluM** •.^4^ la V-../ |> 04 i Ik.pM.o 1 - è *1» IX. L - Í —.3 r ■c. ♦ r/ z nga.in that' very slmiild have met zl VI'.. ,1 « anxinual v. ' * i I r-donr? We .?,...... consult • um » «.jin aM puw Spring Wagons, SOI to SCO. Guaranteed t ;..ie a .»«-II tori.Ai vot- .». Ciirrcyo, SCO to SICO s-.nie as sell for »100 to St Top BuCGidC, S37.SC, as tl:ie a., rolil f.-r tf*. PhiBtonu.SCO tj SICS, Ferm Macons, Wcrronottor Milk Wagon ■ .OellvcnrV.'agono"*’ e-u- Carts, ttuvt i.i hi.x, uo.’.r.x a i iiH-ui. . Mnj! . tk(» tv» (? •,’ It, ,comy g rhf*r,$r|d chti.ter around ■ in® 1 . ; ‘ * - - “ . ; , ; ..Anxioij^lyT;ii Jlvi.ry v'inovfement h|all, nut we ncroo «vnndorHiV ; ma Afinxjj« »JH noÀ.ji îaoao, m uplaq OMiteq« riKHART GARmfiGE and HARNESS NFG. 00 /•U HO e llil a and girls sweet I v and allowerl.pie to hold n,iv laugh, aitfr ¡¿he manner of girls. I uriilir-llft over vou.” I glance ut the doctor. A turh’hle .>la..to me generally a ! • ■ y .1^7- “ Was it not strange that' we source ijif inflpjte mirth,.and 1 can w msnaay -oo| •»« xoao in sa aiyM iiaqt ‘.aôBipsxpv o*. luaqi wp o. ; ï qsiM pu« -»juaiuoiu* xjvdv «a; b ï > a » m inq *p.>À«qdq Q ■1 1 j.i : "■ >■<4 '•( i EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. . • • j -■’.br’ RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES I L ■_ _ _ _ ufi i -• a J SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. ; Fold by Druggists nr sent hr jn.il on receipt of price. Package <4- bi.x.’»hUgtL — cents. " ‘ MEDICINE CHEST J Box (0 rials), 7.» For Free Hrmpli" ■Ôth’»’*, • nn*t for limi l'CT * •uf ■ *■ fantila. . RfFAHS CHEMICAL CO. 'T’E’JT, - - NEW YORK: « .■» .«»>»•««ny . * ? _____________ ^AlW A. Wairn Os. MILES* PILLS.SO Do&caiS C rs RIPANS TABULES _ ankle turns, m aVùriócuNbthrall auffering Rom thebe catl»o—'1 N q Dr ’’erke, audaciously; 5““..’THOUSANDS Ripant Tabu les Reguiite the System and Preserve the Health. RIPANS TABULES ppc-aka. • P i ,.J and T'votrd you. in schoolboy ver­ .. , ’“I '7 TOlltHytd by the teat yf the girld, nacular, "a regular trump,’ when, A . r _ I . getbbalf way acioga the room . mv high heela agait^ fail me; my after a searching look fr,Q.m a pair leigth and in three months 1 w«s rrnpertv cu«r*. In mv travelseuch yean w Leu < r. u lheibon»..naO i Of physical wrecks, sum’riug from nervous ,pro> - - — j—, trillion, taking pre-scriptidtts trot»’ l\ 1 s al physieiuns whohuveuoknowl. B ««Igo i,f their case, unci whose death ts certain, I fwl like going to them am; »aying. •••tr De Mat«' NCRViNC (SO OC cueroi" I*>. my profession, » m ■«■ m where th»re areno uianvsu ill I H r» I J fferers from r-ver.rork.inep'^^^ * a —,ul prratra- lion and nertóuR evhaustlon. brought i n by ths character of tho bualueaa engaged in, I would 1 TAKE : .‘»I- .) 'r • I. I jfimp.up,: as. fhe take DR« » MILES' NERVINE tONSTIFATU.gvhkW ii' .. MÍ r judgement, 1 fnakr H.rB.sli £ir th$ .window, close S>r. Xtler it-dirai C'i., Etktiart, fn-f< ir» JT- dirai fn*. Youv.^ _______ ’ — CiElkUart, 2------------ -Z ---------- |ljrii wUl remember condition h five year, ago. when 1 was the afflicted with I a wa.« combino.. ■o. “ea-e<, when and 1 was afflicted with a combina». Uon of di tbought there was ao ati» I roe e- • lrle<1 ttl1 kindidfif tnedicln?».atid «core» or eminent phwieiai.*. }Iy nerves wére prostratoti, producing dull lie ». heart trouble and all the ill» that make Ufo mueiòbie. I commenced to TAKE 1 t>ei>edal.Mater. ’ •« Man’--« cf Waite*» Celebrated Cotnody Ob* *■ Premium bang cod Orctwtf»». i ii. SiHibage Proprietor. HEADACHE, DY8- »TION. . . . atakw‘ to■‘i"th,nk - Wiih.hrlbe-.tyeek-.! The rough Cure li . oi ui'Hiicine. ■Il ton tpui -nere reca» iv. become mrnMl ex- Free Into . -d Canada. ■. .or Bron- ■■■■«. If'yóuv . C.mgh. use ’ i f y chi »i «p.«J fi,. > . ! 3 .1 U ¡ti call-1 ..»«•’fMMj’i hn’ • h?r.k,« dr! J 1 :0 njL^tpy ------ ; C" F «4 '»-’JÚv ? Ml- '-f» í > • ?♦.’ ’ aZ. !».»♦•• ,’d . A<( •* ■* » V -■» A” . , .-,1-1