’1’h® Her??. WEDNESDAY DECXMBKB 1» 1194 I an inspect life insurance eompan-1 —To all subscribers of the E O. I IT*. there would he no trow- LH bbald and those in arrears, who | 1 * ***U*ng irrigation bonds or in 'will pay np and renew, we will send* Having purchased the entire stack formerly beioagiag to co.! »2.000 000. | ,h„it b,„ u( con who are teething this hot summer' I offer the sains for sale at greatly reduoed prices for CARR. but IS to be capitalised at twice the struction 8uch bonds at 5 per weather and are troubled with C. H. VOKGTLEY. sum. while water rights at $20 per cent would command par, and prob­ bowel complaint. I give them acre are to be issued to ths tune of ably a premium, in both home and Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and eight millions. Thus the poor set foreign money centers. This would Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like Hers are to pay for their water a enable tne state to guarantee wale-1a charm. I earnestly recommend sum that will yield a big revenue at coat to allJits people, which would i it for children with bowel troubles, on six times the actual investment! enormously Btimulats immigration! 1 waa myself taken with a severe It was represented that our share and development attack of bloody flux, with ciamps in the profits would be upward of I Which of our wdstern states will ' and pains in my stomach,one-third $400,000, simply for booming the be first to rise to the occasion?— of ».bottle oi this remedy cured me. scheme! We are urged }to meet a American Agriculturist. Within twenty-four hours I was large party of agricultural editors out of bed and doing my house from the east who are expected to work. Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon A Wondwrful Diarnverjr. arrive next week to view the site of aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn. For Ibis fabulous wealth. | Bale by H. M. Horton. Dr Chscini’s Electric Spavin Yet we decline! Why? Recause Cerner of 1st aad B Street. we have enough to do to attend to Cure positi vely removes Bone Spav­ M. H. BRENTON our own business; because we lie­ in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 While In Topeka last March. E * * lie ve an agricultural journal should hours without pain. $500 'award Th" ' T’ ^ar,,er» 8 prominent nc-spa per | be peifectly independent and free) failure or slightest injury. ’.... man of La Cvgne, Kan., wa taken to work for the farmers’ welfare: hv- ««•<••» »odder of the Nineteenth with choler morbus very severely. fLirxli««,«, * aiy.ww«,. L. a * ** Century, astonishing as mA it «A*** does aL th» cause we believe no farm journal • ■ "-- Circulars The night clerk at the hotel where iiitire veterinary ‘«orld. < should thus mortgage itself to any .nd‘"u7t7mon7ais fr^ Dr. Guy , he was «topping happened to have scheme or delude its reader« with necini, 378 Canol 8t. New York, a bottle of Chamberlin's Colic, t the idea that its adyocacv is solely | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in their interest when it ih really in . — — The ~ Best Week v Paper in and gave him three dose* which the interest of an outside scheme in California. Only $1.50 per year relieved him and he tinks saved Add resa Which the publisher happens to be his life. Every family should keep T he B ee ; >this remedy in their home at all) engaged- These are reasons ( Sacramento, Cal. enough for any self-respecting | times. No one can tell how soon it journalist to keep free from all such mav be needed. It coats but a trifle ^ tate of O hio , / and may be the means of aavinvl PS. entanglements. The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ '.’ ity of T oledo . j much Hiifferingand perhap.-« the life f sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate We still more emphatically de Frank J Client -v makes oath in every way in their line of business. cline to he a party to the scheme in of some member of the family hat he is the senior partner of the and grain conatantly on hand, and careful help. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale question hecuus' we utt« rlv oppos-- I •irmofF. J Chenev A C<>.. doing thia species of financiering that . -usine»« in the Citv irrigation works any more than in1 I'-ach and every case of Catarrh tha> »3 Wliwt noaOUXAB'NO. V til roads. The dav of bunans i •annot be cured by the use of! 45. CORDOVAN, farming is passed nevei to returt «1 FRtWMft.ENAMEUIDCALF. FINE CALfAMWSAKl Hall’s Catarrh Cure and farmers under irrigation will do, $3.V POLICE,« S olu . well if they are aide to make fair FRANK .J CHENEY. M «»’âïïfÂ*« profits for themselves during th« | Sworn to before me and sub I ♦2.VJB oy Ö cwoi S hc £1 bed December< in my presence, this fit h next 10 or 20 years, after payiml peri Jav of 1886. . C. BT»n — — BAHer. ---------- I W. L. B ouclas for water only a price that will’ maintain and imptove the irrigating I . J system, provide a reserve against • contingencies and pay reasonable ( annual interest on the money actu- ally invested. I I *.*.„** seal f A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public HairB CaUrrh Cure is taken in . , »ernally and acts directly on th. ..lood and mucous surfaces of the I I 8. BAILEY, Proprietor». — °L< 3EN0 FM eSTALMUE WL'MUSLAS« BROCKTON, MASS, u ins, VLiquors, ry Sv pnrefc««*»» • 1*> we.'r'e"rTe”rr?.72k»nf»a«r»r<.< tbe bottom. Wkicfcr »irlret and th® fttluHC• gpav—»». Cigas and Cigarr&tts Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, vte., ate. Sateen is first class in every particular. Expenence barto ——-j It is high time to call a halt in system. , Mixed drinks to please ths most fastidto««. Send for testimonials, j eq«i f Zhcre allow™ price« for tbe valne riven t.’an such exploiting of waser. Unless free. •t‘r?7.eP T.tre no MWUt-teJfy-r , «“• fc0“1 this is done, the over-capitalixed F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O I?. . . r vauuot »upp!> you. irrigation enterprises that are al­ gfiF*8old by Druggists. 75c j D m 'er, v hore «»me will »bortly appear e here. Are»» Apply at «mee. ready in receivers’ hands will hej a followed by many rpore. Reckless financiering has already given a serious shock to eastern capitalists’ faith tn irrigation investments, and^ JOHN RAYER, unless promptly corrected will Chet ( ■T our western country the loss or» Situated en Rihdes river ì mile East of B b deprivation of untold millions.« As a matter of fact,irrigation works) Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR fro offer a moat attractive investment, for capital when properly managed • Under such circumstances they are Good Wheat absolutely good for every dollar ac­ tually put into them. Not only is the principal perfectly secure, but the interest is equally eertain be­ cause farmers and fruit growers must have water and aie willing and able to pay a fair price for it. $ of Let each of our weotom states » WWUini) the control if not ths owner GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A Y £ \ A J McKinnon get The Twios-a | I Any reaber of the E ast O rbgon H kmald can | ship of all large irrigation systems, present and prospective Iart tho Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to lie Rltop opposite Ibe Clerk’s O®*S. state at least govern tbe capitalisa­ BeRIn‘iddittoi to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America, every i tion of such corporations and oblige subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or ÀB «iperiMNsd Workma. and saufacueu Uuaraato^ them to make truthful reports of I more every year by the special offer« made subscribers from time to time ¿ample c^ «f The Republic will be sent anyone npon reeep their financial condition, subject to state inspection, just as I pal eastern states » ritieally watch ’ I dunn S rLO ük & S aw mill THEST.LODIS REPUBLIC FREE! BLACKSMITH SHOP. juhpotmc , St. Louis. Mo