Business Locals GRAND MILITARY BALL. piNAI. PROOF BURNS OREGON. AT 1894. Nov, 26, that folk"vi"K- Notice ti is Bereoy K>veu ,»■>. ine ...» ___ hereby Kt ven ,. noibeof - - « --- named settler has Al ti!e.tio:i M «aid land, viz: W. A. F ater. homas Hr- eheap for cash, at the Hardware of, C okmk k of Burn« Oregon T hom as A i . i . hn of Riley Ore. F ranks R kii 'KK of piatnotid Orc. gtore of C. H. Voegtly. THOMAS HINES. Keglater. • — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham baiher, desires a part of your pat­ ronage, at the new barber shop. LAND I -O-AT-0- OFFICE piNAI. PROOF Armory flail, Burns Oregon. —ON— I Chaistmas Night Dec. 25,1894. I Mrs. It. A. Hamilton OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. Nov 11', ISM. Notice i> hen bv Riven that the following naine, settler hue filed notice of lii« intention I r.. r Hke final proof in aupport of hl« claim, and 1 that «nid proof will be made before Iteirister I mid Receiver al Burna Oregon, on Dec z7, 1894. viz' J ames I.. V arikn . Hd. No. 4SI for the S^j NE‘4 mid .“L NW'4 nev. ¿Tp.^sR >. i »>. -- 3 21 — Builders toolsand all kinds of . sec. 31E 1Î He names the folowing witpesses toprove ' his continuous reeidende upon and cultivation building hardware at the Burns • . , of said land, viz E E. Allen. Baxter R For- hardware store, at bottom p. It PS Ier peter cleme'.is. of Hurns Oregon. Owen Shingledecker. of Barney Oregon. for cash. THOMAS JONES. Registeor. Given lip to Dio [ LAND —Who said you couldn’t get a good flavored cigar in town for five Cents? Call at the Citv Drug Store and inquire. “I was troubled wit!» liver compl-.lnt and en­ largement of the spleen. At last I could not walk across ir.y room, and took to my bed, as many thought, to die. 1 began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and am entirely cured. It has all This ball will be under the direct supervision of the members o’ Troop A, and a very pleasurable entertainment is guaranteed. The best music will be furnished for the occasion. PIONEER-DRUG Hood’s^Cures been brought about by IIoo stand ] A. C Worthington I’roDrietor. Hood’s Pills Cure Sick llcadacbs. 25« I « ^SeDEAI-ER hotel —The Saloon, in the new | DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES. plNAL PROOF building, Richardson and Stephens' Barber Shop toilet articles , and notions . ' proprietors, is nicely furnished and 1 LAND OFFCE AT BUXNS, OREGON, __Tonsarial parlor Ed Walton 1 A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection' Nov. 26 ÎSW. its customers is given the best is hereby uiven lhat the foîlowing- 1.1 Notice maze «ettler iiuai pi..... ........... All work in his lineiNutsand fruits. named hnz filed notice of hiti îniention ! proprietor. brands of liquors and cigars. to make final proof in ore?ou «npport of hil daim, and , guaranteed to be first class. Call, gMTMail orders promptly filled.__________________________________ *” " ----- *-• »WVi.* l><. lietnr X- —The Red Front Saloon, now Hd No-444 fur theS»^ SW>4, NE>4 SW'4 A NW I — —■ * rwv WAT A T>TZ l_W|1 and see him. again again under the management I SE 1-1 -ec 10. Tp -7‘S R .'J E. Janies Edwards, of its old proprietor. Lee Caldwell, 1-4 Henume«the falluaiug witnctiaeH to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultlvaton of his friends will find him the same •aid laud, viz: W arren A. F oster , XE r.l.t. On Main or Busim ss St. Just North of the Bakery. all .of Bu-us Ore. I saac N, H uohet , J ames i Real Estate, Life and Fire insur-1 courteous accommodating gentle H H arkins ,of Kilev ore. Pro prielor THOM AS JONES, Register. 1 ance. Collections a Specialty. CULP (fcWoRLOW man, dispensing the best brands of I BURNS, ----- OREGON I liqtu rs, cigars, etc. piNALPROOF I_______________ I H untington Oreg., March 1, '94, I Wi **m*i. D ear S ir :—We again call on vol. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON,) NOV 26 1894. Dear Sir: Huntington has ad soliciting your business for 1894 I vantages for shipping ami sale of Notice is hereby given Our Warehouse will have the same' | following named seerler wool, no other point in Eastern attention as formerly, ’all business | At price to Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausages, and Dressed Poultry, notice of his intention to Oregon has, namely: Being the | entrusted tons, will he carefully' jf divisions, the point to ■' | proof in support of his terminus o. ... look- d after. Ship vour goods in ' that said proof will he "« i made east or suit , the times. be made I e’ore which all rates are same Io Bos- our care • I | Register & Receiverat Burns Ore. west bound. We get l ,vr.. ............. . all and east- — as do <- points east to We continue the jobbing in Gro­ on Jan. 5 1895 viz: E mma H artley . | ton Hd No 461 for the SE] NW] A Caidwell and lower rates to Portland ceries, etc., and will be pleased to WA NF] and SE ] NE] Sec 10 Tp and San Francisco than the points quote you prices at any time. east, of u>: OtC rate to Boston is • 27 S R 29 E. He names the following witnesses $1.90. We get same rates to Port­ We buy our goods direct and will be pleased to divide Margin“ to prove his continuous residence land and San Francisco as does* Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours with you. thus giving you goods as 1 upon find cultivation of. said land. Baker Citv and a lower rate east1 Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p M. cheau.or cheaper, than they can be ' viz: Newell Hall, Warren A Foster < than they. placed here from Portland. iof Buri s Ore. Isaac N. Hughet, Fare One way $6.00. Round trip $11.00. M’he above are facts, no town can Your correspondence solicited. •¡James Hawkins, of Riley. | equal our advantages to” shipping THOMAS JONES, Register.| Respectfully, O. C. Co., J. II I or selling Advances made—haul­ Through freight 3]cts. a pound. Aitkin. J ’ — -wool insured ing charges paid Two days notice at anv P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil piXALPROOF immediately. Send your wool in Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder II. A. Williams. Proprietor. Respectfully, World'« Fair tllzheAt Medal and Diploma. t>Ur care be furnished for passa tigers. O. C. Co t ------ - - — . LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, - - - . - 1st Readers at 25cts Nov. 26 1894. While af Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. J. u 2nd. 40 A Scriven, a prominent manufact- 1 1h at. the Notice is hereby given 4< 3d 55 u following named settler hire tiled urer of New York Citv, purchased it 4t h. 80 a I notice of his intention to make final bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough , u 5:h. $1 00 u I proof in support of his claim, and a ' . Such good results were' that said proof will be made before Remedy. Monteiths Elementary Geography obtained from its use that he sent | Register & Receiver at Burns Ore. ,........ Manu acturer 65c ts. r Monteiths ‘ Comprehensive ; on Jan. 5 1895, viz: W arren A. I ( <1 the druggist from whom he Geography Tinware & SK t* ron Cccd liy $1.2 Clarks Normali F oster . | had obtained it for two more hot I Hd No 443 for the t-c Lots Grammar 80cts. Sills Grammar 4 Tp 2. 27 3. S and R I I ties of the same temedv. When 3— o -..a i 65c t a. Ami ali other school books ’ 4 Sec 3 and Lot 1 1 Sc A Tr. 97 s r I you have a cough or cold give this in proportion and after this date I 1 ■ 29 E PAINT trial and like Mr HARD- He names the following witnesses preparation t a ____ will sell school books at the above 1 to prove his continuous residence 8criven you will want it when again OILS prices for cash and for cash only. ! | upon and cultivation of. said Clark, land. | viz:' Newell It is WARE .. Hall. -w .. Köberl E „ / 11 -1. 1 n, ed of HUCh a ««ediciiw Orders by mail promptly attented of Burns Ore. Thomas Allen, of | i n niedv of greiit worth and merit. GLASS to Dated this 1st day of March I Kilev Ore. Frank S Reider, of 50 cent bottles for sale by II. M. ' JOT? 50 cent bottles 1894 DOORS 1 Diamond Ore. • I | Horton. THOMAS JONES, Regiter.’ C. H. V oeqtly . O A O L- -* »& WIN 1 J W Biggs, i NOTICE—TIM HER CULTU RE. DOWS hAMjC-Kö ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdei /kWirded Gold .’»I ulwitile' Eair baa rrancixo. U. S. Land l Mlice, BURNS,---- ------ - - Oregon GRANIT I Burns, Oregon, November 14, 1894. H untington Oreg Mart AMMUNITION A TON SÖRIAL PARLÖH, ” sW ARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR­ I WARE. CROCKERY AND D f . ah S ih : Our artic Complaint having be»-" enter'd MERS’ & MECHANICS’ TOOLS & UNDERTAKING GOODS. poration provid-s. and ' at this Otliee by George Gilbert JOHN ROBINSON P rip Cali and see our Holiday goods. ranged fur the »ccmiii mdation of (a-ajopt John Lewis for tailure to our cuKtonn a. who 11 conservative bank« do. * FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. to appear at this O‘li"<- on cians and Surgeons. Receive monay on d-.qo‘it sub- moiled the 2 ‘ 2 ’ id d'av of Deceml*-r D/M. >.t . O;h« c at ns, dei et m Burns. __ | III’’ __ j-et tn cheque*. Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes geo s . sìze M obé , 10 o’clock a m . to respono ami far .. We ask rnu« o n*i ier -Cion and testimony eoncer ing said attorney , nish f ► i trii vour account. B vbnh ................................. O regon , gjgf- Prascriptions accurately compounded. alleged failure. TU0.UA/1 .1,'XF.P, 1 clki-.ioi.s, Lnrui bu-mp»«. Rwqyutlfolly. Of*vri C* •«: ivrei .1 filate matter pronipuy ».tended ai"l ttf. heal ' f First irsi Cl»«« i laas Dental uentai Work w orx Dons nons. R- g:st< r L,. - .* At'km »vgr- Burns Ontario Stage Line. 1S. GEER & (0. I