I Í*. WBIFtlf8DAY DECEMBER .2 ^.4 »« ■ * J F. Boyle, photographer, is h“r<'' • A prt seqted to ‘all who have not the 25th of this month. ,already supplied themselvea with troop A., O. N. G. -------- Given *'f FINAL Cll Olí. «« <0 id * Fj’r. by. t.VNP OFFICE BURNS, OREGON. AT . '“ I •• • Nov 19, ISM. Notice s hsr.lv xiven lh»t the f.illowlnr | The .min who*;.moves,.d* vn t.n-ite- H»“t’. r hi.» file I n.,t|. e of It-» Inteiilloti ' dozJ . »It;- 'I ■»' pt . .f In ■npp.irt of hi« .■iHiin.en.l .-. hn- »»i t.- v.fl he irtele bei. re R.-ei»ter . fifes path and finds it -strewn will? ' f'>r ^ubifiets. He guarantees "■I Heien»-» nt hurra .»recoil, on lice .7, i»u , ,o sweet surprises is fi- "bo knows VI» ■ ms* . V ahik ». I , e * 1 . . pl- iiEe even themost fastidious. 1 ,S! *■ r ,h*’ XKki »" i a'., kwh i I ». !~ "Local News. 5 4 1 jdtst h w its done. He k»rps a |>e- <. T|> 4 - R I E ’»e I II-I..I» •! e !.. towing w,'tn«f«ea t. prove ■ n r c«»»r im. h K regí tiende um»n u *i»i < h I iivhi j, u isfrire and ad Vert ices.—Gnmt —There will be n Murquergdei _____ - ...mt.' an.l vit E E. Allen, I axu r R Eoi Ji.-- Pe e, » leinet a. of itlirhg Oregon. Owen1 • . Biili at~CAhlwell's Hall on Jan. 1st. ,Jori?cni,<>ns is the last lot ( j. County News. I g vert k»4r, »»I ' Brncy Jrvgon. * THUM A3 JONES. RcgUtccr. 1895. ............. , I h'liilay (ìtióds for the ’ price that —The following named persons HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATfON I OF Mtuples of his excellent work. ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. . j ""•".•b‘‘.rbis prices. $3.00 uer »*• —Notice in this issue the ad. —Notice in this issue the ad. Grfl”d R«U ftt Armory Hall h. . . Re 1 Re- ¿¿j' STOP! «aSÂÏMi BAKING JWiB I lever e was put tip tor salé iìì Burns, "ere arrest» »1, charged .with Iteiug '»Sj ».'. '»i will pay the i < ¡Go and see. ' the men who .held up the HJtê). highest Cash price for VOurCountyj '• V W ' Warshauer, in Baker City, 'some ■ Our creditors are crowding US Norn E—TIMBER CULTURE Warrants. , and money we have got to have time silice, viz: J t). Hurt. Ch.as. MOST PERFECT MADE. . — Isaac Foster was h > town twoifuul pven, hi)(lv k|)nwn •-Í U. S Lami I Illict pp|VPK Singles t . Joe Hudspeth. > Dan ' i 4 A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free days of thia week. “ 111,1 ’ J^1’’ ^,|'|ii',,er 14. 1894 ,Aoni Aftanouia, A linn or any other adulterant, 1 indebted In to the ihe firm of Cald «•ell ‘-ell A; A Tartar^a.nd Hugh RcWaters; lhe t.S| 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ..Uuci come „..a ..i. bo 1"o 1stt*»-r were discharged fof |qck ' : Complaint havii g b een entered thermometer I ICo Go. will please and -. settle —The minimum ! t’lf sufficient evidence ..... K.,M,..I te. ;lt»Í!'d ll» 1 hem '"' 11Gibt'e iy <"'oig" Gib « rt registered 15 degrees la low zero i..rrl»e,'l.-„|, »ill 1« |W In », f .»l,or,.-y'iSh»n.l ( ? ’ v '- r " , ' h '-' !r "' ; ' 1 j" rv ’ . ¿¿„.¡.ly |„7 " tor lailitic tn last nighb »:•» 'i J-s ’* • ■ —J. Durkheitner I I I L.„ u.< t“ *1 i 1 1»In r (I • —Three men wer* here several *'qu* Ft trv No. 15fc9 da!»-d March L ee C aldwell ’. days since. wer le»ri4t.<i ,qne of.i4»eir| ; L88.». upon the 8W-; St ctiim 13. big jankers last Wednesday. He j t~<. ..» '.Hi»., *• _ _ HiWlies was Fif-a h'lfel k»‘ep»l nt [Range 28 E . in still has IS to butcher. — Io all subscriber* of theE»O|... , I Grunt ( mint v. Oregon w;th-i vi.« ,, ... I a con in I hev were taken across ■ tq.lhe caiiedlaiion cf H}ti<| entry; H ehai . d and those in arrears, who I .. —II. A. Williams contractor on ... , 1 the mountains l»v \\ illiam Harn«, •nntestant alleging that said John ' . ’, •■ ’ , , h. ,lh‘‘ Ontario-Burna stage route is in will pay up and re,»e,w, wa vv,ilJ-send ,.», - ■ | j I ney s. em»d t" be somewhat c!»ise- Lewis hiis .wholly .iibandoned -aid I the Semi Weeklv New York World Burns thia w<ek. '.iqouthod some tlumgbl they were entry, and has failed !<» yomplv free for s’x months. For reliable/ ; millionaires looking over the mad t wilh the Titidi, r Culture law in any —Samuel Kenvon .'irconipamed particular with regard thereto. News there is no better paper than. j? bed Jmrveved bv the (I I’. R. R. Co. '•• The sail] mini's tire hereby sum by William Wilson is in town this - • • ■ • • : i II«- sum p.irtp s are Hereto the World. week. » * wuh "" single to buying a town , monyd tn appear at. this; Office on ill! » —The Drewsey mill «as laid up site, others thought they wer« prob 'the 22nd dav of December 1894 at — Mrs. Smyth, who was taken for repairs, a week ago. but t w»-1 ably here thiiiking of buying out IB “dock n a m.. to respond and fur ei< k with pneumonia, at the Nat- .v.. the .u.. ri ’i c A., A but i.... Bill li-.’n Harris save nish te«tii ........ testimony concerning said imderHai.d^ht-. tepai/s, L. ’ 8 > r9*'R- 0,1 her war home, is now con alleg' d failure. ’ wanted have been received from tlie.thev want’d to huv coon and covote T homas J ones , valescent. I R. R and the mil*is Ajain* griiitd- (skin«. . •»• » Register 1 —The county officers are moving ing. — Present inditali is point tOj into their rooms in the court house. — From observation and inquiry, the tact, that Mr. lownsend con M’e lei eve the Sheriff is already we take pride in publishing. <»»ir tractor 01.1 the CanKpi City and ■ domiciled in bis new quart»is. school t<> ie in excellent condition. Burns mail line, is h*ing rapidly . piÑÁLPROOF »*• k A Ì up ’ into ‘ ” . xi- ii 1 knot tin t hi« e » 11' lit — Rev. t Hbson, a baptist minister, Prof. Dillard is doing good w<ik‘ *1Ì — Hank Levena butchered 12 j for collection. is having a »< ii< s of meetings here, this winter and’ the ef’ect'is plainh it is r» port'll that he is going tolo- to be seen. I cale in our tow n. —Ti e Piinevil!» Iltview 's eer- — Affesfqr MiUer.and bis wifi-1 mu-lv debiting the question I J,, will probably be at'S'-nt, until after1 G m-fits and non-U»-n< fits ot’K.RV ki i(Wl ht fidava, yisiting friends in the n t! in fact iht re is quite a got-. OFFCE AT l.AM» t'FFICE • Last Notice. i ■ f Riirns Or». Th o A lien, of Kllev lire. Frank > Beider. of 1 Hamoml Ore. THOMAS .It)NE - R.gih r I .'.AND OFFICE AT BI HNs, OREGON NOV 2(5 1894. Notice is hereby given . I folio wing named that th» h-ru. r I nn* mri serti» has filet | iotiee of,his intypfion to in ke fitui) it'/'ipport of his claim, ami ] ’tuit s.ijiil proof will be made lie'ort; Regi-ter A Receiver at Burns Ore; r 1 ’n - . viz: «v » ii , 'I ai .I. ... oh .Jan. 5 1895 viz: E mma H artley C. , NE'4,SV< NW', Sen I • ......................................... augur thi-» will be a bard winter, be (. Hil N . . . '• r 'be »W 1 h é 1 ». . .7 i - R ill ■ Hd No 461 for the SEj SW4 A :i A- *K' «' •»' 1 Tp. , i'i'»- ». » • ■ jiMV» —•—* cause in the manv rear* Mr. Garrett 1 If,. i\,.. , »•!>" <■»>•!.. : I' a i'l.r >ii mui I his ■ i .it..':» Hi-'»• >* “ e ui». ,t|»'>ti no»» it’ iy iiloti ,WJ NEJ and SE J NE{ SeC 10 Tf i. iz W. * t < ‘ r Til ■’I. u w. \. Rter Tll 'M.« M.; f 27 <3 R 29 E, has resided in lliier midst, this is ■ -tf.-iMi»!'hl . . . -- 4 .- : '•>RMUK«'f H’ F'»rfg.» ' Tllt»M(S XLLÍN R eí • i ’H’ h eit ’n». lie names the following witnesses' Ri " e» “FC. '’ROK his first attempt in housing hi ' i;: T:I“M '“N’K*4. R puìr er. to prove hi« continuous residence poultry. • 'upon and cultivation of. said lamb. ■«¡HU»-. __ In future we w’l) have 'o gA ». iz: Newell-Hall, Warren A Foster; _> Thtt secretary of the Elkhart < nrrhig» i)(- p M q Isaac N. Hugliet on the hill ’<> see • ur county officer* >1 an.I Harness Alfg. Co, of r.isliart, Inti., tnl.ernaele'l informs-us that their prices will ti»> lower '.Janies. Hawkins, .»f Ril.-v. and entei that gloomy 1 . ii , or 18-.H than ever, lie wishes w» to asR, ' THOM AS JON ES. Register of entree derst oiir Hiaders not v> purchase anything irf —-Gèo. Fry’s brick building is which the verv , looks . i j- .“I th»» line of carriages, wagon«» bicycles or . thoughts of despair and dismal harn(,.s !llinl th< y haw sent 4 ce-.t« m E,;r Cb<.pT»ed.TJriin and Fl»»ur’ ,»e<a.ring completion, M N. Fegtlv ■ ■ . is 7 I stamiis th pay postage oft their 112 page7! » rd»'ing lhe carpenter work and Mr. forebodings<> *e" ’» 1 yt;1|oL'n . go to the North Meat .Market. tftcmlN* his suggestion. • — I IxiYO CUI.^. . — Lovd Lovd Culp Culp is is pulling putting u>e, the, p*“^rl° Mclhtyre the plastering. ¡ J * * ’ "* Proprie^»;, finishing coal of paint on the courfj ...' j : _ —The new stock of holiday at Jl. J thictions displayed bv our mer-- 1 m ghauts, who den) in such, i- novel, the building aqing some carpenter] ’IMI and morn picturesque than ever wmk still necy ssnrv to be done bei J l».a ivt-n- luvei/'- bv-v lui ill»11» «H it nil UK' • before in market in this place. 4 cha ca‘i l»e ieu»*' "' i’1'* “•'1 1 , fore the county record« ate nioveif 1 ■»'» ;>.» l»roul •>“ t*55 ““ I'* »»' — Mr. Cal Geer returned yester * hl i.i’-» l a-ilv and honorably i .a.a- b. am pant .. 1 G-. ilw uf I ’ ICll WOiUCil. 1<O 8, IlllU pirld ill *• ■ in. ! trnnloy Y oh can make money fa.ler nt work I" day from Canyon Citv. While _I)r. Horton is now in hi« neW' over there he treated himself to a Thi> ’"« . store ....... ••• ffi drug store. This <i drug new double seated spring wagon for | h(^ .< r e trt i oS.one of t’ 1 certainlv a very desirable add.iion. ; ................... -• , . nv»Rt ••trwfnl. «nd large»! trebllshlny use in the Red Front Stable. , to cur business part of t<V*n. •«» f < toyman PE?.,». Slid- ninn-.CiW: 1 —We do not hear much said it heing the best' m». Tho»» • rpältir Tlip’r great»“! expectation», in»»™- v »• • . about what social features our town town, the citiifps j>re proud of tt - • ------------- ä äs thinks of enjoying during the com- and duly appreciate the Dr’s, efforiaj ii g holidays? ‘ The children should I P?. ^iíem to ad’then write u. nt one T orpo„a not I e forgotten. How about a Ii in the way «f improvements. Hmas tree? John Day fmur at C. H. Vmg’lv’s». d TRUE AF co ; B ox 400. - Au^nta. M t «-{¿»a■ . «a .IdtniniNtr.ilop's Notice. » i will be lumie before lit. uin ••• J Ken'her lwt,, ,,u Jun ¡„ ing ma.ll cimtraets tor half priije. - .. I'lUsi^H. JUanit!»' - i l 1 I O' 1 No ' oie S 1 ., s" ’ , . N v . It is very »trange ill»»' |i-< pie wi [..-I -¡..-I . . 11. .. » . I . Ile nani"« in- in?.' .hi vi trou» nr,.;. countemini'c ami t r»dit (»»'"tractors , I hm ».inn. UH ri R..-.eii. eup .11 un., ml,i• A. I tlll.l I hiii I, V Z W.KKKs \ r.r-TXH. r hl I who undertake to »In . ......... thing fnt • Give her a call ami examine li t 'I. PR ><»F goods, slieis satisfied she call pb-aS;- CIN i ■ 1 her customers l o'h in ipialttv nf LAND ’.»I'FICE AT BUKNS <IHE<;"N. • • wares and prices.' Nov. 2». 1'1'4. I I Noth »■ :» +1 re >•' ri ve t — We hear from Silver (’reek that ! inline fertler hHS file»! Itojl'e....... ... ■■■ -........ •'! in R'tl'i'' r .'f hi« elnini n"^ i. I. C. Garrett is building a chicken '■I'Hi'iik'- H- n Ihu' »" 1 *»»•.»■'’' '.I'’ *•»•■ tnitjle bef.-re K'- k I k et hi >. is re_-on. ..a oil ,I .IHI'. I8‘ •> r hou«e. from which hi« neighbors j ,V Re »’:'•»"■■ n- R"r S. rej.in. Nt»V. 2(5 1894. BI1X.NS, OREGON I 1 BURNS. OREGON, lb' mini's the I ||»> wii .^ witnesses o prove Iti» eon t i ii hoi is risidettce mii'ii timi eiil'ivni I, <.| smil land, viz- Nf.-w. I| || , | . r. R Chirk. ers can otilv loo-e’i. uu»l I u'ks. rtow. • Nov. LI. I.'!I4. a Notice h hereh given th«’ the f.dlowit a« if hi« cr»'<li!'»r» will al O''» 1 l"-» ? rs [ : \ t * « . • I Ikln:e » fit* r lililí fi c.l unlit C of his ItHetllH I m the wimi up. So n¡m h f»r tak-'l , raMK''rf • ‘di Ot, .f in K'ipp »ri ijf h 8 ctaim, utt .1 hm rum ‘ a T Notice is hereby'given that the following nameli settler Im« fi|»d notice of hi* HU.mi .il to mnke final proof in support of hi.» rimiti, and »hilt s:ii<l pried v»i|i Iiimd*. before Register A l{».,e» >ver >n nu n» Ore. >11 .Inti 5 1895. Viz- W ahken A. F o - tkh . lid No4'L> to» tin- I.ot» 2. 3. anti 1 4 8. c 3 .imi !.ot I >,i-4 To27 8 R 29 E I All. .if III i» me. ÍSÍO N. Ilvotucr. Joo d«»l of argument in the negative I il great less tliiiif-I fe» wm k t-tii» :1 a kiss /.. i hi e .re We must a';know|t-dge that all R. I TH o M as JUNE.- l.e^ia ei be done for. tliev most know in th» t i R’s. are monopolies. * « i I nm«’ f | beginning >hat M»iiit»l ml v —Mrs. Mary Matthes. niillineL , come Ollt ' e ill 11<1. l as just received a stock of Jesira- piNAL PROOF le millinerv and holiday good«. I Valley. I. I LAND piN \l. PROOF 11» » he in""» r n»‘ E»inti of T. i. ( ■ ' > z* (Ill*' ' ! • \ ... '» i » '» . gi'» n that lb« o il- r-igned Ila* 1 n h i').i ie!, d by ■ •••• coli nt eon 11 : .f Ha ri» } coiii'iy )’»-gOII. Sltl'llg II. pr »1 III '•. admin» ■I r>> tor i »1 the est a (»■ of T. If (» laze, I» C» Hr» d All pets»'ns iiidebt» d io said Ertai• Ile r. ipierl.d !.. »rille ih»- palliti m mediately. and these having la ! in» a gai est 11,»»» st m r w il 1 present hem tn me. at iiiv residence in biro«. O'l'gon. with th»- prop» r ■ouches attached within .«ix months ’min lhe first pi|l>lieafion of this otic«. Dated December 5th 1894. II. K elley . \dministatorof the Estate of T. H. Ghise, deceased » —Get one of I. £ 8. Geer A Co’s, premium purchase tickets. This tit'm agrees to give the holder of -uch tickets a line life size Crayqn Portrait absolutely free of airy •barge. by purchasing $20 worth of goods for cash at their store. It is not necessary that the whoh» am»iunt should he purchased at on« time, but anv .amount from 5 cents to $20 as explained upon the tick ets. GRAND MILITARY BALL. -O-AT-O- Armory Jiall, Eurns Oregon. . f .i r- ____ • i ON— ■ I Chaistmas Night Dee. 25,1894, sale at $G(X) a barrel;• tash — Ixivd Culp’s • ability as a ¡for | painter is finding him plenty of; This offer holds good for the .next that work to do. The finishing' » -, touches he is putting on the conrt| thirtv days. t; C. H- -. VoE«TLY, h<use. |ook# tip-if |m will vet n,ak,!| i Agent. it n pitsrnlal Je building. I . • . * . • * t .' -s» : ' This hall will be under the direct .supervision of the members of "czrx;<.'.‘'.' Ü Rie 7£Jt»X /41b. New Yu. h z *Tr»Mip A. and a very pleasurahle entertainment is guaranteed J,«st music will be furnished for the occasion. * z . The * ■