■ A ^uealion In Etiquette Fr in ieiuoteal Family Magasins. CHAPTER II. I * 1 . v* (I ■ * “Pray do not mstition it,” hs answers, aahs raises his hat; and bowing with a charming smile hs turn* and runs lightly down ths steps Lunch is nearly over, and I have been ununually silent and distraite. Even . - the ■ announcement of a new P i «p. I ought to refuse hiaatd, jp .liulv nd graciously, of course. <ii> the wimple remark that I have ' in' f r i i go, and so i-hail Il noirs- IIUV IV *e«l to »ro«»« me I'l •■«- bit uHsistanow. 1 Mat be I •nK«ie^I,e,’t to more than momentary interest. • uh ■! i d*aw myself up, in the |tp Did I do right to accept half that p ov* d msuited maidenhood style, umbrella? or should I have de- an", f » : ' I < , ¿lined it courtsouelv. but conclusi .uitive- ' fiiM I thank you. but I can)gt-t )y ? Of course no ptan could pass by along very well bv myselt.” If : <■ narked a trifle lean respect agiflwhowas in such a fix hh I 1 fui kviitlemarily I think I would without some slight compunction, if it were I sacrifice Madame Boland’s 'atem particularly ' t so evidently » >* in his power to assist her. But, I and ar> »rl unpaid for effort in my JAEU n. WAITC, ng be»*n •Iv'?-'1 ■ having made the prop^idtion. would |'.<ehalf; but I am sure lie is not go ■ ■anti—r rf Waite's Cblehrsted Comedy <04, It is first class in every respect. The proprietor • Tremirun Nana and On.hestra. *mg to r-ay anything the most pru • he not have felt more respect Tor me ar| and In the busmen* knowsjust how to conduct it Me«t 4>rs Af' db-wl C ., Elih.rt, Xfl't. ¿ra 4 dish could object to. At any rate had It been politely refused? Or V'U wlil rememl'er the condition I was In five -I at prit: — pale price* You can buy hv the quarter. Ie-*fi or m would he have th night mi a prude, year.' ag*>. ivheu 1 Was afilrcted with a coaibltia- ‘ 'i'.tion, Sap‘i-u’»- Luu of disea-es, uud thought there was no H«ie I my situation, until now, has been ps low as you would have to pav ranchers Re«f.P< ro« uc 1 tried all kinds of medicines, aud ecads and'Y^gretted hii chivalry? V » ■< r « I’robiiptor cf eminent physician». My nerves were pcoatratad. 'really pathetic; so 1 shall trvobev el e. •' A. producing aiixine a. heart tr uble «nd all the Utz “Er—yes, thank you, very chiv- ♦ J UrM moke Ufa mlseiuble. I commenced to take (mg my own instict, and, if I have • 1 : M f DR. MILES' NERVINE cause to regret it, I shall know bet alrouB. All the girls laugh, and I realize« and in three months | was pcaPaeTiy cunt», rhe experience la mr travclaauch year, w beu Is.« the ibousuads ■ter in future, and at pturalcal wrecks, Buffering from nervous pros- with a start, that I have answered , _ - — tration. taking preecrpltona from , will not hurl me LJ fl W local physicians who have no knowi- n .age of tbaircaae, and wboae death We have traversed a block in Luiu's simple request, if I would to cx-taln, I feel like going to them and saying. have more ice-cream somewhat » •••ZV De s'** ' a • * • silence. He walks by my side, not NtuviMZ Mb a« Bl, profession, - a gm am where there absent-mindedly, to put it mildly. arc e > many ail CT U R E D flbrera from perfectly grave and quiet, and only c i evorivork.mea^^^w 11 fos tai prmffrw c - ckxiooooooooooooooooooqooo ^^^ «ton and nervous exhaustion, brought cuhr the seems to glance lit my direction to' “You milst he in love. Nathalie,* eharacter ot tba bualuem engaged in, I would 4 1 see that I am well protected. I am laughs Lulu, and, like a simpering -chool miss. I blush, which makes £ a sure cuya tat all zuCbrlng Don» fheeCteauaffto • thankful that I took his offer the « * - JsMaa R. Wanto *< 4 wav it was meant, and did not give me so angry that a further accession Sold a Poeittva Oaurante«*. hint reason to regret hie generoui- of color waves up to my forehead, OR. MI LES* PI LLS.50 Doses 26 Crs | impulse. Ou we pace, ami there land the conviction is strong within me that I resemble nothing more •« r 1 '• enters my mind the quotation: Disease commonly comes on with slight 1 .» than a full blown peony. | ’‘Thou art so near and j et eu far. " symptoms, which when neglected increase “ReHscton mv appetite, arid don’t I But, seriously, heceratinlv is very pay pm ¡n Jove I answer. 1 in extent and gradually grow dangerous. r nice not to try to get up a conversa “Talking of being in loVe, you RIPANS TABULES S lew days, and you will be startled at tlie un< tion which would only make me should see our handsome neighbor,” pecked saaoess that will reward vour efforts M thoroughly still and uncomfortable saiaLuiu. “He is a young physi «iMltivoly have the be«l busiueaa to offer nil uge> "T„1*^SliSrn”r"”.‘“ tar RIPANS TABULES <!iat can be found on the face of till, earn mar cian, but well known. Perhaps *45.00 profit on *75 UU worth of buSliavss i «lean just hear an ordinary being easily and honorably mude by and paid < hundreds of men, woiueu, boja, nud Kill» in <•> Uegttlliing: "’^sra^rysreisr t ripans tabules you have heard of him,—Dr, Ber employ. You can niuke niouey faster at work h ■’ “Il’a a damp day;” or, ‘•pn-tty ut than you have any Idi n of. The bunine»» n » | , nard Burke.” easv to learn, and instruction» so simple and plr.. RIPANS TABULES wot, isn't it?” or “Have vou'far to that all snooeed from the »tart. Those who tai bold of the bnsioe«s reap tlie advantage th: TO BK CONTINUED. arises from l!w sound reputation of one of t’ go, Mies?” or addressing eome' Ripana Tubule» Regulate the Syttem and Preaerue the Health.’ oldest, moet successful, and largest publislrin Imuses in America. Secnre for y-onrself tlie pro! equally commonplace aeutence to' EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. .w.. -2-—.« that thehusiuees oo readll v and handsomely vielr RIPAN3 TABULES AU -beginners sueeee.l iwandlv, and more thn me. * U fak« the piare of SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. realize their greatest expectations. 1 hose * A COMPLETE try it find exactly as we tell them. There f.plrr- If H<.«'tns Ft range, though, to walk ' Sold by Drug^inta or sent bv mail on receipt of pripo. of room for a few more workers, ami w- i—• I MEDICINE CHEST B ... (H víais), «ó cents. Package (4 btix-cs), S3. tlong bo close to anyone »nd not; DO YOU WANT TO APOPT A BABY« them to begin at onoe. If you are alrca<n e- : J? i • For Free R am ^I ca eddre»*» ' - • i:/. Vf r? b* k^vt for p’oved, but nave a few spare momenta, an<l v-i- Í Maybe yon think thie Ie a new buaineea, 1 family... V> use them to advantage, then write us ut one THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO... c- ' utter a word. 1 wonder if I otighi sending out babies on app'.icntlvn ; It has t>e«a for this is vour grand opportunity), and rect-ii 10 SPr»»-' « STREET, - - NCW'VOAK. done before, however, but never hpve those IS t. ■’I particular« by return mail. Address, to speak ; but no, he ajq r« iiat-b mi furnished been no near t he orig'tial num pi" al c ■ TBCi A CO.. Box No. 400, Augusta. M this one. Everyone will exclaim. “ Well I A. .<• |p IHliotl. What could I say uny- that's the sweetest Iraby I ever naw I” Thia little black-and-white engra’-lnir can give 'w-y? I Will that k him wh< n we | you butt» ♦ I r« font idea of theexquisiteoriHcol. Isepaiate. and that is «11 I can du. j I may not be graci< ua enough, con-! Have sold te ewmsumera for *1 years. • sidering his {M»lit neae; but how Ail AA saving them the donler’s profit. We are the *II«VV Olde««s»dl.arge«4 manufacturers In Ames (Can one tie gracious to a s ranker?I lea selling Vehicles and Harness this way—ship V • w with privilege to exnmlno before any money la paid, vfe pay fretrbt both wiyalfnot satisfac I Ou, for a surreptitious ;e p al a tory. Warrant fori years. Why pay an n~entf 10 to»M to order for yon? *'rrltn yoc.r own order. book on etiquette! * Boxing free. We take •" all risk of lita». “ - -•• ■ •- in shipping. WHOLESALL PRICES. Insisiid, 1 take a quick look at | Spring Wagon«, < to $70. Guru I him. He is very frank-lookmg, and sr,..ie as «ell tort-or nc:i » t. STHOUSANDS Do You FEEL SICK? » 4 WORK FOR OS « .« ! ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. Mo. 3?. Surrey turners. |-'.r.ie as sell t $37.50, *•! to SICO. «X s rade-maris. Design Paterls Cpppight riitk wo« Carts. »tnJ al: Patent business conduced for FESS. <>mr IsurneM in* Militai SaRufiM». t’*rcr*s •Mee«. ,.7. lx ja 1 V* umvu . •rnuttfon »nd » . r • tuvrntor« witbon* » Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., sOH'iWEOD S'BURN, I Minima.. • itlDtxc. r i <«r . >i.wh«wt^ weid.t ss forgi:'««. ■ ART, IND. ’S CD tsi 9 *-03 wAMr ’he has straightforwar steadt. | mown eyes, aw 1 discovered in tin [first startled glance at him. Aho ’ .ether, it would have been impt»ssi ole to have si uotred him. Perhaps I I I »tn a little xliaky in my convie I ion, »lid I am iryi' g to justify . I* *. turbt If. bill — which wa p r o p ss o to adad to you, traneper- tattoo paid. The little darling rests againdl pillow, and la in tbo act of drawing oil its Iler« 1 sttimb e [thank* to my ' a pink sock, the máteof which has been pulled W n la a aged by a < hik > »Mt and flung aahle with a tiiumphant coo. v mty it* eeariig Enrich heels, off s trit’nentiAl nvwap t¡.. r. • The flush tinta are perfoot, and the ey«a follow no matter where you atand. The exqui *‘i «rt•>* purpose o( pvoteei •iliu-n h vov- <<i I tmtke me a tride you, site reprodiactkMMof this greatest painting of a güín at uhh < rupulou* Ida Waugh (the rpo t celebrated of mouern t J a»»«, -hould fall were it( painters of baby . -rnts, and tach papa im t» life' are to be giveu to thoae ja n: vouch™ for tile reipone i who subscribo tp Demorest's Family Maga- n«-t for io qn ck a«hi-tsticc. ta.a.vua*of the Pre"»<'.Uh'M»vuu4MiUi I Sine for 1MB. The reproductions cannot tw told from the original, which ooet fltUO, and " i <n ku,” I murmur, with myj are the same sise <17x22 inches’. The baby is stie. and absolutely lifelike. We ha vs ch-' k- i uming. My eyes uipet his», life also in preparation, to present to our sub- during 189d, other wrest picturm by !and a p-u-e endues; i>ut then a scribers such irt stSMPcrcy Koran,Maud Humphrey, Louis Deschamps, others of w< rld-witis I HU«e iias l>een ensuing ever *iyc«' renown. Take only and two examples of wliut we did during the past year, “A Yard of I'an- KÏ • met,—t-r—that ifl—came te MeA” and “A1 White II «úse On-bid ” by the wife of Presi l«nt Harrison, and you will see geth«r. what our promises mean. Those who sutrkTlt>e for Demorest’s Family ** hope I »in not taking you out V M.inaxine for 1KB will pcaeeae a gallery ot ei* e: quisitc works of art of areat value, besides i of your w»y,” 1 add. with a happy Mairaxine that cannot bo eaualed I y any ii the world for its beautiful Illustrations am_ «i 3 inspiration. subject matter, that Will kedpeveryone post ed on all the triples of the dar, and all the “ ot at all,” he rejoin«, earnestly. .-fads end ditlerctst items of tatereet al out tbs «ace«* of t’’ • Orest Conxh Cure ie hiirivhold. besldi-s furnishing interesting v’.nout a p&iallrl in the history of medicine. * I trust you will allow me to see reading matter, both grave and gay. for tbe family: and while Demorert’a is not ' drottaiat« are itvtSprtted to sell it on a pot you to V >ur dchtinalion ” ? - a whole fashion Magazine, tta fashion peges are per ive •T’»’•r'ttO< <>■«. .<\at no other« re can fect. and rive you. frtt nf mt, all the pat ■ *. •■«.> » etn That n may become “You are, t very kind. I atn.gottig ter:« yon we wish to use during the year, and • ri.. t’i,Mi:-i»ic-'. tan eueimoue ax- in anv sise you choose. Send in your sub y , Tfpia- tr. n riampts Bottle Free into i:V mm- hundred and twenty,a^ycu script ion at once, only 33, and yew wilt really come in *ho T'tiitrrt States end Canada. get over fc» in value. Address the publisher, r r. have a Couch. Sore Throat, or Bron- nit Ibis Htre« t, so we are nearly ( W. Jennings Do<hprvet. H Rast Nth St.. New York. If you are unacquainted with the . use It, for it wf’l cure you. If your there.” Mags «tac, asad- M> cenia for a apooimeo oopy. .;,»U oaa thfCioup, or Wboopiuf Cough, nee Lt another moment wo havej t pro»rc«ly, and relief la aure. If you dread c SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. im Í? ttaka*. »*. Puver.UMMlaefie.Wakei-ulr,« ». I.. 9CManlio. • »•«-**. all arsir» an.i lo«« r.f In Genera tiro * . a o; h I the i b» nr.r«r«rU«n. yMathtui erro, «, ,- t ■ •!••• t <». ♦ ulani«, «il»« '-ad io Introniv. CntiMimtuit »n or -i’-T Vati I ve«« iswkrl. ■ l p«r b..x, • r..r h» —, a wrlttcw «rwaraute. «a rari- or re.» ilrs«--’t« A*k tnr IV, 1«. » ro o'her Vrtet>i. ■sîtt ü. Im«': •nsUFavraspor. A<Mre»> N KK V K «» • o ,' Mil UlUv - B«ms,Oe..ky H. M. UUMTUS. bruU«i»i_ ■ t* Insidious ilmeaae Consumption, use I*. i«t vour Dniggtst for SHILOH'S CURSI ■Hee io ota.. Meta. and it .OS. If your Lunge are sore or Hack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Flatter. Price » eta. For sale by all Drug, gists aad Dealers. _____ .UIAXEK1S’’ gm>t w.tne !r j olief and is an :o i taL tsrsfor Pile«, r.k.-»- / «a Drugwietsormaii. fkuúpKñ S H frw. Artdrrw"A 5 A K 1>I<* TFD ox MM, New York Cit* •Í reach»-d the door, and I look up at him gratefully, and «at, \ v