Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1894)
«- « The Her?,!! " •nt can be reached during the I three months that Congress willy Bawl« *4W.i« l>u.y Uae tvr lix? ItoMdi. '.>4 WEDNK8DAY DKCKMIIKR »2 1H-4 «IslBgunrs.«Jlwinuin«. Ftrkc* remain under democratic control.’ work, weight, am! <*annot be ¿e tevtrd by cuUi.k iY. Oonlrdi n* The impression is that President* '■ ■ ? «•II.'* J 11. 'il'' <*ori't»»ni>u(b-iico with |gain<-4 in« it- • J- ed- JYice “M»*>Ui»t« r "twsr A vd. Fncw i»4-r rd, : ?i, ( t ’ 1 <4 I * - a ... w.c. .._ Bvnn ----- —■ 'fcdttoe. Fair Bir<K E/e, ivot •▼ory (xeerut)pair, H 6«; toad««* Clevéíahd’g fiftâneftiTïecoinmenda ' high , d ■. i .» rtj . .... or low, fl - 5. j. Ordinary W4>rk, to peu.« bon»;, i f •‘l/** '’T- »i :* HÏîw« n. -I M or * IS inrh, - ' ’’’ tions wi’l either add to the probabili •’ ; ■ - ■ ' 1 -‘«Í >• . ■ irS>? u marie,—... -co <u*nui k'vd. : Tua Portimudt Sun of Friday the tv of democratic agreement or will /> ' •?< -i . . 7th. inst., says, “let our frieiids-it make agreement imi o sible. they c^pnoLjio^Qw, a. .eppy pf tj^', * » Ì have two littie grane?, children J .. AI1.OMU; pieqr qft J.he «uwwwirB ad v ocates jUl pf ijh? L/1F I . | Fl' THE BEST WC •Mt teething this hqj, summer single, gold standard invest a niçkl» inckfi ’ 1 IS THE SAFLL I ’ho S IHVESTMEh weal fief: ai «1 are troubled w:|h I in yesie rd ay’» issue and read »ts | I I EVER MiOr [»owe! comvlaint. I give th»|m editorial -Shall There Be An Elec Chainberlain’s Colic, Cholera ayid tiW-’’ i Jiarrlmra Remeoy and it acts like And further “the, majority ojthij ' ‘I i i ______ charm. earneslh recommend recommend^ .t I I earnesth i republican rneinbera.,,of the (Won I A • t for children with bowel trnub'»». i legislature arp jn favqr of an advir i I «»■ .ini »elf taken with « severe vaic uf urc cate of free, . coinage,,tp, ..Vie the fU (J . r, s £ol I I .ttaek of bloodv llux, with crumps, ,.■ , bej>#Uj’’. Mh Dolph ja not a ¡ïL p4 » rníituffj* mon niinkiuniai.d.i ' md puinsii. mv 4 I: coinage man consequqntly stand* a ' j) f a bottle ot this rtmtd cured me. fair show of,being defeated. Tfi» r Within t'ventv fonr bonrw I was 4 Kun, says; “Hence yve^take Jh' tit of t>ed and doing mv hotjse A t pocilien that, it is extremely /»poth ♦ vork. Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon- ■s f ’’ Wk politic» furv, the manager .of<; any t qua, Hickman Co. Tenn. For ?^* candidate's.,campaign tq^mfciiAwl thcrp acp i'ngt«.retail eb/e »tc;e« tu cu. 14 iale by H M. Hortou. eitle» v. M. !1 «eil 2,%0 pairs Di etioTt a d.iy.irta »dge him to lje irretrjevablv..tleft-at ca x. M. .i acii 2,<X»0 hairs bi a <l,iy,irfa.. • Hiving purchased the entire stock formerly lición ging to Caí • . Goer, comprising all linea of as hardware , crckery , glassware , tin war «. I p — I I 11 8T0V HARDWARE, BUNDERIKS, .* CARPENTER« I offer the »am« for aale at greatly reduced price« for CASH. . C. H. YOEGTLEY. >| I a - cq .-. W ow . a » net nit pratk profit yf $J.,0,0.)0 a ajcqr. Wo «c. I •«»<»< a.i<>. j < .» > but M 3 sell ® a ^rcat great lùnny ninny pa pairft, thi clear pr< . *. ; rft, tha e-jr Lulu o^ nips,o' aad v ej *. ijüi —*-^4 f«lrenM* ........................... ehoca id 11 If I n e< n'.a a pan-, and on our mer.flPWd ri____________ be «* r I - • •- jgtc~to * «cnt4 <! p»p» We,»halt eCaldltdi »hoe • achof tao fifty rar?e«t cities of tboU. B.,n E., II Iicy sell only pairs of »hqRS aX;>y tb< J y vi<’' _ le Telo ' irh $ 00 a year.' W« (flioulll to _ o' tc p- i irly dividendof f.j.J'iMlw.rr, ftr over.', ill“' yearontholnv aimed. Wer . . » ioatBck :dal6ck atf- wjjry. .ThopUenmiutfeux; .A'f'v . I © much i ; ian e Oaaliar'-. .¿o « VkT--VHcr . t er been ao'4' 4 :>Jd; otvtMAeRStTLi \ I •,.6o-;)o-nr ’ /p have ev:r’. -4>'» > ,, , ,yzf . - r -.c: d ili^nurfl’ •«¡ocreas’.:! *<L;:y.' ft Come óf t'ij ;'.".:ic!pal «•,- ■- MoMerg, arc : T R. v. <;; ..................... « : . v. : I. J, 1> r. V. AL H' Ci!. J.'11. ( . ■■■■.< w. I. t'|l».V-J, » i. ka- a Liitl«, A. k.; I. d I rur-vr. Phil*.; H«. i’. j- €rei k, Mich.; 1'. P. iluHrft»», Ari . Wille tor 4 prospect;-p UiC .lliMUl, our Bte^kho’ders, etc., ©r fw / r<7r /• r r-'i or ino: .y ■ c^kirr*» ch«ck9 OrAcr* taken for obe or m< bòre ¿barca. I’ii •,* ed some fifty.'davs beforo the balder We are not surprised at the sui t r $ A •r. —t • ' • Corner of 1st. and B Htrwt. » iM. H. BRENTON Proprietor I ' While In Topeka last March. E. 1 cidaj move mgne by our conleidpo rary, but ure nurprised that the lad T. Barber, a prominent Henspsper ■ * * * man of La Cvgne. Kan , its taken vocates of the single .gold standard ' I >viih choler uiorhne very severely. t have uot in their ranks sufficient é<|The night clerk at the hotel where political sagacity Jo prevent mci. ■he whs stopping happened to have I'oiiv The inouthpicj of the singb u a bottle of Chamberlin’* Cplic,•'I g<>ld standard first attempt» d to Cholera and Diarrhoea Renjedv 41 rive the advocates of thedoiiuT» ' •tnd gave him three done» which standard out pf jhe party. j relieved him and he tinka saved It then "ealixed the foolishness ot his life Every familVshould k» • jv the course it had taken, finch- g DEXTER SHOE CÖ, ,, , iV !»-.•> libili i this remedv in their home at' atll » It tin etl fz -1151.4 that it did not have, the power, to. rimes. No one can tell how soon i» j J enforce its edict, and gppieciuhing ii '. jv tie nwded It costs hut a tiifle •• ... f . ■ - j- i that the.great bulk of the republic '» tate of O hio , ) nd o •>' the nit an- «if sqvingl J. * The Proprietors oí the \X hit» Krönt Livers Stable ar •» an party wen* in lqvor of lhe (foil r r-^ »i^ Toi.r'iiu.*4« « i.U'l • H'- -nigaud perhap-f th»- life! sure the • publie '.Lat lire» < m ¡rt paivd »• accommodate 1 bie standard, it attempted 1« 4 :iri»k I K»aOk4 :>-■ 4L)fA u ♦f n ’ ......... t >.»•' faut' 1 “ in every 'vny in llu i> line of ' ouMoeaa. i i :tl»Hpr ‘ 1»f> |t t .1 ■:.■■■•■ ■>- »•» ■ • 'll b!.l*Her*uf'Ttl v licedle and eajol»*, itself back pito id viiY^fììl 1 help! .■ •I.» ’.•i ‘ ■ï-' ■' ‘ia> ■! And ¿rulli latlinlantiA •’ ! 2"r>t»’¿‘.-ot i < <-i ■ Uli .--A- ■ f the r» publican party It. t)i» n ''» •>•.-"»P'-p'■' ! » ' ■■ :e»»V • A, i..'H»iii' ■■ -.«.I . À i 1 n - I mi —: ■.» •fianged its bulldozing tone to'oiro, • ,i .fhWc»» ■ b»! * V *•:b"Ti>1e<i 1 1 Ip» ru» nd Jah WKr Paa ’ cnger* taken to all part» .»f ♦ 1 •« • 4» ot* supplication and begged thatjtlu » .li i .»’. '< » lie xtoro.Md? ill" '«'.Ur » ,j; « n C i' vn-ctio» • ;4 .• ni « sito ».••>' ;-4 9 Silver issue should not be made a, 1» »wid li'in wilHpay 'rfii ’• «mu • factor in the coming election < ' JONE HUN i»RED TM)LLAR4 f »’HHC of I ilawh|h speciously pleading that such udi a . (Itr'-HIK-I->'1 < 4? . ,p(.,pi4i v'» f Hl> u«.p • -1 f would g-eatly jeopardize th»- pari <■’»• I I tn *5. COTÍ f F<Ä " future. It now entirely throws oH II h H’ s Catarrh Cure. ■r í4¿S.Vf! I t its cloak and openly concedes that» ' FRxNK J CHENEY. «• I f, I V me The advocateadf thè double stand-1 Kw>rn to n> •»•»•»> me H’ <1 pu md will control thecroming election,. • si-rib»d to niv pr»-sence, this • 6' II i V u LS hczx •LADIES« but threatens, however, as a minori j plSv of D-ceinber. 1X86 f ;■ \ «;< • » t •. Yf j S. BAfLEY, Proprietors. ■V' ty . to prevent any senatorial' elec 9 SEND FO» CATALOGUE tion. Such is ita solicitude and cate-, Ï'í A. W.i,Gl.ÉA^)N‘,' ______________________ J, WL'DOUOLAS. BROCKTON, MA55, | I ■ •* . Ndfarv X’.’i t>.»4 a»i lhe r< publican party. Hó -ewr-. K ¿ns. Liquors, Cigas and Cigarratts Pnhh' Vo« can mn -'L. ■ney piirchnsing W. L>. • , by - 1, .»»el».« »eien r-u-r-, Bhoei«,_____________ - [ . the people are peifectly cognizsiil1» HalBs-Cfttarrh Cure -iw «liken- it- p....... nretae largest tuannfactnr.«« of > Good Billiard tables, Pleaaant Card Ruoma, wt«.. »1». í i ..oes In in the world, and eu.-.rauu gi -d... 1» 4 of its paat loyalty to that parly tfrrd tertialh and acts riireotlv' bn th' nd bv fimoiní the name snd_ -he vil e by «•m»pin< *be and price on Salo'm is first class in every particular. Experience barte tx».;o-i>. W. .ch t>-otecte you against high will roti« surprised at any ofi tar oliiiM'irb«]'mucous anrfact'H" rife th» .lie ices and he r: »1. Idleinen’s proiits. O»ir»hocj prices snd i the ‘ jal cus-.o worjt in style, easy «ttiug anl ----- —- n - Mixed drink» to pleaae the moat faatidioua. syMehi. Sehrt fòt- -tesfimordais , 1 V c-Uüt inconsistencies ir'n-r e-iatlH s. We have them sold eve.ry- nr! >A¿H >.- A j .Í ,. -, -,l !al 4- .>«•.; • * 53 < i * e i I ?* i - I ‘ ‘ ‘ Not doubting it» willingnexs to free. I . F. J. Chenev it Co.. Toledo, D I disrupt lhe party had it the H»wer, !)»« we predict that, regard lei a ofita in glF“Sold by Druggists’. 75c here. clination, it will be nnable to pre* I vent the election of a United Si ates j »enator, and further predict that r the gentleman who may be elected ’ I I will be an advocate of free coinage ’ " - »—----- ----------------- of silver. !• • 11< ■ • r prii-e« for theealw- given t; ■ r: e. ’1 '-e no substitute. II jnur ;■ ... '.t supply ; o ‘ -v.- can. Sold by j I I er, h -»r name Arent wanted, e will ►hortly appear *a App’y at oace. . f I I ; y i ..Proprietor. JOHN SAYER, Situated on Silvie« river 1 mile Eoe» of Rnrno, near the bridgi •Í -i 1 C hairman Spnngm of the House. committee on Baukii g and Curren*1 tlHUigh he fully 'recognise» the ur* | gent need for speed v legislation on t he su> jeet lie thinks it absolute ! )v inijaisailde for »ii her President t e. » hud u. any other man lo pro pose any scheme of currency reform that will secure the support of a majority of the members of the House, not to mention the 8enate, where there is also a numerous as-1 t REPUBLIC FREE! Customers wi. receive GOOD FLOUR front I I .Good Wheal Í » !» TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES BLACKSMITH SHOP. 1 < > » • •• 4 J I _______ GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A Y SA A sortinent of disagreeing financial Wet>k Republic free by sending in three new yearly eiiiiscritrers tí» Th • opinions. Others think diflereiitly. Republic with ‘ • however, and Irelievc that Some £n Edition to obtaining the greatest news weekIv in America, ph iy • ommon fin.ncial basis can be subscriber to The.Republic willwvetotH».««» the price ;»f the pa^or more every year by thespecial offer* made cubecrib. is t»<»m time to time found upon which all giod demo Simple copies of The Republic will Ire sent anyone upon Tecep crats can stand, although thev ad f postal card Add ea-all oob r■ J mit that it will be So difficult as to -i »i ■ f - '-t* ■»■ , lHij ExIUBLIC. St». Louis- •« Mo make it improbable that au agree- *• » < * «*■:> ». ! « ; î •hop Opporli« ihn Clerk’» Ottico. » * i An experienced Workmaa ami saúíaoUou Guarawttod. « H« solicits a »hare patronage of bis fraud». o : t. A J McKinnon feaber of the E a MT O regon H erald can get The Tws. r-a | 1 'i