Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1894)
1894 ¿ Journals L • few day», and you will be »tartled at the uuex •'1 im»a»a» that will reward your »M»rt». W« xitilively have the be.I bu.iuew to o«»r aa agent » can be fouad on the face of thi» earth. • 13.00 uroat »a «73 oo worth of bualar»» U tl. lug . a.ily and honorably luaue bv and paid io hundred» of men, wonieu, boy», and girl, in our employ. You can make money faster at work for ■s thau von have anv idea ot. The bu»iue.i» 1» »o •aav to learn, and iaitructioaa »o »irnple and plain, that all »’icceed from the »tart. Tho»e who take hold of the bu»ine»» reap the advantage that arf-e. from the »ouad reputation ot one of the eldest. mo»t ••ieeo»»fnl, nnd l»rge«t publishing ‘ house» in A meric». Secure for yourself the profits that the hnsine»» »o readilr and handsomely yield«. All beginner» succeed grandly, and more than realiae their greatest expectation». Thcwe who lr» it find exactly a» we tell them. There 1« plenty -if room for a few more worker», and we urge there to begin at one». If you are alreadv em- ■loved, but have • few »par» moment», and wish |o use there to advantage, then write ua a* onee I*or this is yonr grand opportanity), and receive i mall. Addre»», FUhTH-.PRIC; OF bNt — —I------ Our Premiums FOrt THIS YEAI ------- -------------- —THIS PAPER -----WITH----- THI S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ! Mo. 400, Aucueta. Mo t-MICK •l.«A rKH V. A*. —OR----- HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! raicr. •*.«» • ri k ykah . --- -+•---- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY « ALL Is a tiaud'oine eigbt- pagc paper. Il is is-ned every Thursday, a> d contains all nt tue linP'rtHUt news of the weak, gleiined from every qu li ter ot the globe, ceimd- te up to date of publication. It fur. uiahra the latest and most A high claw illu««raf*d magaini mafuine in the home is no longer if anjeas Magazie. a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this IL. U8TRATKD necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE*, giving yearly, ns it Are just what every ILLUSTRATED. bower needM. 'i he in er- iia of Ferry'* fl»vrdn Harper'» Magtxine for 1X93 will eentinua »o _ does, 1536 pages of reading by the «. m (be lounoution up- maintain the unrivalled atandard of excellence on which hurt l.w-11 built the which haa eh •racteriaed it from the l>eginiiliig ablest living authors, with over iaiKest Nkt d bubinrss in the world. Among th» natabla feature» of the vear there Ferry’s Setd A a noti for 1894 1200 illu«frations by clever artists, will lie new novela by A Conan Dovie, Con Cunimns> Ihr bum und ftU^iauce of stance Fenimore Waolaon. and William Black the lau-bt furming knowledge. Free Bhort atoriea will Iw contributed bv the tnoal has stepped into the breech, with *ur the HKking. popular writer» of the dav, including Mary K. I» N FERRY ft CO Wilkin». Ki< h»»d Harding Davia. Marvaret a reduction in its price that hat Dttrott, Mich. lie1 and. Branaer Matthew», and many otheia. ’1 The l!lu»trated descriptive paper» will embrace tartled the literary world . ar u le» by Jalian Balch on new Manthern and The H erald , fully alive to th« Weitem »ubjeet»; bvTheodore Child on India; I by Poultney Bigelow on Knaaia and Germany: needs of its patrons, has mad« by Richard Harding Davis on a Guidon Beason : by Colonel T A.Dodeeon Eastern Riders; etc. with this Edwin A. Abbev'■ IIlustratloi.sofshakeapc-are'r special arrangements Comedies will be continued f.lterarv articles 8«iperb monthly, whereby it will will be contributed bi Charles Eliot Norton 1 IHensioi Mr» James T. Field», Williim Dean Howel.»' receive orders for yearly subscrip Brander Maithsw», and other». THE DISABILITY BILL LAW tions to both publications combined HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS Sokiifrt* disabled since the war are for the sum of $3.00. Entitled Per Year: The price of the great illustrated lie| «mienl widows and ltei't-ndenl ami Parents now de pendent whose sona died from the« Heers of HARPER’S MAGAZINE .. has been f4-f» monthlies in the past army service are included. If you wish HARPER’S WEEKLY . i.« $3 00 and $4 00 a year, and they HARPER’S BAZAR .. 4.0< HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE..”.^ . 2.0» were to be found only in the inora Pontage Free to all Subscriber» in th« t United Statefl, Canada, or Mexico. pretentious homes. Our offer fur- The volumes of the Magazine liegin witi I nishes a help to all families, r.o the Ntimliers for .lune ami Ilecemlier <• eac li year. When no time is xpecitieii, sill mutter how modest their means, scriptiou.s will begin with the Number cur to keep in touch with the greatest PERSONAL AND rent at time of receipt of order. ATTENTION (JI VEN Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine foi minds of the world, as The Cosmo- three years bang, in neat chi h binding will politan ha- today the strongest ENTS, CAVEAT*, lie sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of J: MAPKS, etc. per volume. Cloth Ca-es, for binding rri regular staH’of any existing period each—by mail ixist-paid. ical Senil order«* to NO I-EE UNLE & PATENT eenta Remittance.« ahouhl lie made by I’o-toltici T he H erald , IS SECURED. CORRbSPOND- Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chane o lose. ENUE SifLiCiTED. Burns Ore. Addre«« HARPER A BROTHER«. Nev reliable 6ii-n<-ial new» ind market qiiotHtiou», » d gives special attenti n to horticni- tarai and agricultural news, and is In every re- «'•’ • fir» • 5ia*s family .-»i er, app i 'J turile interred Ol » v-rv 11* *. th* h >tD*ri»nl«i -~i---------- I aero a' • eitle» i ’ ’ i a lui p-‘.iit ot ' i but wo » ii a arc... ot:r l.t.h t n c » a ■ ■ • c ids a j each of the they si-11 o . yrn i 2">, y - ir'y d'.v! a year on 1 a share. ’ than < 0 a « ijm tl; n C rsn-MM-;«’; Vi’o have o I • inerea h /tiers are X. A. I' i 'l. J Ki i »ugh. laid" P ' Turs<r. Phil».: B. • CreA, .Mich, i F. I’. !:••/■ Wiite for a prosier- our »tiwkboldem, eta., or ritr'o-'in^ eo»Afrr'» cA/i A.-, Order» taken for one or itu ’ a char». FERRY’S SEEDS i i PATEN STODDART & CO., York. W Hatfs 613 & 61u /th Stroot, Ii. fttppo •1 » * C ;eo Offl.e.) J < .. I LLTSTRATE l> I Woven ,M< >KM • G <.’ \ 1 K.KS isacc» A W HULK/ FENCING RABBIT AND ?OULTR1 ive i- ti> <t •Inily. 1 11 IS t e MOS I BELI \- a- Bl.E. aud te lec.ignigr I». tn - I the LEADING NEW> » NETTING. PAPE ;R • 1 tile I’mitic C'mst Either ot ttie »It- - e typer will send iH>-tt> id as a iniuni on r>-eei l •»f t o- folio A - iug »uliserlpoou prices fi.r the couibiiiailon : Harper's W«-eklv 1» acknowledged »* »tand ingfir» among illuatrau-d weekl- periolicalr inAi.ieri<a. It occupies a p.a< e bet .veen 'ha of the hurried daily paper ami that of 'he ie»r lime; immihli magazi •-. it .m J'i/t» h ■! literature »nd ne»a. and preaeida with eqiia 5 rce and fe icit • the reai eieina of • urrett hiitori ami ■ he iiuagiiiHi i ve thenii-a of ficilo Oiiaceount of Ila ver e ipletv »erie» of illna tiatn-i ■ ol he World'» i air. it will lie not oiu he !■••»■ iil-ie to be,, es xp. »Ilion, but a ». i’» 1 es »me ir. Ever- piibiii t-ie .t of genera i teres a • 1 .efull.v ilnia rau-u in ii» pages. It» contribution» being from the nes. writers •■nd arils » in ibis coti.:,r>. I wil. 'i:ue i. excel in llteraiure. ne.i», a <1 lLii»fratioi.». al o'her publican«' «•■fl« class HARPER’S PERIODICALS PKk YE\K FKKK BRAND COLUMN fy* SEND FOR FURTHER I.NFOUMATIOJ The McMullen Woven lire Fence Co 118 uuO 1J5O N. Market Mt., Viale«**» A«D iHB . DEXTER SHOE f1 AfJ*H » ! WEEK! And I ib } s HAK EK WEEK Y II i ill'f ;> MAG A/! -, E HA Ki’i-.i. > BAZA li. H A ¡11’Eil'K YO«" •; "F ipl.E PoatHgi- Freetoall »iilia-ri .fritti the |t;i state». « auleta. ..r Nlex.e*». The V.»!»i tit-a «>f i he Werkt w ili brilli he first Nu-'n»er L»r in tiarv xif each , A hen i.u i « me in iieuti*»!»» í. hu -»» o rip’ io 1 ■etfin .»ith the Vu?nb»»r »irr«*’i n tiin-A eip « fort»er. i» ni. V,. iiuh > . J ; I hi per's v\ e< k H forth rnm La k. In ue.-j hr h hii nu. wii; be a «> ' M hkc pai i. or exprew. tree <»f D’Hfle i* i e he frei i» h «i<«et n«/exceed ’ • r ♦? a »u ne. I*« h ¡B< h L*r ea< h 11 *»e. aii>tabie f«» Didi» e sent ht (>aii p»«?-paid, oil re eipi * i ♦ . Remi: « es should Le « itele b* Boat * RTir» M »»ie r t-r • '»rnft, to M’.oitl chance of l«>ss. i «i l •H. 120 DOLLARS PER MONTH « Wfwsew» c*ao. .WUHIC» 'Sir- -f!f M»ai>a TRUE & CO.» Box 400, Augusta, Maine Department. u ■ t av • »i kj * ohinined. Aiidail Fat cm nn*n - - for Mod* r. f* I eel. Our u Onnnflhe U. »«. P Off-51, md -vf • -r«'vf*' patvm In lcr*r* tiniv than thoM ” -n» Washington. bend u.mel. drawing or photo-, with tk -urip- lo-H VV- i IV. If hfll*ntab>c f.r not. f”*“' of ban:' »Mr i»’V not <iue t»H pnteni •< 0er a red. A P ”in;H How tn Obtain Patente.” wi»b iiKince ofaciunl clients in/'»urJHate, coticty.or towu, sent fret A uqf «**«. < C.A.SFiOW&CO. Opposite Patent 01*ce. Waamrm >n. 0- C ■ -o i.oasao«s^~.»gD,,r"-'' - |ter month tn harm I <»••« berbci f ramarti»« that rv»me«lie^ that An dn V r t 1 i * * thn health or interi* ro witaou« . t - Aaiire. It build« up r4 im;.mv<*»- L''alch,4'!eain the skin and beare.:« ' t ■* — - " w- y Ut J 1 a. Ljr ptysicnuis -i . FVifcMB TREATED BY MA’L C P vie««. W« at«rvl«9» Sand f ce«!« h ktjrrt u'.*r H t. «. f. FITOt.’.. «1IUIÍ U.UU IU 5 e y«.». », «tare»». .1. c Kolev, cattle brand = <>u rigor »ide, flor»»-brand = on left »hm ■der. .... .1. \ pa ie i» iaiii iix a» a budget of wii ¡■» ieek tSMtie« ever thing Is • 1» i ere»' .• wonen Thi »ill be .vri eii ov Waller Beaub ii > hr s ine Terhune Herrick »•1! furnia > a t> a ’i'al aein-a, en'ule "At thi T l!e> " ra'e King. < ive I home Miller, am »!•■.•■ e ii heeler - ill lie ireqne it ountilbuture The iv. ik i o »1. I ii he i'oluinb au Expo •bion .«i iv full- lepreaenled with inauv i*l- 11» ruio, ». T. W. lisuinsiiti In "Womei » d Me- " ivill plea-e a cultivated audience. • <».«. 11 «S»«1». ■» pwlleaUn I». E. «. f. UTMI »««II I muti UMM. IH » p •. ni' ■ .*o «' - j . pt* ,,r •! family I* enter- C1.KAR I in- A CLEAR .... ndi-iiiecx: a str ight n lire: the rvie xe If ,d LINE OF HEALTH bi ' ; so vil the : emth hints ,\o . t • r ti -gazii e p blbhe» so .-■ » w i t- r.-l tue i oina dren . You will jeci toextre ne» of l-i'-'h el b'1* !’T ».. • if inn b y.» ine t-IRDLE OF YE lb well ma, ked keep up v "ir ►!> 'its by liavilig ',,c,L'ore’1„! Ma.' iz. c to r.- .¿1. Rv mb ribl g <•■ it for lx#J you ill r <e ¥■• » 3 llerv of cxiiiiie te werke art of •rr-at value, be»"! « the ni|« rb preminm picture. 17x2 incile», ' Tin 1 D..i-y!” which is anno»: a baby, and eqn I to the orivin»! oil pninTjng widen eoxt A3 «; and you wi l hav a magazine that eannot <>e equa ed bv any in the wo ld for it» b*"'1 ''"J Huetratinn» »n. -object malte», tl at will ke.p you posted on ail the opic» of the day, and all tn« fad», and 'iilfor.-nt item« of Interest »bent the hon-ehoM. herido» fnrn »hin .- Interesting reading mauer, boto grave »nd gay. for the whole, ; »nd while De-miri-t*» i- not » fashion n »gazln». Its fashion |s»- » are •■»■feet. «■ d yon get with it, free of cost, all the palt.-rn yen wi-h to u»e ««ring lb» year, and in any rio yon th-o»r «nd tn your «iib»T-ptlon at orce, on'y J-’ <W- »rd yon w ill r-allygei over ’S 01 |n y me A dr.'» the pnb- li-lwr. W. Jenning. Demore-t. 15 Ea-’ '<’* St., New York If von a-» unacquainted w’!?, Magazine, »e- d 'or » -pccin-cn copy. A largf «!.' , 1 RINGLE m«»n- hone«'»-, a lare» TRIAN« I K ganenixitv Ion- FtIt«T DIVIMON 0" Till MB strong will; 1-OAG SECOND DIVISION, n a-ow tag farn'rv. T ie MOUNT OP JUPITER ■mbit on ; that of SATURN, prod- n.e : tbe M N. F-roof -nl.n.lor: M » RS enu-a -v; M«»ON imsema- I on : VEX VS. l°ve of p>»»>:r» : and MERI I Ky. toteilifvnee. Take mir «d • ice •• above and »"» «ritt X- «ar» to pease»» '.he last and aio»4 valuao* «uality. Williams cattle brand, IL. on left, rib ilor.c» )•< on left »tifie. ''aule brasrt. «of ' < on left hin. Marion Hnnvartl. P<> Btirna. • urp i b azur i» * journal for the home •¡hin bv » ••al i if. rnin Iona with regard !• V MKili I f a. »nd its uutneroii» ilIii»tra:L>n» Prato mi a. »nd id pattero-ehei't «upp'ement» ire i ni’» r alike to the home <tre«s maket !» ’Ilt‘i'1 ■ »•i - hi iiio'liate. No expeiiRe is •»pin- ake It» artlatie attraetlve exaui thi llÌ4h«*fl • i. I'» .ht »¡.trie», amiiaiiigi-oni < ICH H hough fui ea»ai« »ailaf. all taatea CAL. ALL A4. Tí-*» NEW HOME SEWING Mi I n Y our O wn L ocality CHINE « 725 Market St., maBc easily amt honorably, without capl > hd Franciaeo I aie tic tul, during your KjMtre hours. Any man v iinian, boy, or girl cun do the work hutid Uy, vviiliout cx|H>rien<e. Talking -jn necessary. Nothing like it for mom v in iking ever offered before. Our worker:. &lw:ty.-* prox|«er. No time wasted ii k-nrniug the business. We teach yon n a tiiulit how to succeed from the tir i hour. You can inak«- a tri il without« x penxe to yourself. We start you, fiirni.-1 ev.-rytliing needed to curry on the bu.- '• liess Mtci-csxfiilly, and guarantee yot agninst failure if yon but follow on; simple, pl tin Distinctions. Reader, it vou are in iic«-«i of reailv money, am want to know all about the best payili! business befor«- the public, send us you: address, and we will mail you a doc" meut giviug you all the particulars. ‘I nh I ìii & Rilev, cattle bran<le«l V on left side low brand *r leftside, r. o. Burns,<>r«nn ! s T R A T E I). 1C.3F 1ÖCWS K' F brand bar ten on left »hotilder; Ca'tlu bar te on left hip and tip,ter clip on both ear». T. A. McKinnon, Burna ore. Bazft ■ .las’Ml» entiuen t> . . f’>r tl»’W iftWB •■■ caurge for U" *Mtii SUft’HNirfu« <, STOCK BRAND*. > • KPER’s PERIODICALS Cattle diamond on left hip. horae» CV on let ahonlder. i'harleaH. Vne-4'. Hurtin Oregon Hora* branded Pon right ahonlder, tattle P on righthip. R. A. Hendrii ka. P.O. I.awen Of. Horae brand Hit on left »boulder, alno threa ■ lot».-, in »hapeof triangle, rattle branded »am«, E. E. Grout Burn* Or. Mian Koaa Dl< kenaon Horae brand anvil oa left a'ille. cattie branded bar^R on left hip. P <>. I.awen Ore. .1. P Di<-ken»nn < attle brand J P connected left hip Horte brand anvil on left »tide P. <> Lawen Ore. Cadle brand figure 7<>n either hip; mark light crop olf ea h ear. »lip In each ear. amt watt on left jaw. H -rae brand figure7on either hip. J. II. Bunyard.Burna Ore. ■ leo William», home» and mule» branded rounding w, on tight ».Hie. P.O. Rilay Oia. Home brand | »n right »life. Ja no» Bou» P O Burn» tire Hor»e brand bar-m on left ahonlder; Cattia brand harm on left hip and riba. Catherine Marshall PO Narrow»Ore. Home brand on left ahonlder S i‘«-r Year ARFE k - .AZAR . 4.1« I! mr: K’~ M IÓ \Z.INt ... 4 (X ■AKPi ' WKi Kl.Y .... ...40 HARP K’s Y o CNG PKOI’ c . 2 0 P » age Free to all aul si ribem in the Pnitei -tate» Canada, or Mexico. I'he vu uMes •• the saar i-egin with the dr» u — r for Jniiuer ••! eai-h - ear. When lit ■ time ia menrione-t, » will begly with lie Number current atthetimeof receipt of order . ouu I volu •••» of '»rpe » B»r»r tor threy rear! ne»t cloth binding, vfll he »ent bv mai n. a age txdd’ or by exprem. free of expense (provided the trelgh> d.>e» n •' ex-eed one dol 1 ii per volume) or »7 a lo ume. clo’h cme» f e«ch volurr»,suitable for bind lug * ill be sentby mall poapald in n celp of »1 e»< h. Kemi'taneea should ba made bv PoatOfftca Mi n- y Order . r Draft, to avo d chane» of la»» A drex H \ RPF.K « BROTH ER3 Newspaper» ar» not to ■ opr anv one aor ■ 11 of the above a-. • •'•»ment» without thd • apresa •rd»» of H AHCKK BKoTHKRs. Horse brand J on left shoulder and same ot muscle of right hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burna S. Lampahlre and Hon cattle brand Inaaa fdt catalogue Ex-Mayor Washington, New Jersey, uauiei Ue v er f \w her» JW ri t • r Beat, BEiTTiSORGANSS » ‘A ■** ár < -n d LM ». Cure for rilea. . 1 I ,r»rtiggi«tM>rniHiL Fallir' I free. A-klrr-xs-AA IKF-Sis üox 241U, New York City i riLta Jß connected. Ear mark »wallow fork in righi ear underbit in left. P, O. Burna Ore. ¡ f r eatalogee Adrela. Hon ■ Daniel Wuhmgton New Jersey. *Q M ■ « i — " U Mi»» Laura Stancliit. Burn» Ore. F. .taattv Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Fra««**.