t ■ lessra Hogan, Dibble and John Day fiour at C. H. Vwgtly’s o mson all of Silver Creek, paid a j for sale at $G(X)a barrel, cash F in a :, crook I ‘ WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 5 18! 4 'Nt this week to our saw mill and This offer holds good for the ne xt LAND OFFICE AT burns , ORISON oaded 6 or 8 wagons with lumber, i thirty days, Nov IP, 18P4. HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OI tor building and fencing purjo Noticela lier, by given that the following C. H. V okwh y , I ati'ct seit'er ba« filed votit euf hin intentigli >) • ANY NEWSPAPER IN THI8COUNTY. . '‘;rtky H-ni puK-i in •upiwrt suppuri of Ins ins claim.and villini.nn«i J I'. Boyle, photographer, is Agerir. ; 'll«: Mnl|-.„>| Will |>e ivu.ie bef. re Reicinter ¡ ' >. »• I ’ í d I Retrive: I? r 4‘i . »•. ut Iri.rt.uil mv.r. m »w«. I i..» * v 1M . 4. > a! Burna « »regoli, on I we > .7, (still here. A rare opportunity \ mks L. V arikn . V an . Oregon, Nov., 30t’o ’94. . >¡2 HJ. .1 V. 1S1 f.r th<-N E'4 ami bL NWL ¡« presented to all who have not 4. Tp .4 s R ; 1 E Local News. * I HJ crossing I I » »r*«* « • • Ji here 111 The seems to give j Ser. *i.-¡mv tlie fo lowing witioFpea to prove already supplied themselves with | general satisfaeti ot ' it.u Ub residviide upon tintinniti vati* li •ti a» far r.s ve j » b i F gait, — William Wooley is in town .».nt: vi« E E. Alien. I axur K For samples of his excellent work. Re ; have heard per. Pe’ei ( ’vine: of Kuril« Oregon, Owen this week. I ‘hit g.e«;» i kcr, of Imrney Oregon. member his prices, $3.00 per doz. | Ttlt».M as J o NES. ReHatcvr. New houses are springing up like —Mart Brenton is having his for eahinets. He guarantees to . magic in this neighborhood. Mr. dwelling improved. please even themost fastidious. 1 Anderson’s house is m aiing com- —There will be a Masquerade Dr. Horton’s drug Rtore is now j pietit on. Mr. J. P. Gearheart s.-tyv. I completed. The Dr i proud ‘ of l ’ fie will have one ready for Xmas I NO! E E—TIMBER CPI.TCRE Ball at Caldwell’s Hall on Jan. 1st. is 1895 his building and sh>uld he, because I lance ............. . M itks contfmpl iti « 1 U. S I .and < tlfier, and Mr Burn«, On gon, November 1-1. 189-1 itis’thehest and nicest finished ! building this wintt r. — Mrs. John Daly and her moth­ I'liilding in the town, Mr. Furgus-1 i ( <> nphinit h.ivii g I e< n enter'd er Mrs. Robertson, both of Drewsey Not much demonstration over I on did a first class job of masonry, :»' th s <'Ilice by tieolge Gilbert are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H E Thanksgiving in (hi* neighborhood, agni st .1 'b.ti I,' wi* for óiihire to and plastering. Mr. Taylor did Thompson this week. guess we all felt duly thankful [comply with law ;is to Tin.ber Cui- the inside carpenter work, and is I-ore E: tn N<>. 1fi>9 dated Man li —Rev. C. P. Bailey, baptist min­ willing that every joint and part of though. >7. lS8fi. np.1 (’omit v. Oregon, with a view were immersed in the Warm the public regarding his ability as I Chicago, ’Dick Island & Pacific to t he <• i-'cellation of Haiti,, entry; Railway. •ontestant alleging that said John Springs last Sunday. H. A. Dillard a mechanic. Lewis has Wholly abandoned -aid and wife, Mrs. A. A. Cowing, M rs. O maha , N ov . 10:h., ’94. entry, and has failed to compii —The following is I he batch ofi Geo. Fry, Miss Nora Gowan and with the Timber Culture law iti any criminals, sent over the road to th*1 W. P. Wot d X’ Son , I). L. Grace. 'particular with regard thereto, Green Castle, Ind. penitentiary, from Baker county, vmir P!,r, ’HS art‘ hereby sum Dear Sirs: Replying to —We made a visit, of inspection (he last term of the circuit court I mfiiied to appear at this Office on We yesterday, to the Red Front Li veri’ ended a few days since: William favor of 6th inst: lfl'°,the 22nd dav of Decemlter 1894. at j | bad a general rule tn force not t» 10 o Stable, and found evervthit ig in Merrill, eight years, for robherv an o ’ ’ , clock a m . to respond and fur apple-pie order, Mr. Cal Geer the assault. Henry Benson, two years accept shipments, of Range Horses nish testimony concerning said proprietor is getting his share of for incest. Bml and Frank Lowry , without prepayment but it does not alleged failure. T homas J ones , I apply to vour shipments. We have custom, because customers know one year each, for larceny. Register ‘alwavs accepted your horst-s ami how to appreciate a well kept, sta will continue to do so. If you hear ble. cl in v trouble »bout this at at.v At Jorgensons is the best lot time, let me know. —J. Durkheimer will pay t Holiday G >ods for the price '* Yours verv truly, highest Cash price for vout Cout.’.y ever was put up for sale in H. A. S nyder . i1 p-INAi. l'ROOF Warrants. Go and see. Gen'I Agent omk ; ... hi i STOP! East Notice. it -, 1 P Our creditors are crowding us have and money we have gut I l and every bodv known then, St Iv > indebted to the firm of (laid .-fl X r — Co. will phase ett'me and - tllil’t fore Dec. 15th 1894 or onu < <>m t i will l>e put tn an attorney’* hands for collection. OFFICE AT BURN8, OREGON Ori. 25 >894. N’oli »' :s herehi given tliat thè folloivlni tiain. t" tierhas fll.d l olbe of iti« Intenti ■ :o mt'.lie linai ptoof in «ttpport of bta '’'nini. un. tl'Hl aititi pr >of »vili be mitdehefore ihc nevi« . la <1 Refe'vernt Bori'«. Oregon, .1' I e. . ' LAND Digest Of Land Decision. I i I Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney. Washington, D C. ' . . 8 | » z: ■ IIAHLKH 11, VogtlTLY liti. No yr. For 'he f1., SW , A Lo « A .-et-, :i ’ Tp, *.i. - It : . F Ile niello* thè followit •• wttneaa.-e to pr. v A declaration >>f residence at a I h s ' oh ’ it.it.018 resi.le < e upon nini . tilt ivir i specified place, for the purpose t'f . f «ni i lniitl. »iz P. ' . simili. I . B, S1 ii e W I 'ini. tot, A W Water» all of Bnrna Oregot. THOMAS JONES, Regtaier voting there, precludes a subse- I Iquent claim of residence, at the same time', a1 atmth'-r place in order — We think it is the <1 III ' "(I lie . i I to secure t'tie n> a tract under the town authorities to give ever» abh - fTINAL PROOF Ij- i homestead law III th bodied man something Acts of settlement induced bv ¡.AND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON in th.- course of erents, We Il i know It dge of an impending contest NOV 26 1894. man o. men, who seeming! Im- no , cami"t t.e ace» pled as in buna fide' Notice is hereby given that th' calling, profession or rratle. a ' i d we compliance with t e requirements | requirements | following named settler has filet or be i are at sea to know how tie I notice of his intention to mke final of t tie timnest.-ad la v. lives, then we think it is the duty of . . i „»I. , An alhdaVU of cmtesl shouhlset* t proof in support '' , of ,, , his claim, , , and r ..I • 'iat I said proof will be made betört the town "dads” to look JI.Ol t he I fortti a définit' charge which, if j . .i'-gi-ter it R- ceiver at Burn« Ori­ matter, for the poor fi-ilow might be 1 ......i,. will warrant cancellation of on Jan. 5 1895 viz: E mma H artley starving and too proud to work, and ■ I Hd No461 fortheSEi SW.| A t he i otrv in qm stion otilv waiting a chance !•> pilt< r a few j W.l NEj and SE i NE{ See 10 T( Ass’t Sec’v S ims . dollars either by cheating «.»me un , 27 S R 2!» E. , He names the following witnesses suspecting sheep-herder or "greeny” I. to proye hi* continuous residence at cards, or in anv other «a to oh-| upon and cultivation of, said land, i ci' CIN’ a I. PROOF tain existence, except wotk . m H j r viz: Newell Hall, Warren A Foster individuals could do good work on ( AN1, E at burns oregon . of Burt* Ore Isaac N. Hughet our streets and save the tax paversl N.,v.a t , ism •James Haw kins, of Riley. THOM AS JONES. Register a few dollars I Noiln-I» herenv Itiven Ili'it me foil.living- I I.EK C ai .I i « El.I.. 1 J t ( TF.DON " , —News was brought in vaster da v morning bv the stage driver on the Ontario line, that Milo Cushing, who is on the roar! between here and Huntington, his team leaded u ilh freight for this place, met with , iiHiiieu neitler him liie-l ii.iilie.if his ill euli..r. an accident. In some way he was — P. F Stenger and Cha* Lillanl ! /'¡".'..’i'.»i'li i " 'n'a.i.- i«i'..re Regi* . r j For i hop Feed. Grain and Flour thrown from the wagon fracturing returned last Saturday. Saturday. Our read-, ‘ I go to the North Meat Market. returned last three riba, H. SIse. I Tp. .7 S R-» r LoYD CUI.P, —R. A. Hendricks informs us he through our columns, that these II.. ijirnentlie foil., it'S »lme>»e» to |,r,.vr hi« n. nit r.-wi !<■"• e ti|...i» hh . i < tiiiivntf.ni; Proprietor, is going to Weiser to engage in the two gentlemen ciii'l HH-l. »iz «■ F itter. TH..M*» were east with ...... 11 ' of. "* C. RM" K "f Hrr »O'tg."t 1 HOM »8 AL1.KN • ! ■■ Rile. ore. F risks kbo - kk of O'am.,nd ore. . real estate business in that town horses Neither une of them sold 7 ‘ , TilOMAS »ONES, Regis er. . -r ■______________ ’ Mr. Hendricks is one of our heat all their horses, Mr. Stenger received | citizens and we are sorry to loose a telegram from home, and thought ¿71 NW PROOF him but still we wish him success, circumstances demanded his pres-! wherever he may be. ence here, and leaving the rsmain- LAND OFFCE AT BUANH, OREGON. MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. C’INAI. I-RPOF i AM) ( FFI< F AT BURN’S, OREGON, Nov. 26 1894 Notice is lit lehv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to i take final proof in support of his claim, and 'hat said proof will lie made before Register X Receiver at 'turns Ore. m Jan fi 1895, viz: W arren A. F o 'T er . Hd No 443 for the Lots 2. 3. and I See 3 and Lot 1 Sec 4 Tt> 27 S R 29 E He names the following witnesses o prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Newell Hall Robert E ('lark, f Burns Ore. Thomas Allen, of Bilev Ore. Frank S Reider. of I»iatnond Ore. THOMAS JONES. Regiter. Administrator's Noi ice In the matter of the Estate of T. •I. Glaze ated December fit h 1894. H. K eli . f . y , \dministatorof the Estate of T. H. (¡laze, deceased —Get one of J, S. Geer X Co’s, premium purchase tickets Tbit firm agrees to give tine holder of *nch tickets a fine life size Crayon Portrait absolutely free of any charge, by purchasing $20 worth of goods for cash at their store. It is not necessary that the whole amount should lie purchased at one time, but am amount from 5 cents to $20 as explained upon the tick* ets. 4 i ' Noi.1MM. —The Widow Smyth, mother of der cf his band of horses, in charge . Vnìtif p in here)»’' tjivcD thRt tììp fuilowl'1«' _ __ _ »w'* j ~ jh » ... Rt ter ha» fi fi Itoti, e ..filie lutei. 1 XJT V E"J Geo., l’ress!v and Rve, was taken of Frank Staufler, he started im min b. malte timo pr. - f h< mtppart "I h » ' '«t'n Hit IX »aio pr.o'f «IH I”’ tn» 18*5, »I* Sunday ni^h'i.' She was on her left his partner Mr. Jacobs in chatge f HTSo^fw“he'"S* K *0 way home from this place, in com * ee the fallowing wl tn 1'rn 'f. [W. E. G race ' s old stand ] of his sick wife, and to his great jov hi. Henat etiatinnotn re«' lenectip .n nifi . <»f i-AKiiart, I>in ever. 11»» wishes us tea*K A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» k.. "uit., the fact of her age, she is now an old lady, taken into consideration j2XM.e 7™™« ^‘enl 1"*"“"''L and pneumonia generally so fatal, paptrt remember his auggertioa. t we fear the chances are against I er. for some tinw. STORE.