bli»R therein conveyed. It flies, instead, to the feathers on my bat. the velvet of mv gown. From The Family Htu»y F»»per Li?-»-’« I had left my home rather hur- CHAPTER III. riedly, and deceived by a hypocrit “Yfeg, ifnho will have me.” ical little ray of eunahine, had been “Wait till yqp t<ee Miss Ran 1 lured forth to find myself in this I <h lp.f.” plight. Of course I oould mount «* con t wish to see Mis» Ran I the steps.of one of the irreproacha dolph.’’ ble houses that line mypath; but “But she has piles of money, and there I should be tied, and the rain a marriage *iih her would make would onl* increase, and I should you a power in the land ” ■ e late for luncheon,. No. it is in “I don’t want her or her money.” possible. “Arthur, I have always thought 1 quicken my sh-ps.» I have pr, you to be possessed of uticommon ceede«t tonhe ¡crossing; the drizsl i good sense ami to think that you ia maturing u 4 q well, defined drops AOuld deliberately throw away toe that come fa-ter and fasier„ JAMBS R. WAITE, chance of being my bnsinrs* part »pair has me in hi» fell grain, Muu,-*r of Wait»'» CalobrUod Coo>»dy Oft, nsr for the eake via girl who sit s see mv pet costume a bedraggled Preminin Band and Orcbeitrft, ¡and sewe all day beats mv compre and ruined wreck 1.reflect on the Dr. tiller MMicaf CV., Klkhart, lr<t. Y i,u will remember the condition 1 was tn flVS year» ago, wheh 1 waa affli<-t<si with a combina 1 hension, but v ou had better think state of my ; tinance», which pre- tion of direa-es. and thought there waa wo hxlp well, of it before you decide." ro» »t 1 tried all kinds of medicine», an«l »core» chides the possibility of. my rising of eminent phtalciau». M y nerves were proalraud. “I hav * chon» ti.” replied- Anhui «hove cashmere—nay, even serge— proa nos ng dlnine-x. heart trouble »nd all the iUx uial male life mlxeroble. I commenced to take with quiet determination, “an«i I again this winter. 1 give my skirts DR. MILES' NERVINE shall never alter toy mind.” and In three months 1 waa aeasafTLy eu»«*. « vigorous.hitch that would lead la n>v travtheaeh year, when I «t the tuoua-ixlS Of physical wrecks, suffering from nervous pro»- Mr. Moore’s face was very red. one to forget m v ankles and reflect _ _ _ »ration, taking prescription» from LJ A C r>cal physicians who here no knowl- I ‘ I wash my hands of you, ” he 011 my knees, and make a forwarl 1» ,,f their case, and whoee death Is certain. 1 fcel like going to them anc aaytng, said in a tone of despair as he stalk lunge, mitre remarkable fur its de»- ••otr pn Mixes* Niavinc aao ee euaso •• In jev r*roiearionp wnere inero ed to the library door, and open ng perate energy than its graoe. artaomany»u £11 D F o»er»^^'^ * ■ tai proewar it he said: "Er—pardon me,—” »avs apian- tarn u:id nervous exhaustion, brought on by the Character of the buxiueaa engaged in, I would “ Miss Harvey, mav I speak with ly voice, a triH« hesitatinglVf at recnminend ■¿rA,ut’ •; : THOUSANDS ¡you a moment?' >•» nt elbow. op ftH»ure<cure ------ — cure tor all »11 suffering «offering from tom these these e*ussc I’ ji . l ,1 ........ and, Edith dropped her work. JaUB R. W aits . 1 start violently, and uiv. skirts Alice, entered the set k th« ir proper level. A larga fallowed by Said ass a Positive Guarantee. D r . MILES* PILLS.S0 Dosts25Crs | «I ts wing room. 'im r« lla is sheltering me; the rain 1 ; “Here,” »aid said Mr. Moor«-, Moor*, “is my ' no longer putters among the feath- nephew, to whom I have offered al era that crown mv head. J partm r«hip in my business on con ' “Allow me to share my umbrella iition that Ee make» a suitable with you- I see that you are with PER MONTH marriage, and he tells me to my out one,” adds the manly voice. I n Y our O wn L ocality face that he haa fallen in love with “Oh, thank you,” I aav, as 1 re made easily and honorably, without cap a little girl who has been sewing cover , somewhat, and gather, fr*,«m t:il, during your spare hours. Any mai v oman, lx»v, or girl cun do the work ham 'for my daughter, and that—” the ow r’> tem ral appear: ily, without experience. Talking in Arthur stepp*<l to Edit h’s sidei that he is .a gentleman, and. in necesaury. Nothing like it for mom hi .king ever offered l>efore. Our work« . tnd held out his hand. probability, means his protection always prosper. No time wasted, i ‘ And that he offers her all he ha» in kind: ess and not as a means, to Icaniiag the Imsinesa. We teach you I a night bow to suewed from the t!i • v v-. Edith, it i« not much. getting up a flirtation. hour. You can make a trial without < [ will work for you if you will pense to yourself. We start you, ftirni TO BK CONTINUED. I every thing needed to carry on the bn mv wife.” « noss successfully, and guarantee y< I Edith placed her hand in his. against failure if you but follow o simple, plain instructions. Reader, “Well, now, von are in ne<sl of rentlv money, si •heose?” asked want to know all aitotit the best payu business liefer- the public, send us yoi him sternly. ".ddress, and we will mail you a doc “I have made my cho’ce,” an- DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY I me..t giving you ali the j> irticulars. swered Arthur, with a beaming TRUE A CO., Box 400, Maybe ynu think thio la a new bnatnaw^ xemling out babies on application; it baa been I Euith Augusta, Maine done before, however, but never have thoee been so near the origiual sample aS ‘My one and only choice,” he tumiabee tula one. Everyone will exclaim, “Weill that’s the oweetest baby I ever saw!" Thio dded. little black und-white engravinir can give “And you have chosen Mi-s vou but a iuiut idea of the exquisite oriHr-t, !a’ «h ipli, and will marry her after I,” said hie uncle. grasping him i d ('ora by the hand and eiijovjog Ir^'oir’s -hock of amazement. nxrtt. Design Pater- Copyrights. “You may thank me for v«»ur| buhiQCBb condu'nnd for lovely,l>rjde,”. »aid Alice. j< » a . ftiiIv.« embracing Cora. “It all m\ r « tn« • ntort wlthou’ .plan and I made Cora ai.d P ' pa , carry it out; hasn’t it ended love CLAIMS CO., I h?” DO RUURN, “And I plaped the old villain to try. I .-«>. i>.<. the best of mv po«ir ability,” echoed" her father. "It has « manafirerf by a cumoinatioB o I", ateotial U' WM|'-p< »*.** In tn» are all • first class story. and \ - vm purpose of proKrt dtor» agalaflt uascrupulniu satisfied and happy Arthur’s .- ARTHUR'S CHOICE i'i “ . -“írr. / FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, OTt- IEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . c" W ron oro BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or haw —¿T. _ UVM COMPLAINT....................................... I_t It poor COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you Tr^ r SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATIRC. 1 _ FMMM OF^HrAoMACH *?■ TAKE RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS TABULES TABULES TABULES TABULES Ripant Tabulai Regniate the Syttem and Preterire the Health. RIPAN8 TABULE3 MX« th, place of A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST • and thcruM !>< kept for w in entry family,. • i EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MA«NY A DOCTOR’S BILL. Sold by Druggists or sent by mall on receipt of price. Box <‘J vials), 75 cents. Package it b<... _.), B2. F dp Free S hbbi »!«« addre*« 5ÓÒOW--*' - NEW YORK. ii - . A ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. ♦ ll AA «IliUu Have oolg to eMonmaro for *1 years, saving them the dealer’s protic. We are the OldevXaad manutactnrersln Amer- lea selllna Vehicles and Harness this way— ship with prlriiege to examine before any inorey Is £dd. V.’e pay freight both ways If not eatlstac- vry. Warrant for2 years. V. by pay an azentUO toSSOto ortlerfor yo’-f “’rlto your own order. Borine free. We take all ria« of damage In shipping. WHOLESALE PRICES Spring Wegon*. ' ?t to S.r u • rjsJT. 8 irre ' , -, h . sell io. •oiuo a, sell t S37.E0 *> ' ♦IS v * No. 781. Burrey. h — ■T-TTxi Ruad Waaua. .'»'♦i *>*'&■*- . dollars i $ THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPDI.’CE STREET, 190 23 33 m 0. co i ■ V •w p> • c Sr. «• Agenti, ani enti pape? n«. ut vouches for the resnonai .¿ivuiuAúgol* lav FreddaiituCuù-paiQ SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION I « n P MANHOOD RESTOE ■’11 rank ed toeere a.I nertuusei.eaae., Powar. Headache. Wskerelmws, Lose Marbo.,u.> eaea.all Uraiiia kKlkH« nf powwAt, O»rteratS«»y.1;fn by overss«rtlen.y«wthtol trrura, err*«, I re use ,.r -<j nHnw. whteb l-a4 to Inltraliy. (Jreiiu’ «., liMoruM an .»«■r, p«>r»«i. »tpow><.«:wil.>. »yis-il ?i. “ Av -T!»-- }«iv» <a written rwnrantee 1« e»r* ..r te.wnd the - ». , , dni»;’.«ta. A«k fur It, taee c-r,other Wir. >>w Irer Meme i ... k> ph «wrapper. Aadro.- A LU V K MX. All < o.. gJIWii. 1,<O. Fnrseleia U. M. UOBTGa, tnu.a at. T'i^ p-»rr''‘M» of ♦' . G~r>*t Cr”ifh Cure fa v Ji»>ul a parafe»! «:• i .■=* ti<tcry of medicine^ it > p<M. L ! dniRff; ns n r j:, • V-r• tile •• :T*.«\ Ti i. tv here recau m ty beeOcne , *y Th <t !t , .„..j, r. '-’ a. - te TVr at*nn è'*»’;»rniouH ex-, ‘ Ì l R b : *•! p W kk -tfW fedite Ffe« Into lb»:ne iu the Putted State« red Cañad». f yen b- a Couch, Sore Tbtuu*, or If®?: ,¡»!‘i-. nss it.Lw <«-• ' <>1. if yo»«’ ¡1 Uii axs.tlie Crygp. or%Mfh<w»niim«'«in*h, «•»« tprirtiphv, and relief tSsnre. If you dread 1»at insiliM ps Conmimrt'lm. nsew <.-k.y«'"ir Dtyirgi^ f'W SHILOH'S* CUBE, Tice 10 ct».-. Wets. a'ndfl.OO. If yonr Lungs ire sor» or Back lame, ose Shiloh's Porous B/ ail Drug- which we propose to send to you. trsnopo** Cation paid. The little darling rests against a pillow, and Is ip the act of drawing off its % • THE END pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled • *r'3 f *. 1 * ’ off and flung aside with a tiiumphant coo. *. Í ’ : « The fl,-sb tints are perfect, and the eye« follow •"V'E “If , “S —-, , matter where you stand. Th« exqui site reproductions of thio great eat painting of A Question In Etiquette. Ida Waugh >tlie mo-t celebrated of mocera painters of baby life' are to be given to those who subscribe to Demorest's Family M«*ra- 'rum lienioreot Family Magazine. . line for 1*93,' The rengoduettong cannot ba Uild from the origino!, which cost >«00, and áre the him «Ise 17x±! Inches*. The baby « ». • I * CHAPTER I. We have life tixe. and atMo'.utcly lifelike. a * " i also in preparation, to present to our sub I R.iws dctures by of aristocratic looking scribers during 1*9:1, Oilier groat pictures such art-ats as Percy.»!oran, Mgifd H umphrey, htiusea h* the right of me, a paik to I l.oui, Dcdchamim, and othdrsof world-wide . I h-h >wn. Take only two examnltw of'wlaW rhe left of me; a lunch partv four we <ltil during th- past yenr, “ A Yard of Pan- ; sies," and “ A White 11« use Crehid " by the long Mocks ahead of me, mv home, wife of Presi lent Harrison, and you will sod ; wh it our promises r can. who subscribe for Demorest's Family in the far^lytaui'«*^.byhind '/né; a •M Those ig.tzine foFlkaj will ik / s - sc « a gallery pi ex- « » >■. .1 *1. IclAtnlv sky. *•_. from which descends a '1 'iHite works of nrt oFf reat value. t^sidbs a .Magazine that cannot be equaled, I y;any ia the worl< ---. »its boauStfifF iUUlrtAtlotm-ind finp-r 1-trt »to:iav . sprinkle,.* above me; | •subJsK't ---- ----- ----------- ---- ...... matter, every oncp*L- -• ; ■ . , mtxnci, that 1 uiu, will wui keep fymp ctci j vuv p« UUD- r J of f the <tay, <Hy, and mdilTIM , — I winh I could add, and an uua-l on all th« topic* O art tw f»'l< an<1 and different IntnvMf nlvniit , fads «lifferent items of Interest »lout th* thd ’ I r« II«.—IX tismp, and r»INdTy grow-I toniwhold. I>wdde» fumMiing intrrrtttnir ■ 'J R rmvling matter, both grave ana gay, for tbp m i sli ppy pavement beneath me; ’»¡’ole family>«n«l while Demcrrst’k «a no» r r , ■• . it-lv a fashion M.igizine, its fishion peg«’’ are per- no IM/Seil'k* « aryd-otnfiibug, nn cab I wagi«,ynw. fr»e«^ansf.all thrpat» ’ , _ • - ’. terua you wish to use during the year, and stand. - .. Oh. Tor ’ a' plel>eian »treePi size : i « m > eho«w». s-nd in-ymr sul>- . : . • ’ . ” . .»cription at iwee, only BS. and you will really witli HF multitude of(onveniences! pvev*Bjrvalue..Adireaathe-pifbUPber, 1 . ’. D. Jennings Dctaortof. 15 East Mth St .New I I ticlce.” But my mind refuse» to a graen the j F « . ,f Y0’’."’* unacqu»int«wi with the Magaune.aeodU)ceuu>fr.raBpe«:iiaei> oopy.