Our Premiums FO/ THIS YEAH --- -+*---- —THIS PAPER— —.WITH----- THI S N FRANCISCO WeeXly Call ! FKlVKSl.fi-i FK» Ï AH. -----|>K----- • Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! 1 PtUCK Sd.O > Pi K t'EAt». ------ 4*------ ■•'is. Design Patenis Copyrights, ) *F%HE SAN FRANCISCO d V WEEKLT CALL -jl/o I* * tiand'Oine eight, page paper. Il la issued every Thursday, a> d oontaias all of toe imp riant news of 'he week, gleaned from every iate-t and hkm I reliable financial new» und market quotation«, h d giva« special attenti n to hortieul- tural and agricultural newa, and is in every re-iect a firs'- •last family faper, app-.i g to ttie interest ot every me . tier of the heuteiiold. -------- t------- 1‘ buHllH Uh conduced for • FEES« î ' lu ven tom vltbouf s CLAIMS CO., a ‘ OOLRBURN, .n ging Attorney. W ashington . f>. C. 1« managed bv a tom bin at I on of t influential newspapers In tne exptcsA purpose of proteet- rtlaera ugainit unscrupulous ,i Agents, and ea< h paper ment vouchee forth« reapoaal- -uauig uf tuc Pre''«1JU) ma Cooipanj. • HE !»!«»11 n I MJ CUI (>KVXN isfiUDIA WKKK? SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION lb a live ii IroiOiit M dailv. It is the MOST REL1A- a- Bl.E, and ia recognise- itclirj th- LEADING NEtVS- PAPER of the Pacific C -I. Either ol the aboie aper-w. will ce nd PO-tu iti as a pre. inium on meri t of the folio•«- h.g subscription prices for tha combination : ’-rh Cure 1. V 4- high c U m illustrated tnagaint magazine in the home is no longer « i-fanœ^s ì a luxury, it ¡8 a necefinity, and to meet the demands created by thia IL. (J ST RATED necemitv, THE COSMOPOLITAN Are just »but every MAGAZINE, giving yearly, aa it i ILLUSTRATED. buwr needa. T IM* uier- lu« of frrrri’« Seedn Harper's Magazine fur lass will centinue ’O . doei, 153G pages of reading by the ItHUi the touiiÜMUon up­ maintain the unrivalled standard of ex* ellence on which baa Um Lunt the which has < h ra< terlzed it from the beginning ablest living authors, with over hugest act d l.uaintbH in the world. Among ths nntable features of the vear there Ferry’s Setd Aunual for 1S44 will be new nove’s bv A Conan Duvle, Con- 1200 illustrations by clever artists, COiiluii*« the H.m i.ml buteiauce of S'tince Eenimore Wutjlson. anil William Black th« latest &*: niing knowledge. Free Shor1 stories will bt contributed by the most I has stepjwd into the breech, with ior the asking. populsr writers of the dsv, Including Mary E. D. T . FERRY A CO Wilkins, Ri< hssd Harding Davie, Maraaret a reduction in its price that hag Ditiuii, Mich. De’and. Brsi.ser Matthews, and many otheia The I luhtrateii deacriptive t>at*ers will embraes tartled the literary world . ar i lea by Juliai Reit h on ne# Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Chilo on India; The H ehai . d . fully alive to the by Poult* ev Bigeh w on Russia and Germany; bv Richard Harding Davison al*on your hoiiee.” I ( nited Stales, Canada, or Mexico ’‘V.'.iotis homes. Our offer fur­ wAfi an- I I he volume**! of liep^m wit) nishes a help to all families, no the Ntiiulter- anti December o eac h v ^ ,»a*le A *)o time is specified, sul matter how modest their means, thi».h>- ‘‘ ^’eR*n w*‘l* *!»•■ Number cur to keep in touch with the greatest PERSONAL AND i’ii h binding will politan has today the strongest ENTS, CAVEAT >. 1 h -ent by m,til, post-paid, <>n receipt of per volume. Clsith t ’ a-e-, for binding S regular staff of any existing period« MARKS, etc. .¡^ cents each—by mail ]u)st-pai. 4. I •I®’’!*» a Weekly is acknowledged e.a stand I jug tire among illustrated weeklv perio Ileal» 1 ui A merii a. It oc< upies a plat e between ths ] of the hurried dailv paper and that of the lee» timelv monthly mmrazii.e. it includes botl literature hik I new a. and presents with eons force mid felicitv the real evenia of ettrren ihtetor. ami the Imaginative themes of flctlot DABBIT A Ain noil 1 TDI L°"*'• vnr' * emplete senes of illtis Fair. It will be not *,nl i »a * to rhe ice«? ICxposition, but ala Even publi. eveut ofgener» ■■■“■ ■ Lucres* •"'«"I«'. will i.e fully Ulus rated in La pag<» its coutr butitiiia being from the Leal writers nnd arria a in ihix r.mtPrv, it will . ..ntii.ue » ex« ei in literature, newa. a>*I of | «-mv )>a(d, J’»**’«, «»i *. I i petite (provided the freight does nut exceed I , | - per volume* for ▼•■•-« <7 00 •• a volume. - V VIUIIIV. < loth cases for each Volume, suitable foi binding will I« eent by mail post-paid, on re ceipt of ||. Remittance! should be made by Post Offic Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose I Address: HARPER A BROTHERS, Ne York Hap’ Baza ¿G 2^ ont»!I p .umndB untitled v L; «*r- charge t\ r »-J n . NEW HOME SEWING MA CH (NE CO., 725 Market St., Paicfic San Francisco, Cal Department. Sdentino America! Agenoy for HARPER’S PERIODICALS i 2r OAVKATS, TRAD! MARKS« OEBICN FATIMTS, COPYRIGHTS, «to» information and free Handbook write to BUNN A CO- Sid Biu.ADwaT Nxw Y ork . dest bnreau for saouHng patents In Amerioa. rery Mlent taken out by u« la brought bo fora tfie publlu l>y a notlos (Ivan free of charge In ths ^iitnlifir Jtmericim Largest Mreelatlon of world. Bvlandidly 11 man abouid ba wti vsart glAOalx m*>n >ttfiuswrna, Sal ■ * _ remetUes tb»t de not In * » Ul Jnre the b-alth or ututem with *me’« bnalner • blrwurv It builds up and ini prove, the get AH t- «11 h clears the skin and beantincsthowmplexi^ ||n — fl,bb1-?r« '-I’n— «hie treat, k. i .ne-d or physician« and loading society 1» r FAT;EMTS_ TREATED BY Mill. CON.'IDCNTk H irsl*»«. «•» Stgrvrt in n ’ J. C, Foley, cattle hrsnd=on rignt alde^ Horae brand — on left shoulder. A J. A. Williams cattle brand, II.. on left rib horse brand 71 on right atifle. P, O. Riley Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand, •d )-( on left hip, Marion Bunyard, PO Burna- Cattle diamond on left hip: horaee CV on let ahoulder. Charten H Voegtl-v. Burna Oregon Horae branded P on right ahoulder. rattle P uu right hip. ii. A. Heudricka. P.O. Lawen Or. Horae brand 3f> on left shoulder, also three dote.-, tn ehapeof triangle, cattle branded sama. E. E. Grout Burna Or. Harper's Bazar is a Journal for the hone It k I vex the latest informal Ions with re km rd t< Mias Roea Dickenson Horae hrand anvil oa' the bashitins. and it« numerous illustrations ”ra i A/'*’ Kng;. MU<* Pfttte™-»heet supplemeat» left stifle. Cattle branded har’R on left hip. f are iiidispensible alike to the home dress make) O. Lawen Ore. ,. and the professional modiste. No expense i> J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected * •’ Spare»4 Io make its artistic attractiveness of th< left hip. Horse brand anvil on left atifle P. <» highest order. Its tf*ght stories, amusing com K sATTACf\MeMTô Lawen Ore. edies, and thoughtful essava satisfy all tastes L? :THt:ri«A5T> *nra< e King, oiive.Thorne filler, and Geo. Williams, horaee and mu'ea branded (>e' LIFE indicate» probable < atidace Wheeler will be frequent coniributurf rounding w, OI, right atifle. P. O. Riley Oie. .11 1. e Each BRACELET The W4»rk <»f wo .ten in the Columbian Expo ■•,«». W<-1 nmrkc L NE at.ractiyely pia- brand bar m on left hip and fibs. Catharine verv m m ’er of the family is enter- Marahall PO Narrows lire. • n inngazin « in one. A CLEAR f '>e«per.l.« tenderness: a rtrnigbt Horae brand on left shoulder H Miet Laura peaceful life; the reve se if defiiiid 1.1SK OF HEALTH Stanclift, Burnt Ort. -ou doctors’ bills; eo uih the bcailh hint» i-.re. ■-*. No ot - r inagazil e p. blirhes so HARPER'S BAZAR................... Horae brand ~ on left ahoulder and aatne oa ...4.0 •tori’ e to Interest tiie I ome clrf art Our O’fics t» Onncsl’o U. 8. F-i’en* Office, of «T. at value, be*'*!*-« the »npi rb premium picture] The vo nmea o! the bstr begin with the firs connected. Ear mark swallow fork in right ear »nd we can secure patent In lees time than those 17x2.'inches. "I'm» D..i-y!” which is almost a real ■emote from Washington. baby, and sqn I to the original oil painting which nu nb, r for Januari of each rear. When n< underbit in left. P, O. Burna Ore. Bend model, drswing or photo., » ith descrlp- er*-t $.%«!; an t yon wi'l hav< a magazine that cannot la time is mentioned, subscription will begft lon We advise. If patentable <>r not. free of oe equa ed by any in the uo»ld for its bean iful wb h lhe Number current st the time of receipt barjs our fee hot due till patent is secured. i ¡lustrations i*n . «abject matter, tl at will ke> p of order I ouud volu rcs of Harpe k Barar lor thre. A P mohlet. "How to Obtain F-iients." with yoe poste.l on all the 'opies of tlie day, S' d •" I“* names ef actual clients iuyourfitate, county, or rads, and liliTe-ent items of intereet about the year in neat cloth binding, .vlll be sent bv mai town, sent free. Address. boir-ehold, besides frtm .htny interesting reading p. s age p. td’ or by express, free of expense matter, both grave mid gny, for the whole family ; (provided the freight does n *t exceed one dol and while De norr«t’s l-'fiot u f««hlon n arazin«. In per volume) or B7 a '■olume. Cloth cases f .'esch vo'uma,suitable for hind It» fashion par • are defect. S' d ym get with it, Otaiosha Pstsnt Office. Wash.* *. frse'of cost, all the pal«* ru yf 14«l> St., I WuNewspapers are i.ot to <>py anv one nor BF.m'SORGANSa New York. If von are unacquainted wir’’ *''** i It of the above ad "•emeuts without the Magazine, send fora specimen qppy A large QI D opreae vrdeeof IIAK 'EK BKuTHKRs. R INGLE mean- h<*ne«r»; a lirge TRI A Nt .IF. gencr.w.tv Jone- F'R«T DIVISION ¿»K Tilt MB for catalogs« Adress. Hon ■ Daniel F. realty strong *HH; LONG SECOND DIV PHON, ri a«o. •Ua».. by ulsr.1, *ku I M.M n«U «fix. AVr. L* ■ Washington New Jersey. .ork Tiw V Va0t »u Ik IM It- *» :; tn? farn'tv. The MOUNT OF JtTITER be'okens .. Jw v nu-'iMise - » m -, b » h w r; ' * imMi on ; that of SATURN, prnd mee : the StN. •> I ». JIÜU«. »lag. III. WaM... « . Ml*.. 1-. I- Jieof .plendor: MARS.courage; MOON, im»«’'’'»' •a □*>* «a c-,. V AianS. w»lHI(-.... 11 Is. «Sis. 4 Don ; VENU«. Iove,r»f pleasure : and MKRt URY, SM«. Wt.l nkaart» Hy ml, U M“1“ »IA M>»• few!»«« dIENTS IKE41 3 BY MAIL. CONFTDENTIA i Intrlilgenee. Tike onr advice as above and roe ijr; : ist nor mm «III b- sure'to paaeeas the laat ami mwt valbabfi- m 1 , * ». S. •.<■ 4 xbK » Hury, Sv yartkJ.», • free. Addn s.*;- A K Ehi Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Dox Wh» *Vjw Yurlr U’Hj tualitg. «. X I f Mfblt rttcun HUIU. CfilUM. tt Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Frandaetu I L L (J ST R A T E D . > tt . /or ro w •U’U Kur/’eatfui A CsA.SNOWrf CO. Per Year •