Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1894)
The Herald. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 28 1894 ■AS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Harney Lodge No. 77, I. 0.0. —Please do net forget that p- in al proof F. at the last regular meeting elect- Jorgenson has the best lot of spec*' ed the following officers for the en- taeles, eve glasses, gold pens and LAND OFFICE AT HURNS, OREGuN Nov 19, 18«. suing town beginning January 1st holdersand magic pencils, etc., etc. Notice 1» her« by givan that the following Ru«k V c r 00^’ \ ^’i R~k.v■ G . Rve. Secv.JW. C. tlyrd, i Per. Secy., W. Y. King, Treasurer H M Horton. • • tiocal News. J F. Boyle,--photographer, is. For Chop Feed. Grain and Flour stilt' here{ A rare opportunity go to the North Meat Market. is presented to all who have not! L oyd C ulp , already supplied themselves with Proprietor, samples of his excellent -------- work. ------ Re- j —Polk Gearhart is in town to I member his prices. $3.00 »er doz. I for cabinets. He guarantees to day- *• ... —J. H. Mahon was in town two please even themost fastidious; I ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. days of this week. —Joe Williams Esq., was in town ♦ «o days the latter part of last . One Year ”" Mimihi Alon'hi B orn —iu —-------------- Gittings a girl, on satu.^. _ 24th inst. ;«r —J. Durkheimer will pay the highest Cash price for your Codnty Warrants. —Major Brockenbrough returned from the Diamond country last Bunday. He is now in town. —The militia company is going to give a dance during Christmas holidays. Ad. will appear in next issue. j name« aettler ha» filed notieeof hi» Intention John Dav flour at 0. Ik ViegtW’s to e>ak»‘ final proof In »upport of hi» claim.and at . band. . a.h ilia! »» proof will be made before Kegteter Mnd Receiver at Hurt.» Oregon, on fee 27, lien, via J A M KB L. V ARI KN. Tljis offer holds good for the next Hit. No. 481 for the 84 NK'4 anil S’, NW, 8«>c. 4. Tp. 24 S R 31 E • e t.. He name« the fo lowing wttneMe» to prove thirty days. hia continuoua residende upon ami cultiv»t 1. n t . C. 11. VoEMTI Y, .* of »aid laud, vi« K E, Allen. Baxter K Pol ler, Pete: Clrmrit». of Burna Oregon. Owen ‘ • •' Agent. Shlngledecker, of tlarpey Oregon. THOM A8 JONES. Keglateor —To ail suhbfribers of lh* E 0 j H erald ar.d those in arrears, who — , i - • ) . • will pay up and renew, we will send ! . - K tbe Semi Weekly New York World NOTICE—TIMBER CULTURE free for six months. For reliable | U. 8. Land Office, better paper than Rurntl< or;gOn, November 14, 1894. CREAM BAKING POWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pra» from Ammonia, Alum ot any other adultasant, 40 YEARS THB STANDARD!, —Diamond Valley is pretty Wli the World; • •• ... • -*- ■ -* • • | 'Complaint having been entered represented in our town this week, I Losgpi^Sdme tfrn^ jUfifcc ’ Robert this Office by George Gilbert Messrs. Rye. George and Preston DriukiFater. on the rba<! from BuriHt against John Lewis for failure to Smvth aiso Mr Lucas, his son An ¡comply with law ns to Timber Cui- to hi» home in Hartley, lost from I . : drew. Chancey Cummins and Mr. t Iture Entry No. 1589 dated March theTwagon a shotguh If the party _ 1885. upon the ** ’ 17, Section 13. Kidd Some of the parties are' who found the gun will return it to | ( To .jwnship 18 8. Range 28 E . in jhlals in a land contest, before — Get one of I. 8. Geer «k Co’s, Mr. Drinkwater or leave it at ........ the j I Grunt County, Oregon, with a view the Kegisv, -I Receiver and.the This H erald offihe a liberal reward will to the cancellation of said entry; premium purchase tickets remainder ure witnt. w- contestant alleging that said John firm agrees to give th*? • holder » f be paid by Mr. Drinkwaler 'Tl a •'lilW.. I^ewis has wholly absndened *aid ' such tickets a fine life me Crayon — 1 he countv court to dav at-, * I0** WK entry, and has failed to comply Portrait absolutely free of any mined to reject the Court House.' — with the Timber Culture law in any charge, by purchasing $20 worth '-N K declaring the work inferior and not | ' particular with regard thereto. I^IN a I. p A mm * done in accordance with the con The paid parties are hereby sum- of gisMls for cash at their store. Il inoned to appear at this Office on is not necessary that the whole tract. What wiH be. the next step LAN» ornc> at BURN. <'»™'«.; , th ,22ud ¿"ofDw.mb<-rlHlM..t amount should be purchased at one taken by the contractor, we are not Nov. ish . jQ o’clock a m., to respond and fur • time, but am amount from 5 cent« able to publish in this issue, be-1 Notice 1» hereby given that tne followings testimony concerning said named aettler haa filed noilceof hi» intention nish to $20 as explained upon the tick- cause we know not“vet, what he will to make final proof In euppurt of *n* claim, and alleged failure. that anlil proof will l»e made lieiore Regiaier eta do in the matter. T homas J ones , I I A Receiver at Rnrna, Oregon, oil Jan. 6 1886, ' via N kwkll H all . Register I Illi No. out. for the SW'i NKU.HU NWV, Sec , ' —Judge Rutherford and com | —Milo Cunhing. who settled up • SASK1, NE»f Set- * Tp. 27 3 K .9 K. He name» the folio« log wltne-ae» to prove missioners, Sitz and Mark are in I on a claim which proved to tie road lit» loii'lnuoii» resident e upon and cultivation I I land, but be made settlement, be of, »aid land, via: W. A. Pieter. T hom ya M c town to dav, we believe the business C ormick of Hum» Oregon T homa »ALLKN of Riley Ore. F ranks K kii . rr of Diamond Ore. , that calls the county board t igeth « fore the selection on the east side THOMAb JONES. Keglater. | is either to receive or r. j ct th. >f i he rivt r. was made by the road 1 piNAL PROOF •ompany, has received from the Court House. Hon Land Commissioner a decis .... .............._ ‘LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, —The coiltest land caso before ion in his favor subject to appeal in C'INAL PROOF Oct. A |IW4. Notice t» hereby given that the following the Register and Receiver at th’s QO davs There is no doubt but LAND OFFCE AT RIUNS, OREGON, named aettler ha» Slid Hottie of hi» intention to make fieal p’oof in support of hi» claim, and land cffice, is the state vs. J. J | that, all the settlers, settling on road that »aid nroof will he made Iwfore the R ok I» ici Nov, '.6 ISO*. Hallett. The state is not represent I land, upon the east side ofSilvies Notice 1» herebv given that the following and Receiver at Burn». < iregon, on Dec. 7. IMO | named hae filed notice of hi» intention Vi»: I'llARLKR H. VOBUTLV td either by the defendant or an liver, prior to lhe selection of the I to make final proof in aiippon of hi» claim, anil lid. No 202 For the E'. SWt< A Lota HA* that aaid p-oo'f •*’ l,‘ that aaiit p-mif will will lie lie made nimie before before Regiaier Kegiater A A i i ’ • • - ■ it« lie name» the followlio; wltncMcs to provi attorney; ' Or”' Jan 6 1*,&’ ' ',z I | li a ' mil real'lem e upon and < ultlvatlor company to lands on that side of! ui'forThe BS SW'„ Nt'4 9W!4 A NW " f "" l !.IH a ",,\ v I, w P ”• " K . V i< ■ “-------- T------------------------------- the river, will get their land, as the ’ 1-4 '¡hi HE No 1-4 sse 10. TP27SR.IIE. ra on. A W W »•era all ,,f llurna Oregon. He name« the fallowing» to prove Ilf'til AS JONE., Keg.»ter road company, reserved 133,000 hi» <-o«tliin<‘U» reiidence up >n and i-iililvau>n <.f' land, vll W arhkn A F oa TKK, NK.'. ILL. acres to which it is entitled, from •aid I II all . of Uu-M Ore. I haac N, H voiikt , J amka I ll*>»Kli»»,of Kile» Ore. which to select lands in lieu of the t THuMAH JONES Kegi» er ' lands taken bj actual settlers. East Notice. K k J t * anao ••A dollar tnvrd <» a dollar ramad,M •• Thia I.wdlca' Holl<l French lkongola Kid Vlw^ ton Boot dvlivvrvd frva anywhere la the U S.. OB reeel is vf Caah. Money Order, Or I'uetel Not» fo- $l.M. Eiiuale, every way the boots cold in all retail store« for SJ.M. Wo make thio boot uurseivee, therefore we ge«ir- ante« the JH, rfyf* <rnd totar. and If auy one Io not eeUefleS wo will refund the money or eend another pair. Opera Toe or Common Renee, ha C, D. E, k KE, ee 1 to 8 and halt xeo Soad Mottr oioo; ll di yea. llhwtrataS Cata logue O exter Spatial S hoe Itrmt C o , la lAalr^*. —Tomorrow is Thanksgiving dav. What has the poor laboring class toi piNAL PROOF 1 be thankful for? Crowded the in| I fVI O. 1 large manufacturing towns and in LAND OFFICE AT III h'.r, OREGON I Nov. 26 1894. I Xi J I cities, without food, without properl 'clothing, without hope of lettering, Notice is hereby given that the, : their condition. Oh vesl But the following named set-tier has filed . notice of his intention to m ku final I (W. K G race ’ s old stand ] ! functionaries at the head of the proof in support of his claim, and ■government who have promised so that said proof will be made be'or. | A c Worthington Proprietor. much to the middle and laboring Register & Receiver at Burns Ore • ^<K.I>KALFH • class, have something to be thank on Jan. 5 1895.viz: E mma H artley , i I Hd No 461 for the HE] SW| A DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY. DYES. PAINTS, PERFUMES, ful for viz: that their bulwarks, W] NEj and BE j NEj Sec 10 Tp TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. ramparts, and homes have not been 27 8 R 29 E. -•> A full line of School Hooks and School Supplies. Confections raised to the ground ahd that the He names the following witnesses Nut«» and fruit?. , coat of tar feathers which they rich to prove his continuous residence -Mr. Cal Ge.r „rt<>rMd. y«.ter-1 J-"» h-"«■> *"<> upon and cultivation of, said land. I fM^“Mnil (>»-d« ra promptly filled. viz: Newell Hall, Warren A Foster] ».y, from Hunliofton. .1.0 lhe lbe’ *" 10 on' of Burns Ore. Isaac N. Hughet. deputy, sheriff and guard whose more n .•1*’nX- James Hawkins, of Riley. THOMAS JONES, Register it was to see the prisoners, STORE. Parker aad Potts, safely incarcera ted in the state penitentiary. • i —Dr. Marsden last Saturday, with the knife releived J. M. Mc Kissick of a cancer located on the lower lip. The patient at this time is doing well and speaks in glow ing terms of the neatnsM dispatch, and skill of the surgeon. —The Albany Democrat says, “that a company consisting of the following incorporators; Col. R. W. Mitchell, Henry C. Grady and C. W. Johnson, with a capital of $500 000, divided into 95000, shares of 1100 each, proposes to construct a R R. beginning at . a point in Clat- •op county.. M or near the mouth of the Columbia river, running thence through Washington, Multnomah, Clackamua, Marion, Linn, Harney •nd CnxiM counties to Ontario.” piNALPROOF LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, NOV. 26 1894. j Notice is hereby given that the , following named settler han filed notice-of his intention • ¡proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before i ■*e; Register & Receiver at Burns Ore. >w«|: I oti Jan. 5 1 Sitfl, viz: W arren A. • i iHd No 443 for the Lots 2*3. wtd 4.8ec3apd Lot 1 Bee 4 Tp27 8 R as ’ •.................... J He names the following witti«*FSea to prove his continuous .residenck The «erretarv'►( Vtir E'Idr;*. <, , upon and cultivation of« said Jand, anJ Haru«« Mfç < <•, <»i f vi: Newell Hall Robert E Ciari, .... i Inform» u» that tbe.r unewj» m _____ - •4 hw 1»IM than «-ver H<- wwiu-4 -liai* ainUmu anyUiau >; . of Burns Ore. ’ Thomas Allen, df our readers not . . U> ------ punha.«- the line of earri*«1 < »««on*- ibicj « - « Rilev Ore. Frank 8 Reider. of ’y hav«- barn«-*» until U»-y hav* »ent 4 <•••»•'* a. Diamond Ore. j »umw to pay poMarfv on thi ir li~ p~«r ri THOMAS JONES, Regiwr. MiAhwue Weadviwt 8>b«i reaih-r» vf Ud* , °p.,u, remember hit » uw «M h > u l * ■ * • I t • * t *» * J » /*• A , . . U firgt cla’* ,nevrrv The proprietor having been raised *n business knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole- sale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at price# as low as you would have to par ranchers iieef,Perk,Mutton, Sausage i K. A. M attbbs , Propriety .