Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1894)
WEI'NKSDAY NOVEMBER» 1X.% KOtar. W.C. BYRI» HAFIDTV ARE parties still exist, and to the same degree as heretofore. Now we ask . ¡TiTTf A. W. GLEASON, | ’ Notary Public • what has either of the old parties Hall’* Catarrh Cure is taken in done to ameliorate or satisfy this fernally «nd acta directly on the discontented element? idood and mucous surfaces of the^ Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal Geer, comprising ail lines of I hardware , crckrry , glassware , tinware . system. Send for testi nonials, THE-repuliHcans. who lira trying “AX AK »ilb ’’ KIVI“. 1 !Wt'I ’ free. relie." .ui<l if tn . so hard to make people think, that Cur«for I’.k.'. . ... F. J. Cheney A Ct».. Toledo, O. brumrixtHormiii. r. free. .A<Wn\ > • S • • i. the democratic party, as a national I g3^ “ Sold by Druggists. 75c Uor '<¡4111. frew V •. ■ I I organization is dead, arte tusking themselves more than ridiculous. I have two littye grand children’ SHOULD INTEREST The democratic party, which to who are teething thia hot sutumerj • YOU. go no further back than the memory of our middle aged men, has made * ’ campaign of 1894 is now j weather aid are trouhled with The I give them six sujeetesive unsuccessful uresi- open > Everv man. be he Democrat bowel complaint. Chamlierlain’a Colic, Cholera and’ dential- campaigns, the party being Republican or Populist, desires |o i defeated in five al the polls, and be kept fullv informed of lhe im *J Diarrhoea Remeuy and it acts like* one, as maiiy of us will remember, portant events as i they occur ,a charm. I earneatlv recommend ’ It for children with bowel troubles.' the atairtion known as the electoral 'throughout the country, commission. We know there is We have just made arangements I was myself taken with a severe dissension io the democratic party, i that may la* of interest to our read- attackpf bloodv flux, with cramps.’ But does this reach so far and cut rs. The arrangement is this; We and pains in my *o g-eat a figure in the democratici wTR give you that greatest of all ’ of a I otlle ot this r» no <1 > cured me. ! ranks, as - did . lhe dissension iti lheq wfelHy newspapers. The New York Witbin twent»-four hours I wadi i i _ ~ i . ■ .. ■ ’ ' .. ; j j STO' HARDWARE, BUNDERIES, A CARPENTERS I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. C H VGEGTLEY hi We» kly Wi rid, ami t hie paper, both out of la d and doing mv house republican ranks prior or im |V Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon mediately preceeding, the latt.-for one year for $2 50. or our paper ’ ; Comer of 1st. and B Street. For’l presidential ejection. foT line year and The Weekly World »A»”*- Hickman Co . Tenn. f v«-ar- ! ****!** by H. M. Horton. This dicsension and disq'tiirtude. . ( 1 for f«»» six *>•» mouths ,»><»,i»i»u for ft»«. the »1,^. regular •■**>■.!»•> ••..of. BRENTON ’f in the democratic party, in the hisi I v price of our paper alone. The ' ___________ rT?* 4» STABLE II election was just great enough t.i I Weekly World, fearless in its utter ,N • . •%» "ITT off H Hl While tn Topeka iast-Mwrrh. E prudute an aonormal. doti’t car»; inc»s. ,,is the '»nly great weekly X ■ ♦lay •at 'home effect. • pspeT published in America that T. Barber, a prominent ne -spa per The partv is dissatisfied with th» , presents all sides of the great con- man of Ln Cvune. KaH'y wa »aken Course purvued'^y the preseht ad- ( •roversiss of the day without fear <n with chol-r morbus very severely, ’miiiiatration, ami proposed uiukiiig favor. Its work i« Mr the whoh The night clerk at th»* hotel wheVe itself felt i»y staying at home, a iii'Ti j people and not tor any class or sec he was «topping happened tn have a hottie ‘>f Chamberlin's Colic. btling lie reputdican party, with . l ion. ■?' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedvi , lots oClt» odle to back it work . *1 >o»*H this inter» st xmi ’ hardship on 01»-velamiism and ttr ;| l-f'ir dol-S’.’imd von think it worth and gave him three' dose» which dictatorial policy of this admim ’ I vhift* ’To take advantage of thie ■ relieved him ami he links ju»v»d' hi« life Every family should k* co (ration. " TPeaf spovial <>ff, r while it la* c ' thia remedy in tneir •onio Thti intelligent voter of ti*» Ivav in* and g» t Tiie k times. No m.e »•),!, t. II) United States will not sui.nut qim ''World for six months or .*2 50 a Whit»’Front Livery Stable as- Proprietors Ilia V be • • i-ileil ! I (•• ■ l’ 'gel The Weekly Wmlrl for o • v, Jj , tn ' tieiiTg * Bri'ubbed ami th sure the public rhut the > are prepared to accommodate * 4 io everv way in then line ot uusinrss. mid it 1 • 11 c i; wantsand petitions ignore»!, wti ' I Here is th» opp.ituinty ; « ami caratili help. ¿W^lb-.v ami uiiiin co.»stat>tiy on 1 *1 t • ti.l'i ’i so»’- ' 'p h " |. •o'plaitilv mad«- known,* a* v .:-. n ’••.our own loc 'i] jv ,. t ami ’ * • t ,.• ... . the case of the last prtsiiimti • .'ng im-tropoli'a > joii’-md > ». M Passent’ c“ »«ken to nil part« of the country. Hearse nod Job Waget | ■ounlry a’ <-X’i iniai «flection. nui mctioi | -ates. Addr»-»'- The Chicago platform was < f « ' E ast < I kfgon H».,» ai l dorsed by three fourths or moi> the viting population of <n, « government, and men suppised 1 le in sympathy with, and pledg» J -»TATE OF Olilo, UITHCbCST. Ji© Lt* ■ NUCQuCAICt.S I to carry out the * {Hanks of that ' ’ITV OF T u LFOO. “"»5.C0nD0VAH, Oil til platfoilu to tlie letter, wereel ct'd ’ Frank .1 Cheney f.-it: LiWMEUXCCAU. I • I ( • ’ hat he is lhe senior partner of the <4 vw ..' i ' u 'EC âlfûiâxca .*.: i We all know the result, and mm l3APWL!CE.3toL£S. I »•an we eX|H*ct anything else » I ir:n of F J. Chenev A- 'Co.. dome I •usincss in the t'itv of Toledo. honest men except that by tb»*i I S. BAILEY, Propriatora. ♦2.VJBtw£ctór;o:i «C course they condemn a body of met ¡’County and State aforesaid, and | •LADIES- I I'hat said firm will pay the sum ot ami an administration who so so»ii I HUNDRED DOLLARS f<,* I SEND FOB CATALCGUL forget the wishes of the people arm l<)NE • Ì W'L* DOUGLAS. Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, eta., ata. tie theui'elves to the apron string* each and every case of Catarrh thn' BROCKTON, MA-5J. I by yircUaslug %»•!»• i ^alo-jn is first class in every particular. .cannot hr cured by the use ot I Yo» rna «ave «««•nry • Experience barta of monopoly. I. ».urlai« ..'Kia« Hllttf«, Hli*e*a r . ••*•1* fl-* — • — «, V« «rc L.« l .rgevt ni*a'ir«ctnr“— st • Hall’s Catarrh Cure. ;,«>!.<■ .i> I » .rea tn the world, and guaiuuu > Mixed drinks to please the moat fastidious. the v.itre by » jnpin< the naine end price on FRANK.! CHENEY the bo :r>*n, w. .eh p-^-cli yen a<ain»t high T his hobby now preached bv I Sworn to hrfn.v me and rub • price» and the c . MT,'e ptc:?«. Our »hoc« I conni cuK'.o n wora in «tyle, easy Cttinx and many republicans, that the demo q r.itlttr «. We have them told «very. scribed in my presence, this 6’1 !• • ■ nrl-i< • r t lower pri-es for the value Riven t » cratic party is dead, and the pop day of D»cetn’>er. 1886. ulist element wiped out of existence. • • • • . 1* : e. ■ — I o »uba -lu:*-. It • .a... aappi/ you, wj can. avid by all, all. anx'ous to ff>«k to the r standard of Reed, McKinley, •»«» • I I others who lead the van of monopo-» I .: ly. and oppression of the lalioring . class. p Proprietor. JOHN BAYER Was not just such a land slide « experienced th« last presidential Situated on Hilviea river 1 mile Kant of Burna, near the bridg* election? Did it wipe out republic 1 . A • ism? Did it kill the populist party? And taking into consid»'tation the Cueiomers wL receive GOOD FLOUR from fact that the republican .party, had. had control of th« political band Good Wheal »(agon for veers, and the land slid« J il - n-X^LAC I v. :ns, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarritts riOüH & SAW MILL ¡THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! • ! :..t^^r.M»Xr/.TWIC®-A-,WTBEK. 16PAGES a self evident fact in itself that there y vAr is something radically wrong with FRENCH HOTEL the policy pursued by th« party, •nd if the same police is adopted, 1 GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A YEA now, that th« republicans ■ hate ------------ ------- MRS. LOUIS RACINE, PropH. •yain Any rea»>rr ast room The Twice-a-| •gain the control, which slwavsl always realier of the E M mt O k kh »« s II khai icua | . o «’ can get «ut»acribers to The *7 ’M . ... ii... free hv uemiina iii three new yearly auoscriuer» u» inc govern» d the g o. p. there is certain Week u Republic by aenomg itele» has ,-«c««Uy been en larga Med entirely renovated la arai elea« Myte. to be another lau t slide in 1 «9« 1 ^’’“.‘J'^'itmn to obtaining the greatest news w»eklv in America.every • • ? Further there is nothing to sat ■•'rl.uhMril-r to Th- K.j.nhll- "ill t-1.prie-..Hh- p.|rr, nr Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affiacia. ------- • ,,Hers m »de »»r prove fo us ft at tbi* last electron more, every tear by they ’ .............. ,, , subsenb» - ts Irom time to time I T h - lt-j.ul.lic “ill—i*l "poo r~«P Traveling n»en will find thia Hotel a kilkd tne populist movement, I*- I Kunp'l-o' . - I • Add es - all o ’ d» rs, cause the situation is not* changed, of po»Ul <•’ r,<l I ■ ). ■ I I • nd the same objections to both old I HE RLIUILIC. St Louis- Mo I*