mid. regon V I I V I :.7 ~ VOL. V 11. Ths Serali A good ranch belonging to H. G. Campbell, containing 160 acrea 12 the* hills” an I miles south east of Burna. Thia never excell­ ranch baa about 100 acrea of good ed. “Tried and proven” 1 meadow land. Price 9800 or will REGULATOR. is the verdict trade for sheep.«|| ' SIMMONS1 “ As old as PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD & SON. PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. ! Sns Year ................................................ Six Mouths ............................. Three Months............ |2.du 1.00 . .75 HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and llnrper’e Magazine....... ■erald and Harper's Weekly ....... Herald and Harrier's Bazar Herald and Harper's Young People 5.00 5.20 5.20 3.75 ■srald and Alden’s Manifold Ci yclopedia, ___ 2. V0 each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cento: 10 cento extra ner volume, postage. • 'Than gt^^Copiev of all the above works can be sx ««slued at leisure in the Reading Room. ¿GT’Publishers of periodicals are solicited io send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for ger Free Reading Rooiu—We file aud biud the iatier at close of every half volume, end n»v u gopiea by advertisement. l inch »1.50 tt 3 U0 > ss 3 50 • ‘ ‘ 1 4 50 4 b 00 k col. f “ 12.40 1 ■M 00 •2.50 •5.0Ü 4 00 b.fiO 12 03 5.00 M U0 15. tO 6 00 10.00 2-.00 » 00 15 00 2«.00 lb. 00 ¿X. uo 4« 0O 30 0U to 00 60.00 B yrd - . ■ «11 00 16.00 24 00 32 00 46 00 60 00 no oo . • ’ tb' i! »1 ' « )'• JOB WORK •f every description executed with nest ne in •u»>’h in ”nil» itid ornaineiitii 1» to «»ffer. which ar» •m.trolled otil » us We p»n » ■ommi>»snn or »nlnr» Writ»1 it* a* nice for term», and secure »•huiti • >1 • Conn MF'Siv F i rritoi» M tV Tu< H kkalu is kept regularly on file for re lerenee, in the Geo. »’. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ vertising Bureau, id spruce «t.. New York. - - Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Sometime ago I was troubled with ' Pills ADVERTISING KATES: ¡1 wk ' 2 wk J 1 mt. 1 o uiu 1 6 mo ‘»b ’M» | o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu- jrv lator is the Z7 //z? o n I y Live? an.i Kidnov me»licine to which you can pin you»' faith for a cure, mild l.txi- a n <1 live, purely ve r- <*t tble, net­ in’ ti i recti „ v <>n the Liv-T a n »1 Kiil- ne V». Tre it. Sold ”v ’'•rngoiats in L »puil.o: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: BPACE «0 48 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. NOV 21 1884 1 MoT'D!«» A lberta , Canada, Nov. M' .. ’’ 4 E d . H erald : We are -ving X llr»er Villi'll. Hovbi“’e-XN Y. Our Grand Cash Sale Prices has proven a success, and our busi­ ness will be continued under the CASH Sys­ tem. heavy winds here in the last month,' nid thr- e light nn»»w st r e. enow » 11 NTINttToN. < freg >n ‘28. *94 | fell the 8th. of Oct.. 3 i-w hpR In Tin. •'(»'•••g • ■•'»iiiiiicial NATIONAL . depth on the 12fh. t*0 t'.e’..on | ♦ ni.» ii. ■mglit thè entir» Presiilent ....... Grover i'levelaiK I Tlee-i'resideut................. Ailiai Steveusoi 1 the 15th. one ati4 a iin* chep I ù.-’ur'a uf ’he ‘Or- gufi ('onslrtie Secretary of Stute Walter tj. Greshan . Secretary of Treasury John G < ariish I The «now did not lay • •»• tp'ence Viti HH«un»ed ItP i il Beai Estate. ) J. N. Dolpl gvustors ................ I J. H.Mitchell The weather general«i Hue except I. I- tilt! iuiuilities of SRid "Oregot t Binger llernism he wind. Vou 1 W. R. Kilisi ■ ou-tmci mn Co.,’ and have Incor Attorney ueueral R. h. Chamberlain Money-»« toleratdv plei.tv ii re » >ral‘*<( wil h $50.000. Suveroor ............. 1».Sylvester PeunJfe Capita) . leere.ary of State R Geo. W. Mcllrld. The utbeers • This mean« that we s*ll yen al* good« tn nnr large «tope at lowesr iiHet every one ha» it g sou e. Th« Treasurer R Phil. Metsehai full» paid in lupt. Public Instructiou K J. B. McElrir . | prices than any other merchant in Harner Countv can hnv them. prime Cain»e of money being in < ir Itale Printer . Frank Haket K ¿rt • , K. B. Beau ■illation is the poll«- being Ntatmn livreate Judges . z W m. P. lx»r< .< M S tkfl , Pr> «ident. All order* promptly fill» d at «me priera dnri» g »he newt month ’ F. A. Moore -n mg a few settlers, all get a lair par loi.it-Representative. . (R> feint-senator .(K> A. W.Cuwau I H Aitkin, mgr. cel of the circulating medium. COUNTY — HAHN BY . Most of parties g • further 11 »rth •aunty litige ..................... C. P. Rtr herford 8‘ork (D,. . .. P. L. Sbidelet ;l »R said not to taj ho windy and Treasurer .................. (R; 1. B Gee» lurveyur ............ T, A. McLintion •h«rifl................................... (R) A.Gittigr mere timber but cold. Assessor .(D) B. W. Miller People heir general v burn Coal, •ebool Superintendent iR) C uas . Newe 1 Burns-Canyon Stage Line I took Inspector .. R J. Ivors it is worth, at Lethbridge, 30 miles A.B. Merks ID) ( loin mlssioners OUR MIND R R bits from here. 13.50 a ton, and here CHANGING Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Express. i ♦ 6 50. HAKNKY s. A. LAND ornee: Is hard work, compared with Stage« L'ytve Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediata points. Register Thomas loma The R R. runs from here to . -» appearance m — ------- ©f Receiver A A. Cowing changing the et your Fare 95. J. B. Huntington, Agent, Edmonton a distance of 400 bun I stove with £|2 « ? Barns Orsgoa. SOCIETIES. dred miles north The g»me here in scarce, there f TEN ■YLVA RKBKKAH Degree No. «3 Meets every 1st and 34 Wednesday. are many Prairie Chi- kett«, mi d CTS. QEVGN A Alice X. King, N.O. •• ' wolves are plenty. A taolt’art-alpia ■ May Wortbiiigtou. Rec. Sec’y TEN ’ < * jl worth 9-» oo The lamiere huve CTS. A. O. U. W. Burns Lclge, No 4! been plowing for two months f > r* •»**« Meets every 24 and 4th Thu redeye Gram is sowed brie in the rprmg. TEN W R. Gradua, N. W. J W Seyer. Bor’d Yours m hart«, CTS» J A< K (J h » ui - burnomia honor Lodge, N o . • Lasts Seven times longer Meets ever* 2d aud Sth Munday. Mrs A K YovngCer H. Looks Seven times better W. W. Johnson Proprietor. About Seven times cleaner I RARNKY LODGK, NO. 77, I. O O F. | _ M«eu at Odd Fellows Hall, every batntosy. » About Two times cheaper I ’:*»P w. 1.1*. Gerr, N. Q. I _ ___ W. C. Byrd, bevy. About Two times handier OFFICIAL DIRECTORY* . IM S even S tove •/ G logc I I Meets every Ut and M Wed a red a y of each ■ •ith. at (>M Fallows’ Hall. All Coarads i I» good standing Invited. rarnky port no . m . S. MAHA, tas—VAL« : o. a . r FERRY’S SEEDS • • • If your grocer doesn’t keep it, send us his name with ioc and get a large box and a valuable family household book free. Donocllaa & Co., Agts., Sie MONTGOMERY »T.. ». Ri. ©AU Beer The Wines Liquors Best Brands j Pleasant Cliih Rn