Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1894)
The Henil / WSuJtU —J. Durkheimer will pay the Horton that the man who played NOTICE—TIMBER CULTURE., Highest Hoaor.,-World ’s Fair. I highest Cash price for your County preacher while he was here, was* U. S. Land Office, * ' i» ’ ____ WIDNJSDAY NOVEMBER 14 UN •K>R; Warrants. sailing under false colors ami that Burns, Oregon, November 14, 1894. —Please do net forget that his true name is Pitcher. Mr.* Complaint having been entered (AS TDK LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Jorgenson has the best lot of spec Newcomen also writes Mr. Horton, alibis Office bv George Gilb<rtj ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. tacles, eve glasses, gold pens and Pit« her alias Richmond cheated agai> si J ihn Lewis for failure to! _ it comply with law »■ to Timber Cnl- holders and magic pencils, etc., etc. him out of $130 by borrowing __ i l._ be:ture Entry No. 1589 dated March with the promise to pay when John Day flour at C. H. Vcpgtlv’s Local News. In Livernool 17. 18b5. uimhi the Section 13. reached hie home. 1 for sale at 96 00 a barrel, cash I Township 18 8. Range 28 E . in Pitcher toid Newcomen where he For Chop Feed. Grain and Flour This offer holds good for the neat lived and that his rather was ¡Grant County, Oregon, with a view go to the North Meat Market. tn the cancellation of said entry; thirty days. wealthy, and ended by inviting Mr contestant alleging that raid John L oyd C ulp , C. H. V oewtly , j Newcomen to visit him at his Imine. Ijewis has wholly ahandwned said Proprietor. Agent. Newcomen after visiting his entrv. nnd has fail»«* to comply —C. F McKinney is now a reei. I —To all suhscrilters of the E O 'own home, went in pursuance of hie • with the Timber Culture law in any • dent of Burna. ” | particular with regard thereto.1 MOST PERFECT MADE. H erald and those in arrears, who promise to visit Mr. Richmond, ''The said parti* s are hereby sum A pure Cripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Free —E. B. Reed moved into town will pay up and renew, we will send The place as described to be h s molted t»i appear at this Office on from Ammonia, Alum or any other aduKmo^ several days since. the Semi Weekly New York World home was easv enough to be found , »the 22nd dav of December 1894. at 40 YEARS THB STAR DA RIX r 10 o ’ clock a m., to respond at.d fur free for a«x months. P For reliable I but Richmond not so easv finally —Mr. Fox a tailor has recently . i _ _ __ Bt • i i*h testimony concern it g “aid News there is no better naper than I . Mr. ..... Newcomen 1?..... . ....... 1 went to the post located in our town. al'eg»d failure. the World. olbce and inquired if a young man T homas J ones . —R A. Hendricks of Lawen was ( bv the name of Richmond got his Register L ost —Some time since Robert Fr Snle Or Trade. in town Saturday and Sunday last mail at that office, he was anawereti , Drink water, on the road from Burns —Mr. and M tb . J. C. Welcome to his home in Harney, lost from in the negative but by wav <»t’ go« j —100 acres of fine fruit land in returned a day or two since. Thev the wagon a shotgun If the party sip or explanation the P. M. inform priNA.. FROOF 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene made a sale of their horses and cat who found the gun will return it to ed Mr. Newcomen that a young LAND OFFICE AT BURNS. (IRKIOS Oregon. 1 mile west of Spenser tle, which have been on the range Mr. Drinkwater or leave it at the|"‘a" whoi“* parents resided there Oct. 25 i.«M KutV. Lots at $4<H) each Horses in the vicinity of Lakeview. N.Stcc ia hereby given that the bilbiwing H erald office a liberal reward will named I itcher got the mail at that nameil eettler haa <1 t>.*tl< e of hie intention and entile part pav on each lot. if ptoofin «npp*.rt anp|h.rt <>f hia »'taint, onice au«Iressen to Ilichmond also* u make n^al ptu*>fin »fhi« »•laim. an* nn»i ’ Aie we paying interest on the be paid by Mr Drinkwater For fur- , , that ealtl aaiil pr.»>f pr.**»f will be inane made before b«fore the ih« Kegiaiei Kenia:ei 'be purchaser so desires. mat Stating where I ltcber lived. Mr. an*l Ke<«'verat liurt'a.oreaun. <>i* I*«*» • 7. ISM money borrowed to build a school h-r information inquire at this va: H AKLaa H. V okutly —J F. Boyle, photographer, is Newcomen called at Mr. Pitcher's • ¡id. liti. N.* n .V- akrForthe av F ot 'he E'*, e 'V itW hw 1 «, a u > a : a - « bouse? •flirt* He»-. M'Tp. XU Tp. -.8 '.8 H H.8! K.8! K. K . . U ... 1. . see. still here. A rare opportunity residence finding the old gentleman* • . Ilnnam.'athe tie name* the fiill.twii tniiowin« witn<-»«<» >.> |.r » Citizen. h a * i>ntinUt.uareeide> ee upon ano nltivati. , . . , . . , . . »>mitiUi.ui*realdei'fe am ultivati. is presented to all who have not at home, but was informed by him lira. aal un. t land, e. eraat '^.siunh.j . n. mn Á W viv W a of'Burni Oreg e w . R —-Get one of I. S Geer A Co’s, Answer—We presume we are. I nlrcadv supplied themselves with that his son was absent, probably THOM U* J«»NK. h . Hegia't r premium purchase tickets This Ed. | «ample« of his excellent work. Re had started for America, then Mr. firm agree* to give the holder of —Congre-sman Bryan of Net» ’ member his prices, $3.00 ner dot *. Newcomen recognised the fact that ( ■>neh tickets a fine life site Crayon announces that he will retire from for cabinets. He guarantees Mr. Richmond was an imposter and %o£ Pi n "^ h i’WokLD. Pnr’r lit absolutely free of any the political arena and devote hie please even themost fastidious. I that he himself, had been truth I »..Ä m ÄÄÄU«-. •barge, by purchasing $20 worth influence as an editor in advocating ( —A cow paid the barber shop <»! ’fully taken for a “sucker." to the . ___ 1 tree anywaere in »nn u ->..«■ f receipt of Caab. Money Order, >f go -d- for cash at their store. It •r rtital Nou for SI AO. the fusion of Populists and Demo . Ed Walton a visit the other dav, tune of $130 worth of ex|<er’«nce Equate every way U m boots is not necessary that the whole grata. ■ »old In all retail Moree for 'si,e walked in the front door ot[*To clinch the fact that R ichmond I ■ «2.50. We make Une boot f»i.>m.t should be purchased at one ■ ouraelvoe, therefore we year Scottie’s Siloon and on through in was Pitcher, handle and spout, Mr ,• aatrr the Jit, »tvIt and »rtr. inc ' nt an\ amount from 5 cents and If any one te not aatiafled •o tl.e barber shop. Ed thinkim Newcomen saw adorning the walls we will refund the money *<» FOO m explained upon the tick- i 1 or eend another pair Opera “he came in fora shave *»r hair of the building occupied by old j Toe or Common H obm . tbi C, D. E, k EE. Irerriog. shaved her tail. but did gentleman Pitcher his ph«>tograpii tee 1 to I and kiat laea Sen d yaw Hee; 1. not collect the usual fee. Afte’ and that of a yo ing ladv a resilient | The secretary of the Elkhart ( arrltvro we trill Jtt yea and Harness Mfg. Co, ol hlabart, Ind., latratod he work was done Mrs. Htinsie stir of this country and known to Mt. Cala- informs us that their uricet will be lower logo» .or lfr.H than ever, lie wishes us to aslc <1 Tift HIP TTlHS'f', lift1 herself in the mirror switched . Newcomen. our readers not to purchase anything in - — - I Per tail over her back oslensit»|y It I line of carriages, wagons, bicycles or D exter S hoe CoTEJSKJb the harness until they have sent 4 cents in < xamine the work of the barber and I V an , Oregon, Noy. 9. 1894 ( »tamps to pay poslago on their 112 pax« gpeotof JerwM M Do»U*-*. catalogue. We advise the readers of thia piietly made her exit over the wav I lU ath visits the family of August I paper to remember bls suggestiou. she came in | Miller again. Last evening Mr | —Complete returns of this fall’s Miller returned home with a load elec'ion have not yet been received of wood which he left by the hour» I * • t>y us. consequently cannot give in which stands on a small raise oil deta.l in thia issue the result. Hill ground, while he was putting out f >r Governor of New York is defeat , his team, the older and third chil ’ • d. Morton elected. Owens in the dren climbed on the wood, the t>o\ | i 7th[or Breckinridge’s District]Ken lucky is we guess elected bv a small loosed the brake and the wagon* majority. Budd for the office of started down hill, about hall »aj ' Governor of California [dem] is down the little girl aged 2 yr’s, and | J. Durkheimer. elected Weaver (Pop)for congress [W. E. (■ race ’ s olii stand ] was defeated The following will 4 mo's, fell to the ground struck . —Mr. Newcomen in his letter ahoul th, e 1 X1B of the 54th on her head breaking her neck and M „ ... Proorietor. killing her almost instantly. The A C Worthington concerning the so-called Richmond . (j,mgress and Senate, Congress • .^.DVALFR « says he wants the citizens of our I Dem. 122.Rrp 228^ Pop 6^ Senate neighl><»rs have been doing all in 1 their power to aid and comfort the, Dem. 40, Rep 40, Pop. 6, doubtful DRUGS POORS. STATION ARY, DYES. PAINTS, PERFUMES town and vicinity to knuw that grief Stricker parents 2. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. Richmond is a «windier, and a Mr J II. Anderson is building A full li**« <if School Bo<>k“ >t»id Sch<w»l Supplies. Confection« —It is very necessary at the next devil, incarnate. Nuts and frui’s. regular meeting of Burns lodge No a new house. —The report comes from Canvon 93 A. 0. U. W. that there should* The w ho >1 on upper calamity 1 fW^Mnil ord» r- promptly fi lb -I. City that Atty. Hicks, I. Jevitt, be present a full attendance of will close one week from to day. ■1 Tom Morrison, John Wash and nre.Dbera. The date of the meet V anity . 1__________________________________________________________________________________ ....... Chambers have been arrested ing'ia the 22nd. of this month or Attration Tr«op A. 4ih Thursday evening, and on that by U. S. Marshal and taken to evening is nominations of officer« * Portland, for interfering with the for the en«u'i<g term, a matter in ’ Regular Troop Drill next 8u day , free transportation of Uncle Sam’s which every member should l>e at 2 o’clwk p.’ tn. sharp, deeplv interested. 8om« of us; ineml<rr is required to rt-|»orl lor mail. have l>een inenrt»ers several years duty. A W G owan , ' —Mr. Carl Cecil, his wife. Miss and paid out several dollars to Uapt Lillie Bedell and Mrs. Lillard wife wards helping the widows and or GRAND JURY REPORT. of Chas Lillard, came in from their phans of deceased member«, and we that are still living are candi «ONTINtED FROM EDITORIAL FAOF. homes on Silver Creek, last Satur dates on the road leading tc the day evening. Mrs. Lillard ia a game terminus. We consider it a <17.840. Town Iota, $22 500 Im Srovementa on town lots. $32 65< • I very sick woman and now under foolish idea, entertained bv manv lerctiandise and implements, t62.- i,;,,,,,,, $1.899. "t. the care of Dr. Marsden. Chas. that three or four officers can or will * Money, Motes and1 keep a lodge in good running order, at . c<m „ u ” 'Jfii.27V I .iliard, her husband is east at some ------------------------ • Household fur and unlrs« you wi«h the order to go niture, carnages, watches. $19 332. point with horses. by the board be intereeted and at No. horses, mules and jacks. 9 430, * * **— —i —Mr. Porter of the Drewsey | tend * the regular meetings von can value $98,803. No. of cattle 3*5,441 nulls was kind enough to send ua a and especially be present at the value 4354,910. No. sheep and time nomination« are made and also goats 50.808 value $63.516 N*. •ample of the flour made in tbe| at the election of officer«. swine 350 value $704 Gross value* new mill situated in that place A.O.U. W of oil property $1.676 012 Exemp* r I The flour is excellent and wo have Total value of tax —A letter received at tbi« poetj tionr $75,880 no hesitancy in tecommending it to able property $1.600,132. It is first class in every respect. The proprietor having been raised »•ur readers, many of whom know office by H. M Horton from Jauree Respectfully submitted. in the huaine»» knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole* Mr. Porter and his excellent qualifi Newcomen, now in England, and 8. W. M iller , Assessor, aak prices Yon can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at price« cations as a miller, sod the sample who left here win« time since in fl arney County Ore. as low aa you would have to pay ranchers company with a man who gave hia Yb * Bcef,Perk,Mutton, Sausag« ' sent ua is just what the mill can Tt) BE CONTINUED. name a« Richmond, informs Mr..' D'ake at any and all time«. K. A. M att he «, Proprietor. » CREAM BAKING POWIB 1 NOTICE. All accounts . . and. Notes now paid by Novem ber 1st. After ?, that date same will be placed in hands of my Lawyers for prompt collec tion. L I PION e : er RU STORE.