A ( caatry Sebtewlai “I ' hi ! ior inj ¿azmlv*« wake—for -TCni 4° Htr' t - rtebe— s Î ''LADIES! COMPLEX,ON . îQ 7 jTlFY C* urnrten tea I Do You FEEL SICK? 0* rat rr r TAKE RIPANS TABULES .* TAKE RIPANS TABULES » TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Rlpeat Tehulet Reflate the Sjntem end Preserve the Health. EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL, by DnurWca er wwit by mail ew re-et »< cf «**-*- &-x 41 lil«. ; recta. Pa- «4 bxX, SX THE RipANVcHEiTlCAL CO- I «0 ?PP ”C? STBEfr, . . NEW VO?*. 5353“-" -3 X -C c C jo C'J Arni ACE and HARHECC !• «wi — M«r» fw »I ye&r . «_• «cater» e-vi«. ■ • »-•• V* ICJTMl C t -U « • A- (? . «HARÌ 3 ? JOp DOLLARI SHILOH'S COMSUMPTION CURE #s< J o o p *»l »11 ta 1 wife, ar d the a. «trww of Haatirtja And. Leslie. I <^rW , jj A i «be shivered ax tbe Boc->d À HalL ia*4xit Jotai Hnrmiemiijd jij ber <«wn «wee. it wa* to naraa ar»a ■jltefw I wav ia the next r'os ■:>« t.n- tur« • S • my wife says. And e^r says be w.»d* hi* bwR'aeee iw«a t* 102. and I did not take tbe trof ie f thaï be - very deeply in love— And if I had !««■ ha ‘ Vef . at IL" «>a»d Ix-tlie slowly. ’k-ari-yit I my 1 rJe Leriie ’a place I as- afra j I «iJ tw4 stand in tbe way of C- teZLL«*«. J»*- of Dr. Uncle Hargr v* wuaid hare beea 1 JL Wd >TB>esx-OeT tx* e»B/iL=tat I ■”» • iw Hei<-iite’> happ •*-r—azxi ywc- m - vWx 1 »»;» adt -aa* -rsz « Hactkit.h a. I a à you Con laid eoenp-Ik-? to vuSer tbe nana- t** r, ix.: iMBUta tame w; ~ • a> I •---rf «. kx&to k hi_n to i»- «■Maese *jx3>e« I Hr a- aed Ler hixrdt ar.d wouJd waa a little entertaining «ben cy have hi* I p» to them. Let nair-e came in. and I Jorige-j to ap er»i la tx.-«« wvete 1 e»-« r>»r« pear «o the »cere Eny»y*d ta Xi a ’ ”*»«• t^X }•*-•, » i/ei I LX W I». HI Le#.1»* drew them coldly away w «eyBea. vtr V i . uxat-. 4 i-<* He ’ ena. indeed ’ LevJie. my a** epar* me any thank».'’ LJ AC,'«, ^teyreta, *1.« BC BZ.VVV I vb-wild like to thi* k that it ■«* I • tee . cbm Bi,: » j Me OeB^a a oc-M . 1 ter. _te w a» Mraia rL* »aid weari’r. “and let u* tire Hemay diehefaicwepH -T<* «7 haw-«a -Bt’O® * Ltr aca».Bt BBI x c^B«» - I • no tin/*- SECURED .1. may paw b» r /1Ted TO° kt ’^oMrepr* xa -I tbe aeer hate etcape his just dearetr Speak IMB B 4 oerrxa » r -X t1« I lipa l*f re h* £)ta to nie. and teH tne that yoa All through the joarney to N«w do care a liule fur me.” Near/«« -• m \ork 't «*pt Micfit and wben And tbe answer vbe whwpered o at lart «be rtood leaide the led of him. w’th ber Hsehi-y *heek 1 tbe dying clerk, her de tean« bad againet hi* breaat, aoat hare bqea i-ot (banged A few «ord« were a favorable one. fcr ia^xr the rpoken Ly the dying man, ar»d Lee- leave» on the mat lea turned te i- gei lly • gn 3rd L*r »ah tha* ermw, with tbe forestawf a^’.Qma. PER MONTH her circle*« ¿uill «Lucid not Ne re Leali* »1» installed a* aBUit-ees of I n Y our O wn L ocalit b Jr^j . Ccrtiand aighed ai-d ar Huntleigh Hall; and. rtrar gdv qair «ced mó » »-xsiij- a»1 bowor^aiy. «ubost eap e tbe doctor*« mo»b*-r. whe t—1. dvrwg Tour »pare l/Jiira Any ma: “He had prunj >ed to make re*- •x’girf cu do tbe wr«rt tet- nee«-«- thought a^ylody «¡«ite gxd iy. «iLoowt • iprTzeKe. TaiLiwg ss t.-ti»t'.’.-o ’o ib<-«e *bo buffered f y »eea*n N xàing Ltc u foc wowi erK'Ugh far b-r *0-1. ■» pyrie^ly b’« «tiabooeaty.” raid f/e*li-. “and e . I-?r' er uSerea r*L/re Oorwortc eati«6*d — <»r» ;-'«^—r No tis»e ■uteù let hat ratbfy you. Nr. Courtlar-d team (tee bwMwesa. We uach yoe THE £51'. I neiieve that if my father were a bix hi how to sueered fr>c»ded to carry oe thè '«»'• w - m -oeee»-f«!!y. aod ri-ix.ee y I ■ouid be gained bv exposing my axuaut ta.ìaoe if yrn boi foCo« o* uncle, and destroying the pee e aud ahopte. piata i.MXrncrw901 tLe_fest pay: 1- i - ik --» befmv tbe poWP-, ee-nd u« yv. And Cortland died h> e- ao T ì - v aad «re wdB mai. yoe a due* cret unrevealed; and *> >■ Hargrove M pvu« yvo ali tbe parùcaJaa. pa;d tbe men be t.a*3 *.'• r;g»d Loth TRUCA CO.. Box 400, Augusta. Maine principal arid interest, and get a reputation f t ‘ There ¡a no Ling more fur ’me to do here, ai«d 1 l.ave a god offer from a ladr who dteires a ’c n«p«t K«n.” M Aid «hut amlt<.deelie. repeat that. It * just what I am dviiig to d<«. I»e «• u give tae per ma-ion e- “You are 10 go « mi ea Mck pe< pie, and by and bv TOO will marry H-kna Hargrove. aid »•v • nd I «ball le cousins ** ar*d »br made a brave attemvt 'o me»-1 bte rars with a am lie “Will I? I hardly think no I Io not rare tu le your cousin Leslie darling. I »hall marrv you . ter • '.’.eL- ry if ever 1 marry saybwdy. My lit- »»»ÏÎÜv’ lJe giri! I may do as I please, œ»i J THOUSANDS Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I i Perhaps « Hi» I-ÌI14 I too have beard '»f him? is Guy H aotietgh—’ *"!• Dr. Hcr,t*-,gh engag'd Heaewa*** latrj Lesôe A> wu’l Lara ■ bo M <* W- of I bo lest **<-Ut V thirty yo* ng nx*n in tba «urld i •