Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1894)
Business Locals. CITY MEAT Hcmworwji On*g_'March 1. ' 4. Dtaa Sta:—We again call on rov soliciting rnor laietnée* f* 1 •'£4 « .* « x-Jl b« « • On M»in or Pulin'-*» 8t. Jnrt North of the Bakery. Our Warvhreje* will have tb»- same attentimi a» f «rtuerlv, all Lome-*-* et.trusted to c«. will hr carefully • —XV' >wmk» at the drug «rtzre k*"ked after. Ship v«mr good? in «'HM Horvn our rare —"■ch rd G* k» and »>tAtk»nary W* ondinrje the j >M4ng' in Gra" • *e-«p fSr ©«»S. at the Hardware erri**, etc., and will tv p'eavt-d to >u>*e re. H. VoegtJv. quote y<»u j»n/-ca al Any.time. , We t<ur <n.r good« «iir*«t and — I»«wi’t forget Henry Cbeathaio will i<e pl*a«-d to diride - Margit»« bai ’*r, de» ee* > part of rour pat- w.:h inu tfou« gi ring i<>u g . >j. .». 1 • ■ .»g», ai th* new Larher afxrp. • - ' ' -4 •»• h- ti. , — Who »aid you couldn't grV •. p «rvd '.er- fr ,m ? rtiai.d Y*«r cx»rrrrp..od-ner raliciTed. gi.fciti-s. g'»d flaro-ed cigar in town f .r ’ff»^ J. Rs-eje-etfullr. O. C Co »* >’ Call at the Citr Drug Store Aitkin • nd inquire P roj, rielo» CcLP & H vgks r«ef. Pofk. Mutton, Saustge-. ahd Orewed Poultry. UÚ the time» Roods:t>C”.res A A — Dr. Cat* 1« kept p'rttr bu/ V Set* l«t Read-mat T tr tmive»»al g «u«l dri>U»t ry <!<<*» a b rtU- e hi »>'• revwvt ... - *«a < H z a 4o "* fV.. 5J - a e k. h has gaii.*d f,,? the Dr. a 2»d -• KT ä «X 4 F ♦ * ■ D . B U ___ _ ; !A - »L xä I i ^. 3d L«’i g r-pu*a,K»«i •*> ■*: 4th. — Builder» to>!• ar»d all ki««de».f ♦ itu -j n»h building hardware at t»*e Bori.» Mnn'ei'h* Elemefltarv Geogr ph J bard ware •tore. at bottom p'ieea Monieitha <’ompr»-hrn.ire feirt-. ruy^iujan <y ourgeon. ^»r raac. Clark* Normal Uv<r»phv 41.25 4 A graduate oí the lora State — Mr* Ráeme aleara «et» the Hill« Granirn»» , iirammar ^hrt« |««t •/t»'.,e* rrervthíf.g nier and «H P hrei- i And as. al. — elft-r «<k* ( Univ«reity and •^oh-g- *>v. «eh-«d p -ntiful Her rann»« are tir»er. 'XK"*» - a:itf Surg-o'-F t r-pt»'«i«t>i*. and ever» «me <•( i>rr in peq»<rti«Hi and af»*r thi* date I | lai * < *ffi«-e ai r»~ d-i ••• i ^itr-<»« k«H>* »ti* »pwrw m» »»«ina will -ell »ch««»! leadr« at the al«ir. | - i to *reHiniHirf»te arel pl**a«e « • —Toe Sa)«Mfi. in th- new hotel I-li Idi ng Bi- hardwwt and •»tephene pr.»pr»etor.. te inveir furnished and il» cu«’om»»» ?» gir-n th* Landa id lirpj-.r- arel <-'g«r» -» —The U-d Friml prn-»*a fo» <-aati and for He «olicita a patronage of his frendt. IXiM. C. H. VogOTLY. ! 3arb * I I I I S«¡.a>n. 1H. Arrivali nt Ontario io 4- hours i » .- e «-• 1 *.e. ! »"V in. R Ao experienced Workman and satifacdun Guarantawd. « • l''ar 'ir: tii.niji<|tt«Hi ha- «d go .rte» «Il» -W*»-*»m*H»rl «(H g gentle vwniagv- f >r «bipfdng and a tie ..( i.o o'lter ta.iiit iu F »-tern matt. di«peo-ing 'h- i -» i brand» >«f I •'■-Ü Î1 i>a>. I •' m»-|»: Be tig Ite I liquor«.cigar-, etc I ft termi o- .»i «livi-i.m-. the put wlil. il ail rit-»-« :«re ti.xd* e»»( <«t —Tir j-ie»t Werk V Pap-r m li» g—» •'«me f.» 1««»— Calihr-nia Ofil* 41 '«I p-r »ear a •-t »-.und RI'K>- 'oi. M!.U • M-t a- <1 ■ all point» ea»t f<> \d»ir--n • al i «* <1 :iod I or.-r rau-a l>. P«»rtlaml T h » Bar ; «mi S in Fra* »«•f «a« -< • • h««» th- |«.n te in» »^ ». Cal I et.'o. . east of U-: f tur rate I JAl. it — t»'»:4<be r*«*—« to I*..»" — run "T- 1er*. Shup opposite the Cl«rk • Office. Date«! this l«t day of March j Main ag«i'» un l-r th- mai-i¿-mer>t iJ ¡la nid pr.>pne'..r. 1 n iwell. hi« fnetd» will ti-el nun 11»— »am- laud mal Sa« l',urici-«-i a« does . Vi fcdú •ak*rCitv ai»d a lower rate east I e-i* »♦* • . . r***’t«-* • th. n th».«. <b e, • t- I ti- «Live a.'e facte. toen NHtihr a * • qual'Hir advau* ¿e~ !•»” -t(|| ». *»tdint nr Curt» in 4S or aeltiog Vivai ••• • find»—1 I m id — a <» i| 11.> >i>it i-iia'i»» Hl |»al*i S»-nd * our * o ■ lunedi itely •l'gh'e«f «I» re. Re-p cl hlI V O. C. •ateifH» A J McKinnon • <• cash <wilv.| Ord-r» by tuail promptly aMeiited I tn « leræver). fare One Round trip $1100. *6 01». r G »> Through freight i Two da vs notice a‘aiv P O n ki.* r..i i .úc.ü, ’* furnished for v<a.«ang^r« » . « tx« C e c*i ►. s -U » m n > rrttie ■* •» hr Trate I îHr wtirkJ. • - e» iuta - •* t.i.w'i f «•fdev kh'd. I 3jcta a pound. 'n-rm'e -vid eovered cmffiea *11 H. A. Williams, Proprietär. t >. a o uctUHB •« ... Tinware & ctf «*'. ¿>a 1 ag- Elet tro Chemical C<> ,2*» Ea-I Itili St Ne« > k • • C-'> • » . * ' V a- -i ■.» i‘ . • *' Í ’ WIN » act, a-j «'as'» nU l «i'< »totral« *«' I -e_a ou-.» _ ix.0 a¡ ».-»««r'.x'ca»<l-y.~ DOWS- ÍTÑ ARE. GRANIT W IRE GARItKN SEEDS, FAK» -g, . lit tvlîl ’IM • * □ I' kah S ih : « >ur irv b - of Ca poration pro« id*-», nd «»• ha»- «r ' rang« d for the aecommodatyjn oí "" deairAlS our cuaUunera. w ho are i_ . .. ÓÍ; . 4‘ • tarri mg thiir Bank acnHini in’J. Huntington, and h«ve .■V-ii.-d ••' “Exchange Office" at a Banking, M.R , ; ATTORNF*' NOTARY PUBLIC, AMO REAL ESTATE AGENT. dep irt im lit >i •I We are prepared t«> Office at Shen fl”« Office. - Oregon BURNS. - thequra presented (»sue certificate« of D-p<-ait, pat-1 Tw ’ ri I*- ’-'r. ■— Sú Y | I- í r»T«a. UL£ K. MU. AanM». r V. r t-a t .r a piwyrx. • aaotalc s» iba aai •a» ■»-« I rbO li w . «a», ar •»*■/ ca m.’r» /ar 1 fttf'- -»C e^táirr't «Aart. ra-A ar -V—, tM*-r* 1,«— tor m * or mor» «baraa mee. «!• b&TíR SHOE CO., -------- - Everything in uiy lina guarau^ehd ■»ectfully. Oregon Commercial to ha done «ati»fa«tonly. Aitkin, mgr. ^V^Tha only placo in Eurna you can g.’l txtha. M » . HOKTON » DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PATENT HiEDÏClKKB, STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE*PERFUMFS TONSORIAL PAKÎ.03,* Receive moner mi deposit tub- IJOIIN ROIIINHON r«or Ject tn ch» q new. 1¡ • r ,-n je« , • , C'**1 i-aiîr \ We a»k y<»ur e..moderation and Hfil toar account. H GOODS. Bao» I • r . CLASS DOORS a»ar lais J.v*»rear. V.'e a I a*.«-» I j -. . . . . J> l-ar-. al r.e< «a -«. f^c'rarpn^t H. A N Cl L 4 . _■ L_ •'. ! -.rl<- .^n.A« iboeaUi.l a . j « a e - a a a-d ci o .t ta-aa* aod bd; r «* J m ra *f. Ve»\a.l»»U' '^•bo»»:«ral KbaflLi: 1-Ie-: «? <• c f lb» V. a li AMMUNITION di FlHtti.".- >» a«!¡ *e e ' t » ;^..-a of a «la; tber cuv! ->r ,í, u_z----- ■_________ Mi ».y. \.a«-.a«3Ua ’« top-y W A RE. V ROC K E K Y AN1’ »;< !«ad '< 5 •abar-lo.(o<vr->prr«- rtwt* •:tn- t. V»e* li'^alockait t ME RS' ± MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING .IT. *.*?|«torni: Ü3«’ .>*yi«si*bc«r- 1» t ’a«'- . ! > f .. kt »v«rt te«« *u I r Cail and see cur Holiday goods. | -le « ... »i»h* I»"» »—.'ja. t>; e_ % / '.e, . f l^ -h« ; I" -I «130U.C '. »’ r' i »..«■_ i. ’/-..«.-.d ibaaenU» ; h a n « t lúa ;ri»t jal atad- ’. . v» « ; Vo i ¡ rw»al • '■ u-viv -«r»! J ñ.tu. «M-acat LN a r..K4S<áa k inf tuch interval on titnv «iepoeit a» •un«er ratirw hanba do. . OILS will f<>r neit -end »aiiipl*- l-oitle and t*«ii mutuai« fr»-v. «>n r— Ceip! i.f lllnrleeli centi» lo pav p»at 111 MTIXOToX Oreg PAINT , hardt Mupertlunu« hmr Mimo-1 inanrntI», imUnii'M'M'ouidv, wi ' ìmiu * pini, l»y Kl«-c<r<» Chemical Fluid. I In <>rd-r t<* |»»«.ve «u|«-rioril v. «- Dr. Price’s Ikuking Powdei A*«M OaM H4.JUrt«< tea »»■«««. on Good 1L 1« V«* • « A FANCY TOI I.ET A RTICI.ES, TOBACCO’CIGARS ETC. Fine Wines & Liqurrs f >r Medical J • IX w • • • •• .» Prescriptions •«'curatele mmponndwi. First Clama (tentai Work Dona 'V ’ » Purposes >