Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1894)
I » -• I - •< Th1? » utt r ■ bkai . J A. W. GLEASON. J Notary Public. I MC Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging t® Cal . Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in-[ "d- Pric*’ " Miaa-OuU rpar »t. «Ä ternally and acts directly on tho! W. C. BYRD Editor. Geer, comprising all lines of blood and mucous surfaces of the' system. Send for testi nonials,: hardware , crckery , glassware , tinware . C hief Clerk Daniels, of the In free. terior department, ìh regarded as F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O high authority on the politics of, De- Price’* Cream Baking Powder bTO\ 1 HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENTERS <W“Sold by Druggists. 75c North Carolina, and his view if the i World*« Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. situation there widely differs from , T offer the *ame fer sale at greatly reduced price* for CASH. 1 have two littie grand children that which populists and republic THIS SHOULD INTEREST C. H. VOEGTLIY. who are teething this hot summer ans are giving out. He say*: “The YOU. republicans and populist* have The campaign of 1894 ia now weather aid are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them ; affected a fusion, so far as formality open Every man, be he Democrat goes, but manv in both parties re Republican or Populist, desires to | Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and pud.ate it. Together they have 12.- be kept fully informed of the im i Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like 000 more votes in the State, but it portant events as they occur a charm. I earnestly recommend ! it for children with bowel trouhh s j is not universal. My own ouinion | throughout the country. I was myself taken with a severe! jb that the democrats will carrv We have just made araneement.« seven districts certain, and that that may lie of interest to our read- attack of bloodv flux, with cramps : their chances are ih* best in the ♦ rs. The arrangement is this; We and pains in my stomach,one-third ; two doubtful districts. The legis will give vftu that greatest of all of a bottle of this rtmt-dv cured me.: Within twenty four hours I was I lature, which will elect two U. S. weekly J >>« rpi|iv i r, The I IIU HCW H IV newspapers. New Y 1 ’ I ork Senator., will surely he democratic Weekly W. rid,-and thia paper, both out of bed and doing inv house \ Dunagan, Bon- ’ on joint ballot. The ¡democratic for one year for $2 50. or our paper wnr^’ ^rP' For ; judicial ticket will, I think, be elect for on. year .nd Th, Wwklv Worhb‘"I,“"’ C"' T*-"n' Corner of 1st. and B Street. ed, although that isn’t as certain aa for six mouths for the regular year I I H. BRENTON .................................................. Propriété* I M. democratic cont-ol of the legisla ly price of our paper alone. The, tu e.” Members of the Democratic Weekly World, fearless in its utter- • S TAB L E I OFFICE Congressional committee regard the 1 ances, is the only great weekh While In Topeka last March, E. predictions of Mr Daniels as very paper published i II Americ. that T. Barber, a prominent ne-»paperj conservative. presents all sides of the great con- man of La Cvgne, Kan , wa taken ' troversiss of the day without fear oi with chol-r morbus very severely.1 Mr. W. A, Croffnt, a ’well known favor. Its work is for the whole The night clerk at the hotel where1 journalist, who was lately dropped people and not for any class or see he was «topping happened to have a bottle of Chamberlin’s Colic, from the pay rolls of Uncle Sam, tion. has turned democrat after losing! Does this interest you? Cholera and Diarrhoea Heniedv his office, thus differing from those' If it doe*, and you think it worth and gave him three dose*, which who have pretended to turn demo while to take adyantage of this* relieved him and lie links saved ocrat to keep their officts He is ••treat special idler while it lasts bis life. Every family should keep now on the stump in Chairman pay uh $2 00 and get The Weekh this remedv in their home at all . Wilson’s district. His re axons for World for si k months or $2.50 and times. No one can tell how soon it 1 The Proprietor* of the White Front Livery Stable as It costs but a trifle I leceming a democrat, as told by get The Weekly World for one year mav he needed sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. himself, are good ones He says:“ Here is the opportunity to get and may he the means of saving much stifferingand perhap« the life | j^V'Hsy and grain conatantly on hand, and careful help. *‘I went to England. I found that vour own local paper ami the lead- of some member of »be family in that country* under free trade -*'g metropolitan journal of the Hearse and Job Wage» they had lower wages than here. I country at "extraordinarily low 25 and 50 cent • utiles for sal»- nv Passengers taken to all part* of the country. II . M Horton n coi.nectior- then thought the protectionist poli- rates, Address WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 ISM. k- *i>4 canuol b« de J hr outaMera. <.' !a>ud"iKv with gam«, in, ¡u —————M d cy a good thing. I then went to' Germany, where thev have our poliev of protection. I found that wages were lower there than in E. gland. I then went to France, where they have a high protective tariff, even between different divis ions of the country, and there I found that it was in the protective s> stem, and that i® one of the mat y reasons why I have changed my views and a n now a democrat.” E ast O regon H erat .!) * _____ I W. L. D ouglas Qli 4 S tate of O hio , Ì IB THE BEST. No SQUEAKING. C ity of T oledo . | SS. »5. CORDOVAN, Frank J Cheney makes oath r RENC: 1».CrJAMEUJEDCALF. FINE CALF & KANGATCl that he ia the se tter partner of the 4 3.L’f>0LICE,3SoLE3. firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., dorm* j businea» in the <!itv of Toledo ' ♦2.V-?BortSCHC3LSH>:i S. BAILEY', Proprietor*. County and State aforesaid. and | «LADIES* that eaid firm will pav the sum of j ^•,2' bcstoongc U. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS f.. T^ins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarrstts GCND FOP CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAS, each and every case of Catarrh that Good Billiard table», Pleaaant Card Rooms, st«., ate. BROCKTON, MA53. , I cannot be cured by the u°e of l’ou can nave •«»••r by p-irclo *•»■* U. L. Salon ia first class in every particular. Experience barte Ii.uglaa H ■<•*«, P ostmaster General Bissell has Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Deco«!«-, v* «re lue mnnnfnctureT« ot , «¿vir.ibi I «.joe» in th* world, and gunr.v.iUs the right idea of the postal service <lic value by »tamping the ind price on Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. FRANK J CHENEY the bottom, w ::cS p-«*ec!« you «gainst high Speaking of an order sent out by ant the r.-.rldleanu*» profit«. Our »hoc» Sworn to hef<».'e me and sub I • price« equal custom wori t:i «tyle, e«»y Sttiug nnl him, calling the attention of postal ‘-aring a laiitic«. We have them «oh! every- scribed in my presence, this Gtb I • w v ;crc nt lo'vr pn“»s for the mine give-i V.-1 employe* to that portion of the civil day of Decemlier. 1886. I "vo ’iffi; r.'.e. i l:e > o »ubstitule. It * ! kcakr eanuiA auppiy you, w= caa. bold by . service law which prohibits forced political contributions from Feder al employes, he said: “The Post I Office dea prim ent is a business, pot a political institution. It has been mv endeavor to conduct it on taurines* principles, so as to give the JOHN SAYER Proprietor. people the* best possible mail facili . ti«s. We do not want the service Situated on Bilvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near ths bridgy crippled or interrupted for political advantage.” Those are ideas that Customers wi, receive GOOD FLOUR from will make votes among business men. Good Wheat KUKINS rUJUH & SAW MILL THEST.LOÜIS REPUBLIC FREE! S omebody seems to have mixed those babies up. in regard to the intentions of the administration in •• appointing Indian agent*. Instead of supplanting the army officers I now acting as Indian agents with GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A YEA * civilians. as was published, it is Any teaber of the E ast O rboon H erald can get The Twice-a-| intended to supp’ant the civilian Indian agent* with army officers as Week Republic free hy sending in three new yearly subscriber* to The fast as vacancies occur. Quite a Republic with 13. In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,every difference. I subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or ■ more, every year by the special offers made subscribe rs from time to time Satnple c-rpi-s of The Republic will I* sent anyone upon recep < f rotlal card n quest. Add es<* *11 orders, I . .THE REPUBLIC. St Louis- Mo FRENCH HOTEL MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’L H»ui baa recently taeti anlarga and entirely renovated ie Srel elaee atyie. Table is Supplied with the Beet the Market Afford*. Traveling, B»*a will find tbit Hotel a atop. e