, T CITY MEAT MA.1RKET. I Hu.STI MOTON Oreg.. March 1. *94. D kak S ib :—Wc again call on vol # soliciting your business for 1894 Our Warehouse will have tbe same attention as formerly, all business entrusted to us. will 1 h - carefully —'school books al the drug store 1 I looked after. Ship vour goods in •f H. M. Horton I afler’ , . . . .. our care ->ch’M>l books and stationary, We COIltinue thejobbing in Gro I •heap fir cash, at the Hardware e|c Mnd wi|, l>e pleased to J •tore of C. H. Vosgtly. yQU any ti,ne. Business Locals. On Main or Business 8t. Just North of the Bakery. Proprietor C ulp & Hua«* Mr. Jxtrkfi* — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham Wr buy our O goods direct and . TV to divide Margins' ---- —• ■ ■ • ji bather, desires a part of your | pat- 1 ! will “ * lie please«! ■ with you. thus giving you giMMla ar I tVhQlfl F3IT.il V l.vIpOU, ’, unable to walk, confined cs account - . to ... of an ulcer si- on | 1 , •• My hmbandwa« the u.»use, ! cheat», or cheajier. than they can be ■no, »i. ronage, at the new barber shop. I » ,w J • porkt Mutton, Sausage«, and Dieesid Poultry “ At • price t* —Who said you couldn’t get a placed here from Portland, kt. left leg. Ho took Rood « Sa.»»p rill-i and -ujb the times. -•«-• ... — ....... Your correspondence solicited. food flavored cigar in town for five H ' »nd »1 o fie ,K'O wa* th?re -.oon were ab e »1»«« U|> to work a ai.u Call at the Citv Drug Store Respectfully, O. C. Co., J. H I i»r»t. My oldest son wi» stricKeu down with rheu- tents? I— ______ ____ o __ A - i_ 1_ 1 luetic fever. At.er taking Hoou’s Sarsapanl a •nd inquire. (Aitk’.ii. .««««■MV .v - ------- ----- • — Dr. Cate is kept prettv buy , 2 Sets a sh -rt time li • «oon recovered hi« hea'.th. At- 1st Readers at leu.li .g other«. I be. »me all run down. Hood'« The universal good dentistry done* a 40 2ml. 8 irsa anil» nit ne mu ii goo’.'’ M"«. 6- 8. by him has gained for the Dr. a »• 55 •« L ankin , Chic«, B itu> i o inty. Catlforuia 3d lasting reputation Hood’s PHlBarS prompt and efilcie.it, ye< a SO I i 4th. ei—/ in action bold l»y ail «Iruggbto. kuo. a a — Builders tools and all kinds of 5th. $1 oo f- »» w < > O°' ' building hardware at the Burns Monteiths Elementary Geography I hardware store, at Isittom prices' Boots. Monteiths Comprehensive I r iiyssiuittn öc isurgeon. A J McKinnon for cast,. Geography $1.25. Clarks Normal A graduate ol the Iowa State — Mrs. Racine always sets the Grammar SOcts. Sills Grammar J (Jniv. rsity and College of Physi-* Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. I m st of tables, everything nice and 65cis. And all other school books | -tanr and Surgrom*. * plentiful. Her rooms are unex­ Au experienced Workman and satifactiou Guaranteed. ceptionable. and every one of her in proportion ami after this date I Office at res,d»-i i’r in Burns. patrons know she spares no pains will sell school hooka at the abov# GE07T~sTZE.\k)RE. prices for cash and for cash only.) to accommodate ami please. He solicita a share patronage of hie frenda. ATT o HNKY, Orders by mail promptly attented I Hl HNb ................................................ OHKGON. —The Saloon, in th- new hotel Coiicc.iun«, Land liu'iiieh«. and Real building, Richardson and Stephens to Dated this 1st day of March j H>tuie ii.atter promptlv a.tended u>. I 1894. proprietors. is nicely furnished and C. H. V okoti . y . its customers is given the Barber 3 hop brands of liquors and cigars. Dr. Price’s Cream Bakiag Powder —Tonserial parlor E. courteous accomi modiiting gentle 1 van luges for shipping and sale e> iiihii , dispensing t hr liest brands of i ,l" I” 11,1 *** Eastern Being tlit I I Oregon has, namrlv: Fare One way *6.00. Round trip $11.00. R :tl Estate Life .«ml Fir.- iti-»nr liquors, cigars, etc .... terminus of divisions, the point t> am-. <’oll»cti Portland T he B ee ; . . Ab .» l <> »si» w » ll - tkibi > rkmki »' . — Mr* ’ 1> c furnished for pasaangers. |H>iots Sseramrnto, Cal ami San Franciseo than the ’* .-•»«•thi' s "rup ha« been n«e»l fol | east of its: Our rate tn Boston 1» I Wlmlvlow .ver tilt1 »eiirab» millin' « -f-nut her» fur their eh'hirvn while teething, with nertect «ue<-e»». $190. We get same rates to Port- Il '.»the« llie Olli <1. «of «ns the gun«. «11»'» all ; ii . » urea vino <-oli»‘, t>u . >■ to. be»i rem« | land ami San Francisco as does euv b r pi«trh‘ sellimi [ Ad vane» s made—haul charges paid—wool insure«! hours without pai»L $500 -vw a rd 1,1 Semi vour wool in immediately. failure or slightest injury. The' Respectfully, our care greatest wodder of the Nineteenth I O. U. Co ♦ Century, astonishing as it duet» the i •1 •.i.u acturera * sntire veterinary orld. Circulars! d¿ Sb * ron Good While at Peekskill. N. Y„ anlae««vrry Krr» PAINT a bottle of Chamtierlain’s Cough HARD- Superfluous hair removed per­ Retm-dv. Such good reeults were OIL9 manently, instantaneously, without obtained from its use that he sent W V’-*’7 pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid back to the druggist from wlmm he GLASS had obtained it for two more hot In order to prove superiority, we DOORS will for next 90 da) s send sample | ¡ties of the same remedy. When have a ouiigti or «’old give this o A O V 4- J <*- l ottie and testimonials free, on re you .' & WIN I preparation atrial ami like Mr t Hept u-a a nçlo retail rhro «-.ore« la our 1.1 ceipl of nineteen cents to pav |s»st e>l*.-a V ¡.i. !i avll 2,0 0 pair»ot aboca • d.ijr, inai... age Electro Chemical Co., 2 > East 1 Strive«« you will want it when again a ii.-l pr. Ill< t (. o.ooaycar. Woacll«aucvic d8. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder »a C la« ar-. Nor k h .a ever been «o' 11 D rak S ih : Our articles of Co •■alb a l' i • prie-, v !.. 'ill. if ar value, til e WerM’« Pair Mlgtwat Ma4al awd Diploma <>rv-a«z.'.*ul ! . i «.>•■«> at- it. t . .1 « :.00i-,C poratlun provides, ami we have ar ■ r1,i >r'. r.h Lier., tu I the numi < I «—1 • «!_ y. s-me«f t'.»e |- iac'pal «to. i ranged fer the accommodation of( * -id.-r« t-r : T .< IV» Ü ’ . V., II Derr, & «e M. R Biggs \. I -t. J i V . . . r I . < i K ». •. . .1 • la c»i I :■ ; 1. V 1 ! a. - »c», our customers, who are deeirottaoi» «T» w. J I » * Twi r, l ‘ . .» I IV tl.rU «, H. Y.i « . J r»r>< Sal"- 1 ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, carrying their Bank •er«>unt in Cre«V. M>.h I’. llallKt-. I' V. tbe r^rae« oí I Wilt« for i V. a pro- noeti.» Ar-»«'*. c .n-.ai«..nj NOTARY PUBLIC. Mir UoekLolder«, •«■., or «*«>< < i> ewler/He ateet, I Huntington, and have ejr-or«! an ew»'»-^if e»»*l-r*» rAecA, e«»A er »« *■' •». I AND Onli-ra takM for one or moo» inn i. IM«r, 0 Proprietor ''Exchange Office” as a Banking REAL ESTATE AGENT. H. M. HORTON • >barv. dr-pirlmrnt DEXTER SHOE CO.. Office at Sheriff*» Office, Avr- > r. . A/Srt We are prepared to handle all I -- - - Oregon BURNS. - Cheque» presented. < wsil sub­ JOHN ROBINSON Pair ject to cheque», I Fine Wines A Liqucrs for Medical Purposes Ws ask your eonaideration and Everything in my IÌM guaranteed sulicit your account. ' to be dons satisfactorily. J» Preemptions accurately compounded Respectfully. Oregon Commercial , gRF'Ths only place in Burnì you First CI sm Dental Work Done. «an get l»atbs. Co, J H Aitkin, mgr. • * Hood’s5^* Cures bt Bums Ontario I I. Stage Line. I. S. GEER & [0 Tinware II