Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1894)
A Country Schoolmistress. “ (If ’REN jh ; » i nn i ! 1 / IV’ ¡J/- ! UU JU \J hl. X Almost al' yC.'.vnnd »uedlclno produce .’.astipatio.l. I., liver, biliousness, rheumatism, lac. '• •¡on, sick troubles without gripin' or irtr! .»ay trace .>■• • is the prime c.'iUMi of all sickness, be warn of it gettlu:' seo to it In time; those pills will cure j . ju , , vi*’priENTk ,k-c: COMPLEX^ 3 ^-V. a Li Jr i, I Bl F*1 because it is t: • I Lai V ’remedy that will .niy I k * C JAMES n. V.'AITE, IfAn?***? ff Wait**1 C6-- A Ccmsdy 0<M v Premium Baufl aad On .e.tra. Dr. Xtle- t Elkkrrt, Ir Tou will rememiicr the Y w"''' flvd ur ». when 1 wus alliivtcd with ft rombinip Uou of diMiu-e*. and limught there was »jstt; r - 1 tri“d all kind- of medicine*, and "cor®* tfeianmntptiyale a «. producing dizziiK- * ’ cart tr ub,e * Uiui mate life imseiiable. 1 conunejeeu to uul ® DR. MILES’ NERVINE and In three months i w«n gra»*eTtf eustw In bv travels each yeai.wbeu I ►> e Ute uion»..uM ©/physical wrecks, suffering from nery«'i.s pros- _ _ _ „tratiou, taking prefer ptions from 1 .cal physicians whoburonoknowl- »3 ttjge theircase. «an »nose death it certain, I fed like going to them u;i< saving, •• Gf 0» asitta- Ntavim »«’ £V’‘50-!‘h™ LJ HQ A C re^^CURED tT" p. Dr J**** S over" tai FEEL SICK? tiou ».■<: nervous exhaustion. brought > it of “}• rhamet.-r of lue buainess engaged in. 1 wouia THOUSANDS tej a sure euro for all suffering fb>m these caus« J amzb It *»nl Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Sold on a Positive Ouarante«. D p . MILES’ PlLLS.50 Doses25r "s m T«SWJSM!^’.’ y *: ta R e RIPANS TABULES r*5« RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES talrr the place of A COMPLETE MEDIC'fr THEST DO TOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY I Maybe you think thia la a new btwtMM, sending out babiea on application: it has been done before, however, but never have those furnished been sc near the orurnnl 3amj '"*« Cilia one. Everyone will exciuim. "« that's th» sweetest baby J ever saw” Tail little black and-white engraving run givs vou buta faint idea of the exquisite ori-”—'. *— - re ELKHART CARRIAGE and IlARKr •fare sold to tnmiimer, for Pi year *11 Afl x i»mg theta t .0 uukr • profit. V,e arct ©iliUu tilde»t un-l T.arceit: i"nufa t'irr r«I“ X, ____ lea aelllnir Vehicle* and ilarne** I Z jsbb : r>"ws with f ■Ivile;:'» to axamlnn he I ■ .re any rio~, ” A > p.'.ld. t/o p.iy Irel-lil I ‘i v v*lf! It..'.- I 11 11 t : v Warrant iori year V y r > . T-. t »lid t >order 1 r y > ■» \ i• y f. TV*». I'ovlng free. V<’e late all ri»„ I | I F* »'.iipeing. , t£j WHOLES A’. C PRK . L. /.' |V Spring Wucons, ‘ to $" J <*** A . hfll !vi t - rt H<». 37. Surrey Ilarnc»«. »' «H t S37.SC,** l WMHBl **> *i?o. f .’ e \ F*J •37** W1 Hl rsilkWago' Carta. iu< u RuuJ Wiftfeiu. Klkhart Bir/r’»» *Mn.wbet*l9, r i ■ i ;• Kir t I • • v ks nieri lubiQff, n *»»«» for '*. ELKHAHT, IMD.