I . ----------------------------------- --- HARDXV ARE Hi« presence seems to have aroustd I seal J A. W GLEASON. the enthusiasm of his constituents . *'* Notary Public.! WKDNK8DAY OCTORER St 1ST4 to an unusual degree. Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal . Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure is taken in-! ---------I ternally and acts directly on the' Editor. 1 Geer, comprising all lines of W.c. BYR”-------- I blood and mucous surfaces of the, BSS-0UTS S3AS = system. Send for testimonials, HARDWARE. CRCKBRY, GLASSWARE, TIN WARN, ltu*de. lug MMslllKaiBea.aU wi.nln«, perfeM T here is a uerceptible decrease I work, weight, and cannot L. d« free- byoutaidera CoaUdcntlal in the bustle at the headquarters of I rorn. nondrtice with game! luviU F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. •d. lM.-o • Mlmouta >r»l (U. '?*?. ,M*cut > pair. UM, Uadi-d, ♦ ETO\ « HARDWARE, SUNDERIER, A CARPENTERS the Democratic Congressional Cam-, Onlloary work, to pail, Vine. 1 i £W*Sohi by Druggists. 75c » > »‘l Gory. »LM. Fin.it marked I paign committee. The campaign, i » has passed the three quarter post.' I offer th« same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. 1 have two littie grand children THIS SHOULD INTEREST and 18 now on the home stretch. C. H. VOIGTLBY. who are teething this hot summer YOU. The work of the committee reached weather ai d are troubled with high water mark about two week.- The campaign of 1894 is now I give them ago, and for a time more than a Open Every man, be he Democrat bowel complaint. | Chaniherlain ’ s Colic, Cholera and ni'llion documents a day were han Republican or Populist, desires to died. Since then the work has lie kept fully informed of the im i Diarrhoea Remeuy and it acts like been gradually decreasing, all the portant events as they occur I a charm. I earnestly recommend ! I it for children with bowel troubles documents desired having been i | throughout the country. i myself taken with a severs sent out On the whole members We have just made arangementsl t ( of the committee are fairly well ’hat may l»e of interest to our read -1 attack of bloody flux, with cramp« Satisfied with the work of the can • 4 rs. The arrangement is this: We j and piins in my stonmch.one-third paign. although the lack of money will give you that greatest of all I j of a l ottle <4 I his rt mt d • cured tu*. twenty four hours I was prevented tbeir carrying out the weekly newspapers. The New York ¡Within I entire programme as it was original­ Weekly W< rid. and this paper, both • •nt of bed and doing my house i L Dunagan, Bon I ly ariang»d. Chairman Faulkner for one year for $2.50, or our paper work. Mrs’. W For I Corner of 1st. and B Street. has completed a revised estimate for one year and The Weekly World aqua, Hickman Co . Tenn sale by iI M Horton. Propri«!« based upon the latest inf«rmation for six mouths for the regular year ¡M. H. BRENTON I from the Congressional districts I y price of our paper alone. The, JkJ.Y_E_R V S T_A B L E H He doesn’t care to make this esti Weekly World, fearless in its utter . CFF'Cr '1 I White In Topeka b«-’ March. E mate public, further than to say ■ ances, is the only great week lx that it gives the democrats a ms paper published in America tha' T. Bae •«•», a prominent tie «paper) j.irity of 20 in the next House, at presents all sides of the great con nun of Ln <'’» etm. K i’ . w • »liken this time, although he takes pleas­ troversies of the day without fear oi vith oho) r mori u- ve-v severely, ure in showing it to de.m crats who favor, I is work is for the whob I’he nigh’ clerk >'• »lie h''t»l where call ou him and explaining to them I iteeple and not for any class or sec le whs -ti»i>-.ing h 'ppet »•d to have « -lin’d Colic, I ' ot ’ lhe foundation for each estimate. tion. rr* <■■■ Pem< < »be Ilf« ff'Hii' and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. mild on his loyalty to the democratic vour own local paper and the lead ■ fa ini I v of 'I party at all times and under alH’”^ metropolitan journal of Hi« Passenger« taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagen 25 » ~I ' circumstances. Therefore no sur- • • ountry at *extiM<>r T he no »uhaitute. H yuw< dav of Deceml>er. 18fc6. J »icaUr cauuvl supply you, wc can. bold by ] campaign of 1884, when as chair ! * I man of the National Democratic I committee he carried New York I f>r Mr. Cleveland and defeated I Blaine. Renat« r Gorman has had 1 great influence in New York, «nd 1 p 1 there ig little doubt that his aid I JOHN SAYER Proprietor will l»e of great benefit, particularly | in New Yoik citv, where partv har ' Situated on 8ileiee river 1 mile East of Ruma, near the bridgv fbonv is so essential at thia time. BUHNS fL'JUH & SAW MILL A little paragraph in the book cf appropriations made bv the last f otigreaa speaks volume« in favo <>f the drinuuratic party. It 1» li>ai which aiauwatoat the deibu CFattc Cui.grebaaieuislied 923uUluel. •he kiitiuai coat ot which bad uctn $l,236,9y2 '1 Lai is a bit of ptac economy that every voter ought io lie able to appreciate. 1 lit latest n port« from cha'rman " ilaun's district, brought b? too»« •Lo have carefully gone over the Kr' Ui»d. i« that he will not only be •e c.tckd. I ul that hi« majority •ill exceed that g.ven him in 92. THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! I Customers wi, receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES GEA r SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEA I ’ Any ieat*r of the E ast O rkhov H kmald can get The Twice-a-| FRENCH HOTEL MRM. LOU 18 RACINE, Propt. Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly aub«crit»er« to Tl»e HaMhasrccMilly torn enlar« and entir^y renovated tn «m etoM MgM. Republic with 13. In addition to obtaining the greatest news wrtklk in America,every subscriber to The Republic will atve ten tint« the price of the paper, or Tabb i« Supplied with th« Beet the Market Afford«. more, every year by the *J*rC’*1 offer- made sulwcriber* lioni time to time Sttope capi'-« of The Republic will be sent anyone npon recep Traveling area will find thi« Rotel a < f portal card request. Add ee« all orders, IHE REPUBLIC. St. Louis- Mo •toy.