I Dry Goods Department. Clothing Doparmene I have Boys Clothing from 3 to 6 dollars per Suit. Mens Clothing from 6 to B dollars oer suit. Over Alls at 65 cts. Each. Underclothes $1.50 per suit. A large LOT Of boys Overcoats at $3 Each. HATS FROM $1 TO 3. 16 YDS CALIGO MUSLIN 14 12 10Z SPOOL COTT.O N 1 YARD HRESS p-nnnS ( 20CTS 1 50CTS I ALLMY DRESS ROODS ÄT ONE HALF THEIR VALUE V 4 Í » * GROCERIES. ♦ 1 II oo 1.00 12 BUYS I. 1.00 SUGAR POUNDS 4 4. 8 44 1U0 •4 4 1 (X) 44 6 44 1 00 44 6 • 4 CANS FLOUR COFFEE. TEA DRIED FRUIT. TABLE BEANS FRUIT. COAL CORN. 15.50 PER 200 POUNDS. 35c la. “ POU* D. 44 6 «» •» 14 OIL 12 00 FOR 5 GALLONS. CLIMAX, HORSE SHOE, 1 STAR TOM ATOES TO BACCO AT 45cta PER POUND. 41) good« Io ■; large Store »Dike mid at lower prim than other mereh.nt. can land them. O m CASH or gnnda don't go. AT « I will hot put anything down on my books yon most brJ°8 Your* Truly, J. Durkheimer-