A'TU EORY IN r MODERATION, Fl—11»« 1»' I I,'.'rf pu.» curve r; -. ., . ■ u Prve Pr-ntl«« Rvetifylpg pill» cur » <•■ r.-tl|^i|< mi Freno-. | fPRENTSSFSJIÏ ■ ‘ » I, fv.in I »em «»rest Family Magazine. was ki-Ring-her again.»nd ag.un.j,, u her head away eadlv • awakt*ning,hope .And who«h»|| :'u- p.i6tiiHte faze, While the( dure to aay;that as these unnHn ’ i MHMe eyittencee of hj* l.-a rs hui.g Iipuji her.iai-hes. ' love.fl'.ole warmly into .her frog», • Alt. whv have i von Hani all this?’ “ M v ' rou L two .people, i steijd ,,f rl e t rieii in a M>rgi»wful voice. Alm«- t a!' p Ilsan-l •nvCk’Iso j.roCuce constipation, here liver, bilv-uinrw., rheumatism. InL'jestlon, tick beadache a trouble.- With' .t c--I;>ln? or l-..\ aj auy trace ot CONST! 1» th» I >r->u»v< f nil »Ickncss, *<•• uro of It getting h ¡a! at. •co to B I n 11me; thane pills rill euro you. fl ®—v I ■’»’PnCNTIGG RCC I nun '■cmedy that lo-iger Ctere for >ou in that way. We cannot go tuiek t»> theoid dav a.” “No longer care for lie?’’ Hi? S’ v'.'l » >r OMPLEki * p i.>r Huger! why dot you force me(w»*re not learning romething niore> to gave von pain? What yyti yyu ask is I regarding th? the mvaterioua mvaterious workin, wnrU.)Jg of a woman ’ s heart? impxHsilde • I — forgive me!-'—I no which ih you. 32. SI L-®1® —i>x!eu»e it is the only ■ * > clear •no bkiu and rmuevo t’J blotches from the ftnws. .•self. X* Cents a box. I JDr..2T.*>- X It., Knr.crf, Jr- T » ere pc o'rated, prsxiucinv dizzme ». heart tr nbie > fit nd itc ills Uuu make >,14 mt»eiiXle. 1 commenced to taka Prentiss Chemical and f.'anufacturln^ Co., <06 nOMNIA STREET. I SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ’ c’ifyIug ) 11 Is •:uri. . i...upuiiuu J . . •Ilyfi-g pills «• ‘-tef ’nalfon JT? - e l-p-iixyji)^pili» cuic couaUpatJun and In three months i was rrr»«cTiv ruat». lit me travels each year, when 1 r- o tbe tliona-ndS 01 puytical wrecks, sum'riog from nervms L>rc»- - - — j—. tra'ion, taking poser'pilons from I , J .»»> 1 .cal physicians wl.o have no know b » a .IV»-' <(bic "l tbelr case, uml whose death ts certain, I feel like going to them unc saying, ••ctv D» M iles - N csvine aso sc cuato." In tn i .rotessfon, a mr»»* where ihero tri'oinsnvfu 1,1 j Ld »■ I J fferers from <■,. •ork.im:i'^V* •» •— tai proatfa, l.o» ■. d nervous exhaustion, brought < n by tho c .»» o-r <,f the business engaged in, 1 would c2222i2222S222fi222222222222222222222££222222O222222r<:> Do You ¿fii fi yaa SVPFtlt FROM MUDACHE, DY8- IEPAIA ar INOIBESTION, . . . I TAKE WORK FOR US r"S^f?Ä“-.LDT: tame RIPANS TABULES Ripant Tabulât Regnile the Syttem and Proterve the Health. A COMPLETE ; MEDICINE CHEST : : > » é and should t>p krr.t far u>e < m c«e>*y family,.. embers for a single spark which he ous anecdote* of the ‘‘Editor’t’ ' Drawer.” and the reader ha* every » might nurse into life! The horror of his arrogance stun vear two volumes of nearly a thou»- , I ned him. lie put up his hands and and pages each, filled with tne M , <• vereil his face, and leaned back literature and the heat illustrative against the mantel. A long filem e art, in a variety that a large library, > r.i fell upon the two hearts. Present could hardly surpass O r . MILES’PI LLS,50D oses £6C ” > RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES "^5 ïï KX“Æ,S.&!" t .^ e RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES . l»4z th» pLwz nf itself, and he now searching among] '‘omments on current events in the , the cold ashes of the once glowing “Editor's Study,” and the humor­ »a u su-e cure for all suffering from these cam— J ams R. W ajt & II yee are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, ar have Live» COMPLAINT.................................. I EASY TO TAKE, QUICK T3 ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BII.L. Rohl by Drncgixto or sent b» mail on r-reipt of Box (6 vials), Ta cent». i'ackaae (4 buxjs), $2. prim. Far Frr« H»nii>lr» »44rr«» THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, • - a few days, and you will be startled at the uue. pt-cu l succeaa that will reward \our efforts. V KMiliveiy have u:v be>v bti'ine>s to offer an agen ihut can be found on tiie fac* of this earth I S43.QO prout ou 1»75 GO m onh of Lu»iut i beius »tuiiy uud honursbl) luat.e b\ and paid »t * hmred* of men, women, bo *, and girls hi our e rploy. You can make money fa.-t<-r at work Im tid'hanvou have anv idea of. The buxines* is so ea*v to h ai n, an I IndrnctioMK ao simple and pl:;in »hat all flncceed fro’n the start. Those who tak< hold »»f th* business reap the advantage ! -a arises from the sound reputation of one of thr j i mo«i s'icies’fni, and large*! publishing j ’. ouiwa in America. Secure for vonrM-’.f the profit ’ that the i*u«inew »<» readilv and hanrUomelv vi-IS . All beelrrner» m.ccee 1 t’ntndlv. ami more •ha. • reailze their greate»t expectations. Those mix •r— find exactly as we tell them. Then 1« plent» of room for a few more workers, ami w- urge r 'È NEW MORK. io ■----------------------- :---------------------------------------------------» - 75 M. «Z Û OO^-zC wOOCz^Z^-^. w ■> «* U «T’ v MT » 1> his wife went to him,ahd laid h»r < h> ek rfmorsefullv and cartssingly ! j , ; J.v.'iys pro .per. No time wsp|^x| i varit'ng the bn-lness. We -teach you i i nhht how to succeCil from thé 11 r tour. Voit can make a tri ll wllfioilt < * s-tise to yourself. We start you, fhrnis verything iie< i toss Miccem-fnily, and guarantee y<> igainat failure if von hnt follow oi •i.nple, |>l I • lilt • : instruction*. .. ;........ ....... - - Header, i <>ii arc in nessl of re-i«lv money, nn vaut to know all alwiut the bt-st payin I iUsiQu— before the pnbli -, semi us yot. 'dilress, and we will mail you a doct; uent giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO.» Box 400, Augusta. Maine I DF.TTER SROF ÇO,, Ine’p rapita!. ll.ORO.tb ~t I > ** O > h-re. hungry and r • S .' . A . 1 DO YOD WANT TO ADOPT A BAKU w * ■ •■* Maybe you think this Is a new businem, •endingot'tbabies on application: It haf bceq done before; bowever/but never have tn«# furnished been so near tbs original satnpletui this one. Everyone will ftellrnn. “ wet! I ; that's the sweetest laiby I eve saw I” Tbj». _ little biuck-und-white eturrrvihsr can give ” vou but a Lunt idea of th. exquisite ori^'r»!. ,¥ heart-ick. for . . » ru e o o a o 11KST • '.«« SUOI ISTHK WAR 1.1* ”•« .follar » »rot u .1 Jrh.jr ..zrae f '* Thi. lj.Aio.’ÎMit. I F reo. h » naul.i KHW- tuB Boot l.llveml fre. r wh rw "1 the I’ ,oo • . Morey < >ider, • ' >’.» for fl SO <-rv wrv the hoot. I jit »to-v» to ■ ke Hus 1 mm r '•re we g«.«r Jr Hutt ’-»wr. .» nei >uu»tiai i ti e I» <4| J rpair Oper» . m< n Sense D, K. X KK. :o * «1.4 h»if from y ,t wa-i hut so h.-tsd.” f >i-s- . f *r | ride step|>ed in and heljied n a,' a >d at last I felt all that ardor ai d I I ' wann'li slipping < ut of mv heart,, e ving it cold and indifferent ” *0 ( hm I! had I but known what I know now!” he broke in, kissing her h ir in a passion of «les, air.1 I ¡‘’Cicrtlv. (,’i p I v , h"W hui I to live you and j I *jr n>Hortiiii»tr to win you back. You ìhu . m A imt t>pul«e tur »Ln I take von iu tnv -arms, I ' thus; von must let me try to win » »«rr»» I ■ o'ir heart by evert endearing word trill Jit liftist-ato.' and « nom that ( will uhower upon » 'i’li. o p § first, but, af er a time, when I*’ met1 with i ofliitig but a cold disapprovaij t dvr he ► hum - roof with TV n> *C H . ; w >rd of lot e f.oiu’ you, but t < hfm t t | me away with only a seinbrar.ee of1 I na.le easily and lionorubly, rçtttoutcap it. upon which to feed tnv heart* J I Li), tli.rinjf your spare hours. 'Any mat. After that I tried to teach myself-* "•»HMn.lMiy, orgiil cun do the work li:;iu ily, uiiiiout experience. Talking tir do without your love.--It- was1 to necesstry Nothing like It fôr.ir.oiny bitterly hard-to Five without it. atj ii iking ci er offered is?f«,re. Our worker 8 Arrey Luraewi. ee n - I PER MOI^TH I m Y our O wn L ocalitt » j World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. how very far in tl.e past it .«♦< no, dear.—\ou r« men lxr. 1 came it. 120 - G> hi art. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder am gr ing to butt you once again i y alluding to that day of lon_y ago,— ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO C. I against his arm; he trembled, and or e hand came down from his face and was passed about her form. “Wife,” he said, yearningly. . ! She pressed her face closer to, him. and he strained her to his' iem k > hegtn at once. If you are alreailv em ploved, but have a few «pare moment», and wisl I “Roger. (I < not. blanie me allo | i o me them to sdvanUge.Then write us at one. getber, ” she whispered, softly “I1 'or t’lii Is your grand opportunity), ami receive I all parUoulM* by return mail. Addrees, TRUE * CO., Box No. 400, Auguata, M p* £ I saw the this awful, uncot querable evidence 1 a’’ ar,d English writers, as many of death,—this fire burned out for: ’dtistrated .articles descriptive .rf the lack of fuel upon which to feed travel, or of scientific interest, the Sold on a Positive Guaranty.. I I and cautiously eked out to a hearti these sixtv shopt stories (enough starving for stronger food. This,— ; for five books) hy the best Amrri - ^THOUSANDS Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous, ’•* work of his past vear has printed two novel», o vn hand laid I are bef< re him. N q “Trilby” and ‘ The Golden House.? long» r care for him! This, then, which, in bonk form, will sell fa, was a living iliustration of the follv the subscription price of the MAG- Add te , nf his lheorv of a love moderated AZINE, or a little less telligence he DR. MILES’ NERVINE t HARPER’S MAGAZINE. What iit so cheap as a good Mag* , A white, dr iwn look of agony came zine? Apparently theanswer.tnthis , over his face as he realized the “Nothing.” HAR- truth in ’he sad frarknesa of her question i?, words. In a fdindii'g flash of in­ PDR’S, for example; during the Macc-'r rf Waite’» Celebriti Comedy Oo. I*reninr, laro ul by mc.il upon receipt of price by Pl. > Pn-’> She waseryiug bitterlv b. tune and could not ar.9Wtr hi|n But he acarolj noticed that, for he * ; CHAPTER V1IÏ inn r- * . 1 n Mh uu \U y lie here Iwked i» mv anuir“ iHXTK SWF • ò/wAMt: e»». FHK» F Eût JA L ST.) . - ON. LVkjÜ, i ' . <-r». ÎHC ’•* tl ! » r a ■ a «* u>u. Yon must help me,—help me. my darling! to wju for I cannot live withiitBycQ.i, mv dear wife, this tA th« .w«y you | Used to like me to hold jott?' with! ><»U' tw-ail *lving uni»n .hiV'^ ! tit« n»i and nd cheek reating*pg(Hnj»l1 11<-ur h-.i1 hu«. Cicely, mv life.' Inn I vr. d*i * unthiog of the old . .trtvt iiou revive tu tour heart as tou' which *0 ptM»iéïn »end to y»m. talion piliL. The lU.tle uarliiw i eet» Mi“’1* * » pWùir.anâ â tar Cb a ’‘f-llîî t>ln ; soc (. t.M tnatopf Ah^5lh.a' ^hïwr A» ' uff and Bunr wttbfc^ tumi^rt o* The fl •»!> tinto are ¡iericct, a>>!' • t you. no «oattoe jrba atond. IV eiq'* «itera »reduction»of t-i»JtT**l,*J '• paiiitcraof.haby life are to tw Who to betnbr—t» »sm'T Who «ubtoribo subscribe to xinr* im Thy .ub iy IWeUs W» life sia«, -abaolutviy IWeUi e. e- also in »reparation, to P^*cnt tw scriber» d iritur W9K. other 4r—t t»^«"’ * ••ich irt sto isPer.y ? "“ïïd wîm IxiUis DjM.iiamirt.rnd otbe« mown. Take only two-xaiyHer' ' we •' *• ’{J* wh it out promises n inn. _ mmilï Those who suo*.’riho fot®rto«we«T» M it mine for !*rt will Olidte worksxif art ol p«( vaUe, bes ■ Ma rasine t'.i.vt ennhot b ■ JJ.. ’«nd rue world for ito b—utiful .ubbH-t m ittor. tbjt »'• ed on all lbs topic» of *’•>- **',*, th» f:i Is and 'flffen’-t items cTtnterert n-a Hnr matter, loth whole fauidy ; iv»l »n-per- a t.shio^far’xfh". feet, ¡y» I wo K-Of jroh. fr»y>4rt!M; IB st . T'wk. If you Ate unacquainted wy"^ Magasine, send M) ceaw f'* - apccim— «wr avta«*’ CRAÇ ! ♦