Business Locals 1 Our Warehouse will have the name attention as formerly, all business entrusted to us. will be carefully —School books at the drug store | looked after. Ship your goods in •f H. M. Horton. I our care. —School books and stationary ( We continue the jobbing in Gro- •heap for cash, at th6 Hardware ceri«^|.jeitx*., and will tie pleased t<>^° ' quote you prices at any time. ’ «tore of C. H. Vo«gtly. — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham . We. buy .our goods direct, and | will tie pleased to divide „ Margins bai her, desire» a part of youY "pat-, with you, thus giving you gomls as Whole • •'•*WwWl ronage, at the new barker shop. . cheap, or cheaper, than they can be i Mr. Ldrkiit . Family __ * to ea»pne.l al­ most tumble to walk, on account’ot an ulcer on • placed here from Portland. IU a left left leg. > H»: took Höod's Sa.kap riUa »nd Your eornespoildence solicited. I-Mi ’leg.' H ■ I : «“sl at one« «bere ere- »laja» »I wurií l»»rv* lio waa s<*on a »bevi g » to í 'al.i. I i Respectfu Byk O. C.‘ Co., J. H; <»£ M|.»Jd»ill iO“ W . • lasting reputation •< 4th. : .t «1 ‘ I »* • —Buibiers tools and all kinds nf 'x.t. *• < . ■ » i i'25cts Ì : 4Ò M 55 - 4 The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accom no late »heiremtsa# Charges very reasonable. Job Wagon in connection. ;■ f' • . : \ h.r a SoodVi^Cures . •. c r.- * • ' i •>r- ' x. •’ TTHTT? I a sh .rt titre li, soon recovered hit health. Av len
  • lS r** » > i.:i •¿J/ ta action' Suld'ty alt druggufs.' Suo. TOMMI I m II l»M » I i *’ ’■ •«.*. ’R -M TUm’.’iT?i’7-T^ I.! JV- I ; ( building hardware at the Burna Monteith« Elementary Geography » , r .?i r -*• hardware atbfe,*4»t bottom prices' ' ; I . I* I eB. 65et«."' Mortterths CônijirtfheWIÿe T’O i*t •»»;•» i *■> (!«• . • 4 for oast.. j. __ i¡,i'to*' ..riijtbiuian our,geon. | ci'ii ■ A ’ r ' ’ ’ v ” •* ■* jt ,, m- ■* ‘ 1 A J McKinnon Geography $1.25. Clarkst Normal u( OM gradual# ol .ithe • Iowa .. State | —Mrs, Racine alarays sets the Grammar ’BOcts. P ,i " s vraniiuaf.; ; • », v . . . . . — lieid lif'tablea. everyj^iing nice and' Ç5çls. And alt ether school hooks |.£Iinvt raity apdi Ci oliege, ¡ of ■ Phyfli-1 Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. plentiful, tier...ronins are unei- in:proportion mid after this daté 1 i i . ! , • ■’.? ' '• ” ttians vn4ibHrgeQ.’\t>hm.i.'t. ¡e>. .-* . i cepttonahle. anti every one of her An experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. will sell school hooks at the db<»ve . rtsidtmoe in Bun ns. putr'ir.s.knowi ahe apart*» no pains -.GEO. a>.:,ü¡b*oMÓRE; • I prices for cash and for cash oii^y. ...7T*.. pi act^rtp’modate and please. I Orders by mail promptly atte-ntpA I ATTOHNKY. He solicits a «hare patronage of his fronds. —The Hal/ion, in th1^ new hotel O regon . to Dated this 1st. day of March ¡B urns , ............................ . ; ? •* • Colleeáuii», Laud bu ine*», and Real building. RiVhardaon and Stephens Estate matter promptly attended to. ’ •*• proprietors, is nicely furnished and 1894. i < *1 ‘I.:’ I« guaranteed to be first da««. ft * • of its old proprietor; Caldwell, | iitiiitingtop h(^N‘ u ANO WKI.L-T.KIKI. ItKM KU V . —M rl. | east of us: Our rate to Bosion is 1 VVlndali.w'<• '«>,>ihii l -yrut' 'w been uae.' fol fifty veHrf by million« .fm-.lhera for their $190. We get same rates to Port­ over children whil- teething, with nerfect aucccM. Itaouihea the Child, »ohena tie Klim«, all»' » land and San Francisco as does all pain, eu-es wind v.Al., so.. .» me i>eKt reme Baker Citv and a lower rate east edv for niiirrhe. i'H. la pleuaunt to rhe taste -old by Dr lagis » in every part of the world. than they. Twenty-five vent» n holNe. Ita value ia invals table, lie anre and iok for Mrs. Windak>w’»| Dr Chvcini's Electric Spavin The above are facts, n<> t.iwn can -'oo.hinn «y rti| . wild take no other kind. Cure pi.siifvely removes Bone Spav- j equal our advantages fo­ shipping Advaiios minie—haul il), Ringbone. Splint or Curb in 4S J or selling THE BEST AND ing charger paid—wool insured hours without pain. $500 -eward 13 THE SAFEST immediately. Send votir wool in investment failure or •slightest injury The’ ourcare Respectfully, I EVER MADE. . greatest wodder of the Nineteenth! . j,«-' - j Century, nvtonishing as it <|,s*s thei Manu acturer« ’ •ntire vetvrinarv orld. Circular«! Tinware dt Sb While at Peekskill. N. Y„ Mr. J and testimonials free. Dr Guv hecini, 878 Canol St. New York. | i A Scriven, a prominent manufact :-:-ALf»O DEALERS IN 1 urernf New York Citv. purchased | A 'larvelnus Plaeiivery Hrt» paint I a Isittle of Chamtierlain’a Cough ( * • » HARD­ Remedy. Such good results were . Superfluous hair removed per- | OIL’ obtained from its use that he sent WARE lUHiirntlv, instantaneously, without , back tn the druggist from whom he GLASS pain, hv Electro Chemical Fluid.j had obtained it for two more hot 9T]PFRinn lu’or.ier t »’ng!« h ta'.l »L< o »torc»ln our lar_-< eltk-i' »e'.l 2,Uoü pnlraof »bocs • dajr,«mkla:' | DOWS age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East ut t p.-oi'.t «>( f i>,v >aycar. Wo»« ¡1 ». kmh lo> , A Nl C j E I in neeil of such a medicin« It is, l t,o •« '.l 3 p-cal m»ny pa r», tho clear prof.t r 14th St. New Yvrk nii«K»a »i.d chlklrcn«* »boM Hat Iva ■ a remedy of great worth ami merit. < i «r i e- latll«» a ’, palr, tinware , granit n- «1 cn ouemena* and ho;.»' »!>• LB«’ AMMUNITION 1 V AV »vi.ii- ......— SEEDS, FA|* . r nt» a |i,!r. Wo «hall «ub'lib »bo«< »ivr • i WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN Dr-Price's Cream Baking Powdet 50 cent hottie« for sale hv II. M. v-h ot Lho L.'ly lareeot eitle» of the U. «., »'«1 i AwtrM Gold Mr4>l Midwinl« San I rwWcK , , ,.,ey «vH vu!v SuO pairs of »hooe 3 day thty wo«:’. MERS’ dr MECHANICS’ TOOLS rn J .2V, u) a j ¿r. .We thould bo al le to paj . •ir'/ d'.vfderd .T- •? ’ a ’ »Sar«*,urcrcr. Oper r« : H intinuton Oreg March 1 '94 » •».) earen tbs Inv. «tnii- t. Wb »' 11 t’ao »tvek al f Cail and sec cur Holiday goods. • . *, ,-c. ko priceinu tl!>evkal«1yl«inixb»not D kah S ik : Our articles of Cor — .\»a f '0 a • ’.ar ■. h'wrin« k hl»cvrr.beea'eoW , «etlinl '« p-lee, t li i , jtarvah», St<. \ • I poration provides, and we have ar­ .¿•n Mee«»a L-. I -«>* mera, who are desirous of 'n. A. T—.1. J« . 1 «<•’; J. II.<•»«■•■ I« '.t:«ieaK«’i W. Al I k»'* .«Ju L«s» U«. k. Ark.« 1. Ii Xj>>. Oo.«»ov 1 »' ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, carrying their Bank account in f .-' • rnVai n ljar.. S’. t . I J )'■«'». Hav ' . L ¿r— .<,.«! t l*.r*i eAe,k, >»«' «.r «•««'•y «<• >r. Proprietor "Exchange Office” as a Banking REAL ESTATE AGENT. Ord^r» Ui>« fiw one or more »barv». !*rk-e. »!*> I H. M. HORTON,.... dep.irtimmt ■ •Aare. « » Office at Sheriff's Office, OEXKR 8H0E CO., | We are prepared to handle all 4»»», 'a II «rM.'Mi BURNS, ------- Oregon sheques presented I « ^--nwAisiA » DRUGS. MEDICTNES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINE-, Issue certificates of.Deposit, pay­ const k . ..u.. / 1 n J ...u i :•> h»- Ing ing such interest on time deposit as STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMF? Mui «.«*,« «1 Ul L ji 'uuu Ul a.i * i-'í l.«U.a I ■». —«*- »m i«: r.utuu ui a » ut| mv « k * uu -<. rv>..«4> •«•» conservative hanks do. / U’. IJkali <« C-u.-ui . .: n. TOH SORI AL PARLOR. A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. .jjj.tul.i,. j i; . — lu » au'.auihr'fc as I Receive money on de pee it sub- A.ta -li. X u -j u (•»« •»•'« raUn M e* >• JOHN ROBINSON P i » of i r Scn.wj.a. i .» a J ..I m au.. l » i tn cheque«. V î bar..’ •t.-*i*utu\ »t«? nul< i:r»,o« | •■» • Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical Purpos®’ >V* |i. rf- n tat tn l>< First Class Dental Work Ik»ne • »*•■•? • ’ 1 » - n. »»—. • t*‘» r*v ’ Co, J H Aitkin, mgr. ean get baths - « -K - <4 t • « *‘l .pA •• V* fT^. a * • •. { •’.I ■ • ! t 4 • i i I. ¿an’Burns Ontario V f • i . ■ Stage Line. ’ ” i ♦ • I. S. GEER & EO • t I I