i er aid WQOIl BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. ORE u OX. OCT. 3 l"-i VOL. V 11. > dato * ih* ara. tirahng all • manner «/ <fc<- *»>»* a:d TABHnc Ih» dead, riraij .that «od va» v:th«tar Sa»i * that * V hat he »■• th* Fettoer dv be d d Xaton Tb» *-o».'d ctaaa nf w.ìrae’*« BLISHF.' E<r -Y »•f.-XBs.-'At w. C. BYFJ) i SOI. CBU*HI«* «ft PttOPRlFTV*»*. l*a»i««g directly vp»n ih* prnpaai tk<n. 1 bar 3»»n- t- the Chn»t. thè Mn» nrG<d. f thè a ’carpa Pwtroumìmg J»«ua. *< d’r*e»!j jTBf Rimo» KATKM: * for «-« itw li—-*» « • — .1 A f « . : -Ü ’ T •a tvn " /«. t ; . • |e-rP-rmed hr him. ¿»<w. ta» all an ¡ hr bi* ••’. -•<r‘v ; to» iDélariee >* «b* partii-^ k aw » a »«> tv hi v. the }*pMa» rfeaaa**ib*g ’ui»o him and 'he Father'» ac k r> ■» ledg» n.ent <4 him efc»rr th* pe»f 4e of I «net »rd hi< MRvrvtor- lion m titam »1 h»a latf-Tito» . again in th* tun»>rta«n o’*Tr«n-’ia AP\ bùi .?.V. Kilt.' i • bn : 1 yr ,---------- t--------- F. er n i ♦*- W — <1 .-v I « ». * ¡S ’ XT to .» _____ a* — A zWÍ * tft A* SF , ^4 Si «T to I» M ¿S.SBI ÁS I > or fc • _? *■ * it i M I». —* ft. 41* ito «• * «< <» 4 Uto Iiw' I * J / a' J . IvT» . _ I»»«-- H «- ‘ m *»-» nration. with th* e»min»aid HEAR HIM a* w*ll a-«b* ‘ j«rldoi '<!«. ge» nd aid awf«»* •«Mindir y* a’ hi« «•mrif'ti«*. all thi* clata ««f n irade* hi* n«l •**urr»r»i in fermi th* 4*wd »>■• ’to, re»« i> ■ «» rt » w I. >c ••«’ a- »-.•*- i . r. 0 ’ r. - I h i a.ta * «»t ih»» I F 'imel'IU* a» I ■ • tr 1 • • ■ *townit £ «'ita It li*« a< »h* I» t’«*i4 i L u-*-) ■«f all the l«lalic*' It te>»l.g tftiey an attack «T rl*-uuiati»io I 'all th* halanre «re reatad it iw-my Cbam»w*rJa]i>'» Pain Haim atei «a- a—, ail the l«al»i>ce aiiHemt f«» conipletely cured. I hare a.ne* otning. Much momento«*. -*igu»t. adri-ed many <4mr fr»*-n.i« ann Iiiwl euMìlli* di«pl»»• of euperuattir cu«tom»er« to trv The reined r and 1« ■ irarle«. 4 it * _ r c «* a J I JOB UuKn OFFICIAL I»IRXCYt«Y I z» 4 Ito* fw» Wilf Sim<»n -al pow-r r to* a- ttagn tie- r^ewilfttaT rending <bf ol i the vui »peak highlr of St • h the ten.pl**.'the >nn-tan«y •-( tV’ lautu. ban Lui» Key »ale by H. M . Horta m rorka about Jerusalem, tbe G«4da For tw-ee »preading over lie- «hole laiAf fra.Ri th* eiith t.» ih* ninth b-eir- 4th. Tn anme i net a nee*, a* far a* aid f !>* ' earthquake vh»-ii J*-'.- we can •**, in connection with th* ¡died, and a< *ar ai»>ve the indgnifi Apoa’le*. without tbeir bidding a< «•ant tncka of ancient u »Kk'ianr ItcitaUvn or expectation. For in ” • wiuird« aiei ie-> roinanCy'» «• «• a nee tbe relea*em*nt <»f P*ter fri»m , tho-e of nndern n.»-«iter a-r.. prison, the earthquake aid opening •pint rapper* aid apirit ru*dk-ir»— ,..f the Ptoilippeiow jaii aid the out j m - high aid h-dy heaven i* abovi- i* h * ci pg <a tbe Hoty Sjar t «m th*1 tbtf earth Gentile* at th* bouBe <>f-Corn*;iu- TO RRO’WTtMrED. t runuNi Ca..' and have Ineor- rd with I’HJIW Captai fuiir paid tn. The otherre R M Mrgcu Prwadenu. J. H A itkix . Vice Prrg. Gm. A. miu . Secy. Oregon Cawaniamal Co.. H Aitkin, mgr. XX.-T SS? . • . * Mb» •• ». t a r uwi # “• ’ • thia Lidding. Th* Gei«t»4*a. at th» , K t • b&n.w*<a:a w >«ru- »HMiae of Cornelio«. »p> k«- with WANTED. ------------- I T* -*M-wrW>. umglje« and prop he* j»d. aid Philip Agent* to veil our choice arid bar- } r*akto»aei p»r£>rm»d m.racl** in Saruaria We bar* many ' »«.’* jF’b. Mirad*» were fe-tfor i*d in iy Nureery M<igk , * *ow»nee<¿r>n witt «Utoer» tv-eid*» ’rev eprcial varit-iiee. Ia»»h in fruit» b -M. o < urruat. ApO-tlev. williout thia i*tddint or md ornamental» io offer, which ar» We pay eaprwtation. When tb*< had. o«i .-»mtrolled «mlv by u* • ai (IL r» <-•»■>• ! .__ '. , •a » ve»«»«, no* occa-ion, l>ren ecat.eren t»v ■■ommitamti or »alarv Wnte u* at « Fratasar pen»ru««r» and had again <»nre t»r term*, and »ecure choice c r a» bertvrd come Uvetber kr-elt and prated. >f lemtorv. l>, r. 1, >k>4e>er a- i.a Mtr the piar» war -bat-« tk»» ou’pr«ur M ay K uuthck *. Nurtarrmen. T. A. tali»»» TBJ A. <Hm 0 jng of the Spirit on the Gentile» at R>< b*»ter. N Y . » • Mujer B» C» aa few I tbe boote of C*n«rliua the Opening a J. l«era »»< # A. B Marta oí the bea vena worn Mephen va» ,a ( a a ava »toned U> death and tin* d*ath of Ariani»» and Saphira. Much i« • UM TERSITI OF OREGON brief •MJtJine of «hat a miracle i*. A A. • *e Kt t.K>F. at rd the aeaociat MM when tu ira eta» N*it M**»vm **-gin* th* 17th of ' Were performed We t*>w poo-ed Septa miter. Ih'.-M , * p> the d «lgn •/ miracle» The Tuition, tf»r. Board 12 -T*J a k a Look for this space i Reserved for r V ■ *«. Vo. tar to, of mir •*-k. Fire eoorwea: Claaaieal.Metentifie, acle» wee tv call attentami to and I Literary. Enghdi and leaaine»* c’rtifirna the mie*Mm of Chriet. * <■ Tula ueurrai atei -eadiog d»*igk lOkMfTftKT. a a» in ali ite- imr«c»e» connected The Biording Ball for roung ■* lb* H.trndac*»«*! and tandil^ lad»*« and the Ituurdift* Ball fan of ibr kIrtgdotb of Gud But there g*»*tiemaii aiU be under the w*r* immediate atrd dirrrt of Jrcia prTeoual eup*rvi»mn of Mr.. MUi,ra a lady of r*fioeyuent a» d la’g* »X to bv arrotopGabod. NMa^ewnal ■itsiy u<u,i an w. LW e F. p*r»*r»e*. Por catalogo»«, add raw. I »»Tí*’ ■*** r*—Ma.'.. e»*rj -«■«»«). diff-rvut foxu thia though in har- • Í J W ai .T u M i ' ' Lt tar, •. «. Moa.y witn It The great f.'-opo»i -— • C. a*r«.a*7. M»-cy h-gt-ntt tm«. lung at th* fnuidaU*m of th* to > J. Dnrkhftimr € * JL £ urns-Canyop Stage Line I. J cwjtt , PaorairroK. grand a»«d Leadittg design GoepH. « tbe kirtgdom ■/ God. ta that Jeewa i» tl»a Chnet. the Mem *4 God. Two Haa«»a of miracle« tear directly ufx-w that grand po*fx«ei ¡ ir««f w. W. Jubaaon Proprietor. Beer Wines The Pleasant B m Th* fieri >■ mclgded hi tbe í • rpreaaaow: The wewta that I do, they tewtfir of Arriroe and Ltoparta daily, rxeept Monday. Tir. see me Liquors Best Brands Clllh Rnnm Hew Cigars Billiard Takte i > ••